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基布兹作为以色列特有的农业合作组织,对以色列建国初期的政治、经济、文化产生了深渊影响。在基布兹内部实行共有制和平等的原则,具有极强的社会主义制度性质。在以色列国建立初期,基布兹为以色列的政治、经济、文化发展提供了重大贡献。因此,基布兹的发展进程与改革对我国的农业合作社都具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基布兹与人民公社的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基布兹是希伯来语“集体定居点”的音译 ,也有人把它译为“农业合作社”或“集体农庄”。 190 9年由一批东欧年轻犹太移民在太巴列湖南岸的德加尼亚创建了第一个名叫“克武查”的新型农业集体生产组织 ,它就是第一个基布兹。目前 ,基布兹的总数达 2 75个 ,共有人口 12 5万多人 ,占以色列总人口的 3 % ,它和莫沙夫合作社、莫沙瓦农户三种体制共同构成以色列的现代农业。基布兹 ,在以色列是一个响亮的名字 ,它不仅蕴涵着以色列人团结合作、拼搏进取的集体主义精神 ,也包容了“劳动创造一切”的国粹精神。难怪以色列的缔造者本·古里安曾无限…  相似文献   

基布兹和莫沙夫作为以色列农业合作经济的典范,促进了以色列农业经济的发展.如今,莫沙夫作为以色列最主要的农业合作经济组织,充分发挥着行政和经济双重功能.并得到政府的大力支持.莫沙夫是一种综合性农业社,与我国农业社相似,借鉴其发展的成功经验,对完善我国农村社区合作经济组织很有意义:国家建立对农村合作经济组织的政策支持体系,培养专业人才,为合作社发展注入新的活力和合作社只有不断的深化改革,才能在特定的环境下求得发展.  相似文献   

<正>基布兹是以色列最具特色,也是最有代表性的城市。"基布兹"的字面含义是"聚集",它是犹太人的集体农庄,是一个所有成员没有私人财产、凡物公用的农耕小区。在基布兹的一所幼儿园参观访问期间,走进他们的"儿童乐园",我们吃惊地发现,这里俨然像一个废品回收站。在一块沙地上,简单竖起一片遮阴篷,里面横七竖八散满了废油桶、废轮胎、旧微波炉、旧的小型洗衣机、木板架子,甚至是一些不锈钢的瓢盆。但细细看,这里又不是废品回收站,因为这  相似文献   

以色列是成功实施大众创业教育的典型案例。以色列高校创业中心是以色列政府积极扶持发展的、为有意创业的群体提供早期系统支持的非营利性组织,其管理具有清晰的战略共识、支撑战略实施的组织架构、高素质专业化的指导教师队伍和政府实行有效监管等特点。通过分层级满足创业者的需求、开设专门的创业课程、强化创业实践训练、搭建关系网和商业资源等举措,帮助早期创业者提高创业成功的概率。借鉴以色列的经验,开启我国大众创业教育,需要明确教育的主体、积极发挥高校创业中心的作用、创新高校创业中心管理模式、着力提高大众创业教育的专业化水平。  相似文献   

以色列位于亚洲西部的巴勒斯坦地区,国土面积约2.1万平方公里。人口约600多万。属亚热带地中海气候。全国一半多地区为沙漠,为严重缺水的国家。本文旨在记录作者于2005年3月赴以色列国农业考察学习中的一些体会,结合新疆中以旱区农业示范中心,浅谈以色列国在旱地农业方面取得的成就以及成功的经验,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

以色列作为全世界创业公司密度最高的地区,被誉为创业的国度,其在构建创业环境方面的经验值得每一个奋发向上的国家学习和借鉴.基于此,在阐述以色列创业现状的基础上,探讨影响以色列创业环境形成的关键要素:移民是创业人才出现的泉源;军队是创业人才成长的基地;教育是创业素质提高的摇篮;风险投资为创业实现提供物质保障;文化为创业实现提供精神支撑.纵观以色列营造创业环境方面的经验,中国可借鉴:从素质和来源两方面开发创业人才,以提供人员支撑;创建投资市场提供物质保障;培育创业文化以提供精神支持.  相似文献   

开源节流技术用水——以色列的水资源利用□陈怀玉(山东安丘市第一中学)目前,世界淡水危机的警钟已经敲响,“如何对付水的威胁”已突出地摆在各国人民面前。西亚国家以色列开源节流,技术用水,使水资源得以充分合理地利用,其经验值得各国借鉴。以色列是一个干旱缺水...  相似文献   

犹太民族曾为人类贡献了《圣经》,还产生了像马克思、爱因斯坦、弗洛伊德这样伟大的头脑,但世界上没有一个民族经历过犹太民族那样残酷沉痛的遭遇。以色列作为犹太民族的一个国家,也经过几十年艰难的创业奋斗,成为世界强国之一,其成功的经验颇值得发展中国家借鉴。  相似文献   

法国农业现代化建设经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国是农业现代化起步较早而且是比较成功的国家,法国农业现代化有一些成功的经验。学习和研究这些经验,对我国农业现代化建设有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


In this paper we examine the role of the Israeli kibbutz experience as an agent of informal education in cross‐cultural settings, acting as a transformative agent of ethnic identity. The study presents, through comparative longitudinal analysis, the changes in Jewish identity and values of young North American Jews between their arrival in Israel and the conclusion of the kibbutz programme, as well as after they have returned to their home country. The analysis utilises data gathered from 238 Oren Kibbutz Institute alumni who participated in the programme between 1990‐94 in six kibbutzim. The transformative role of the Israeli kibbutz experience contributes independently and cumulatively to the formative role of home background, Jewish schooling and previous visits to Israel.  相似文献   


The kibbutz is an authentic component of Zionism and Zionist ideology which contributed to the establishment and strengthening of the State of Israel in its early years. A steady decline in the status of the kibbutz in Israeli society and various crises that it underwent triggered this study which set out to locate and describe Zionist education curricula in kibbutz high schools. The study, using a qualitative framework, included two intensive case studies and a survey of 21 schools. The findings in these schools through 1990s showed no existing formal Zionist education curricula but did uncover various extra‐curricular activities which kibbutz educators attributed to the subject. The hidden agenda of these activities shows that Zionist education is considered part of the political and ideological strengthening of the kibbutz during troublesome times. The pupils, who lack general knowledge and close encounters with the ideological foundations of Zionism and Judaism, are given a mixture of scepticism, universal humanistic values and criticism of their heritage. These findings are interpreted through the concept of critical approach to curriculum theory and the idea of the semi‐legitimate in normative systems. Kibbutz educators are themselves ambivalent towards kibbutz values and at the same time struggle to preserve their unique way of life in troubled times.  相似文献   

Ricardo Trumper 《Interchange》1997,28(2-3):205-218
This paper study analyzes differences in motivation towards science subjects among kibbutz and urban high school students in Israel. Students' motivational traits in science were explored by a questionnaire whose items corresponded to four motivational patterns: achievement, curiosity, conscientiousness and sociability. The major findings of this study are that a) Kibbutz students were mostly sociability oriented in the learning of science, b) city students were mostly sociability and achievement oriented in the learning of science, c) city students were better achievers than kibbutz students in junior high school, while in senior high school the difference between them was nonsignificant, d) there was a significant increase in kibbutz students' achievement motivation in learning science when passing from junior to senior high school.  相似文献   



The Learning Environment Inventory (LEI), adapted to conditions in Israeli schools and factor analysed on an Israeli sample, was administered to 572 students in 10th‐grade biology classes. Fourteen classes were in urban schools, six in Kibbutz district schools. All classes used the same BSCS (yellow version) curriculum. Seven out of the nine scales of the LEI Israeli version yielded significantly different scores for urban and Kibbutz samples indicating a more positive social learning climate in the Kibbutz than in the city. Differences were most marked on scales assessing cohesiveness, favouritism and cliquishness. Results were interpreted to indicate that social climate in classrooms is influenced by school‐wide policies regarding relationships in school, and not only by within‐class factors such as curriculum and teaching method.  相似文献   

The influence of recent social and economicchanges in the Israeli kibbutz on the prolongedstage of youth was examined with respect tohigher education. The young people on thekibbutz of the late 1990s appear lessmoratorial and more instrumental about theirfuture and commence higher education earlierthan in previous age cohorts. When starting tostudy, their educational and professionalprospects are crystalized as those of thenon-kibbutz student. Most of them opt foracademic, degree-granting studies, but a higherpercentage than among the general populationprefer vocation-oriented colleges to theresearch oriented universities. In choosingfields of study, they prefer more appliedstudies like engineering, social services andpractical arts and are less likely to choosesciences and the humanities. De-communalizationand economic instability of the kibbutz,inadequate preparation in kibbutz high schoolsfor the competitive admission to theuniversities, exposure to a restricted range ofoccupations during adolescence, and lack of acultural tradition supportive of elitiststudies may explain this practical mood, moresalient among kibbutz women.  相似文献   

Most students of motivation for adult education in general, and post-secondary and higher education in particular, are preoccupied with motives from the standpoint of the individual learner. This article comprises an attempt to examine study motivations from the standpoint of societal expectations. The question raised is: to what degree do post-secondary and higher students take into consideration the collective needs (or ‘functional imperatives’) of their community, instead of, or rather in addition to, their individual aspirations? The question is examined by means of a multi-year statistical follow-up of post-secondary and higher Israeli kibbutz students and a pilot study of their study motives in a random sample. The findings tend to indicate that in micro-social community settings such as that of the kibbutz, individual aspirations in the sphere of post-secondary and higher education may be reconciled to a certain degree with societal needs and expectations.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that tendencies to explain interest in peers' work in terms of mastery-promotion or of relative ability assessment is related both to the development of the normative conception of ability and to educational emphases on cooperative or competitive learning goals. Study 1 tapped acquisition of the normative conception, normative self-assessment, and reasons for looking at others' work among 208 kibbutz and urban Israeli subjects at ages 4–8. Results confirmed that acquisition of normative understandings was associated with a shift from mastery to ability explanations in urban, but not kibbutz, children. Study 2 revealed similar differences in the frequency of mastery versus ability assessment reasons among 48 kibbutz and urban third-grade children asked to explain the videotaped glances of an unfamiliar child. Thus, cooperative learning settings seem to maintain interest in using peers to promote mastery, even after acquisition of the normative conception.  相似文献   

One hundred and two families of disabled children in the Israeli kibbutz were studied. Parental responses during the interview revealed that the availability of material and financial resources, which the kibbutz provides, the sharing in the day to day care of the child, and the overall acceptance by the community are important in reducing stress. Yet, parents still experience a number of major hardships and stressors including encounters with the kibbutz “system”, a sense of loneliness, and concerns about their children's social integration and their futures. Similar hardships are reported in the literature for parents of disabled children in other cultures and societies. Implications for educators and family service providers regarding the need for community training, the training of peer case managers and for emotional and practical support are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the “Junkyard” (chatzar grutaot) – a unique educational environment and practice developed in kindergartens on the Israeli kibbutz in the 1940s and 1950s, and still in wide use today in kibbutz kindergartens. The Junkyard, consisting of artefacts of the adult world that are no longer in use, is an ever-changing set-up in which children’s free play is encouraged, with minimal rules for use of time, space, objects, and social relations. Anchored in the writings of its two founding educators, as well as in writings of and interviews with its advocates and instructors over the years, this paper shows how the Junkyard drew on widespread ideas about early childhood development and education, at the same time as it responded to local conditions and concerns. The paper argues that a unique conjunction of factors – material and structural, educational and pedagogical, ideological and cultural – facilitated the process by which the Junkyard was inserted relatively smoothly into the kibbutz educational landscape, in lasting ways.  相似文献   

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