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摆臂技术是短跑的一个重要组成部分,它直接影响两腿的动作和用力的方向。正确的摆臂不仅能维持身体平衡,而且能调节步频和提高腿部动作的效果;错误的摆臂则会使跑的动作紧张、不协调,破坏跑的节奏,以致过早产生疲劳,增加能量的消耗。因此,摆臂技术教学是一个不容忽视的问题。短跑摆臂的方法:手臂肘关节的弯屈度约为90度,摆动的方向与跑进的方向一致,肩的转动与两臂动作协调,向前摆时手与下颌齐平,后摆时大臂与地面平行,摆臂时两手呈半握状或手指自然伸直。要求:头部正直,两眼直视前方。颈肩放松,前后摆动,轻快有力,均以肩…  相似文献   

在教学中如何培养学生正确的摆臂技术是体育教师关注的重要环节。一、让学生建立起正确的动作概念摆臂技术要求是,两臂屈肘成90度角,手指自然成半握拳或自然伸掌。屈肘摆动的角度在跑动中并不是始终如一的,当向前摆臂时屈肘角度减小,向后摆臂时屈肘角度增大,摆臂动作应自然、有  相似文献   

跑步时两臂应怎样摆动?人在跑的过程中,两臂配合两腿协调地摆动,不仅对维持身体平衡起着调节作用,而且对加强腿部后蹬力量和加快动作频率也有着促进作用。我们不妨先在原地做一下跑的摆臂动作:上臂伸直,两手半握拳,然后顺乎生理自然的方向将两个前臂弯曲抬平,这时...  相似文献   

现代短跑训练越来越重视摆动技术,包括摆臂技术,我们都非常羡慕世界优秀运动员的强有力的摆臂姿势。笔者在长期的短跑教学和训练中体会到摆臂的力量、速度、幅度和方向对提高短跑运动员的速度有着十分重要的作用。因此笔者设计了以下十种练习来提高运动员的摆臂技术和摆臂效果。 一、直腿坐在体操垫上,做摆臂  相似文献   

一、跑的技术 对跳远运动员建立一个正确助跑技术的动力定型。根据跳远助跑技术的特点,我们要重点强调摆臂、抬膝、送髋和伸小腿的动作。(一)摆臂摆臂练习先是从站立姿势开始,两臂置于身体两侧,屈肘呈90度,两臂与地面平行,两手放松或半握拳,两臂交替前后摆动。  相似文献   

近年来由于竞技运动的迅速发展,对于短跑运动员的摆臂技术提出了更高的要求,过去那种平稳式(两肩固定)的摆臂,已经不能适应当前技术发展的需要。现代短跑摆臂技术的特点是:上下肢配合协调,前后摆动幅度大而有力,并带动躯干进行同向扭转,整个动作放松自然。下面本文就此做一些具体分析。  相似文献   

短跑的技术按顺序可分为起跑、疾跑、途中跑和终点冲刺跑四个部分,下面以蹲踞式起跑为序,介绍一组短跑的教学口诀。 1.各就位 肩宽撑地后膝跪,两手伸直拇相对,姿态自然颈放松,定下身来莫晃动。2.预备后膝离地抬起臀,臀比肩高半蹲撑,前腿与肩负体重,聚精会神听枪声。3.鸣枪两腿迅速蹬地,两臂摆动积极,保持身体前倾,好似离弦之箭。4.疾跑用力蹬地频率快,上体逐渐抬起来,髓部积极向前送,加大步幅不摇摆。5.途中跑步长最大频率快,重心稳定直线好,摆臂肩带须放松,屈肘摆臂要协调。蹬地角度尽可小, 伸直膝踩很重要。 蹬离折叠莫后撩, 大腿前摆要抬…  相似文献   

一、原地徒手摆臂练习 头部正直,上体稍前倾,两脚左右开立或前后开立。摆臂时半握拳,以肩为轴,肩部下沉自然放松,两臂上、前臂弯曲约90°,前后自然有力摆动,前不过身体中线,高不过下颏,后摆时稍向外,上臂与地面几乎平行。注意前要露肘,后要露手,要求原地开立或左右开立或原地踏步听声或看信号由慢变快摆臂练习。 二、原地左右移重心练习 自然站立,将身体重心轮流由一腿移至另一腿。身体重心移至的腿为垂直支撑腿,要充分伸直,另一腿为摆至垂直部位的摆动腿,此时垂直支撑腿同侧的髋高于摆动腿同侧髋。要求两腿交替进行移重心。 三、原地直腿支撑前后 移重心练习 两脚前后开立,后腿用全脚掌支撑,前腿用脚跟着地,向前移重心时,后  相似文献   

叩击:两手半握拳,用拳的尺侧面交替叩打被按摩的部位.叩击时力量要均匀,手指、手腕尽量放松,发力在肘.轻拍:两手半握拳,或两手手指伸直张开,掌心向下交替进行拍打,拍打时手指、手腕应放松,发力在腕.切击:两手手指伸直张开,用手的尺侧进行切击.切击时发力在肘.切击时,手应沿着肌纤维的走行方向进行切击.8、抖动小幅度、快速连续摆动肌肉或肢体的方法,称为抖动.应用于肌肉丰厚的部位和四肢关节.抖动可使肌肉、关节放松,消除疲劳.肌肉抖动:被按摩者肌肉要放松,按摩者用掌、指轻轻抓住肌肉,进行短时间的快速振动.  相似文献   

<正>在短跑比赛中,决定成绩的主要因素是步长和步频,而跑动中的摆臂可起到调节步长和步频的作用,同时也较好地调节了身体跑动中的协调性,对维持身体平衡,增加双腿蹬摆力量,提高蹬摆速度,也有很明显的影响,而且在摆动中还给运动员本身提供了一个向前的动力。以肩为轴的上肢摆动力量是短跑摆动——平动运动系统中十分重要的运动环节,摆臂的速度、幅度和方向将直接影响跑的速度和跑的整体运动效果,影响下肢的摆动运动效果。摆臂  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effects of three pre-match and half-time cooling manoeuvres on physical performance and associated physiological and perceptual responses in eight University soccer players during a non-motorised treadmill based individualised soccer-specific simulation [intermittent soccer performance test (iSPT)] at 30°C. Four randomised experimental trials were completed; following 30-min (pre-match) and 15-min (half-time) cooling manoeuvres via (1) ice slurry ingestion (SLURRY); (2) ice-packs placed on the quadriceps and hamstrings (PACKS); (3) mixed-methods (MM; PACKS and SLURRY concurrently); or no-cooling (CON). In iSPT first half, a moderate increase in total (Mean?±?Standard Deviation: 108?±?57 m, qualitative inference: most likely, Cohen’s d: 0.87, 90%CL: ±0.31), high-speed (56?±?46 m, very likely, 0.68?±?0.38) and variable run (15?±?5 m, very likely, 0.81?±?0.47) distance covered was reported in MM compared with CON. Additionally, pre-match reductions in thermal sensation (–1.0?±?0.5, most likely, –0.91?±?0.36), rectal (–0.6?±?0.1°C, very likely, –0.86?±?0.35) and skin temperature (–1.1?±?0.3°C, very likely, –0.88?±?0.42) continued throughout iSPT first half. Physical performance during iSPT first half was unaltered in SLURRY and PACKS compared to CON. Rectal temperature was moderately increased in SLURRY at 45-min (0.2?±?0.1°C, very likely, 0.67?±?0.36). Condition did not influence any measure in iSPT second half compared to CON. Only MM pre-match cooling augmented physical performance during iSPT first half, likely due to peripheral and central thermoregulatory factors favourably influencing first half iSPT performance. Further practical half-time cooling manoeuvres which enhance second half performance are still required.  相似文献   

维生素的营养学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许玲 《体育科技》2004,25(3):38-41
维生素是维持人体生命和正常人体生理机能不可缺少的营养素之一.它能调节机体物质代谢,保证机体各项生理功能,但是它在人体内不能合成或合成量甚微,不能满足机体需要,因此必须从食物中摄取.根据维生素的溶解性质,可将它分为脂溶性与水溶性两大类,其中水溶性维生素包括VB群、VC及PP等,脂溶性维生素包括VA、VD、VE、VK.本文就维生素性质、营养学研究、供给量及来源做一全面综述.  相似文献   


How should contemporary societies promote physical activity in nature and preservation of the natural environment? Outdoor life occupies a central and contested position on this question in the Nordic countries. In Norway, a 1957 Act of Parliament took a major step by guaranteeing free public access to both public and private uncultivated land. This article explores the media debate that raged in 2008–2009, when the national government proposed new legislation intended to promote outdoor life, sport, nature experience and urban forest preservation around Oslo, Norway’s capital. Applying narrative and discourse methodologies, this case study reveals how the media debate evolved from an initial cacophony of voices into a schism between advocates of nature preservation and advocates of sport. The controversy explored here is increasingly relevant throughout all of Europe: how to encourage urban active living, sustainable recreation and democratic citizenship that embody distinct social practices, identities, emotional bonds and symbolic meaning.  相似文献   

运用生物学及教学观察等方法,探讨了高低杠支撑后摆分腿屈体经手倒立转体180°动作的技术特点,并提出了掌握该技术动作的教学训练方法。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the pacing strategies adopted by elite male and female marathon runners when setting every world record since 1998. For data analysis, the total distance of the marathon was divided into eight sections of 5?km and a final section of 2.195?km, and the relative average speed of each section was calculated individually. Female athletes maintained similar speeds in the first and second half of the marathon (ES?=?0.22, small effect, p?=?0.705), whereas male athletes increased their speed as the marathon progressed (ES?=?1.18, moderate effect, p?=?0.011). However, no differences were observed between men and women in either the first (ES?=?0.56, small effect, p?=?0.290), or in the second half of the marathon (ES?=?0.60, moderate effect, p?=?0.266). When comparing the women’s world records (1998–2003) vs. men’s records (1998–2018) by sections, we observed differences at the beginning of the race (second section, ES?=?0.89, moderate effect) and at the end (last section, ES?=?0.87, moderate effect). The pace variations during the race were similar between male athletes and that of women with male pacemakers (1.53%?±?0.60 vs. 1.68%?±?0.84, respectively). However, a trend towards higher pace variations during the race in the female records with female pacemakers was observed (2.28%?±?0.95). This study shows how male and female marathon records in the last 20 years have been set using different pacing strategies. While men used a negative strategy (faster finishing), women used a less uniform pacing strategy.  相似文献   

论体育本质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育作为一种社会现象贯穿于人类社会发展的进程中,但体育的本质是什么?时至今日仍众说纷纭。本文拟从哲学的角度去探讨体育的本质该以何种途径来定义的。  相似文献   

Istanbul's ‘Big Three’ football clubs, Be?ikta?, Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray, dominate the Turkish Super League. The matches between these fiercely rival teams, also known as ‘derbies’, are often intense and culminate in the eruption of violence, which has even been fatal on occasion. To many people's surprise, the anti-government protests which were sparked by outrage over police action against environmental protestors in May 2013 brought these eternal rivals together. Thousands of Be?ikta?, Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray supporters marched arm-in-arm to Taksim Square and demanded justice and freedom. Out of this solidarity is born Istanbul United, a seemingly new fan group with a new logo that combines the three rival logos. Çar??, the legendary fan group of Be?ikta?, also played an important role in the protests and received the support of all football fans as well. This paper will focus on the politicisation of football in Turkey during the second half of 2013. By looking at both the political role of football fans of the ‘Big Three’ during and after the Gezi protests, and the ways in which mutual respect and solidarity is born among diverse protesters, this paper discusses the possibilities of translating this positive genre to a peaceful spectatorship in Turkish football.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of three different training models on aerobic power and body composition in recreationally active runners. According to their preferences 54 subjects (female=?27, male?=?27) were assigned to the following groups: (a) weekend group (WE), who performed two sessions of continuous endurance training weekly, (b) after-work group (FE) who carried out four sessions of high intensity training as well as an additional endurance run and (c) STAR group (STAR), who took part in a training with exercise telemetry monitors based on the heart rate variability. Over the 12-week study period the mean training volume was approximately 2 h 15 min per week. Of the participants 47 successfully completed the training study and all 3 groups showed significantly improved aerobic power (p?<0.001); however, the FE group (d?=?1.15) showed increased VO2max superior to WE (d?=?0.48) and STAR (d?=?0.66) groups. Significant improvements in body mass (p?<?0.001), body fat (p?<?0.001) and visceral fat (p?<?0.001) were found in the WE, FE and STAR group. All groups completed the half marathon with no significant differences in performance. Based on a similar training volume, short, intensive endurance training sessions of about 30 min were found to elicit the greatest improvements of VO2max in recreationally active runners.  相似文献   

目的:考虑比赛中断因素影响的情况下,探讨我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段跑动能力是否下降。方法:基于STATS Pro R计算机视频跟踪系统采集的275名职业足球运动员3 438组比赛跑动数据,围绕足球比赛间歇性特征,同时考虑中断时间动态特征和比分差距大小对跑动表现的影响。运用数据级数推断分别界定我国职业足球运动员半场结束时段和比赛结束时段的跑动能力是否下降。研究发现:(1)相较比赛开始阶段,比赛结束时段的中断时间呈现清晰的增加,比分均衡比赛结束时段的中断时间增加更为明显;(2)我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段总跑动距离呈现清晰的下降(ES=0.31~0.56),但该下降以中、低速跑动距离为主,所有位置运动员冲刺跑动距离均只出现微小无意义变化(ES=0.14~0.08);(3)上半场中、低速跑动距离下降程度大于下半场,高强度跑动距离的下降程度小于下半场;(4)比赛结束时段跑动表现变化的位置特征表现为,中后场运动员高强度跑动距离未发生有意义变化,前场运动员高速跑动距离则呈现清晰的减少(ES=0.25~0.37)。结果表明:考虑比赛中断因素影响后,我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段高强度跑动距离总体未呈现下降趋势;中后场运动员高速跑动距离和冲刺跑动距离均只出现了微小无意义变化,而前场运动员的高速跑动距离则呈现清晰的减少。  相似文献   

试论茅鹏的学术思想   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
茅鹏自上世纪50年代初开始研究运动训练理论至今,己近半个世纪,其深刻的思考与大胆的探索自成理论体系。该理论体系对传统的运动训练理论从整体上进行了反思和质疑,成为我国体育学术界颇有争议的理论。就茅鹏的学术思想究竟属于“闪光的”,还是“平庸错误”的作了尝试性评论。  相似文献   

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