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死亡犹如唯一的真理在那里存在。(1)面对这不可改变的结局,生活是否还有意义?或者说该如何有价值地生活?这是加缪所思考的首要问题。于是,他开始重新认识西西弗的命运:面对永远徒劳无功的无望的结局,他一次又一次地重复着艰巨的劳动。他清醒地意识到自己的悲惨处境,但是,他没有被击垮,他坚定的行动表现了他对诸神的惩罚的蔑视,所以,最终,他还是胜者。  相似文献   

20世纪80-90年代以来,加缪逐步成为中国人文社科领域研究热点,随着加缪《局外人》、《鼠疫》、《西西弗神话》等作品的引进出版,论文、论著等相关研究成果数以千计,其中大多探讨加缪的文学创作、社会活动、作品艺术、哲学思想,对加缪传记的研究则相对薄弱。从编辑出版学角度出发,结合历史还原与现代阐释相关理论思路,对加缪的传记进行比较分析,既可以拓展加缪研究的路径,也有助于把握数十年来本专题研究的脉动与流变。  相似文献   

20世纪的法国知识分子具有积极参与社会政治生活的传统,在阿尔及利亚战争中得到了充分的体现。反战知识分子的活动起到了揭露战争问题、维护普世价值、提出解决方案的作用,对于探讨知识分子的社会角色,具有典型意义。  相似文献   

1954—1962年的阿尔及利亚战争,使阿尔及利亚在经历了130多年的法国殖民统治之后最终获得独立。阿尔及利亚战争对战后非殖民化、民族主义和第三世界等世界当代史诸问题的研究有着十分重要的意义。早在20世纪60年代初阿尔及利亚战争还未结束的时候,欧美学  相似文献   

荒谬在加缪的《西西弗的神话》中是作为起点而提出的。对荒谬的历史性描述有很多,但是真正专门论述荒谬问题的就非加缪莫属。本文对加缪有关荒谬问题的论述进行分析和述评。  相似文献   

加缪的哲学散文《西西弗的神话》从哲学上最严肃的问题自杀入手引出荒谬的这个中心话题,引出了荒谬的产生及其原因,荒谬的概念的界定以及面对荒谬的三种态度。  相似文献   

笔者通过对法语毕业生去阿尔及利亚原因的分析,以及他们在阿国的生活和工作情况,总结他们去阿国后的转变,可以为那些想去阿国工作的人提供参考,也可以让他们对阿国的文化和民情有个基本的了解与认识。  相似文献   

本通过考察加缪的小说、思想作及传记,理清他对上帝、对世界、对人的哲学态度;并且通过这些态度分析加缪的人生精神。  相似文献   

萨特和加缪都是存在主义大师。世界是荒诞的 ,是他们共同的哲学观。但由于他们对荒诞的具体看法不尽相同。因而面对荒诞他们的拯救之途也不同。加缪对之以“反抗” ,萨特却对之以“自由选择”。本文着重从哲学和文学创作上分析他们的分歧之处。  相似文献   

在加缪的文学作品中,存在丰富的死亡哲学思想。其内涵是自我挣扎──反叛思想:自我拯救──地中海思想。其意义是向死而生,超越死亡。  相似文献   

英国马克思主义理论家雷蒙·威廉斯以独到的悲剧理论对加缪戏剧作了专门的评述,指出了其戏剧中的悲剧性因素:命运的设置、人物的行动、个人主义的困局等。威廉斯的共同体理论试图从“荒谬”与“反抗”的伦理困境中重建人与人之间的整体关系,为人物走出悲剧性的困境指出道路。  相似文献   

The early essays of Camus have been underexplored as educational texts. The discussion here introduces these texts for educational consideration. The analysis uncovers themes which link to existing educational research on Camus. As these are autobiographical texts they also provide new insight on the genesis of Camus’ thinking on subjects of interest to education, and Camus’ own educational journey into the absurd. The discussion here suggests the lyrical essays explore the connections between learning and the natural landscape, and as a result, they suggest a concept of education based around seeing the world a certain way; a communion with the natural world as a basis for understanding and happiness.  相似文献   

近几年来高校毕业生特别是专科毕业生就业现状 :优先考虑经济利益和国家干部身份 ;向往中心城镇或沿海发达地区 ,不愿到基层和边远落后地区。形成毕业生就业现状的原因是 :经济形势严峻和就业岗位不足 ;市场经济发育不充分 ,政策法规不配套 ;就业环境不理想和门槛过高 ;不同行业和职业之间的差异。解决毕业生就业问题 ,可以借鉴外国经验 ,健全就业指导机构和就业机制 ;健全公平竞争的就业和用人机制 ;拓宽就业渠道 ;要苦练“内功” ,增强竞争力 ;抓住机遇 ,转变就业观念 ,树立正确的就业观  相似文献   

When The Myth of Sisyphus describes those who live in the ‘rarefied air of the absurd’ (p. 86), Camus uses the word fidelity. This signals a recognition of both defeat and the demand for struggle. This suggests a humility. Education can be said to have this characteristic; it is constantly in service to the new and yet understands these come with limits. And these limits are overcome as education develops the mind to see differently and change the world we live in. This type of education has fidelity to the absurd because of its cognisance of both aspiration and failure: it is aware of its useful potential to help make sense of the world, and yet it understands this requires disjuncture from what has come before. It promises the Sisyphean climb and return. Education does this consciously and deliberately. Education, in some ways, is therefore absurd. Or at least, from time to time it finds itself in the rarefied air. If this is the case then how should practitioners interpret or care for the absurd experience and what exactly might this look like in educational contexts. This article chooses The Fall for the purpose of better understanding the experience of absurd anxiety in the context of education. It uses, as an original device, the imagery of the ‘little ease’ to explore this feeling and the forces underpinning it.  相似文献   

随着上帝的死亡,人深陷于价值虚空、意义缺失的荒诞与绝望的世界中。因此,人要想继续生存下去,必须寻找到新的生活的意义。“量的伦理”和“过程说”正是加缪和史铁生两位作家对此的解答。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to make a case for The Rebel as an important educational text. Discussing The Rebel in this way for the first time, the goal is to try and demonstrate that the work could have a unique contribution; in particular there might be a number of similarities between Camus and educational thinkers relating to the goals, pedagogy and the meaning of education. The Rebel has been noted as Camus’s most underexplored text so by investigating these synergies for the first time, this article aims to demonstrate another dimension to The Rebel and potential relevance for educational theory and practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will explore how Albert Camus has much to offer philosophers of education. Although a number of educationalists have attempted to explicate the educational implications of Camus’ literary works, these analyses have not attempted to extrapolate pedagogical guidelines towards developing an educational framework for children’s philosophical practice in the way Matthew Lipman did from John Dewey’s philosophy of education, which informed his philosophy for children curriculum and pedagogy. We focus on the phenomenology of inquiry; that is, inquiry that begins with genuinely felt doubt, pointing to a problematic to which the inquirer seeks a solution or resolution. We argue that the central purpose of education is to develop lucid individuals. To this end, we concentrate on Dewey and the pragmatist tradition, starting from Peirce, leading to Lipman’s development of Dewey’s educational guidelines into classroom practice. We show where Camus and the pragmatists are congruent in their thinking, insofar as they can inform the educative process of the community of inquiry. What we conclude is that the role of the teacher is to develop lucid individuals facilitated in a classroom that is transformed into a community of inquiry embedded in contemporary historical moments.  相似文献   


Among the most neglected of Albert Camus’ literary works is his play The misunderstanding. Composed while Camus was in exile in occupied France, and first performed on stage in 1944, The misunderstanding depicts the events that unfold when a man returns, without declaring his identity, to a home he left 20 years ago. Unrecognized, he is killed by his mother and sister for financial gain. This article draws on ideas from Emmanuel Levinas in identifying and discussing some of the key ethical and educational themes in the text. It is argued that the forms of misunderstanding evident in Camus’ play mirror those exhibited in pedagogical institutions such as schools. The misunderstanding demonstrates that what is often missing in our communicative relations is careful attention to the Other. Camus does not offer us any easy way out when confronting the impossibility of fully knowing ourselves and others; instead, he shows that we must acknowledge the suffering this brings and take responsibility for it.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the public discourse surrounding the representation of cultural and ethnic groups in U.S. entertainment media by examining movie reviews of a specific film. It examines the types of arguments and support that popular film critics used in their evaluations of the 1998 action film The Siege. The film was publicly criticized by activist groups before its release and reviewers found it necessary to address the issue of whether the film contained stereotypes or could contribute to prejudicial understandings in their evaluations of the film. Three types of arguments that consistently appeared in the reviews’ evaluations of the film are described and explored: the film's relationship to real‐world events, the intentions of the film's creators, and the constraints of the genre. Implications of the consistent use of these criteria for audiences’ decisions to see the film, their evaluations of the film, and their understanding of the role of the media in maintaining or challenging racism and ethnocentrism are discussed.  相似文献   

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