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随着智能手机的普及,移动学习成为常规学习方式的有效补充,而情境感知技术的兴起则有效地解决了移动环境下时间碎片化的问题。在对移动学习和情境感知进行现状分析的基础上,设计并实现了基于情境感知的移动英语学习软件。对比试验表明,基于该软件的英语学习具有良好的效果,不仅能够切实帮助学生提高口语水平,同时也可以在日常生活中帮助使用者更好地使用英语交流。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网等新技术的快速发展,移动学习成为网络学习空间的主要学习方式之一,然而移动学习效果的提升面临着复杂移动情境下空间化学习的自适应挑战。文章以云计算支持下的网络学习空间(即学习云空间)为背景,分析了移动学习的自适应因素,提出了一个基于情境感知的移动学习自适应模型,并探讨了移动学习的自适应实现机制及其应用策略。研究依托iStudy的移动学习自适应系统进行应用实践和实证分析,结果表明:该系统更有利于提高场独立型与场依存型两种风格学生的自我效能感,以及场依存型学生的学习成绩;不同知识类型学习中均使用该系统,其学习成绩没有差异;两种风格学生均认为该系统更加便捷适用,场依存型学生认为该系统更有利于促进学习。研究为促进移动学习的自适应和个性化理论与实践探索提供了有力支撑。  相似文献   

针对我国现有的混合式学习模式普遍存在适应性不足的问题,本文提出利用移动与无线通信技术和境脉感知技术构建移动混合式学习系统,对系统的结构、功能和关键技术进行了探讨,得出移动混合式学习系统可以利用境脉感知功能获取有关学习者的境脉信息,从而以智能的方式为学习者提供适应性的学习内容与服务。  相似文献   

提升学生的思维品质应是教育教学的追求之一,而学习场景的提出和创设就是为了应对当前学生思维培养中存在的问题,即学习场景的构建指向的是儿童思维的发展。在学习场景中的学习称之为场景学习,场景学习有不同的类别和适用范围。教学时,教师可采用场景转化、场景链接和场景建构等策略创设学习场景,而在学习场景中激发儿童的思维,应注重情趣点、链接点、冲突点和发散点的创设。  相似文献   

如何利用移动设备的位置识别功能开发创新性的移动应用系统,是众多研究者和商业应用开发者关注的焦点。基于位置识别的移动学习系统5R自适应框架为实现自适应移动学习环境提供了一套解决方案和标准化结构。5R自适应框架能够根据学习者、位置、时间、移动设备等因素自动生成学习者所需要的学习内容,增强学习者与学习情境之间的交互。5R自适应框架的实施需要描述基于位置的学习内容并使之标签化,建立自适应约束条件和学习内容之间的关系。在基于位置识别的地理课实地考察移动学习过程中,5R自适应框架能够很好地支持这一应用,而且在实现过程中体现出高度的灵活性。  相似文献   

将营销学中的顾客满意度模型(ACSI)引入移动学习领域,以服务感知和性能感知为潜变量,构建了远程教育移动学习满意度模型,提出研究假设,并利用结构方程模型进行实证研究.结果表明:服务感知对满意度有显著正向影响,但性能感知对满意度的影响较小且不显著.在此基础上提出完善远程教育支持服务的建议.  相似文献   

随着国内3G环境的发展与成熟,从电子学习(E-learning)到移动学习(M-learning)已经是一个必然趋势.移动学习在可携带性、互动性、操作便捷性以及用户针对性等方面都具有明显的优势,具有内生的动力来推动传统学习向移动学习的转化.移动教育根据使用通信协议的不同,分为基于短信息的移动教育和基于浏览、连接的移动教育两种形式.3G移动通信网络为基于手机的移动学习建立了很好的网络平台,移动学习型手机的技术已经成熟,学习型手机将摆脱电子词典的命运,真正成为寓教于乐、学习内容丰富多彩的学习系统.  相似文献   

移动语言学习是以移动终端为媒介的新型教育模式,已成为现代语言学习的重要模式之一,而大部分移动语言学习平台没有考虑应用情境,未把语言学习指向实际应用维度,很少考虑个体差异,鲜有能实现个性化的自主推荐。文章基于位置情境和模糊推荐技术,突破传统语言教学在时间、地点、语言运用及个性化教学等方面的瓶颈,设计了M-O ral辅助英语学习系统。随后,文章从7个维度对该系统的可用性进行了分析,结合用户体验调查结果分析了用户对该系统的满意程度并对该系统进行了改进。实证表明,该系统操作性强,具有很高的实用性。  相似文献   

薛涛  刘潇潇 《考试周刊》2012,(39):127-128
本文通过分析移动学习的特点,以及移动学习资源建设方面存在的问题,提出了基于问题的移动学习资源建设的模式及流程,通过资源建设的过程的设计,解决移动学习资源的现有问题,从而提高移动教学资源的质量,实现资源的优化配置。  相似文献   

In this study, a problem-posing strategy is proposed for supporting collaborative mobile learning activities. Accordingly, a mobile learning environment has been developed, and an experiment on a local culture course has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Three classes of an elementary school in southern Taiwan participated in the experiment. One class was the experimental group who learned with the problem-posing-based mobile learning approach, while the other two classes were the control groups who learned with the conventional mobile learning approach and the traditional problem-posing approach, respectively. The experimental results show that the new approach not only improved the students' learning achievement, but also promoted their local culture identity and group learning self-efficacy.  相似文献   

移动学习平台是促进移动学习快速发展的重要因素,无线网络技术和移动通信技术及其相关移动终端设备的快速普及,使得基于有线网络和个人计算机的网络学习平台已不能满足当前学习者的实际需求.从无线移动网络环境下学习者的实际要求出发,研究具有移动Web即时通信、资源实时移动共享等功能的移动网络即时协作学习平台的体系机构和系统功能,探究实现该系统平台的关键技术,以便为移动学习者提供一种支持即时协作交流、实时共享资源与知识经验的新型移动网络即时协作学习平台.  相似文献   

人类学习方式经历了私塾求学、课堂学习及网络学习三个历史阶段,现代远程开放教育是社会发展的必然要求。移动学习(M-Learning)能够针对现代社会学习者流动分散的学习特征,利用碎片化学习方式,实现最佳学习效果,运用越来越广泛的移动学习必将成为未来学习过程中不可或缺的学习方式,是未来远程开放教育中的最佳学习模式。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development of the “MobLearn@Work” App, which emerged from a study of informal learning among five employees at different companies in China. The purpose of the study was to develop a strategy for the design of mobile learning support tools that would enhance informal learning in the workplace. The App was developed by creating a platform to support informal learning through the integration of two sets of issues that emerged in the study: (a) affordances of contemporary Web 2.0 tools identified from the literature and by exploration of the participants’ mobile technology uses, and (b) informal learning activities of the participants that emerged in the context of their work. Consideration of these issues led to the conclusion that an effective App for informal learning should include functionalities such as really simple syndication, podcasting, Web-searching and microblogging, all of which were integrated into the “MobLearn@Work” App. The implementation of the App in these five cases over a six-month period yielded a further set of design recommendations, which are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

第十届移动及情境学习世界会议2011年10月在北京师范大学成功举办,作为具有国际权威影响力的移动学习方面的国际会议,其集聚了国内外移动学习领域的知名专家和学者,呈现了最具创新性的移动学习研究成果。透过本次会议的主题演讲与专题论坛,可以清晰地看到,无缝学习空间的结构模型、关键技术、资源模型和创新学习模式是与会学者交流与研讨的重点,显示了国际移动学习研究与实践的新趋势。  相似文献   

Mobile learning is enabling educators and students to learn in ways not previously possible. The ways that portable, multi-functional mobile devices can untether the learner from formal institutional learning give scope for learning to be conceptualised in an expanded variety of places, times and ways. In this conceptual article the authors articulate this notion by using the metaphor of the Third Space to envision what can be achieved with mobile learning. They outline their use of the metaphor, consider how it extends notions of twenty-first century learning and use a previously established Mobile Pedagogical Framework to provide a context for the discussion. They conclude with implications of learning in the Third Space for teachers and students. These implications suggest that roles of teachers and students and structure of the curriculum need to change to ensure we leverage the potential of mobile learning.  相似文献   

This article focuses on findings from an Economic and Social Research Council study in England about the uses of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among 15 highly mobile migrant workers within their transnational families. Using an extended case study approach including ethnographic methods and a thematic analysis, patterns appeared about learning within transnational families using ICTs. The findings were that their mobile learning was: (1) infused with caring; (2) multi-directional and involved multiple members; (3) translated tacit knowledge; and (4) enabled linguistic gifting. Implications for lifelong education centre on practice and policies that build on how transnational families communicate using ICTs. The study conclusions focus on the complexities of mobile learning within these families, showing that they are difficult to capture, but nonetheless important.  相似文献   

The advancement of mobile device and wireless communication technologies is having a great influence on the design concept of learning activities. In this study, we attempt to integrate field study into the inquiry-based mobile learning model; moreover, a mobile learning environment that allows students to access both physical and virtual resources is developed accordingly. During the in-field learning activity, the mobile learning system is able to present the learning tasks, guide the students to visit the real-world learning targets for exploration, and provide them with supplementary materials via the mobile devices. The aim of this research focuses on the effects of this mobile learning model on students' cognitive load and learning achievements. The 51 sixth graders who participated in this research were assigned to an experimental and a control group. From the pre and posttests as well as the cognitive load questionnaire, it was found that the students who learned with the inquiry-based mobile learning approach had better learning achievement and less cognitive load than those who learned with the traditional approach. Therefore, it is concluded that the mobile learning model has positive effects on elementary students in local culture learning.  相似文献   

Today, the mobile technologies and Information and Communication Technology development opened the door on new methods and pedagogies of learning. We are talking here about the mobile learning and the flipped classroom approaches. The flipped classroom means that the activities that have traditionally taken place inside the classroom now take place outside the classroom and vice versa. The mobile learning and as its name suggests is done in a mobile and changeable environment by mobile learners. Therefore, the context notion plays a significant role in this type of learning. Hence, the usefulness of the context-aware mobile learning systems. These systems take into account the different context dimensions to offer to the learners an adapted learning according to their situations. The approach proposed in this paper called Smart Enhanced Context-Aware for Flipped Mobile Learning “SECA-FML” aims to provide learners with an adapted course content format based on their context by taking into account the different context dimensions and especially the mobile device context. The latter has a significant influence on multimedia content in adaptive mobile learning. The contribution was applied in the context of the flipped learning in order to manage the heterogeneity of context imposed by this approach. To validate our contribution, we have developed an Android mobile application. This application has been made available to learners to try and exploit it. At the end of the experimentation phase, the learner is asked to complete a questionnaire. Based on this questionnaire, we measured the reliability and effectiveness of our contribution, as well as the satisfaction of the learners towards the latter. The evaluation results showed that the use of the context dimensions and specifically the device context in adaptive mobile learning is more beneficial for learners especially in the flipped classroom.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the context-aware ubiquitous learning (u-learning) approach versus traditional instruction on students' ability to answer questions that required different cognitive skills, using the framework of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and synthesis. In this study, 230 third- and fourth-grade students in 8 classes were counterbalanced and assigned to the u-learning approach and traditional instruction for learning different topics in two separate plant-observing activities. The results showed that the students who learned with traditional instruction performed better than those who used the u-learning approach in terms of answering questions that required their cognitive abilities of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and synthesis. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the students' learning behaviors in the u-learning context revealed that most of their learning behaviors recorded in the u-learning system were not significantly related to their cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

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