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This study examined how temporal sequences of regulated learning events, such as types and processes of regulated learning, emerge during different stages of collaborative learning. Earlier research has focused on individual learning and not on the captured temporal sequences of regulation in collaborative learning. The data were collected during a two-month math didactics course taken by teacher education students who collaborated in three member groups. Twenty-two hours of video data were collected to follow how sequences of regulated learning events, along with task execution, emerged within the six groups as their collaboration advanced. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis and lag sequential analysis. The results showed that the groups engaged mostly in co-regulated planning and monitoring. Temporal analysis showed that collaborative interactions focusing on task execution promoted socially shared planning, indicating that task execution provided grounding for socially shared planning and regulation to occur. The sequential analysis illustrated that metacognitive monitoring played a facilitative role in the progress of task execution.  相似文献   

关于"导向型自主学习"概念的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"导向型自主学习"与人赖以存在的文化背景息息相关,"导向型自主学习"理论就是教师采用有效的引导方武帮助学习者形成某种学习心理机制.我们从文化哲学的整体主义的视角出发,尝试对我国基础教育领域中的"导向型自主学习"的概念进行界定.  相似文献   

The most widely practised instructional method for the development of interpersonal skills is role-play. Role-play is supposed to be a complex learning environment for novices to develop interpersonal skills. The learning environment is complex because of two factors. Firstly, the cognitive load is high during social-communicative problem solving because the execution of all steps has to be taken immediately in a goal-directed dialogue. Moreover, social-communicative problem solving is acted out in a play. A computer learning environment for initial training in dealing with social-communicative problems is suggested to simplify and facilitate learning. A learning environment with computer-based role-plays has been piloted and evaluated. Two experiments have been examined the effect of the learning environment on interpersonal skill development. The results are described. The main conclusion is that the learning environment is considered as having the potential to assist in realizing effective gradual lead- into interpersonal skill development and instruction for novices.  相似文献   

Conclusions A fundamental assumption of the research presented above was that attitude change is an important concern of the educator, and that if attitudes are important, information on how attitudes might be formed or changed with media is needed. Four studies were conducted to examine the use of media to deliver persuasive messages. The results of the four studies presented in this article tended to support the following conclusions. First, attitudes toward educationally relevant topics, such as conservation, smoking, and disabled persons, can be modified by using persuasive messages delivered by media. Next, it appeared that some types of media may be more effective than others at delivering information designed to change attitudes. Motion pictures seem to be more effective than slides. There also seems to be sufficient evidence to warrant further investigation into the relationship between the content of persuasive messages, the media used to deliver those messages, and the learning styles of the target audience. In short, attitudes can be modified by mediated messages, and the degree of modification may be related to the characteristics of the students who view the message and to the way the message is mediated.  相似文献   

情绪是影响学习的重要因素,文章应用自编的《初中生情绪调节能力问卷》、《学生学习自控问卷》对康桥中学、福州十八中、福建师大附中、永定高陂中学四所不同类型中学的初中三个年级的466名学生进行调查。结果发现:1)初中生的情绪调节能力在年级、性别、是否是独生孩子等方面没有显著的差异,但在城市重点中学和农村普通中学上有显著差异;2)高低情绪调节能力组在学习自控力及各维度上都有显著差异;3)情绪调节能力及各维度与学习自控力及各维度有高正相关。  相似文献   

The incorporation of self- and peer-assessment and feedback has significant potential as a pedagogical strategy to promote deep learning in project based coursework. This study examined the impact of a deeper approach to learning on pre-service teachers’ critical thinking and metacognitive skills. It also examined the impact on student learning outcomes within a project based module with a significant design element. Forty-seven students participated in the pilot of an online peer feedback system. Results suggest that the quality of students’ reflections through peer feedback and overall satisfaction with the module remained high despite students’ citing a preference for instructor feedback. The data also indicate that the incorporation of self- and peer-assessment and feedback resulted in higher quality learning outcomes and enhanced critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

Students’ learning goals demonstrate much stronger variety than traditional goal orientation models for classroom learning assume, especially when the educational context allows so. In this empirical study we will investigate the richness of students’ goal orientation in a collaborative learning context. We do so with the help of a goal setting framework that is based on a two-facet approach distinguishing multiple contents (performance, learning, well-being) and goal directions (varying degrees of self vs social direction). To investigate the role of different goal constellations, goal setting and learning performance data of first year students (n = 2,636) in a problem-based, collaborative learning program, and evaluation data of problem-based tutorial groups (#groups = 206) are combined into a multilevel model. Each tutorial group functions in two different educational settings: one directed at open-ended, group problems, the other at closed, individual problems. Educational context appears indeed to have a crucial role in the relationship between students’ goal setting at the one side, and students’ performance and group functioning on the other side.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to determine the stimulus characteristics that favor the development of conditional stimulus control in the single reversal paradigm with pigeon subjects. In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained on a successive discrimination between tone frequencies ranging from 350 to 3500 Hz in a particular houselight context condition (houselight-on or -off). The subjects then were trained on the reversal of the tone discrimination in the alternative context. Subsequent tone-frequency generalization testing in the two contexts indicated that they had failed to gain conditional control over the pigeons’ discriminative performance. Such control was obtained in Experiment 2, in which the two problems were alternated daily for 32 sessions of training. The gradients then peaked at the appropriate S+ value in each context. In Experiment 3, the key colors (blue vs. red) served as contexts while pigeons learned a successive discrimination in which the discriminative cues were houselight-on versus houselight-off conditions. This was followed by a reversal of the discrimination in the alternative key-color context condition. The key colors were effective conditional cues in this situation. In a previous experiment (Thomas, McKelvie, & Mah, 1985), key color had been ineffective as a conditional cue when the discriminative cues were lines superimposed on the colored background. In Experiment 4, key color was effective when the color and lines were presented on a single key as in the earlier experiment, but were sequenced such that the onset of the key color preceded and then overlapped the presentation of the lines. We concluded that conditional discriminations are easiest for pigeons when visual cues are used, but the conditional and discriminative cues must be presented in such a way that they do not combine to form a psychological compound.  相似文献   

This paper presents one case of broadband‐enabled learning (BEL) involving geo‐culturally and organisationally diverse collaboration using music as the vehicle. Findings from five evaluations over a 15‐month period were considered in relation to issues of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. Advantages included access to mentors, peers, and experts; support for cross‐cultural and linguistic collaboration, interaction, and exchanges; promotion of a more open classroom; and exposure to alternative and new experiences. Compatibility with existing practices was evident, however, cross‐cultural interaction presented difficulties as did synchronous communication across time zones and between institutions. BEL technologies are complex, however, users can develop a capacity to use the tools if provided with adequate support. Trialability is dependent on access to a high‐speed connection and equipment, multiple partners, development of technical expertise, and support. Use of videoconferencing and choice of subject area can enhance observability.  相似文献   

建国后,我国高等学校自主权经历了从无到有,从政策认可到法律规定的过程。笔者认为,这一制度变迁的过程是由非正式制度转变为正式制度的过程;是政府和高等学校二者在政策层次、组织层次和操作层次上进行情人博弈的过程;是政府让渡的资源部分地被市场机制所替代,并逐渐形成"三角协调"(政府、高等学校、市场)的过程。  相似文献   

本文提出了培养生物学自学能力的具体措施.在课堂教学中培养观察能力、记忆能力、思考提问能力和阅读能力:并在学习环节中点拨学习方法.  相似文献   

The problem was to determine how rats adjust the times of their lever responses to repeating sequences of interfood intervals. In Experiment 1, rats were trained on an interval schedule of reinforcement with a 12-element Fleshler-Hoffman series with a mean of 60 sec; the order was as follows: ascending, random with repetition, random with replacement, random without replacement. In Experiment 2, rats were trained with a 10-element ascending or descending series (from 20 to 29 sec), and in a ramp procedure in which these intervals increased and then decreased repeatedly. In the ascending, descending, and ramp conditions (but not in the random conditions), postreinforcement pause (PRP) was a function of the interval. PRP was most highly correlated with an interval later in the series. Theories of conditioning and timing based on the averaging of past experience must be modified to account for such anticipatory behavior.  相似文献   

通过本调查,笔者认为造成英语学习效率低下的原因是由于中学生英语自主学习策略运用不当。改变传统教学模式,培养中学生学习策略是提高英语学习效率的途径。  相似文献   

本文根据自主学习相关理论依据,认真分析了当前高职高专大学生英语自主学习能力缺失问题的原因,并着眼于这些问题,进行了认真的反思和思考,提出了应对的策略。  相似文献   

自主学习体现了人本主义的学习观,培养学生自主学习能力也是大学英语课程改革关注的一个焦点.本文通过对目前大学英语教学展开中材料选择、师生观念转变及建立SACs等几方面分析,讨论了可能存在的问题及选择对策,并针对我国大学英语教学现状从主客观两方面提出一些思考和探讨。  相似文献   

This study presents new ways of visualising technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry-based learning (CIBL) processes in an undergraduate physics course. The data included screen-capture videos from a technology-enhanced learning environment and audio recordings of discussions between students. We performed a thematic analysis based on the phases of inquiry-based learning (IBL). The thematic analysis was complemented by a content analysis, in which we analysed whether the utilisation of technological tools was on a deep-level, surface-level, or non-existent basis. Student participation was measured in terms of frequency of contributions as well as in terms of impact. We visualised the sequence of the face-to-face interactions of two groups of five students by focussing on the temporal aspects of IBL, technology enhancement and collaborative learning. First, instead of the amount of time the groups spent on a specific IBL phase, the between-group differences in the most frequent transitions between the IBL phases determined their differential progress in the CIBL process. Second, we found that the transitions were triggered by the groups’ ways of utilising technological tools either at the deep level or at the surface level. Finally, we found that the level of participation inequity remained stable throughout the CIBL process. As a result, only some of the members of the groups played a role in the most frequent transitions. Furthermore, this study reveals the need for scaffolds focussing on inquiry, technological and collaborative skills at the beginning of the learning process.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Recently, the concept of evaluative judgement has gained attention as a pedagogical approach to classroom formative assessment practices. Evaluative...  相似文献   

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