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Using inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) the concentration of Ag, As, Au, Bi, Cu, Fe, Ga, In, Ni, Sb, Sn, and Zn in 53 samples taken from archaeological finds dated to 4th–2nd century BC and found in the territory of ancient Thracia was determined. Additionally using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and MS for determination of the lead isotope ratios in the samples was carried out. On the basis of these analytical results using cluster analysis for grouping the samples on the bases of the similarity in chemical and isotopic content and the available data from the literature for lead ore deposits in the Balkan Peninsula, the geological origin of the investigated archaeological finds was evaluated. That confirms the expectation that sources of lead might be almost all possible deposits of lead ores on the Balkan Peninsula—from Lavrion through Chalkidiki to the Rhodope mountain. The result indicates that the Thrace did not utilize one single lead source continuously but that lead was provided according to availability from different production centers.  相似文献   

The mosaics covering the floors of the rooms of the domus dei Coiedii at Suasa (Ancona, Italy) may be dated archaeologically and artistically between the late republican-Augustan age (end of the first century B.C.-beginning of first century A.D.) and the second century A.D.-first half of third century A.D. The floors were made mostly in opus tessellatum, only one in opus sectile. Tesserae used in opus tessellatum are made mainly of local stones, belonging to the so-called Umbro-Marchigiana Sedimentary Sequence: the white to pinkish and reddish tesserae consist prevalently of limestones belonging to the ‘Scaglia Rosata’ Formation (Late Turonian-Middle Eocene), and subordinately to the ‘Calcare Massiccio del Burano’, which is part of the ‘Calcare Massiccio s.l.’ Formation (Late Triassic-Early Lias). Most dark to black tesserae are composed of not fossiliferous marls and marly clays, which probably derive from the local ‘Marne a Fucoidi’ Formation; a number of them are made of very fine grained sandstones, which are found as pebbles in the alluvial sediments of the Cesano river close to Suasa, and, some, of aphyric leucite-bearing basanites from the potassic Quaternary magmatic province of central-southern Italy. Artificial glasses (red and green, rich in Pb and low in Sb; light blue, low in Pb and high in Sb), containing microliths of Pb-rich phase(s) and of wollastonite, were also used in some floors. The stones used in opus sectile are (1) sedimentary: nodular limestones belonging to the ‘Rosso Ammonitico’, which occurs in the Umbro-Marchigiana Sedimentary Succession; black marls and marly clays similar to those used in opus tessellatum; onyx marble; (2) magmatic: porphyrites (‘porfido verde antico’) and gabbros (ophite); (3) marbles: different kinds of coloured marbles, comprising ‘marmo cipollino’, ‘rosso antico’, ‘pavonazzetto’, ‘portasanta’, ‘giallo antico’, ‘bigio antico’, ‘brecce coralline’. White marbles from Marmara and Carrara were also employed.  相似文献   

Advances in brain imaging techniques have opened new fields of investigation and often challenged conventional assumptions concerning human behaviour. This ‘neuromolecular gaze’ [Rose, N. &; Abi-Rached, J. (2013) Neuro: The New Brain Sciences and the Management of the Mind, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ] also heralds new ways of intervening in the regulation of social phenomena, based on the objectification of the cerebral processes that underlie individual conducts. Neuroeconomics applies this brain-centric perspective to the study of economic decision-making. This paper engages with the two dominant approaches in neuroeconomics. The first section concentrates on the work of Paul Glimcher, who considers economic models and their correlative notion of ‘utility maximization’ as providing the neurosciences with a theoretical framework as to how the brain solves decision problems. The second section discusses the findings of behavioural neuroeconomics, which attempts to model departures from the rationality axiom by measuring the cognitive and emotional biases that have their sources in the brain’s complex architecture. Whereas both strands of neuroeconomics rely on a benchmark of economic rationality, this paper argues that they reformulate in allegedly neutral neuroscientific terms a behavioural norm that is basically moral in nature. If rational decision-making conditions economic and indeed evolutionary survival, and yet if most people regularly fail as utility optimizers, then understanding the neural causes of such failures should help people better themselves and behave as good homines ?conomici.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the comparative evaluation of different procedures of salt extraction designed for archaeological ceramics from submarine burial environments. The experimental work was carried out on a particular type of late-Roman cooking ware finds (Pantellerian ware) found in a shipwreck near the shoreline of the Island of Pantelleria (Sicily). The studied ceramic test-pieces were first recognised in terms of bulk characteristics (mineralogy, petrography and chemistry). SEM-EDS observation allowed verification of the presence of various secondary minerals at the surface and in the pore spaces formed after the prolonged permanence in seawater under oxidising or reducing conditions. Pore-size distribution was also determined in the same fragments that had been subjected to the salt extraction routines. Three salt extraction methods were tested: two methods based on diffusion processes (water immersion under stationary conditions and under mechanical stirring conditions) and one method based on both diffusive and advective processes (multiple packages of sepiolite). The obtained experimental data allowed us to identify strengths and weaknesses of the tested procedures with practical spin-off for archaeologists and restorers (efficiency, kinetics, compatibility with the ceramic substrate, costs and simplicity of use). Salt extraction under mechanical stirring was the most effective method and, for this reason, is suitable for laboratory fieldwork during or immediately after submarine archaeological excavations. Similar advantages are also intended for the preliminary treatments of the most precious findings prior to museum storage.  相似文献   

The use of coloured pastes for inlaying marble and limestone wall panels is one of the ornamental techniques that were widely used during the Mamluk period in Egypt (1250–1516 AD). Red and black pastes from Qijmas El-Eshaqe mosque (1482 AD) in Cairo were studied to identify their main components. The study of the samples involved the identification of the pigments, additive materials and organic binding media. The study was performed using various analytical methods such as polarising microscopy (PLM), scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analyser (SEM-EDX), inductively-coupled plasma (ICP-AES), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). These complementary analytical techniques provide precise identification of inorganic and organic substances used in the pastes. The results indicated that the red pigment is mainly obtained from red ochre containing hematite, whereas amorphous carbon (bone black and charcoal) was used to obtain the black colour. Both samples contain calcium sulphate, which was used to give some hardness to the pastes. Beeswax was used as an organic medium in both pastes. The study provides the information required for the conservation of the coloured paste ornaments.  相似文献   

Along the Umbria-Marche stretch of the Flaminia Consular Road (220 B.C.) several archaeological finds of the most important monumental works, are well preserved. The stones, employed to build many bridges, substructions and sewerages, are represented by carbonatic breccias whose geological environment of formation and source areas had never been established. On the basis of mineralogical, petrographic and micropalaeontological analyses, two groups of these lithotypes employed in Roman age were distinguished: “monogenic carbonatic breccias” only constituted by clasts of the Maiolica Unit (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and “polygenic carbonatic breccias” made of fragments (in different proportions) of Calcare Massiccio (Early Jurassic), Corniola (Early Jurassic), Maiolica (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and Scaglia Rossa (Late Cretaceous – Early Paleogene) Units. The possible source areas of the breccias are compatible with stratified slope-waste to scarp-base deposits of periglacial origin belonging to the Upper Pleistocene. In particular, among the seven investigated areas, we pointed out the most probable provenances (Monte Faeto-Colle, Costacciaro, Scirca, Foci, Secchiano) along the flanks of the Apennine Mesozoic chain of the Umbria and Marche regions. Although the Romans could have exploited the whole thickness of some outcrops (now disappeared) of these carbonatic lithotypes at the deepest part of the valleys, we have constrained a local provenance of the breccias so commonly used in the monumental works of the Flaminia.  相似文献   

57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy permits an explanation of the formation of the iron-bearing species present in three types of coloured marbles, known as cipollino mandolato, rosso antico and fior di pesco. Structural Fe2+ and Fe3+ located in silicates, together with the remains of weakly ferromagnetic hematite, arise from primary sediments. Fe2+ located in carbonates and anti-ferromagnetic hematite are formed by redox processes during marble formation. The relative contents of the iron species in the three types of marbles depend on the composition of the primary sediments and on local conditions during metamorphism. Knowledge of the type and amount of the iron species in marbles may help in the reconstruction of the redox processes, which took place during marble formation. The deviations of the Morin transition of the hematites play the role of genetic indicator because purity, crystallinity and the red hues of hematites in marbles can be related to the environment of formation.  相似文献   

During the excavation of the Etruscan and Roman harbour of Pisa, several shipwrecks were found. The wooden timbers constituting the ship C and ship F (which date back to the first and the second century A.D., respectively, as attested by archaeological findings) were selected in order to collect information about the technological knowledge of the time. Pinus pinaster Aiton was essentially utilised for the planking of ship C and Quercus sp. caducifolia for that of ship F. The choice of timber for the other parts of ship C hull was much more differentiated. Ship C seems to be built in a careful way and its characteristics when added to its overall lightness, seem to reflect its use as a higher capacity boat built for sea sailing. Ship F seems more linked to short voyages in inner fresh waters. The utilisation of different woods was linked not only to the technological characteristics of wood, but also to their easy availability. Palynological analysis, carried out on the clay sediments embedding the shipwrecks, has shown that the flora of Pisa area in that time period would have allowed the acquisition of all the timber species used for both the ships’ construction, with the exception of the fig wood. However, a foreign origin of the timber from somewhere else in the Northern Mediterranean area has not been excluded.  相似文献   

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