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In three conditioned taste aversion experiments with rats, latent inhibition (LI) was examined as a function of the time interval (1 or 21 days) between the conditioning and the test phases. In Experiments 1 and 2, the effects of US intensity on LI were examined. LI increased in the 21-day condition, as compared with the 1-day condition, with medium and high US intensity, but not with weak US intensity. Groups not preexposed to the CS flavor had similar aversions when testing was conducted 1 day after conditioning, as compared with 21 days. In Experiment 3A, delay-induced super-LI was obtained when the delay was spent in the home cage and the experimental stages took place in a different context (as in Experiments 1 and 2). In Experiment 3B, when all the stages, including the delay period, were conducted in the home cage, there was no super-LI effect. The modulation of delay-induced super-LI as a function of US intensity and context extinction is discussed in relation to association deficit and retrieval interference theories of LI.  相似文献   

Hungry rats were used in a classical conditioning procedure in which visual stimuli were paired with food. Conditions in which nonreinforced exposure to a nontarget stimulus was followed by exposure to a simultaneous compound nontarget/target stimulus (a blocking procedure) resulted in enhanced latent inhibition to the target relative to exposure to the nontarget, followed by exposure to the target stimulus alone. A third phase of nonreinforced exposure training, in which the target was exposed alone following the compound, reduced levels of latent inhibition relative to results obtained with the blocking procedure. Experiments also suggested that this was not the result of restoration of associability by the omission of an expected presentation of the nontarget stimulus in the final preexposure phase. These results suggest that enhanced latent inhibition is due to summation of a direct-target-no-event association and a second-order association of these elements via target-nontarget and nontarget-no-event association. Exposure to the target after compound exposure extinguished the target-nontarget association and reduced the sources of no-event learning for the target.  相似文献   

In three experiments, rats received presentations of a diffuse 30-sec stimulus (a light) and of food, and their tendency to enter the food tray was monitored. Experiment 1 showed that when the light was made to signal the delivery of food, the response of entering the food tray increased in frequency during the stimulus. The acquisition of this conditioned response to the light was retarded in subjects that had received preexposure to the stimulus. In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects received preexposure to the stimulus, some in the same context as that subsequently used for stimulus-food pairings and some in a different context. Those experiencing the change of context acquired the response more readily. It is argued that these results demonstrate a latent inhibition effect that is attenuated by contextual change.  相似文献   

Three experiments explored the link between reward shifts and latent inhibition (LI). Using consummatory procedures, rewards were either downshifted from 32% to 4% sucrose (Experiments 1–2), or upshifted from 4% to 32% sucrose (Experiment 3). In both cases, appropriate unshifted controls were also included. LI was implemented in terms of fear conditioning involving a single tone-shock pairing after extensive tone-only preexposure. Nonpreexposed controls were also included. Experiment 1 demonstrated a typical LI effect (i.e., disruption of fear conditioning after preexposure to the tone) in animals previously exposed only to 4% sucrose. However, the LI effect was eliminated by preexposure to a 32%-to-4% sucrose devaluation. Experiment 2 replicated this effect when the LI protocol was administered immediately after the reward devaluation event. However, LI was restored when preexposure was administered after a 60-min retention interval. Finally, Experiment 3 showed that a reward upshift did not affect LI. These results point to a significant role of negative emotion related to reward devaluation in the enhancement of stimulus processing despite extensive nonreinforced preexposure experience.  相似文献   

Nonreinforced exposure to a nontarget stimulus that was followed by nonreinforced exposure to a target/nontarget simultaneous compound stimulus resulted in enhanced latent inhibition of the target. Conditioning was slower after this treatment than after nonreinforced exposure to the target stimulus alone (Experiment 1). However, a salient auditory stimulus presented immediately after the compound in the second phase reduced levels of latent inhibition, relative to the enhanced latent inhibition produced when no such extracompound stimulus was presented (Experiments 2 and 3). This effect was not noted if the salient auditory cue was presented 10 sec after the termination of the compound stimulus (Experiment 4). In Experiment 5, there was no disruption of simple latent inhibition produced by a salient stimulus. These results are consistent with enhanced latent inhibition’s being produced by the formation of within-compound associations, which are disrupted by the salient extracompound stimuli.  相似文献   

This report is part of a larger project examining associative interference as a function of the nature of the interfering and target associations. Lick suppression experiments with rats assessed the effects of context shifts on proactive outcome interference by latent inhibition (LI) and Pavlovian conditioned inhibition (CI) treatments on subsequently trained Pavlovian conditioned excitation treatment. LI and CI were trained in Context A during Phase 1, and then excitation treatment was administered in Context B during Phase 2, followed by tests for conditioned excitation in Contexts A, B, or C. Experiment 1 preliminarily established our LI and CI treatments and resulted in equally retarded acquisition of behavioral control when the target cue was subsequently trained as a conditioned excitor and tested in Context A. However, only CI treatment caused the target to pass a summation test for inhibition. Centrally, Experiment 2 consisted of LI and CI treatments in Context A followed by excitatory training in Context B. Testing found low excitatory control by both LI and CI cues in Context A relative to strong excitatory control in Context B, but CI treatment transferred to Context C more strongly than LI treatment. Experiment 3 determined that LI treatment failed to transfer to Context C even when the number of LI trials was greatly increased. Thus, first-learned LI appears to be relatively context specific, whereas first-learned CI generalizes to a neutral context. These observations add to existing evidence that LI and CI treatments result in different types of learning that diverge sharply in transfer to a novel test context.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition refers to attenuated responding to a conditioned stimulus (CS) that was repeatedly presented without reinforcement prior to the CS-unconditioned stimulus (US) pairings. Using water-deprived rats as subjects, we observed that interpolating task-irrelevant stimulation between the preexposure and conditioning phases of a latent inhibition procedure attenuated latent inhibition (Experiments 1A, 1B, and 2). Apparently, interpolated stimulation segments the preexposure and conditioning treatments into two separate experiences, much in the same way that a change of context would. Consistent with this view, the interpolated stimulation did not disrupt latent inhibition if it was also presented during both preexposure and conditioning (Experiment 3). We view these results as analogous to those of Escobar, Arcediano, and Miller (2003), who suggested that the difficulty in observing latent inhibition in human adults is related to the segmentation between preexposure and conditioning caused by the usual interpolation of instructions in preparations with humans.  相似文献   

在现今的教学中,直接的注入式已较少见,学生探究、小组交流已经成为教学设计的基本环节.问题在于,当上述理念及据此而形成的教学设计思想进入实践运行阶段时,往往会出现一种异化现象,即教师频频提问,学生应接不暇作答;探索活动"积极点拨",小组交流匆匆了事.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition, which refers to attenuated responding to a conditioned stimulus (CS) after CS-unconditioned stimulus (CS-US) pairings as a result of CS-alone presentations prior to the pairings, is often attenuated if preexposure and conditioning occur in different contexts (i.e., it is context specific). Here we report two conditioned lick suppression experiments, using rat subjects, that examined whether manipulations known to attenuate the context specificity of extinction could also eliminate the context specificity of latent inhibition. Context specificity of latent inhibition was eliminated when the CS was preexposed in multiple contexts (Experiment 1) and when the CS was massively pre-exposed in the training context alone (Experiment 2). These results and their practical implications are discussed in the framework of contemporary theories of latent inhibition.  相似文献   

A rat’s preference for food of a given flavor can be substantially enhanced by allowing it to interact with a conspecificdemonstrator that has recently eaten food of that flavor. The heuristic value of treating such socially induced enhancement of flavor preference as an instance of Pavlovian conditioning was examined in three experiments. Conceiving of the smell of the food as a conditional stimulus and other cues emanating from the demonstrator rat as an unconditional stimulus, we determined whether each of three common Pavlovian phenomena-blocking, overshadowing, and latent inhibition-would occur. Using experimental parameters that readily produce socially induced enhancement of flavor preference, none of the three Pavlovian phenomena were found.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined generalization of latent inhibition (LI) as a function of the length of preexposure in a conditioned taste aversion procedure with rats. Experiment 1 showed that one or four nonreinforced presentations of a flavor compound (BX) retarded subsequent conditioning to another compound (AX). However, after eight presentations of BX, conditioning to AX occurred at the same rate as with no preexposure. These results indicate that generalization of LI decreased as the length of preexposure to BX increased. Experiment 2 replicated this effect of reducing generalization, as well as demonstrating that LI actually increased as the length of preexposure to AX increased. Experiment 3 extended the generality of the effect to a procedure in which both BX and AX were preexposed. Experiment 4 demonstrated a similar reducing-generalization effect when generalization of LI from BX to X was assessed. All of these data are consistent with the notion that prolonged preexposure to BX enhances its discriminability. Different learning mechanisms that might be responsible for this perceptual learning effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Confirmatory latent profile analysis (CLPA) was used with the normative sample from the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, 3rd ed. (KTEA‐3) to determine whether it was possible to identify a latent class of individuals whose scores were consistent with the academic strengths and weaknesses related to dyslexia. The CLPA identified a class of individuals consistent with dyslexia across four‐grade level groups (first–second, third–fifth, sixth–eighth, and ninth–twelfth). The results of the CLPA were applied to the KTEA‐3 clinical samples of those with known clinical diagnoses. Individuals with Specific Learning Disorder in Reading and/or Written Expression had a higher probability of being in the dyslexia latent class. The use of CLPA as a tool for learning disability diagnosis appears plausible, though much more research is needed. The strengths, limitations, and future directions for the use of CLPA in diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats experienced presentations of a discrete visual stimulus (Stage 1) until habituation of the orienting response (OR) occurred. On a test session given after an interval of 16 days (Stage 2) the OR reappeared. For control subjects that received no Stage 1 training but presentations of the light in Stage 2, habituation persisted during the test. All subjects then received conditioning trials on which the light preceded the delivery of food. They showed latent inhibition, acquiring the conditioned response less readily than control subjects that had not previously experienced the light. Experiment 2 confirmed that the latent inhibition effect survived the retention interval for subjects that received no habituation test session. This pattern of results implies that habituation of the OR and latent inhibition are determined by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effect of a retention interval on latent inhibition was studied in three experiments by using rats and the conditioned taste-aversion procedure. In Experiment 1, we demonstrated an apparent loss of latent inhibition (i.e., a strengthening of the aversion) in preexposed subjects that experienced a retention interval of 12 days between conditioning and the test. In Experiment 2, we found no effect of this retention interval on the habituation of neophobia produced by the phase of exposure to the flavor. In Experiment 3, we showed that interposing a retention interval between preexposure and conditioning produced effects exactly comparable to those seen in Experiment 1. The implications of these results for rival theories of latent inhibition, as an acquisition deficit or as a case of interference at retrieval, are discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments using the taste-aversion paradigm, we attempted to replicate a result reported by Holland and Forbes (1980), in which exposure to the elements of a compound produced more interference with future conditioning (latent inhibition) to the compound than did exposure to the compound itself. In our first experiment, a compound of HC1 and sucrose was used and the amount of fluid consumed during exposure and the first conditioning trial was controlled. Rather than finding enhanced interference produced by exposure to the elements, we found reduced interference relative to exposure to the compound. In Experiment 2, a compound of NaCl and sucrose was used and a method similar to that used by Holland and Forbes was employed. We replicated the result of our Experiment 1. We interpret these results as posing problems for some associative accounts of latent inhibition but as being easily explained as an instance of stimulus generalization decrement.  相似文献   

研究了一类带有隔离仓室的、潜伏期也有传染力的非线性高维自治微分系统SEIQR流行病模型,利用线性化和李亚普诺夫-拉塞尔不变集方法,借助于轨道稳定、复合矩阵和排除空间周期解等方法,找到了疾病消亡与存在的阈值R0.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined how preexposure to discriminative stimuli and introduction of a 21-day retention interval affected the latent inhibition (LI) and perceptual learning (PL) of rats in a choice-maze discrimination task. Experimental groups were preexposed to three wall patterns, one in each of three arms of a maze. Control groups were preexposed only to white arms. PL groups were trained to discriminate A versus B, and LI groups, to discriminate A or B versus C. The A and B patterns shared many elements not shared with the C pattern. In Experiment 1, both at the end of training and after the subsequent retention interval, the PL groups performed better than controls, whereas the LI groups performed worse. In Experiment 2, inserting the 21-day retention interval between preexposure and discrimination training disrupted final measures of LI but not PL performance. Implications for current concepts of PL and LI are discussed.  相似文献   

In a delayed matching-to-sample procedure, pigeons chose a comparison stimulus that matched a sample stimulus presented earlier in the trial. The duration of the delay between sample-stimulus presentation and comparison-stimulus presentation was either varied over five values within each session or held constant within each session but varied over five blocks of sessions. Accuracy of matching to sample was higher overall with variable delays than with delays fixed within sessions. The result indicates that remembering depends on the temporal context provided by delay intervals.  相似文献   

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