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一、课文导读 I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze. The water molecule is __ up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The water molecule is polar--it has a __ negative end and a slightly positive end. Because water is polar, it __ __ nutrients quickly. The chemical structure of water also makes it different from most other it is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point.  相似文献   

李凌锋有一位奇怪的朋友:它不能说话,也不能动,却给大家带来了许多乐趣。There is a tree outside my window. It has broad leaves and long branches. It is about forty years old and has a very thick trunk. The tree is very useful. It keeps me cool. Sometimes I swing in the tree. The tree gives me lots of fun. Dad reads the newspaper under it. It gives him shade. Animals live in the tree. The tree gives them food. It makes the air clean and holds the soil together. The tree has been our good friend. We love it and it loves us, too.  相似文献   

The hippopotamus is a big animal. It feeds on plants. It is a hoofed mammal. It has thick, hairless skin, short legs and a large head with an enormous mouth.The hippopotamus is found in and near lakes and rivers in tropical Africa . The Africans call it 'River Horse'. It swims about with its whole body under water, but it keeps its eyes and nostrils above the water at all times. It does this to breathe and look around while it is swimming.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The tannery effluent (soak liquor) spewed out by tanneries to the surroundings has been polluting the land and water bodies in and around the tanneries and is evaporated over a period of time. The rate of evaporation over this period is small in the natural evaporative ponds and so large area is required. But land in urban and semi-urban sectors is scarce and very costly. Hence, it is required to augment the evaporation rate by adopting some suitable techniques. The rate of e…  相似文献   

The shepherd is worried. His sheep has lost its way again. He has to find it before it gets dark. Can you help him find it before it runs into something bad? Be sure to keep it away from the wolf, the cliff and the wool cut.  相似文献   

The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and moderncommunication means(通讯设备).Life today is much easier than it was hundred ofyears ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution(污染).To pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.  相似文献   

徐波 《海外英语》2011,(6):352-354
The English business letter (EBL) is an important written text used for international business communication and it has its own features of text. This paper explores the textual function of EBL in terms of thematic structure and thematic progression and finds that EBL has its unique textual features.  相似文献   

Have you seen a rabbit's tail?It's short,but very useful.When a rabbit seessomething dangerous,it runs away.Its tail,which is white,moves up and down as itruns.The other rabbits see this white tail moving up and down,and they run too.They know that there is danger.The rabbit has told them something without making asound.It has given them a signal.Many other animals use this kind of language.When a cobra is angry,it raises  相似文献   

闫枫 《学周刊C版》2014,(12):238-239
The mother-daughter issue is a common topic throughout many of Jamaica Kincaid's novels. Annie Potter, Lucy's mother has great influence on Lucy's thoughts and acdon. The author not only uses it to explore the complex tension between mothers and daughters, but also uses it to represent the strained relations between colonized region and colonial power. The image of Lucy's mother is really worth exploring.  相似文献   

Zoo Visit     
<正>The San Francisco Zoo in the United States is not as big as the Beijing Zoo or Guangzhou Zoo in China, but it has its own charms and attractions. It is like a beautiful park. The air there is fresh and the place is clean. You can hardly smell the  相似文献   

我们知道,作为人称代词的it,最基本的用法是用来代替除人以外的一切生物和事物。但是在下面两种情况下it可以用来指人。一、在性别不详或性别无关紧要的情况下,it可以用来指婴孩。例如:The baby is crying again.Give it somemore milk.娃娃又哭了,再给他些牛奶喝。A baby is lying in the cradle,and it wasborn three months ago.一个婴儿躺在摇蓝里,是三个月前出生的。  相似文献   

剑桥——闻名世界的大学城。W hen we say that C am bridge is a uni-versity town we do not m ean that it is a townw ith a university in it.A university town isone w here there is no clear separation be-tw een the university buildings and the rest ofthe city.The university is notjust one partofthe town;itis allover the town.The heart of Cam bridge has its shops,restaurants,m arket places and so on,but m ost of it is university,col-leges,libraries,clubs and other places for university staff and st…  相似文献   

The decline of britain has been a fashionable topic for some years since people realize it in the mid—1960s. Many articles and books liave been written to discuss this issue,Politicans and pundits have vied one another in offering diagnose of what is wrong and proposal to set things right, some argued that the problem had a long history, as it is put in English. culture and "the decline of the Industrial spirit"(1) "The English diseaze"(2) "Correclli Barnett argueed in 1975 (3) " is not the novelty of the  相似文献   

"EGao" is a network producing form and is popular in campus. In order to amuse the masses, it changed and reformed films, TV, picture menus and songs by imitating, overdrawing and self-betrayal means. The impact of "EGao" is greater and greater in the young, especially in the university, it has become a fashion. The paper analyzed its concepts, types and social psychology attribution, in the same time, put forward some advices on how to treat the following social and mental problems.  相似文献   

Saving the Earth     
As time goes by,humans are making the earth sick.People cut down too much trees ① and leave more and more rubbish here and there.Factories let out their waste without doing anything to it.All this has caused many serious problems.More and more good farmland has turned into desert,the rivers and lakes have polluted② and the water in them is dirty and poisonous.The air is less clean,even the temperature of the earth is higher than before.The earth is sick now.What should we do to save her?  相似文献   

A Comparative Study of the Old and the New Versions of Primary and Secondary School Students Regulations
Since the founding of our country, China has successively promulgated and revised Primary School Students Regulations for five times, the content of which has changed a lot and has been enriched with the change and progress of the society. The version of 2004 combined Primary School Students Regulations with Secondary School Students Regulations and every word of it is classical and truthful, but in practice, it is found that those regulations were "high, big, perfect and empty", lacking operability. The newly-revised version has overcome the deficiencies and added statements that are close to the times, life and student reality, which arouses some heated discussion.  相似文献   

The character Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights is a controversial character that has aroused severe debate among critics and readers long since it was published in 1847. He is considered is a cruel devi...  相似文献   

The PR C is the short form ofthe People s R epublic ofC hina.It is inEast A sia and it lies by the Pacific O cean. It has m any neighbouringcountries such as R ussia,K orea,India and so on.The PR C is the largestcountry in population and one of the largest countries in area in theworld. Itis a great country with a long history and it is a big fam ily withfifty-six nationalities. The capital of the PR C is B eijing. Itw illhold the2008O lym pic G am es.There re a lot of fam ous cities…  相似文献   

The world itself is becom ing m uch sm aller by using m odern trafficand m odern com m unication m eans.Life today is m uch easier than it was hun-dreds of years ago,is has brought new Problem s.O ne of the biggest is pol butlution.To pollute m eans to m ake things dirty.Pollution com es in m any w ay.W e see it,sm ell it,drink it and even hear it.M an has been polluting the earth.The m ore people,the m ore pollution.M any years ago,the problem w as not so serious because there were notso m …  相似文献   

A novel approach for fruit shape detection in RGB space was proposed,which was based on fast level set and Chan-Vese model named as Modified Chan-Vese model(MCV) . This new algorithm is fast and suitable for fruit sorting because it does not need re-initializing. MCV has three advantages compared to the traditional methods. First,it provides a unified frame-work for detecting fruit shape boundary,and does not need any preprocessing even though the raw image is noisy or blurred. Second,if the fruit has different colors at the edges,it can detect perfect boundary. Third,it processed directly in color space without any transformations that may lose much information. The proposed method has been applied to fruit shape detection with promising result.  相似文献   

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