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英美贺卡一般可分为节庆卡(seasonal card)和日常卡(everyday card)两种。节庆卡是指庆祝圣诞节(Christmas)、新年(New Year)、情人节(St.Valentine’s Day)、复活节(Easter)、母亲节(Mother’s Day)、父亲节(Father’s Day)、万圣节(Halloween)、感恩节(Thanksgiving)等节日的卡片。日常卡包括生日(birthday)、结婚纪念日(anniversary)的贺卡,以及探病卡(get—well card)、送行卡(bon voyage card)、礼品卡(gift card)、答谢卡(thank-you card)、友情卡(friendship)等卡片。市面上出售的英美贺卡虽然都有印好的字句,但如果再加上几句祝贺的话,会使收卡人备感亲切。通常寄送贺卡时要注意以下几点:  相似文献   

ceive Every Mother's Day millions of morns rethe customary (合乎习俗的)card, bouquet (花束) of flowers, and if they are really lucky, chocolates. But this Mother's Day, try to take into consideration your mother's (or wife's) personal preferences when selecting something special.  相似文献   

京西 《初中生》2006,(5):90-91
英美贺卡一般可分为节庆卡(seasonal card)和日常卡(everydaycard)两种.节庆卡是指庆祝圣诞节(Christmas)、新年(NewYear)、情人节(St.Valentine's Day)、复活节(Easter)、母亲节(Mother's Day)、父亲节(Father's Day)、万圣节(Halloween)、感恩节(Thanksgiving)等节日的卡片.  相似文献   

1月1日元旦(January 1st,NewYear's Day)January 1st is New Year's Day,it's the arrival(到来)of New year.As the first day of the year,New Year's Day has been considered(认为)to be one of the most important festivals(节日)since the ancient times(古代).  相似文献   

Father's Day is coming on the 17th of this month. Let's play a game about this holiday. First, circle(圈出) the words about Father' s Day. And then connect(连接) the words to the related(相应的) pictur...  相似文献   

The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year. -- Mark Twain
The history of April Fool's Day or All Fool's Day is uncertain (不确定的), but the current (当前的) thinking is that it began around 1582 in France with the reform of the calendar under Charles IX. The Gregorian Calendar (阳历 ) was introduced, and New Year's Day was moved from March 25 - April 1 (New Year's week) to Januarv 1.  相似文献   

birthdaycard生日卡Christmas card圣诞卡New-Year card贺年卡post card明信片identitycard身份证credit card信用证guest card贵宾卡preferential card优惠卡expense card消费卡get-well card慰问卡record card记录卡score card记分卡playingcards扑克牌bank cards信用卡membership card会员卡intelligence card(IC)IC智能卡phone card电话卡student’s card学生证visitingcard名片身边“card”知多少…  相似文献   

Mother's Day is coming. We wish all the mothers in the world a happy Mother's Day!  相似文献   

Sonora Dodd,of Washington,first had the idea of a “father's day”.She thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909.  相似文献   

Ou Di (欧弟)from Taiwan has become popular as a host of Day Day Up (《天天向上》) in Hunan TV. But, not long ago, in an interview with the program entitled "Tell Your Story,"he told with sobs his hard days when he had to pay off his father's debt.  相似文献   

Liang Qichao' s "Rural Governance" Theory and Its Revelation ( by YU Rong - gen) Abstract: In 1925, Liang Qichao affectionately recollected his native village Chakeng' s "rural governance" status and left a his- torical record of rural governance tradition in South China. Villagers' autonomy is an important part of building a socialist country ruled by law and ChaKeng' s rural governance record can still provide lessons to current China' s villagers' autonomy. Liang' s Chakeng rural governance record is a valuable document for researching and exploring traditional rural governance institutions and culture and Chaking as a village name under Liang' s pen can be made into a cultural calling card. Key words: Liang Qichao ; rural governance at Chakeng; villagers' autonomy ;" ural governance" culture calling cards  相似文献   

National Day     
For Teachers:
The National Day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence. Other dates such as the country's patron saint (守护神) day, or a significant historical date are sometimes used. Most countries have a single National Day per year, though a few countries have more than one. Often the National Day will be a national holiday.  相似文献   

It was the Teachers' Day, would do for our English teacher last Wednesday. Before it came, we were thinking what we and what present we would give her on that day. Wu Juan said, "Let's give our teacher a surprise." "What surprise?" we asked. She went on, "Every day before the class, one of us will give a weather and news report. On that day, the reporter will give the English teacher a card and a bottle of pure drink water. Water is pure and clean, just like our love to our teacher. Water is also useful to the teacher. She talks a lot in class." "That's a good idea," we said happily.  相似文献   

元旦(1月1日)New Year’S Day 情人节(2月14日)Valentine’s Day 国际妇女节(3月8日)International Women’Day  相似文献   

birthday card生日卡Christmas card圣诞卡post card明信片identity card身份证credit card信用卡visiting card名片expense card消费卡get-well card慰问卡record card记录卡score card记分卡membership card会员卡intelligence card智能卡entry card入境卡phone card电话卡st  相似文献   

May Day     
For Teachers: May Day occurs on May 1 and refers to any of several public holidays. In many coun- tries, May Day is synonymous (同义词的) with International Workers' Day, or Labor Day, which celebrates the social and economic achievements (成就) of the labor movement. As a day of celebration, the holiday has an- cient origins (起源), and it can relate to many customs that have survived into modem times.  相似文献   

Children's Day     
For teachers In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly suggested that all observe a Universal Children's nations should Day as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children and of activity promoting the welfare of the world's children.  相似文献   

(1)能听懂会说:Hello!/Hi!/Goodbye!/Bye!/See you/I’m…What’s your name?My name is…并能在情景中进行运用。(2)听懂一些简单的指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作,培养学生动作的协调性和活动的表演技巧。(3)学唱歌曲“Hello!Happy Teachers' Day!”[第一段]  相似文献   

Western New Year     
There is One-day holiday in most countries on New Year's Day.The real celebrations for New Year happen on the night before-on New Year's Eve,There are several interesting customs in the West ,and there are many differences form country to country.  相似文献   

教学过程:Step1. Warm-up 1. Sing some songs Happy New Year,Merry Christmas,Happy Children's Day  相似文献   

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