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In France, where most higher education institutions are in the public sector, permanent academic staff at universities and other higher education institutions are tenured and enjoy a broad individual autonomy. The number of staff on short-term contracts is limited. Most part-time staff are drawn from professionals, business executives, and administrators – in both the public and private sectors. In recent decades, the number of teaching-only faculty expanded rapidly as tenured secondary school teachers were transferred to higher education institutions. As universities have acquired some autonomy, especially in academic matters, recruitment and promotion of staff combine elements of centralisation at the national level with local processes. Some degree of pay differentiation has been introduced through a growing use of supplementary compensation. As the system evolves toward increased self-governance of institutions, the autonomy enjoyed by the faculty is seen by administrators as an obstacle to the development of institutional policies.  相似文献   

会展设计师 职业定义:运用现代设计理念,从事大中小型会展、节事活动空间环境的展示设计施工,并提供具有创造性和艺术感染力的视觉化表现服务的人员。[第一段]  相似文献   

Numerous reports over recent years emphasise the importance of teamwork training in undergraduate programs in environment education at tertiary level. This paper describes a project undertaken by a team of final year undergraduate environment students from four faculties at RMIT University in Australia working on a multi‐disciplinary environment project in Vietnam. The students clearly gained confidence in teamwork and working as professionals. Importantly, they identified some of the key issues associated with teamwork, and with professional activities. While they had not yet entered professional work, the students demonstrated that they had learnt skills that would be of direct importance to them in the professional conduct of a multi‐disciplinary project. The project also demonstrated that multi‐disciplinary teamwork fits well into environmental projects, and importantly that the experiences are recognised by students as being valuable preparation for their environmental professions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to present the reasons students at the Faculty of Education in Maribor, Slovenija, chose pedagogy for their study direction, and therefore becoming a teacher. A total 237 second‐year students of the academic year 2003/04 were included in the research. Of the five groups of reasons for choosing this program (altruistic, material, self‐realization and alternative, and reasons arising from aspiration stereotype), students most often asserted self‐realization, including: teaching provides a useful public function for the whole society; as a teacher, I can be an example to children and young people; this profession will give me a chance for professional development during my whole career; and teaching will enable me to use all my abilities (and talents—for example, music, verbal, dancing, etc.) Important differences were found to exist between students of different disciplines.  相似文献   

从绿色职业这一视角出发,对当前中职学校专业体系中能够与绿色职业对接的“绿色”专业进行了筛选,并从不同的角度对中职学校“绿色”专业的存量、优势和不足进行了分析。  相似文献   

介绍了面向市场确定实验室学术方向、采用与现代工程发展相适应的建设模式、坚持创新实验与生产实际相结合、形成教学科研与社会服务多功能特色的内燃机专业实验室设计思想及其实践效果。  相似文献   

At the core of higher education is the experience of students whose focus for learning is often directed towards their future employability. In this paper, we explore the intersections between two large international research projects involving over 500 students. Interviews with students yielded their conceptions of learning and work in specific discipline and professional areas. Analysis of the Swedish and Australian data sets showed the important interplay between students’ individual ideas about learning and future work with their workplace. A meta-analysis of the two projects highlights the utility of higher education for students’ future working life and suggests ways in which institutions and policy makers can critique current practice in a way that will incline curriculum and teaching development towards professional formation.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that teacher turnover is unusually high and that this is a sign of failure in the education system. Previous studies have tested this idea by comparing teacher turnover with that of similar professions, but have come to contradictory conclusions. We provide additional evidence by comparing teachers with professionals from other fields that are arguably comparable, namely nurses, social workers, and accountants. Using data from the Current Population Survey, the results suggest that the average rate of teacher turnover is not significantly higher than these professions, even after controlling for other measured differences among them. Where teacher turnover differs most from other professions is in the greater prevalence of turnover among older workers, likely reflecting earlier retirement. We find some evidence that the relatively high ratio of pensions-to-salaries in teaching partially explains this behavior. Other factors affecting turnover are also studied.  相似文献   

The likelihood of adverse health impacts from climate change is high. Actions to reduce emissions, however, not only mitigate climate change but often have more immediate health co-benefits. One substantial co-benefit is gained through reductions of the high health costs of pollution from fossil fuel power stations, particularly coal. Evidence indicates that the combustion of coal for electricity is responsible for over 200,000 deaths globally per year. Reducing such deaths is a health co-benefit of greenhouse mitigation actions that promote renewable energy or energy efficiency. Together, health co-benefits of mitigation and the health risks of climate change strengthen the calls from climate action networks for cleaner energy production and for other initiatives to reduce greenhouse emissions. The purpose of this scholarly review is to highlight the value of reframing climate change as a health issue to environmental movements and to environmental education and environmental education research. The purpose is also to highlight the potential for further collaboration between formal and informal environmental educators/researchers and the health professions. Health professionals and health educators would bring new voices for climate action to public and policy discourse as well as facilitate mitigation in their organisations and communities.  相似文献   

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