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1.Will people use money in100years?人们在一百年以后用钱吗?(1)介词in与将来时连用表时间的经过。in在……之后;过……之后。I’ll call back in ten minutes.十分钟之后我再回电话。Can you finish your work in a day?你能用一天完工吗?In five years Sally will be a doctor.五年以后萨莉将成为医生。(2)in与after的区别:(a)in是以现在为中心表示从今……之后;after是以现在以外为中心,表示从那时以后。例:I’ll come back in a week.我(从今)一个礼拜后将会回来。He came back after a week.他在(从那时)一个礼拜之后回来了。(b)…  相似文献   

1.Can I talk to you right now?我现在可以跟你谈一谈吗?2.You got a minute?你有空吗?$$3.Can I have a word with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?4.I need to talk to you.我需要跟你谈一谈。5.May I have a little talk with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?6.Can we sit down and talk it over?我们可以坐下来好好谈一谈吗?7.Can we talk?我们可以谈一谈吗?8.Can I lend your ears for a minute?可不可以给我一分钟说话时间?9.May I have a conversation with you?我可以跟你谈一下吗?10.Are you free now?I’ve got something to tell you.…  相似文献   

打电话与接听【相关句型】1.Hello,is this×××××××?喂,是×××××××号吗?2.I’d like to speak to....我想和……讲话。3.I’m sorry....is out right now.对不起,……现在不在。4.May I know when he’ll be back?您能告诉我他什么时候回来吗?5.This is...speaking.我是……。6.Can I take a message for him?要我转告吗?7.May I have your name,please?请问您是谁?8.Is he available?他能接电话吗?9.Who is that speaking?请问您是谁?10.I’m so sorry that I made such an earlyphone call.对不起我这么早打电话。11.Wh…  相似文献   

下列对话中有五个空,根据内容,从A、B、C、D、E、F、G中选出一个最佳答案,填入空白处。 John: 1?You look pale. Are you sick? Smith:I just had a terrible experience. John: 2. Let me get you a glass of water. Smith: 3. I'll be fine in a minute. John: Did you have an accident? Smith: 4, but almost. I was crossing the street just now and was almost hit by a car. Luckily,I jumped back in time. John: 5!  相似文献   

1.Could you fix an appointment for me to see Mr Snow?你能给我约个时间会见斯诺先生吗?2.I was wondering whether Mr Snow would be able to see me thismorning.不知道斯诺先生今天上午能否会见我。3.Have you anything particular to discuss with him,if I may ask?请问您有没有特殊事情要找他谈?4.Yes.I would like to have a talk with him in person.有的。我想和他本人谈一谈。5.There's a rather important matter to discuss with him.  相似文献   

I.say what’s on your mind说出你的想法和感受eg:Did you say what’s on your mind at the meeting?你在会上说出你的想法了吗?2.pay back偿还:回报eg:How can I pay back for your kindness?你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢?3.keep your word遵守诺言eg:Keep your word!I don’t want to be disappointed.遵守你的诺言!我不想失望。  相似文献   

Bill:What’s this?John:It’s a model of the car of the future.Bill:What can it do?What's so different about it?John:Well,when I push this lever(杠杆)this way,the car will go toward you,and if I reverse(反向拉)it,it will back up.See?Bill:Very good,but any car will go forward and backward.John:Yes.but chis one will do more.When I  相似文献   

1.how often,how soon,how long,how many times①G eorge will com e back from Australia in four days.will G eorge com e back from Australia?②I have been to Shanghai three times before.______have you been to Shanghai before?③You have to take this medicine three times a day.______do you have to take this medicine?④Henry and Emma have been in China for about two years.______have Henry and Emma been in China?2.hard,hardly①Think______,and you will have a good idea.②I’m so tired that I can__…  相似文献   

Dear son,孩子:The day that you see me old and I am already not,have patience and try to understand me...哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也不好了,请耐着性子试着了解我……If I get dirty when eating...if I cannot dress...have patience.Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.如果我吃得脏兮兮……如果我不会穿衣服……有耐性一点……你记得我曾花多久时间教会你这些事吗?If,when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times...do not interrupt me...listen to me.如果,和你说话时,我一再重复…  相似文献   

正WEEKEND PLANS Al:Hi,I'm glad I ran into you.Bob:Why?What's up?Al:How'd you like to go on a hike(徒步旅行)this weekend?Bob:All weekend?Al:Well,just Saturday and Sunday.Bob:I'm not sure I can be gone all weekend.I promised to help my sister move on Saturday.Al:How about Sunday,then?We could start early in the morning.Bob:I might be able to do that.Let me check and I'll call you at home tonight.  相似文献   

Play with me,这个play大家都知道吧?可是下面的这些短语你们都知道吗? 1.(if you)play your cards right “如果你出对了牌”,那是什么意思呢?这里出牌的意思是if someone behaves in the right way,they might be successful,如果你正确处理事情,也许会成功。 If you play your cards right,he might ask you back to his house.如果你正确处理一下,他也许会叫你回去的。  相似文献   

I’ve been dying to meet you.我非常非常想见到你。Every time I see you,you leave me out inthe cold.每次我见到你,你都不睬我。I only have eyes for you.我只在意你。If you don’t want to lose me,you’d betterlay it on the line.如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告诉我吧。Tell me your story,I’m all ears.告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听。Someday,when your ship come in,you’llbuild your dream house.总有一天,当你有钱时,你会建造你梦想的家。I hope your idea takes wing.我希望你的想法成真。I wish that you would …  相似文献   

1.Where’s my backpack?我的背包在哪?询问某物品的位置,用特殊疑问词where引导。回答的时候应选用合适的介词。例如:—Where is my schoolbag?我的书包在哪里?—It’s on the bed.它在床上。2.I don’t know.我不知道。当对方的问题自己不清楚、不理解或者不明白的时候,常常使用这个句子。同样的用法还有:I have no idea.例如:—Can you tell me how to get to BeijingZoo?请问到北京动物园怎么走?—Sorry,I don’t know.很抱歉,我不知道。I have no idea what you’re talking about!我不知道你在说什么。3.Please take these things to yoursister.请把这些东西带给你姐姐/妹妹。take sb./sth.to a place意为“把某人或者某物品带到某地去”。例如:My father takes me to school every day inhis car.我爸爸每天早上开车送我去上学。4.Can you bri...  相似文献   

[英语原文] Boy:Isn't the principal(校长)a dummy(傻瓜)? Girl:Do you know who I am ? Boy:No. Girl:I am the principal' s daughter. Boy:And do you know who I am? Girl:No. Boy:Thank goodness. [汉语翻译] 男孩儿:那个校长难道不是傻瓜吗? 女孩儿:你知道我是谁吗? 男孩儿:不知道. 女孩儿:我是校长的女儿. 男孩儿:你知道我是谁吗? 女孩儿:不知道. 男孩儿:谢天谢地.  相似文献   

1.draw the longbow吹牛,夸口,说大话 A: He told me that he wants to take charge of this department. B: He said that? A: Yes. B: But you will be wise to remember that he is to draw the longbow when he is telling you about his prowess. A: I see, thanks. A:他对我说他想管理这个部门。 B:他这么说的? A:是呀。 B:但你若知道他往往都是在吹牛,那你就聪明了。 A:我知道了,谢谢你。  相似文献   

表示时间的副词long与表示时间长度的词组for a long time意思相近,但用法却不相同。现简述如下:一、long作为时间副词,常出现在否定句和疑问句中。如:He hasn’t long been back.他刚回来不久。Have you been working here long?你在这儿工作很久了吗?Will you be away for long?你要离开很久吗?二、for a long time常出现在肯定句中。如:I’ve been waiting for a long time for this opportunity.我在等这个好机会已有好久了。He lived in NewYork(for)a longtime.他在纽约住过很长时间。I’ve been awake for a long time.我醒来有…  相似文献   

和陌生人交谈,你会不好意思吗?不了解他人的喜好,在交谈中你知道该如何避免尴尬吗?今天,笔者为你介绍几种不同的交谈开场方式。1.找共同点。就算你对这个陌生人完全不了解,事实上有一点你是知道的——你知道他与你共处一室。你就可以这么问:"So what brings you here?"或是,如果你在你朋友Bob的派对上,你就可以问"How do you know Bob?"  相似文献   

《大学英语重点难点解析与训练》(高玉娟主编,辽宁师范大学出版社)一书的作者在该书第一册(p100)中解析 suspect 与 doubt 的用法及区别时,是这样说明的:"doubt 在肯定的陈述句里只能接 if, whether 等引导的从句,不接 that 引导的从句:只是在疑问句和否定句中才接 that 从句……"。并举有下列例句:I doubt whether he'll come,我不相信他会来。I don't doubt that he'll come.他会来,我不相信。Do you doubt that he'll come?他会来,你怀疑吗?笔者认为,这种结论似乎过于武断。因为 doubt用在肯定句里其后是可以接 that 引导的从句的,再者,上述句子的翻译似乎也欠妥,笔者想借此文与该书作者以及其他同仁共同商榷探讨。  相似文献   

[英文原文] I don' t like her Bob goes to a new school. One day,he comes back,"Bob,do you like your new teacher?" his mother asks. "I don’ t like her,Mother.Because first she says that three and three is six,and then she says that two and four is six too."Bob says. [汉语翻译] 我不喜欢她 鲍勃去了一所新学校. 一天,他回到家,妈妈问他:"你喜欢你的新老师吗?" "不,我不喜欢她,妈妈.因为她先说3加3等于6,然后她又说2加4等于6."鲍勃说.  相似文献   

Everbody has a wonderful wish. 每个人都有一个美好的愿望。Do you know mv wish? 你知道我的愿望吗? Let me tell you. 让我告诉你吧。I wish 我希望I could go to a forest and play with animals. 我能到森林里和小动物们玩。Do you know why? 你知道这是为什么吗?  相似文献   

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