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This paper discusses the learning needs of handicapped children and how ETV programmes can help to fill these needs. Drawing on research concerning the use of ETV and handicapped children it points out some of the reasons why ETV does not reach its full potential and suggests why these problems keep recurring.  相似文献   

Ninety‐one percent of 227 surveyed teachers of children up to seven years of age (including 101 teachers who monitored educational television series for the Project), in 17 local education authorities in England and Wales, claimed to use educational television broadcasts to assist them with children's language development. However, apart from the nursery teachers, they appeared to put emphasis on language skill acquisition rather than language development, reinforcing the language policy of the schools. Two thirds of the teachers stated that they were catering for children individually when using educational television, although class viewing was the normal practice. The usual method was to watch a programme continuously from beginning to end (even when a video recorder was used) and then to discuss it with the children and to give written work on letter formation, sentence formation, initial sounds, etc., often by filling in worksheets. The teachers were encouraged in this practice by the television series, as these promoted the learning of language and reading skills rather than language development. There was no evidence to suggest that general interest series were used to any extent to enhance language development, in spite of overwhelming agreement by the teachers that television stories, songs and poems were valuable in this respect. A change of attitude by teachers towards language and educational television is desirable, involving the examination of current practices, the analysis of the material presented by broadcasters and the relating of developmental factors to the medium  相似文献   

Statements made about educational television and learning are usually general, but they should refer to specific developmental stages of thought and mental development. Evaluation of the medium's efficacy in pre‐operational children's learning has received scant attention. Some suggestions are made whereby production and teachers’ use of programmes can align to Piaget's theory, but this is insufficient. Scope remains for ample research, but the immediate needs are for producers to embark on more ambitious and enterprising programmes and for teachers to examine whether they are providing adequately for pre‐operational children's learning from existing practices with educational television.  相似文献   

网络时代教育电视发展刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视应用于教育领域后,曾在教育领域产生过很大影响.近年来,随着计算机和网络的迅速发展和普及,有些学者认为教育电视的辉煌已不复存在,甚至开始质疑电视媒介的教育应用问题,认为它将会随着新一代媒介的使用而消亡.本文试图从媒介的视角对网络时代教育电视的发展问题做一探讨.  相似文献   

文章从长尾理论出发,在分析网络教育视频这一教育电视的"长尾"的基础上,从数字技术支持和"CC"版权推动这两个角度对网络教育视频成为教育电视资源库的可行性进行了评估和验证。以期为网络时代教育电视的发展研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

中国教育学会 2001年工作会议 3月 25~ 28日在北京召开。本次会议的内容是:总结学会 2000年的工作,部署本年度的学会工作;讨论《中国教育学会“十五”科研规划》 (讨论稿 )。教育部副部长王湛出席会议,并就当前我国基础教育改革和发展的形势、“十五”期间基础教育发展的工作思路作了报告。中国教育学会会长顾明远,副会长陶西平、陈德珍、谈松华、郭永福、史宁中、叶澜、卓晴君,秘书长赵闾先出席会议。来自分支机构和有关省、自治区、直辖市、原计划单列市教育学会的负责人 120余人参加了会议。   王湛说,改革开放以来,我国基础…  相似文献   

课程评量为弱智儿童教育诊断提供全面、完整、准确的信息,并可直接用于个别化教育计划的编拟与实施。课程评量的生态化、动态性是其特点与生命力所在。应从弱智教育观、教育理论的高度,各类完整课程的介绍入手,鼓励学校、班级教师选用、自编适合本地区、本单位的课程计划,促进课程评量的发展,完善教育诊断  相似文献   

王世伟 《教师教育研究》2002,14(2):66-71,60
一、教师的素质结构合格教师素质的内涵是设置教育类课程的出发点和依据 ,而教育类课程从根本上说都是为了培养未来教师的素质服务的 ,所以有不少学者把教师的素质结构和教育类课程放在一起探讨 ,如邓志伟曾在华东师范大学学报 (哲学社会科学版 )上撰文就“2 1世纪教育素质的基本内涵与教育课程改革”的问题进行过专门讨论。因此 ,在述评学者对教育类课程研究的研究成果时 ,笔者认为有必要首先对学者们在教师的素质结构这一问题上的研究成果做一番归纳。顾明远先生在题为《提高未来教师的基本素质是迎接 2 1世纪教育中的优先课题》的报告中 …  相似文献   

在激烈的媒体竞争中,电视受到来自网络等新兴媒体挑战的同时,各种电视节目之间的明争暗斗也不可忽视。科教电视应以文化为本位,塑造节目的人文内涵与文化气质,全面提升电视文化的软实力,以收视率造成强大的传播效果,这样才能在激烈的市场环境中扩展生存空间。  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the need to stimulate and evaluate pupils’ responses to educational television broadcasts in English. In particular, it presents a comparative assessment of written follow‐up work during a series of broadcasts. Case study methods are used within one comprehensive school and involve 49 15‐year‐old pupils. Results suggest that those pupils consistently engaging in small‐group discussion are likely to produce better written work and to develop greater independence in formulating their ideas.  相似文献   

本文基于8年盲多重残疾儿童实验研究的成果,从盲多重残疾儿童的教育教学实践出发,阐述了盲多重残疾儿童教育安置的原则、策略和形式、课程设置的模式、课程设置的内容及教学策略等,期望能为我国盲校发展盲多重残疾儿童教育事业提供经验和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

由于科学技术的飞速发展,我国有线数字电视技术发展迅速,目前有线数字电视已经进入人们的生活。对有线数字电视的定义、系统组成、提供的信息平台和未来发展情况进行了介绍。  相似文献   

教育心理学是一门研究学习与教学相互作用过程及其影响因素的科学.我国教育心理学的发展由于政治的变迁,1949年建国前后之间的研究工作存在明显的断沟.建国以前,艾伟、廖世承、张耀翔、周先庚、阮镜清等人做了一些开拓性的工作,编制教育心理学教材,开展本土化的一些研究工作[1].建国初期,主要学习前苏联的理论,到文革前的一段时间里,开展了学科教学心理研究,文革中研究工作停滞,文革后逐渐恢复,在介绍和学习西方教育心理学的基础上,逐渐开展多方面的研究工作.直到现在,研究队伍日渐庞大,对教师培训、课程改革、学科教学、心理健康教育等方面都产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

The authors investigated 2 issues concerning the power of latent growth modeling (LGM) in detecting linear growth: the effect of the number of repeated measurements on LGM's power in detecting linear growth and the comparison between LGM and some other approaches in terms of power for detecting linear growth. A Monte Carlo simulation design was used, with 3 crossed factors (growth magnitude, number of repeated measurements, and sample size) and 1,000 replications within each cell condition. The major findings were as follows: For 3 repeated measurements, a substantial proportion of samples failed to converge in structural equation modeling; the number of repeated measurements did not show any effect on the statistical power of LGM in detecting linear growth; and the LGM approach outperformed both the dependent t test and repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) in terms of statistical power for detecting growth under the conditions of small growth magnitude and small to moderate sample size conditions. The multivariate repeated-measures ANOVA approach consistently underperformed the other tests.  相似文献   

The first part of the article provides a historical account of the broad phases of development that educational television has passed through as a result of social and technological influences:
  • its beginnings in broadcasting in the fifties and sixties;

  • its development through the video age in the seventies and eighties, with widening scope and opportunity as a result of developments in production and reception/recording equipment and an expansion of communication channels;

  • its present potential, at the dawn of the interactive age, as a result of the influences of new technology.

The article then examines the problems of integrating new television‐related technologies into the educational system and draws attention to:

  • the frequent past failures of the educational system to fully exploit new technologies, resulting in superficial integration and ineffectual use;

  • the current tensions between the traditional educational technology approach and the drives behind much new technology;

  • the need for appropriate systems and structures to ensure that the evaluation of such new technologies is properly resourced and effectively carried out.


This article reports findings from a cluster‐randomized study of an integrated literacy‐ and math‐focused preschool curriculum, comparing versions with and without an explicit socioemotional lesson component to a business‐as‐usual condition. Participants included 110 classroom teachers from randomized classrooms and approximately eight students from each classroom (= 760) who averaged 4.48 (SD = 0.44) years of age at the start of the school year. There were positive impacts of the two versions of the curriculum on language, phonological awareness, math, and socioemotional outcomes, but there were no added benefits to academic or socioemotional outcomes for the children receiving explicit socioemotional instruction. Results are discussed with relevance to early childhood theory, policy, and goals of closing the school readiness gap.  相似文献   

2002年6月—2005年5月利用近3年的时间,在辽宁省14个市、地的19所弱智学校开展了课程教材改革与教学策略实验研究。研究从弱智教育学校课程改革的可行性论证入手,对当前课程存在的问题及基础教育新一轮课程改革的趋势进行思考和定位,提出弱智学校课程改革的基本原则与思路,构建校本教研指导下的“以学生为本”的校本课程模式,对研究中遇到的问题与难题加以讨论。  相似文献   

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