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This paper reviews recent research evidence on formative (developmental) and summative (judgemental) evaluation of teaching in North American universities. The major conclusions of the review are as follows: (1) student ratings are the most common method of evaluating teaching in North American universities, and their popularity appears to be increasing; (2) student ratings have been found to provide reliable and valid information on limited aspects of teaching competence; (3) teaching evaluations make a difference in decisions on faculty salary, tenure and promotion; (4) evaluation of teaching has been shown to produce modest improvements in teaching effectiveness; (5) faculty satisfaction with teaching evaluation practices ranges from very high to very low, depending on institutional context; and (6) there is consensus that several specific improvements are needed in the current teaching evaluation system.  相似文献   

教学是高校教师的重要工作之一,但是在高校评价体系中教学工作往往被轻视。本文以高校职称评审中有关教学工作的评价制度为视角,以上海市八所综合性高校为调研范围,实证分析高校教师教学工作现状和职称评审中教学工作的评价制度。研究显示,高校教师在教学上有很多投入,而评价制度难以切实显现教学工作的重要性;有关教学工作的评价在职称评审制度的实然评价与教师个体的应然评价中存在显著差异。  相似文献   

近年来,在学生规模扩大、教育问责强化、财政资助缩减等压力之下,加拿大安大略省将引入教学轨教职作为提高教育质量的重要改革举措。与传统的终身轨教师相比,教学轨教师主要从事教学和学习活动,与兼职或临时讲师相比,教学轨教师对教学和学生的投入更多,与学校的聘任关系更加稳定。作为与终身轨教职平行的职业发展轨道,教学轨教职的评价标准主要侧重考察教师在教学技能、教学计划与课程发展、教学领导与成就等领域的贡献。教学轨教职的引入对大学而言是一次机会,可以重新审视教学与研究之间的关系,探索教学使命和研究使命如何相互促进。在当前的教师岗位分类改革中,我国高校可从教学模式和课程体系、聘任与晋升评价体系、晋升与岗位转换通道、教学荣誉体系等方面提高教学为主型教职的认可度,促进教学为主型教师队伍的职业发展。  相似文献   

There are two universities in Slovenia which undertake research and teaching and offer professional services. The quality of the research performed by faculty members is assured by strict quantitative bibliographical criteria employed in the faculty rank award procedure. The criteria for teaching quality are less well defined. The new Higher Education Act of 1993, organized university staff development, the appearance of an integrated information system, and student evaluation of faculty teaching performance with the aid of student questionnaires can all be regarded as extrinsic assistance to intrinsic efforts on the part of faculty, students, and their organizations. Slovenia will endeavour to broaden and deepen its co‐operation with international organizations and foundations in the field of quality assessment and improvement of higher education institutions, particularly the quality of the teaching they offer.  相似文献   

为使教学管理者对教师能够进行客观公正的评价,构建基于模糊综合评判的高校教师评价体系,使教学管理者对教师进行客观公正评价的同时,还能分析教师教学中存在的不足,为今后的工作改进指明方向。  相似文献   

论大学教师的教学责任   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着大学功能的扩展,大学教师的责任出现多元化趋势。由于重科研、轻教学的制度与政策导向,大学教师作为研究者的责任不断强化的同时,教学失责问题也不断凸显。实践证明,通过扩展学术的内涵、推动教学学术运动是大学化解教学与科研冲突的有效途径。我国大学教师失责问题是多种因素影响的结果,当务之急是要通过改善大学发展环境、改革教师评价制度、建立有效的管理体制等方面的制度创新来提升大学教师的教学责任。  相似文献   

高校教师是高校教学和科研工作的核心力量,是人才培养的关键因素。高校教师教学科研自主权、人事分配制度、教师结构比例、教师评价体系、师资队伍管理和教学科研任务等方面均影响着教师队伍建设的质量。鉴于此,综合运用问卷调查和人物访谈等研究方法对我国高校教师队伍建设现存问题进行深入剖析,提出落实扩大教师教学科研自主权、重视师德师风建设、平衡教学和科研工作、完善评价激励机制、优化经费配置和强化社会服务功能等对策。  相似文献   

目前普通高校人力资源管理专业实践教学存在考核及激励机制不完善,师资队伍不强,经费投入不足,校外实习基地管理不善等问题。该专业实践教学须建立完善的考核与激励机制,加强师资队伍建设、建立长期稳定的实习基地,提高学生实践操作技能,完善教学管理制度和实践教学培训方案。  相似文献   

There is now a worldwide focus on the quality of university teaching and yet there is general dissatisfaction in universities with the student evaluation of teaching system. Peer observation of teaching seems to hold much promise in the assessment of teaching quality, but such observation pays little attention to the quality of teaching as perceived by students. One approach to overcome this deficiency is for faculty and students to also partner in the assessment of a faculty member’s teaching, with a student trained in observation and feedback techniques acting as a peer in the observation process. This paper describes and evaluates an ongoing student consultant initiative at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. It presents faculty and student observations in terms of the benefits to faculty regarding potential enhancement of university teaching, and the benefits to students especially in terms of close collaboration with faculty and training in consultation techniques. The paper notes that the student consultant initiative has been more popular with students than faculty, and recommends further investigation of the potential of such programmes in Hong Kong higher education.  相似文献   

绩效技术正成为教育技术学科日益关注的一个领域。高职教师教学绩效评价是提高教学质量的关键,它直接影响着学生知识技能的获得和教师教学水平的提高。提出将绩效技术融入高职教学绩效评价的改革设想,并以此为基础,设计出基于绩效技术的高职教学绩效评价ADDIE模型。  相似文献   

目前社会对教育的关注程度越来越高,教师的职业竞争也越来越激烈,无论是美国还是中国,都应该对评估目的为惩戒性的学生给老师打分教育评估制度做出应有的深刻的反思。作为一种教育评估制度——学生给老师打分,几乎风靡整个世界。为了能够比较客观地反映学生给老师打分这种教育评估制度,我们谨慎地选取发达国家美国和发展中国家中国的若干可能具有一定代表性的文献,试周通过评估目的比较、评估方式比较、评估指标体系比较、评估指标权重比较、评估时间比较、评估质效比较、美中教育评估综合比较等详细的调查研究而提供比较准确的可信数据.以便正确地观其得失和利弊。  相似文献   

Along with the “massification” of higher education in China since the late 1990s, the issue of quality and excellence appeared at the top of China’s higher education agenda. Since faculty evaluation of teaching is one of the major approaches adopted by China’s higher education sector to pursue quality and excellence, it is valuable to examine the effectiveness of faculty evaluation of teaching practices adopted by the Chinese higher education institutions (HEIs). Study of current literature reveals some similarities and differences between the faculty evaluation of teaching policies and practices between Chinese and American higher education sectors. This paper examines the specific practices adopted by some top-tier Chinese HEIs and American elite colleges and universities, summarizes and analyzes the major differences and similarities of faculty evaluation of teaching practices between these two countries’ top-tier HEIs, and discusses the applicability of the American models to the Chinese setting of higher education. Finally, a set of best practices regarding faculty evaluation of teaching are proposed for Chinese HEIs.  相似文献   

根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》,职业院校当前一个时期的主要任务是采取"三步走"的战略构建现代职业教育体系,本文主要论述了第一步:培养目标、专业设置、课程体系与教材、教学过程、教学资源、招生制度、教师培养、行业指导、集团化办学、评价机制等十个方面的衔接。  相似文献   

质量是高等教育的生命线,教学评估是教育教学过程中的一个重要环节,是保证和提高教育质量的重要措施。回顾我国开展本科教学评估的历程,总结经验和教训,高等学校做好教学评估工作,要进一步提高认识,把握学校的战略方向、教学管理制度、师资队伍建设等评估过程中的关键点,处理好外在的评估标准与学校具体工作、评估的总体目标与具体的评估指标、高度重视与心态平和等之间的关系。  相似文献   

《新课标》的颁布,为全体教师(包括职前教师和在职教师)教学技能的评价带来了新的思路。在分析传统教学技能评价弊端的基础上,依据新课程倡导的教学评价观,从评价理念、评价策略、评价模式三个方面提出了基于新课程的教学技能评价体系的构建,对当前高师院校教学技能的有效评价具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This multiple case study explored faculty formative use of student evaluation feedback. Results were based on interviews of ten education faculty members at a midwestern research university and reviews of relevant documents. It was found that end of semester student evaluation, originally used for summative evaluation, was also used by faculty for teaching improvement purposes. Faculty cared for student evaluation feedback and used discretion in using the feedback to improve their teaching. Faculty also experienced anxiety and tensions in the context of a mandated summative evaluation. Variations were found in faculty use of evaluation feedback, as a result of difference in background and experience.  相似文献   

根据教育部文件要求,高职院校与本科院校一道开设了"心理健康教育"公共必修课程。从现状看,各高职院校基本按照要求开展了课程的教学工作,课程建设取得了初步成效,但在课程开设机制、课程体系建设、师资力量、评价方式方面也存在诸多问题。我们必须理顺课程开设中的机制问题,打造具有高职特点的课程内容,建设高质量的师资队伍,建立具有心理健康教育自身特色的课程评价体系,真正提高《心理健康教育》课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

An increased need for self-paced, online professional development opportunities in higher education has emerged from a variety of factors including dispersed geographic locations of faculty, full teaching loads, and institutional evaluation requirements. This article is a report of ?the examination of the design and evaluation of a self-paced online faculty development course about rubrics. A mixed-methods research design was implemented to collect quantitative and qualitative data from faculty members upon completion. Data obtained from an evaluation questionnaire, rubric artifact, self-reflections, and teaching improvement plan revealed that faculty viewed the course as a positive and useful experience. Specific design recommendations for instructional designers and faculty developers of self-paced online courses are provided. These design recommendations emphasize adult learning principles and transformative learning through self-reflection.  相似文献   

教师和学生对“学生评教”的看法调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究调查了52位外语系教师和116名公共外语研究生对于“学生评教”的看法。结果显示,大部分师生赞成“学生评教”。他们认为这种做法在一定程度上可以提高教学质量。他们对其他问题的回答也给我们提供了有益的信息,有助于进一步完善评估体系。  相似文献   

构建学前教育专业实践育人的长效机制,应从教材建设、课堂教学、实践性环节多头并举,通过高水平实践育人课程体系建设,高水平实践育人评价体系建设,高水平实践育人实训、实习基地建设,高水平"双师型"实践育人师资队伍建设等途径,构建起学前教育专业融"师范性、职业性、实践性"于一体,职前教育与就业相结合的实践育人培养模式.  相似文献   

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