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中学物理教科书的重要性和影响力是不言而喻的,编辑、出版中学物理教科书应精耕细作和严肃、严谨。通过阅读上海教育出版社出版的4本初中物理课本(第二版)、上海科技出版社出版的4本高中一二年级物理课本和华东师范大学出版社出版的3本拓展型课本,发现有些课本的质量仍要改进、提升与完善,经过梳理提出58条看法及建议。  相似文献   

通过文献计量法和内容分析法,以CSSCI来源期刊20年来发表的学术论文为研究对象,探究2001年以来我国物理教科书研究的热点与发展趋势,分析发现:师范院校教师和相关学术期刊引领物理教科书研究的发展;历史发展和学习活动是物理教科书研究的热点;中等教育成为重点关注的学段;研究方法以内容分析法为主;高被引文献数量不足。未来的物理教科书研究应注意以下几点:挖掘教科书使用与评价等接受导向的研究以拓展研究领域;开展深层的话语分析以提升教科书研究的深层意义;激活学术共同体的研究生命力以开展持续深入研究;建立系统的教科书研究方法论以提升研究的规范性。  相似文献   

从教育理论视角来看,教材承载着建构学科观念、培养思维技能、增进意义建构、促进全面发展的功能。着眼于落实物理学科核心素养,物理教师在教学设计时需秉持核心素养分析观对教材内容进行再认识,即以物理观念分析观、科学思维分析观、科学探究分析观、科学态度分析观,分别理解教材内容的物理观念体系、问题解决过程、真实问题情境与对话方式以及科学情感、认知和行为倾向成分。  相似文献   

考察人教版高中物理新教科书(必修),就科学本质观而言,科学知识的本质突出了"暂时性与持久性并存";科学探索的本质突出了"逻辑与想象结合";科学事业的本质突出了"科学与社会互动"。就科学价值观而言,科学的外在价值表现为阐明两面效应和转变思维观念;科学的内在价值表现为满足好奇天性、倡导尊重事实、鼓励质疑批判、增进科学情感和培养审美情趣。  相似文献   

Recent research in science education has recognized the importance of history and philosophy of science. The objective of this study is to evaluate the presentation of the Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr models of the atom in general physics textbooks based on criteria derived from history and philosophy of science. Forty-one general physics textbooks (all published in the United States) were evaluated on two criteria based on Thomson's work, three on Rutherford's work, and three on Bohr's work. Results obtained show that general physics textbooks do not systematically include a history and philosophy of science perspective. Most textbooks present an inductivist perspective in which experimental details are considered to be paramount. On the contrary, a historical reconstruction of the experimental details inevitably includes: the context in which an experiment is conducted, the theoretical framework that guides the scientist, and alternative interpretations of data that lead to conflicts and controversies. Examples are provided to show how historical reconstructions of atomic models can provide students an opportunity to appreciate how scientists work and science progresses. It is plausible to suggest that textbook presentations based on a history and philosophy of science perspective can perhaps arouse students' interest in the subject and hence lead to greater conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

分析物理学中最小作用量原理的发展和形成过程,并讨论其在基础物理学、理论物理学中的地位和重要作用,以及其深刻内涵.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are:(1) evaluation of the methodology used in recent search for particles with fractional electrical charge (quarks) and its implications for understanding the scientific research methodology of Millikan; (2) evaluation of 43 general physics textbooks and 11 laboratory manuals, with respect to the oil drop experiment, based on seven history and philosophy of science criteria. Results obtained show that all the textbooks and manuals ignored the Millikan–Ehrenhaft controversy and in general lacked a history and philosophy of science perspective. In spite of the anomalous data, Millikan adhered to the guiding assumptions of his research program. Ehrenhaft's work strictly followed the logic of experimental observations. Although, Ehrenhaft's work approximated the traditional scientific method, the scientific community supported Millikan. General physics textbooks and laboratory manuals present the oil drop experiment as an example of the scientific method in which experimental data implicitly serves as an arbiter in the defense of Millikan. It is suggested that textbooks and manuals by including the Millikan–Ehrenhaft controversy and the methodology used in the search for quarks could enrich students' understanding of scientific research methodology, viz., experimental data do not always dictate the choice of a theory.  相似文献   

文章以四套典型中级精读教材为代表,考察了教材文化词语的呈现方式及练习设置情况。从文化词语呈现方式来看,部分教材文化词语语境设置不够典型;从文化词语的练习形式来看,练习形式有待多样化,尤其是把文化词语作为专项内容进行练习的题型过少。汉语教材编写者应对以上问题有所重视。  相似文献   

作为国家教材体系的重要组成部分,伴随职业教育体系的逐步完善,我国职业教育教材历经恢复、建设、发展和统筹推进不同发展阶段,逐渐形成了不同于基础教育教材和高等教育教材的特点,目前此类教材数量充足、结构多样,基本满足职业教育发展需求。在职业教育高质量发展的新阶段,需要系统设计,强化规划引领,高起点、严要求、优选用和强支撑,提高适应性,紧紧围绕立德树人根本任务,用心打造培根铸魂、启智增慧的精品教材。  相似文献   

The Soweto Uprising comprised a series of protests led by secondary school students in South Africa that began on 16 June 1976. Historians and political analysts concur that the Soweto Uprising was a watershed in the national liberation struggle and ushered in the demise of the apartheid system. This article examines the presentation of the Soweto Uprising and related events in five purposefully selected South African secondary school history textbooks for Grade 9 learners using the four dimensions of Morgan and Henning's textbook analytical model. The aim of the study was to identify the omission/inclusion of certain historical facts and the implications for the development of learners’ critical thinking skills. The findings indicated that the omission of historical facts concerning the causes of the Soweto Uprising limits learners’ opportunity to make evidence-based, reasoned judgments about the topic; the use of primary and secondary sources to mediate the affective aspects of the Soweto Uprising is inadequate; the textual community that the history textbooks depicts lacks multiple voices and perspectives; and the narratives do not fully engage learners in complex and contested issues. It is recommended that history textbook authors adopt a multiple text approach to encourage critical thinking and to enable learners to assess historical claims and assertions independently.  相似文献   

本研究以内容分析法和语料库手段研究国外优秀英语教材词汇和语法的编写特点。以认知心理学的记忆理论和加工层次理论为基础,结合二语习得领域的最新研究成果,本文分析了美国和德国两套英语教材词汇和语法的布局、复现及练习方式。结果显示: 由于教材编写的基本理念以及目标群体的英语水平不同,两套教材在语言点所占比重以及词汇和语法的处理方式上均有差异。尽管如此,它们都提倡要将词汇与语法的学习融入有意义的语言交流中,在词汇和语法的布局及练习方式上充分考虑了学习者的情感和认知因素,重视培养学习者的自主学习意识和能力。  相似文献   

较详细地论述了近现代我国中学物理教材的产生及发展过程,重点论述了建国后历次物理教学大纲的要旨,各种版本教材的特色及教学要求.  相似文献   

This work investigates the presence of Thought Experiments (TEs) which refer to the theory of relativity and to quantum mechanics in physics textbooks and in books popularizing physics theories. A further point of investigation is whether TEs – as presented in popular physics books – can be used as an introduction to familiarize secondary school students with physics theories of the 20th century. The study of textbooks and popular physics books showed that authors of both types of books consider TEs as an important tool when presenting the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Furthermore, a qualitative research conducted in secondary education revealed that the historical TEs which were transformed into forms accessible to the public could trigger students’ interest and act as educational material to familiarize them with concepts and principles of the 20th century physics.  相似文献   

民族院校预科语文教材的编撰原则一直是预科语文教学及教学效果的重要探索领域.编写预科语文教材首先应该明确预科语文教学的目标,分析教学的对象,更新教学观念,破除陈规并精选教材内容以实现教学的目的.其次应遵循文史并重原则、经典性与现代性、文学性与思想性、民族性与世界性融合原则以及衔接性与拓展性融合原则.  相似文献   

探讨了有序原理以及将有序原理应用于物理教学时应把握的几个问题。  相似文献   

针对当前高职教材短缺的现状,阐明了加强高职教材建设的重要性和必要性,并结合实际情提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

对外汉语教材中的翻译常被人诟病,甚至被认为是“对外汉语教学领域中进展最为滞后的方面“.本文认为,教材(特别是初级教材)中的生词翻译,其主要功能是在概念意义上帮助学习者理解,不能要求翻译承担“解决学习者语言表达问题“的责任,对翻译的不少批评其实都起源于对翻译功能的过高要求.本文指出,教学目的和侧重点不同,翻译时就会采用不同的原则,依据目的语规则是一种做法,依据母语规则是另一种做法;原则的不同会引起译文质量以及学习者心理感受的差别,但这些差别也许和学习效果的好坏并无直接联系,比较别扭的译文也许更容易引起学习者对相关目的语知识的注意,从而促进习得.  相似文献   

中美两国教科书制度的不同导致两国物理教科书评价指标体系具有差异性。从评价目的、研究主体、评价指标体系的结构、指标、测验等角度,对两国物理教科书评价指标体系进行系统比较,以期对我国新课标物理实验教科书评价有所启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

研究主要采用文本分析法,以探明甲午战争后,壬寅癸卯学制出台前,新式学堂所编辑的蒙学课本的主要特点。研究结果发现:此一阶段的蒙学课本具有传统蒙书和日本小学读本的双重身影,从而在形式和内容上具有了新的特点。一方面,其继承和借鉴了传统蒙书的编写特点,不仅在语体上使用浅显文言,而且在选材上广泛取材于传统蒙书。另一方面,其积极向日本小学读本取经,取材偏向于现实,编排上循序渐进,并引入了歌谣体。  相似文献   

在我国现行小语教材中,"文选型"教材一统天下,所选文章往往独立成篇,又以人文思想或文本内容为单元主题,因而存在着语言训练目标不明,篇与篇之间联系不紧的"硬伤",选文的"朦胧性"造成了人们对其作用和功能认识的宽泛模糊,一定程度上影响了教学的实效和学生语言能力的发展。"语用型"教材试图以"语言能力发展"为主线,以语言能力点为单元主题,以"能级递进"为序列,注意选文和练习拟制,将小学阶段的语文学习总目标具体落实到各个年级、各个单元中去,促进学生语文素养的形成与发展,从而突破"文选型"教材的"瓶颈"。  相似文献   

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