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由于对项目课程的内涵存在认识偏差,导致高职项目课程改革存在很多误区,如将项目等同于教学单元,将项目课程等同于技能训练或项目教学法等。消除误区的最好方法是用系统方法进行项目课程的设计,即依据职业领域构建项目课程体系;根据工作任务设计典型工作项目;依据工作逻辑序化项目课程结构,根据知识分析选择项目课程内容,依据职业特点设计学习情境及创设教学活动。  相似文献   

高职专业课程基于真实场景的项目化设计是以工作任务为中心,选择与课程密切相关的生产工艺,根据工作任务分解成工作项目,按工作项目设定学习项目,将专业理论知识融入到学习项目中。在《化工工艺概论》课程项目化设计中,选择"年产1000吨酯交换法合成氰乙酸乙酯"为课程的项目载体,并将其分解为原料的预处理、化学反应过程控制、产物的分离及精制三个工作项目,项目的组织实施围绕生产过程展开。  相似文献   

雍照章 《职教论坛》2012,(33):35-40
专业课程内容和课程结构是在职业岗位调研、工作任务分析的基础上开发出来的。将职业工作任务转化为学习项目(单元、主题),以学习项目为课程内容的基本元素,系统化设计每一门课程的结构、课程方案的结构及学习项目的内部结构。  相似文献   

PBL基于项目的学习是以学习项目为主导来实施教学的一种新型教学模式,本文尝试将其引入到科学课程的教学过程中,将主要从学习项目的设计、实施与评价几方面展开论述。  相似文献   

文章在对项目的理解基础之上,探讨了基于高职学生技能培养的项目式教学设计观,并以高职计算机应用技术专业《平面设计与制作》课程为例,分析了项目设计、项目活动设计、学习目标、项目教学过程、学习评价、混合学习环境等项目式教学设计的关键要素,试图将项目学习的理论更好地应用于高职学生技能培养的过程中。  相似文献   

在<使用加工中心(铣)的零件加工>课程教学设计中,选取企业典型零件作为项目载体,将加工所需职业能力进行细分,并通过去除零件烦琐、重复特征,设计出具有普适性、适用性的教学项目.最后将具有区域特征的零件加工作为综合性项目.依据能力进阶规律和认知规律,将学习单元及其对应的工作任务进行序化,且每个学习单元都设计引导项目、讨论项目和自主项目.同时.开发面向教师的教学指导文件资料和面向学生的学习资源,作为课程与教学的支撑.  相似文献   

专题项目在整个培训过程中是一个载体,而课程学习是一个理论学习的源泉。在培训实施过程中,基地通过多元平台的设计、多元角色的转换和多元辐射的效应,将专题项目与课程学习互动相融,努力使名师基地培训效益最大化。多元平台——方向引领,学术支持。围绕专题项目和课程学习内容,基地为学员搭建多种平台,如读书学习平台、专题研  相似文献   

基于项目开发下的研究性学习,能使教学活动的主体--学生在项目开发中实现对课程学习的进一步深化。项目开发下的研究性学习具有学习目标明晰化、学习内容问题化、学习过程探究化和学习活动网络化的特点,教师在进行教学设计时要重视研究型学习课程开发,也要重视研究型学习教学模式设计,包括学习任务的设计(项目设计)、学习组织形式的设计、教学基本步骤的设计和教师指导策略的设计。  相似文献   

项目学习为学习者提供了真实的学习环境,更有利于学生实践能力和探究精神的培养。采用项目学习需要进行精心设计,包括学习活动设计、学习任务设计、教学评价设计、教学媒体设计等。在网页设计课程教学中尝试引入项目学习,并且采用问卷调查方法研究教学效果,可以看到,项目学习对于掌握网页设计这门课程的知识更为有效,对于培养学生社会实践能力有很好的帮助。  相似文献   

《动态网站设计与开发》课程教学改革的出发点是提高学生的动态网站设计与开发的能力。课程以3个典型的学习项目为核心,按照实际工作的设计与开发过程将项目分解为若干个子任务,并按照任务实施来组织教学,教学实施采用了项目化教学、情景导入和小组协作学习等教学方法。  相似文献   

在高职学前教育专业《学前教育活动设计与指导》课程中引入行动导向教学法,其课程设计首先应根据学生毕业后从事学前教育这一工作岗位的职业能力需求确定专业能力、方法能力和社会能力,再根据学前教育岗位流程设计学习领域,在此基础上进行教学情境设计和划分学习单元,并根据学习单元特点合理采用项目教学法、案例分析法、模拟教学法等。  相似文献   

This article introduces playful learning as part of the decolonising project at institutes of higher learning in South Africa with specific reference to the discipline of communication design. Not only does the article interrogate the content of design education, specifically design for development, but more specifically the way that design for social innovation is taught. The article begins with a contextualisation of the decolonisation debate both locally and internationally, which is followed by a brief historical overview of formal design education. Design education’s trajectory informs the contemporary conception of design as a form of rhetoric. Design and play are then interfaced theoretically, and pragmatically through a case study to explore how deeper learning was made possible by play in a curriculum‐based project. Ultimately, the article aims to highlight the value of playful learning in design higher education to nurture alternate modes of design thinking that favour localised practice, intersubjective relationships between designers and their stakeholders and the enabling of students’ self‐realisation through real world experience.  相似文献   

根据机械零件课程设计的教学要求和目的,分析了CAXA电子图板、CAXA实体设计在机械零件课程设计中的作用,探讨了绘图实体设计软件在机械零件课程设计教学中的方法,探讨CAXA电子图板、CAXA实体设计配合机械零件的课程设计教学取得的效果。  相似文献   

根据机械零件课程设计的教学要求和目的,分析了CAXA电子图板、CAXA实体设计在机械零件课程设计中的作用,探讨了绘图实体设计软件在机械零件课程设计教学中的方法,探讨CAXA电子图板、CAXA实体设计配合机械零件的课程设计教学取得的效果。  相似文献   

Higher education policies are increasingly focused on graduate learning outcomes, which infer an emphasis on, and deep understanding of, curriculum development across degree programs. As disciplinary influences are known to shape teaching and learning activities, research situated in disciplinary contexts is useful to further an understanding of curriculum development. In the life sciences, several graduate learning outcomes are underpinned by quantitative skills or an ability to apply mathematical and statistical thinking and reasoning. Drawing on data from a national teaching project in Australia that explored quantitative skills in the implemented curricula of 13 life sciences degree programs, this article presents four program-level curricular models that emerged from the analysis. The findings are interpreted through the lens of discipline-specific research and general curriculum design theories to further our understanding of curriculum development for graduate learning outcomes. Implications for future research and to guide curriculum development practices in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   


How can research findings from cognitive and learning sciences be meaningfully applied in authentic settings to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics? Decades of basic research on how people learn has implications for the design of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. However, bringing research to practice involves simultaneously applying multiple design principles and raises pragmatic challenges of classroom contexts. Our project used research-based recommendations to systematically revise a widely used middle school mathematics curriculum and investigated whether the revised curriculum improved student learning in mathematics. In this article, we detail a replicable process for operationalizing and implementing multiple research-based principles and report findings from a large-scale experimental evaluation of this approach to estimate the potential impact on student learning.  相似文献   

高职课程整合视阈:课程项目化与项目课程化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项目化课程是高职课程改革的一种重要形式,其实质就是课程与项目的双向整合,即课程项目化与项目课程化。课程项目化是把课程转化成项目来学习,需要经历工作任务分析—课程门类确定—教学设计实施的结构转换,变理论学习过程为项目完成过程。项目课程化,即把项目转化为课程来学习,选择适合教学的项目,项目转化要遵循典型性、覆盖性、可迁移性、递进性、可行性原则。  相似文献   

This is a study of the Connections project; a collaborative design exercise between Birmingham School of Architecture and Landscape, and local primary schools. It explains the processes and outcomes of this annual collaborative design exercise, in which students of architecture join forces with primary school children, to explore connections between architecture, and various subjects of the National Curriculum. It shows how graphical learning methods, from architectural education, have been adopted successfully across the curriculum at primary level. Three phases of the project, and their different kinds of graphic communication, are identified. Learning in each of these is explored with supporting evidence from students’ diaries and interviews with teachers. Two examples of recent project work are used to show processes and outcomes. The first, a Science and Architecture project, demonstrates how methods of working gave a clear relationship between abstract ideas, and representational models and drawings. The second illustrates quality of outcomes, and depth of understanding in an Art and Architecture project. Finally the study introduces ongoing research, based on the Connections project experience, which addresses the scope of learning at both curriculum levels.  相似文献   

结合面向对象程序设计课程的教学实际,认为目前该课程教学中采用的传统教学模式存在理论与实践脱节,无法激发学生学习的主动性和创新性;理论较为抽象,学生很难理解;现有的教学学时根本无法较好地完成本课程的设定的教学目标和教学内容等问题。而基于实训项目的教学模式,使得整个课程的教学过程与学生自主学习密切结合,能让学生在实践中掌握理论知识,所以教学中采用基于实训项目的教学模式是非常必要的。  相似文献   

A global trend towards formulation of curriculum has emerged over the past decade. The concepts of project approach have aroused growing attention, and many literatures have indicated its benefits to children. It is believed that to achieve these potential benefits of project learning, teachers needed to formulate a curriculum that follows the interests of children, to design appropriate activities, to build a good relationship with children and help them in the process of learning. The study revealed that teachers were positive towards the impact of project learning on children's experience but fell back to a traditional way of implementing curriculum.  相似文献   

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