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基于问题解决的处方教学设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
问题是知识结构的心脏,是教师教学的心脏,是学生学习的心脏。教学过程实质上是师生基于问题解决的互动过程,教学设计则指向于问题与问题解决过程的有效设计。前者在于教学过程中的“临床诊断”,后者在于“开处方”。教学设计可归结为基于问题解决的处方教学设计。  相似文献   

超文本文学的阅读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络的出现改变了人们的阅读方式,人们由传统的线性阅读发展为非线性超本阅读。超本学阅读体现了本间性和本与主体之间的交互性,实现了真正意义的本与读的互动交流。  相似文献   

Axiomatic design (AD) and theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) are widely used in conceptual design. Both of them have limitations, however. We presented an integrated model of these two methods to increase the efficiency and quality of the problem solving process for conceptual design. AD is used for systematically defining and structuring a problem into a hierarchy. Sometimes, the design matrix is coupled in AD which indicates the functional requirements are coupled. TRIZ separation principles can be used to separate non-independent design parameters, which provide innovative solutions at each hierarchical level. We applied the integrated model to the heating and drying equipment of bitumen reproduction device. The result verifies that the integrated model can work very well in conceptual design.  相似文献   

与传统阅读方式相比,信息时代的超文本阅读给人们带来的是空前便捷的视听享受,也显示了其新的特征和优越性,不过,它的出现也带来了一些负面的影响,本文将就信息时代超文本带来的利与弊进行分析。  相似文献   

而在近年来,越来越多的人们开始将超文本概念运用到翻译研究当中,并且其关注点开始投向非文学作品当中,因此,本文结合超文本概念的基本理论,通过实证分析的方式,对新闻翻译实例进行相应的探讨,本文发现,超文本概念对于新闻的翻译来说,具有巨大的影响作用。  相似文献   


Research shows that collaborative work promotes student learning and improves social skills, but teachers are still exploring how to best support problem-solving in a small group context, particularly in the science classroom. This study builds on prior research to characterise teacher interactions with small groups in secondary science and analyses how those interactions affect a collectively constructed space – the triple problem solving space (TPSS) – in which group members collectively understand a task (content/cognitive dimension), manage social interactions (social/relational dimension), and co-construct the emotional life of the group (affective dimension). Results of two biology teachers’ interactions with students in small groups working on inquiry and engineering design activities show that most interactions were administrative and had little influence on the group’s TPSS. Teacher interactions that engaged students in monitoring their problem-solving process, however, did have the capacity to increase cognitive work of the group, which subsequently impacted the students’ group affect and social dimension. These findings suggest that interactions focused on cognitive processes have the potential to support all aspects of a group’s TPSS. Though this research is only a first step in understanding the impact of teacher interactions on small group work, implications for teaching practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Exploring individual processes of knowledge construction with hypertext   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This empirical study reports on cognitive activities when hypertext readers construct interpretations, appreciate multiple perspectives and become able to manipulate the knowledge-construction process itself. A variety of methods of data collection for exploring the cognitive activities of students were produced. Quantitative results show that, in general, all students profit from their learning activities. A more detailed analysis reveals that lowprior-knowledge students benefited more from working with the hypertext program than those with high prior knowledge. From qualitative data analysis, three typical hypertext reading patterns were discovered: (1) systematic reading, (2) systematic versus explorative reading, and (3) exploration due to individual preferences. Also, it was found that, on the basis of their hypertext reading behaviour, the students could be divided into two groups, which are called self-regulated and cue-dependent learners. It seems that information presentation with hypertext appears to be the most beneficial to self-regulated readers who are to a higher degree capable of using metacognitive skills and possess, at the same time, a lesser degree of test anxiety. It is the self-regulated learner who profits most from a hypertext program.  相似文献   

Toward a design theory of problem solving   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Problem solving is generally regarded as the most important cognitive activity in everyday and professional contexts. Most people are required to and rewarded for solving problems. However, learning to solve problems is too seldom required in formal educational settings, in part, because our understanding of its processes is limited. Instructional-design research and theory has devoted too little attention to the study of problem-solving processes. In this article, I describe differences among problems in terms of their structuredness, domain specificity (abstractness), and complexity. Then, I briefly describe a variety of individual differences (factors internal to the problem solver) that affect problem solving. Finally, I articulate a typology of problems, each type of which engages different cognitive, affective, and conative processes and therefore necessitates different instructional support. The purpose of this paper is to propose a metatheory of problem solving in order to initiate dialogue and research rather than offering a definitive answer regarding its processes. This paper represents an effort to introduce issues and concerns related to problem solving to the instructional design community. I do not presume that the community is ignorant of problem solving or its literature, only that too little effort has been expended by the field in articulating design models for problem solving. There are many reasons for that state of affairs. The curse of any introductory paper is the lack of depth in the treatment of these issues. To explicate each of the issues raised in this paper would require a book (which is forthcoming), which makes it unpublishable in a journal. My purpose here is to introduce these issues in order to stimulate discussion, research, and development of problem-solving instruction that will help us to articulate better design models.  相似文献   

Whether fading support for problems affects accuracy of hypertext navigation and problem performance is investigated in this study. In a student-centered e-learning environment conceptual support is added to help domain novices get an overview of the problem domain, while strategic support is provided to help domain novices get insight into the problem demands. It is assumed that such support helps learners because it lowers the cognitive load of navigation. This frees up cognitive capacity for learning provided that the support fades and becomes less intrusive as a function of learner expertise. It is hypothesized that fading support during practice helps learners navigate more accurately during practice and achieve a higher practice and test performance as compared to learners receiving full support or no support during practice. This study confirms the beneficial effects of fading support on navigation but no effects of fading were found on practice and test performance.  相似文献   

采用面向对象技术设计多媒体CAI系统,提出多媒体CAI系统的对象模型,为开发具有智能性的CAI系统,提出了新的思路。  相似文献   

The problems of efficiently producing effective instruction in areas such as industry, military, and vocational education are exacerbated by several complex factors: increasingly rapid change in technology; substantial variation in training needs and target populations within large organizations; inefficient mechanisms for performing formative evaluations; and a lack of means for efficiently incorporating new models of design into practice. In the context of these increasingly difficult problems, we present the Instructional Design Environment (IDE), a hypermedia system for designing and developing instructional material, including texts, interactive video disk, and intelligent tutoring systems. The representation of design analyses and specifications, and the design activities of IDE users are not constrained by any particular model of instructional design, but can be tailored to suit a wide range of such models. Although the system is continually evolving and exists in several forms, (Swartz and Russell, 1989) we discuss how the features of IDE suggest how computer-based design environments may provide ways simplifying the design problems for technical training in rapidly changing areas.  相似文献   


This study explores first-year university students’ reasoning as they learn to draw Lewis structures. We also present a theoretical account of the formal procedure commonly taught for drawing these structures. Students’ discussions during problem-solving activities were video recorded and detailed analyses of the discussions were made through the use of practical epistemology analysis (PEA). Our results show that the formal procedure was central for drawing Lewis structures, but its use varied depending on situational aspects. Commonly, the use of individual steps of the formal procedure was contingent on experiences of chemical structures, and other information such as the characteristics of the problem given. The analysis revealed a number of patterns in how students constructed, checked and modified the structure in relation to the formal procedure and the situational aspects. We suggest that explicitly teaching the formal procedure as a process of constructing, checking and modifying might be helpful for students learning to draw Lewis structures. By doing so, the students may learn to check the accuracy of the generated structure not only in relation to the octet rule and formal charge, but also to other experiences that are not explicitly included in the formal procedure.  相似文献   

Case-based learning has long been used to bring students into contact with the complexity of real-world situations. Despite this popularity and considerable history, research into how case analysis can support future problem-solving has been limited. The study reported in this paper investigated learners’ understanding of multimedia instructional design and development derived from the analysis of two richly detailed cases, and how this understanding then supported learners in their own design projects. A qualitative case study approach was used to follow a class of Masters students engaged in a technology-supported, case-based learning environment. Student work from case analysis, group project and reflective tasks was the key data source, complemented by interviews with students and their instructor, observations of class meetings, and the collection of online discussion list records and electronic resource files. The study found that the case analysis task raised learners’ awareness of design approaches and project management strategies, and that discussion and reflection play critical roles in developing students’ understanding. The study also highlighted some limitations of the case approach, suggesting the need for strategies that support learners’ thinking and reasoning.  相似文献   

“以人为本”的服务理念在图书馆界已达成共识,“以人为本”的思想体现在图书馆建筑上,主要通过良好的空间环境和精神环境的营造,为读者打造舒适的空间体验。本文从人性化的设计理念为出发点,指出图书馆建筑在设计方面存在的问题并提出图书馆建筑设计应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

时间效益是图书馆建筑设计理念中最重要的经济原则。建筑结构设计应具有很强的灵活性。提高图书馆建筑经济效益的重要途径是向智能化、多功能性方向发展。  相似文献   


A good working relationship between an architect and a client is crucial to the success of any architectural project. However, client engagement is often absent or difficult to replicate within the classroom teaching of architecture students. In order to address some of these gaps and also to attempt to inculcate a sense of a client–architect relationship within an architectural design studio, the author turned to literary texts. Reading and writing have powerful abilities to affect change, and immersion in reading and writing can propel students to new levels of awareness and enhance their critical reflection. The focus of this article is a consideration of the role of fictocriticism and prose fiction within the design studio context. Reading and writing were harnessed for their transformative potential, enabling students to better envision, develop and communicate their designs. Students were instructed in a method for designing which focused on employing fictocriticism and prose fiction, to foster students’ abilities to critically engage, produce and reflect. This article discusses the design activities employed and provides examples of studio work to illustrate the transdisciplinary learning development and outcomes. The significance of fictocriticism and prose fiction in the design process is also outlined, concluding with implications for the client–architect working relationship, outcomes impacting the students’ future professional practice, and implications for teaching in the twenty-first century tertiary classroom.  相似文献   

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