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DBA/2J mice were exposed to a distinctive floor stimulus (CS+) and ethanol (2 g/kg) in a place conditioning paradigm. A different floor stimulus (CS?) was presented with saline. Mice injected just before or 30 min before CS exposure (Groups 0, ?30) showed conditioned place preference, whereas mice injected right after exposure to the CS (Group 5) displayed place aversion (Experiment 1). None of the other groups (?120, ?60, 15, 60) showed place conditioning. Handling and saline injection given just before or after CS exposure were unable to produce place conditioning (Experiment 2). However, there was a positive relationship between ethanol concentration (10% vs. 20%) and test performance, suggesting that peritoneal irritation influences place conditioning (Experiment 3). Overall, these findings support the suggestion that intraperitoneal injection of ethanol produces an initial short-duration aversive effect that is followed by a longer lasting positive motivational effect.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of improvements in timing/rhythmicity on students' reading achievement. 86 participants completed pre‐ and post‐test measures of reading achievement (i.e., Woodcock‐Johnson III, Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, Test of Word Reading Efficiency, and Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency). Students in the experimental group completed a 4‐week intervention designed to improve their timing/rhythmicity by reducing the latency in their response to a synchronized metronome beat, referred to as a synchronized metronome tapping (SMT) intervention. The results from this non‐academic intervention indicate the experimental group's post‐test scores on select measures of reading were significantly higher than the non‐treatment control group's scores at the end of 4 weeks. This paper provides a brief overview of domain‐general cognitive abilities believed effected by SMT interventions and provides a preliminary hypothesis to explain how this non‐academic intervention can demonstrate a statistically significant effect on students' reading achievement scores. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 849–863, 2007.  相似文献   

The effects of within-session variations in the intertriai interval (ITI) and delay on pigeons’ memory for event duration were studied in delayed symbolic matching-to-sample tasks. Pigeons were trained to peck one color following a long (8 sec) sample and another color following a short (2 sec) sample. In the first three experiments, the baseline conditions included a 10-sec delay (retention interval) and a 45-sec ITI. During testing, the delay was varied from 0 to 20 sec, and the ITI that preceded the trial was varied from 5 to 90 sec. When the ITI and delay were manipulated separately (Experiments 1 and 2), the pigeons displayed a choose-short tendency when the delay was longer than 10 sec or when the ITI was longer than 45 sec, and a choose-long tendency when either the delay or the ITI was shorter than these baseline values. These effects occurred whether the sample was food access or light. When the ITI and delay were manipulated together, the pigeons showed a large choose-long error tendency when the short delay was tested together with a short ITI, and no systematic error tendency when the short delay was tested together with a longer ITI. A very large choose-short error tendency emerged on trials with a long delay and a long ITI; a reduced choose-short tendency was present when the long delay was presented together with a short ITI. In Experiment 4, the baseline conditions were a 0-sec delay and a 45-sec ITI. In this case variations in the ITI had a smaller and unidirectional effect: the pigeons showed a choose-long error tendency when the ITI was decreased, but no effect of ITI increases. Two hypotheses were proposed and discussed: (1) that pigeons judge sample durations relative to a background time composed of the ITI and delay, and (2) that the delay and ITI effects might arise from a combination of subjective shortening and proactive effects of samples from previous trials.  相似文献   

Evidence for primacy effects in animals’ list memory is accumulating, despite assertions that these primacy effects may be list-initiation-response artifacts (D. Gaffan, 1983; E. Gaffan, 1992). This evidence comes from list-memory experiments with pigeons and monkeys in which primacy changed with retention interval, experiments with monkeys in which primacy correlated with list length, and experiments with monkeys in which there were no list-initiation responses. Furthermore, there is growing evidence that animal memory is similar to, at least, the nonverbal part of human memory. This evidence comes from human nonverbal-memory experiments in which primacy changed with retention interval (similar to animals) when using kaleidoscope or snowflake stimuli, and similar experiments in which the verbal/nonverbal component was manipulated. Conditions conducive for obtaining primacy effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained with two concurrent delayed conditional discriminations that involved different distributions of memory intervals, namely 1 and 5 sec in the “short” and 5 and 10 sec in the “long” distribution. Memory for the initial stimulus was much better after 5 sec in the short distribution than in the long one. The memory functions between the intervals within each distribution were essentially flat. These findings were replicated in a second study that involved differential outcomes; this procedure enhanced memory generally within trials so that memory intervals of 1, 9, and 19 sec could be used, with 9 sec serving as the common memory interval. The findings are interpreted on the basis of the subject’s expectation of the likely duration of the upcoming memory interval and the associated delay of reinforcement.  相似文献   

Television viewing at home: age trends in visual attention and time with TV   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The TV-viewing behavior of 99 families with young children was videotaped by automated time-lapse recording equipment placed in homes for 10-day periods. The 99 families comprised 460 individuals from infants to 62 years of age. Time-sample analyses of 4,672 hours of recordings indicated that the TV-viewing room contained no viewers 14.7% of the time that the TV was on. There were no age trends in time spent with television. Percent visual attention to television increased greatly across the preschool years, leveled off at about 70% during the school-age years, and declined in adulthood. Men looked at the TV more than women. There were no significant correlations between time spent with TV and percent of visual attention to TV. The increase in visual attention to television during the preschool years is consistent with the theory that TV program comprehensibility is a major determination of attention in young children.  相似文献   

A rhesus monkey was tested in an auditory list memory task with blocked and mixed retention delays. Each list of four natural or environmental sounds (from a center speaker) was followed by a retention delay (0, 1, 2, 10, 20, or 30 sec) and then by a recognition test (from two side speakers). The monkey had been tested for 12 years in tasks with blocked delays. An earlier (4 years prior) blocked-delay test was repeated, with virtually identical results. The results from the mixed-delay test were likewise similar. Thus, the peculiarities of blocked-delay testing, such as delay predictability or differences in list spacing, apparently do not alter this monkey’s memory for auditory lists. It is concluded from this and other evidence that the monkey’s serial position functions reflect mnemonic processes that change with changes in retention delay and are not artifacts of the blocked-delay procedure. The nature of the monkey’s auditory memory is discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes an approach for training a variety of species to learn the abstract concept of same/different, which in turn forms the basis for testing proactive interference and list memory. The stimulus set for concept-learning training was progressively doubled from 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 . . . to 1,024 different pictures with novel-stimulus transfer following learning. All species fully learned the same/different abstract concept: capuchin and rhesus monkeys learned more readily than pigeons; nutcrackers and magpies were at least equivalent to monkeys and transferred somewhat better following initial training sets. A similar task using the 1,024-picture set plus delays was used to test proactive interference on occasional trials. Pigeons revealed greater interference with 10-s than with 1-s delays, whereas delay time had no effect on rhesus monkeys, suggesting that the monkeys’ interference was event based. This same single-item same/different task was expanded to a 4-item list memory task to test animal list memory. Humans were tested similarly with lists of kaleidoscope pictures. Delays between the list and test were manipulated, resulting in strong initial recency effects (i.e., strong 4th-item memory) at short delays and changing to a strong primacy effect (i.e., strong 1st-item memory) at long delays (pigeons 0-s to 10-s delays; monkeys 0-s to 30-s delays; humans 0-s to 100-s delays). Results and findings are discussed in terms of these species’ cognition and memory comparisons, evolutionary implications, and future directions for testing other species in these synergistically related tasks.  相似文献   

The retention performance following partial training (15 trials) of a brightness-discrimination avoidance task has been shown to fluctuate over time, with a drop in performance 1 h after training (Kamin effect), a long-term spontaneous improvement (LTSI) after 3 days, and long-term spontaneous forgetting after 21 days. The purpose of this paper was to determine if these time-dependent modulations of retention performance reflect time-dependent modifications in the organization of the attributes that constitute the memory trace. We studied the relative effectiveness of several pretest cuings on retention performance when they were delivered just before a retention test occurring 1 h, 3 days, or 21 days following initial training. Some cuing treatments were related to a particular training event (conditioned or unconditioned stimulus, experimental context). Compound cuings, composed of two or more training events, were also studied to test a possible additive effect between retrieval cues. To demonstrate time-dependent modifications in the memory trace, a differential effectiveness over time was expected for at least some retrieval cues. The results show that cuing may compensate for performance deficits (1 h or 21 days), but does not further enhance performance when spontaneously improved (3 days). No detectable additive effects of retrieval cues were obtained. However, these results provide information that suggests a time-dependent effectiveness for some cuing treatments. In the last experiment, we investigated this possibility by studying the effects of each of these treatments when delivered after either a 1-h or a 21-day retention interval. The results confirm a time-dependent decrease in effectiveness of a pretest exposure to the CS and an increase in effectiveness over time of a pretest exposure to the experimental context or to a well-ordered sequence of events. Such differential retrievability of a partially learned episode according to both the nature of the cues and the length of the retention interval suggests a time-dependent reorganization of memory attributes.  相似文献   

The effects of the intertrial interval (ITI) on learning and performance in Pavlovian appetitive serial feature positive (SFP) discriminations were examined in three experiments with rats. With longer ITIs, acquisition was more rapid, and there was less transfer of the feature’s behavioral control to a separately trained target cue, suggesting that longer ITIs encouraged the use of an occasion setting strategy. Behavior was also affected by discrimination-specific ITIs. Rats were trained with two SFP discriminations. The overall ITI was held constant, but the intervals between trials of one discrimination were varied by intermixing different numbers of trials from the other discrimination. Learning was more rapid when the intervals between trials of a single discrimination were longer. A sequential analyses showed that performance on a trial was impaired when it was preceded by a trial that included the same target cue but with the opposite trial outcome. The results are discussed in the frameworks of proactive interference effects and deletion-comparator processes (Cooper, Aronson, Balsam, & Gibbon, 1990.)  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - This study investigated study behavior and recall of a narrative text as a function of the reader’s age, study time, and importance level of text...  相似文献   

Two prominent theories of proactive interference in animal memory predict that the effects of varying the interval between the interfering and to-be-remembered stimulus in a delayed-matching-to-sample paradigm ought to be comparable to the effects of manipulating the retention interval. To assess this prediction, monkeys were tested in a situation in which a sample was presented, followed by a variable intersample interval, whereupon a second sample was presented. After a delay interval, a choice test was given between the two stimuli that had served as samples. The correct choice was always the most recently presented sample stimulus, and the initial sample of a sequence provided a potential source of proactive interference. In two experiments, delay interval altered performance, whereas interstimulus interval had little or no effect. In a third experiment, using a small set of sample stimuli, intertriai interval altered proactive interference, but again interstimulus interval had no effect. One way of accounting for these data is in terms of distinct short- and long-term memory processes.  相似文献   

Metacognition and Learning - In the present study, we investigated the accuracy of eyewitness accounts over time from a metacognitive perspective, in which post-retrieval monitoring and control...  相似文献   

Retention interval effects are seen in taste-aversion learning when single-element aversions are significantly weaker 24 h after conditioning compared with tests at later intervals. This report contains three experiments which suggest that the source of the increased drinking at the 1-day interval is nonassociative interference produced by the novel conditioning episode. In Experiment 1, a parametric analysis demonstrated that aversion strength increased monotonically over a 30-h period following conditioning, and that by 48 h after conditioning it was stabilized. In Experiment 2, a single US preexposure was used to reduce the novelty of the US prior to conditioning. As a result, animals preexposed to the US had stronger taste aversions than did non-preexposed controls at a 1-day retention interval; however, no differences were seen at a 5-day interval. Experiment 3 investigated whether the counterintuitive outcome of Experiment 2 was due to the summation of environment-illness and taste-illness associations at the 1-day test. The results ruled out the summation argument; the US preexposure did not need to be presented in the conditioning context to strengthen the aversion at the 1-day interval. Collectively, these results suggest that the presentation of a surprising US can interfere with the retrieval of the taste-illness association for a short period after conditioning, and that this contributes to the retention interval effect.  相似文献   

Text-signaling devices and their effects on reading and memory processes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Signals are writing devices that emphasize aspects of a text's content or structure without adding to the content of the the text. Findings are reviewed for studies of several different types of signaling devices, including: titles, headings, previews, overviews, summaries, typographical cues, recall sentences, number signals, importance indicators, and summary indicators. Most investigations have examined how the presence of signals in a text affects subsequent memory for the text. Virtually all types of signals produce better memory for information they cue in a text, whereas memory for unsignaled information often is unaffected. Less attention has been directed to signaling effects on other cognitive processes, such as attention, basic reading processes, and comprehension. It is argued that an understanding of how signals influence these processes will contribute to the application of signaling research to reading and writing instruction and to our general understanding of reading.  相似文献   

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