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The existence of similarities between the ideas of modern students and those of early scientists have led to suggestions about how the history of science can be used to help students undergo similar transitions to those experienced by early generations of scientists. In this paper attention is focused not only on these similarities but also on some crucial differences between the processes and concepts or conceptual frameworks of these two groups of people. In the light of these similarities and differences some of the implications for producing and using historical material in the science classroom are discussed. Specializations: Physics education, concept development, history and philosophy of science and science teaching.  相似文献   


An empirical examination of accredited American higher education institutions was conducted to obtain baseline data regarding distance education copyright, intellectual property, and antitrust concerns. Additionally, a multiple‐case study involving ten of the top thirty accredited distance education institutions in America was conducted. Policy approaches were examined for all institutions, and differences were discussed between public and private institutions as well as between the following Carnegie Classification institutions: Research I and II, Doctorate I and II, and Master's I and II. Data indicated that, out of the schools surveyed, 22% of the institutions in these Carnegie Classification categories published copyright and intellectual property policies on their institution's Web site. In the case study, it was found that 90% of the institutions centrally controlled their distance education program administration as well as the copyright and intellectual property policies related to it.  相似文献   

由于排球运动教学场地要求低、有益学生身心素质发展等显著特点,使其成为高校体育教学中的主要项目之一。然而,通过相关的调查得出,现阶段高校排球教学已经不能够使学生的体育运动需求得到满足,因此,对当前排球教学模式进行创新势在必行。本文主要针对高校排球教学模式的创新发展问题开展研究,旨在为高校排球教学的更好发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

Trends towards the devolution of responsibility for decision‐making to the school level are evident in education systems throughout the world. Underpinning policies of devolution are assumptions that school communities will work collaboratively to make decisions appropriate to the local context. However, collaborative processes do not occur automatically. In this paper, a case study of one school committee is presented to outline the processes used and to highlight the difficulties experienced in working collaboratively to develop a school behaviour management policy.  相似文献   

Attitudes and values of academic staff in a Scottish polytechnic were measured by means of a survey and a Q sort. Seven significant factors emerged from the rotated factor analysis, which represented groupings of staff who shared attitudes (I = Pro- student autonomy (student focus), II = Traditionalists, III = Pro- student autonomy (staff focus), IV = Staff under pressure, V = Seniors, VI = The Professionals and VII = Defensive Traditionalists). Innovators were found to share certain characteristics, and tended to be concentrated in factor groups I and V. All groups valued and enjoyed teaching, though other aspects of the academic role were valued by one or two groups only. Senior lecturers tended to enjoy course development and administration. Gender differences were not marked, though women were over represented in the factor I group. Faculty differences were also small, but pointed to Science faculty staff being somewhat more traditional than others. Furthermore, science faculty staff endorsed the higher levels of intellectual and ethical development less strongly than staff from other faculties. Results are discussed in the light of professional and institutional changes taking place in higher education in the U.K. at present.  相似文献   

A Concerns‐Based Adoption Model (CBAM) is discussed as a technique for training teachers of programs for the gifted.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess, over a seven year period from the commencement of teacher preparation through five years of teaching, the development of teachers' self, impact, and task concerns as formulated by Fuller for a longitudinal sample of teachers (N = 60) and to determine what, if any, personal and academic attributes of teachers might be associated with these teachers' changes in concerns about teaching as postulated by the Fuller model. Statistically significant developmental changes in the teachers' concerns about teaching were identified with concerns about survival as a teacher (self concerns) decreasing and concerns about the task of teaching increasing, as hypothesized by Fuller; whereas the teachers' impact upon pupil concerns were highest in intensity but relatively stable at all four points in career development. Interactions between career stages and teacher characteristics were identified, however, indicating that the self and impact concerns can not be adequately explained by just points of time in career development as also hypothesized by Fuller. Concerns about teaching were found to be related to grade point averages, gender, and personality type but not with basic academic skills, academic majors, family characteristics, ACT scores, and locus of control orientations.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore a conceptual structure of graduate teaching assistant (GTA) teaching concerns. Results indicated that GTAs experience five distinct, inter-related types of concerns: class control, external evaluation, task, impact and role/time/communication. These ‘teaching concerns’ were further analysed by examining their relationship with the value placed on them by the GTAs and the confidence in dealing with the teaching-related issues of concern. The results revealed that GTAs tend to have concerns about self, task or role/time/communication-related issues when the nature of the concerned issues is perceived as being valuable but challenging. On the other hand, GTAs are more likely to have concerns with impact-related issues when the nature of the issues is perceived as both being valuable and manageable. Several GTA characteristics, such as teaching experience, teacher efficacy, participation in professional development and values on teaching practices, were examined as predictors of GTA teaching concerns.  相似文献   

兼职教师是高校弥补师资力量不足的重要成分。针对远程教育学生人数的变化大,专业调整大等特性,使兼职教师日显重要。但目前远程教育兼职教师的现状不容乐观,数量和人员不稳定;层次不高;没有规范的兼职教师管理制度;没有做好专兼职教师的融合等问题严重影响着学校的整体教育质量的提高。因此要重视兼职教师对于学校整体教育质量的意义。从教师选聘、教学科研、制度完善等方面完善兼职教师的管理制度。  相似文献   

Education is viewed as an aptitude development program. Common vs. individual goals with respect to aptitude and achievement are contrasted and some educational myths about aptitude are rejected. The concept of aptitude is revised to represent individual differences in personsituation interaction in learning and development. Research on cognitive and motivational aptitudes in relation to instruction is then briefly reviewed, and suggestions for a unified developmental differential approach to educational research are offered.  相似文献   

河北省高校师资队伍的可持续发展既是河北省高校和谐发展的决定性因素,也是河北省各高校面临的一个紧迫而艰巨的任务,它直接关系到高校三大功能的实现。因此,深刻分析河北省高校师资队伍可持续发展中存在的问题,采取切实可行的措施,有利于增强河北省高校的综合办学实力。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the idea of reflective practice in the context of educational and staff development. The main elements of reflective practice and differences in the approach of the ‘expert’ in comparison with the ‘reflective practitioner’ are outlined. Notions of reflection‐in‐action and reflection‐on‐action are then taken up and elaborated. In particular, understanding, self‐understanding and openness are considered to be important for reflection‐in‐action. These are briefly considered and located within the tradition of interpretation, or hermeneutics. Reflection‐on‐action is then discussed and found to be very important for reflection‐in‐action. It is suggested that for busy, professional practitioners, reflection‐on‐action often comes under severe pressure and is the ‘endangered species’ of reflective practice.  相似文献   


While a large body of research considers factors enabling or constraining academic development in colleges and universities, comparatively little scholarship has considered the roles students might play in supporting positive change in staff teaching practices. This article explores one potential avenue by which such change might play out, considering the extent to which participation in a student-staff partnership programme supported by a central teaching and learning institute might encourage shifts in staff teaching. Drawing on data gathered via focus groups and online reflective prompts, we find that participating in pedagogical partnership can support a range of developments in staff teaching practices, though these changes might not always be pronounced or uniformly positive. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

多元性教学是一种教学思想,是多元性哲学理念在教学中的反映。在当前情况下,多元性教学的关键是培养学生的创新素质,课堂教学是培养学生创新素质的主阵地。因此,课堂教学要特别关注多元性教学的实施。  相似文献   

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