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This article serves as an introduction to the Telesoftware and Education Project being run at Brighton Polytechnic. It describes the recent history of telesoftware as an idea, and its development as a combination of television and microcomputer engineering. The article then moves to the research project itself, outlining the project's organization, intentions and educational aspects. The author provides examples of how telesoftware may be of use in classrooms and speculates on the potential of the telesoftware idea. Finally, the article mentions some present difficulties for micro‐electronics in education and the move towards a more coordinated approach.  相似文献   

The Telesoftware and Education Project, which was set up in 1980 by the BBC, the IBA and Brighton Polytechnic, demonstrated the feasibility of using broadcast transmissions to distribute computer programs as teletext pages, to be downloaded (i.e. recorded) onto a microcomputer in school. The success of the project led to the setting up of a Telesoftware and Primary Education Project, to distribute software to the area of education in which programming expertise is least often available. Telesoftware is not only a means of distributing stand‐alone software but can also be coupled with schools’ broadcasts and can read relevant information from any page of teletext, providing an educational television ‘package’. The project provides a link between schools and programmers and functions as a pre‐ and post‐broadcast evaluation team. The initial feedback from schools has been very positive and it is hoped that the broadcasting of high quality, relevant telesoftware will be a useful TV service in the future.  相似文献   

Andy Terry, educational telesoftware manager for Prestel Education, describes a new service, Telesoftware for Schools, which welcomes programs from teachers and pupils.  相似文献   

播音主持人作为公众人物,在被观众关注的同时,自身也面临着较大的工作压力。有研究发现,长期处于压力环境中或面临较大的压力,对播音主持人的心理健康水平有一定的影响。文章总结了播音主持人的主要工作压力的来源,并针对他们的工作压力提出了压力管理的方法,以期播音主持人能够采取适当的方法调节压力,从而提高他们的心理健康水平和生活质量。  相似文献   

The author was based at the Educational Television Centre in Tel‐Aviv with a remit to study the development of educational television in Israel from its inception in 1966. The article briefly discusses the political and technological factors which led to the development of an educational television channel in Israel. At that time television in Israel consisted solely of educational television broadcasts in the mornings and afternoons. This was extended when the Israeli Broadcasting Authority started to broadcast on the one Israeli channel in the evening slot. The article concentrates on the recent development of educational television and its bid for a new niche in the constellation of Israeli broadcasting. Inevitably the development and future of educational broadcasting is intimately linked with Israel's religious and political schisms and its military and cultural preoccupations. At the moment Israel still only has one television channel, although test programming has been piloted on a second channel. This article explores the future options open to the Educational Television Centre in the context of satellite and cable broadcasting and the development of a second channel. Evidently the factors affecting the future of broadcasting in Israel are not dissimiliar from those which now face the UK, given the publication of the 1988 White Paper on Broadcasting  相似文献   

This article is the second in a series concentrating on educational mass media devlopment and research in East Africa. Kenya's use of broadcasting and notably radio, has been primarily in the formal education sector; emphasis is directed toward an analysis of the major projects undertaken since independence. The survey was conducted during 1978, while the author was Visiting Research Professor at the University of Nairobi. The review is mainly derived from published and unpublished reports to mid‐1978. Additional direct sources include numerous interviews with education, radio and television officials, mass media seminars, and field visits to schools and broadcast facilities in Kenya.  相似文献   

按照日本的《灾害对策基本法》,日本NHK(Nippon Hoso Kyokai)即日本广播协会,不仅是日本全国唯一的公共广播电视台,还是指定的国家公共新闻机构。NHK不仅与日本气象厅的灾害监测网连成一体,而且还有自身独立的灾害信息采集系统,能在第一时间向世界公众播报各种灾害信息。日本"3.11"复合巨灾中,日本应急决策管理及主要应急力量间协调有效,公众虽有"核灾"恐慌,但社会群体秩序井然,表现出特有的巨灾前"临危不乱"的综合素质,所有这些均得益于日本NHK灾难传播的科学、合理、及时,都受益于NHK长此以往的安全预防文化的媒体教育。本文特别研究了NHK灾难传播管理对中国传媒界的启示,以及深入开展我国公众安全文化教育的思路。  相似文献   

This article is a personal appreciation and analysis of the poetry of Michael Rosen. Drawing on his work over 30 years, the article argues that at the heart of Rosen's work is a passionate belief in aesthetic, political and personal emancipation. Included in the pleasure that his work evokes, is a challenge to a number of preconceived notions about childhood, literature, relationships and living. He questions how children see adults and how adults see children, and with a breathtaking honesty, the whole world of children's literature and its impact on conceptualisations of children is put in the foreground. The article examines Rosen's use of autobiography in his poems, his groundbreaking use of free verse in children's literature and his relation to modernity.  相似文献   

Jacques Rancière's work has had significant impact in philosophy and literary theory, but remains largely undiscussed in the field of education. This article is a review of the relevance of Rancière's work to education research. Rancière's argument about education emerges from his critique of Bourdieu, which states that Bourdieu reinforces inequality by presuming it as the starting point of his analysis. What is at stake is the question of performativity, and the means by which discourse has effects. This debate has implications for considering the basis of claims to truth in literary and social science discourse. Parallels are drawn between Judith Butler's and Rancière's portrayal of the relationship between discourse and subjection, as well as their attention to discursive ‘imitation’ in making inequality representable. The article concludes with a discussion of the problematic which Rancière's work suggests for education research.  相似文献   

This article describes the experiences of two US teacher groups and their lesson study work. Their stories illustrate some of the dynamics and promise of teacher change spurred by lesson study. The first case is primarily about teacher efficacy, as a group of teachers discover through lesson study that their planning and work can have an impact on student engagement in the classroom in a way that they had not realized. The second case is about one teacher's struggle with the move from isolation to collaboration, illustrating the tension between autonomy and collaboration that often occurs during such a transition.  相似文献   

演示示范性教学能大大提高CAD软件的学习效率与效果。本文首先阐述了网络屏幕广播软件的基本工作原理,然后介绍了海天屏幕广播软件在CAD上机教学中应用的经验,最后对基于互联网屏幕广播技术的远程教学作了展望。  相似文献   

计算机和网络技术的迅猛发展,给传统的期刊出版工作带来了很大的变化。本文就网络化给期刊编辑工作带来的变化进行了阐述,主要是:网络化对编辑能力提出了更高要求;缩短了组稿时间,提高了审稿效率;排版方式的改变,使编校工作合二为一;改变了对文稿档案和期刊的管理模式。  相似文献   

This article looks at the work of four writers who have had considerable influence on the teaching of poetry writing to primary school children. Each writer is considered in terms of their merits as a contributor to wider questions about writing, and in comparative terms with each other. Links are made between these writers' explicit and implicit philosophies and approaches. Finally, the article considers how far discussions about voice and form within children's writing are necessarily exclusive of each other.  相似文献   

新型纯硬件多媒体教学网的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文介绍了一种新型纯硬件多媒体教学网的组网技术和方法,给出了纯硬件多媒体教学网的网络布局和教学流程图。该教学网能够方便地实现广播教学、个别辅导和自由练习等多种教学方式,具有经济实用、组网简单、操作方便等特点。该技术还特别适合将老机房改造为多媒体网络教室。  相似文献   

This article shares alternative conceptions of time in a qualitative study about the schooling experiences of teenage mothers. The counternarratives of three women of color are presented as alternatives for understanding temporally restricted discourses of achievement in high school. Using third space theory as a lens for understanding the participants' experiences, this article illustrates how each participant's school story creates room for thinking about school success differently. This understanding of participants' experiences provokes a deliberate reconsideration of time as it relates to student success and achievement in school. This article concludes with an analysis of the participants' counternarratives and implications for future work. This work is useful for practitioners and researchers in reconceptualizing difference among students and in creating room for school structures that support diversity in classrooms and schools.  相似文献   

This article uses complexity theory's concept of ‘shadow systems’ to explore innovative ways of teaching Shakespeare, particularly The Merchant of Venice. Using data drawn from observations at a secondary school in Sydney, Australia, and interviews with two secondary teachers, this article aims to consider how embracing ideas which emerge from the unauthorised and often subversive ‘shadow network’ of a classroom environment can result in creative, independent, engaged learning. I use Ralph D. Stacey's theoretical framework and Bourdieu and Passeron's work on the legitimate to suggest that the tension between the legitimate and the shadow networks can create a space of ‘impotential’, as defined by Tyson Edward Lewis.  相似文献   

直播软件的兴起给“公共场所”的认定带来了新的发展与挑战。网络直播空间具有与传统意义上“公共场所”不同的特点,网络直播下“公共场所”的实践适用需要厘清网络直播空间的“公共性”标准、慎重认定、厘清可适用罪名类型,以便更好地规制信息网络犯罪。  相似文献   

This article explores the dynamics of global campaigns for education through a study of the movement for girls’ and women's education in India since independence in 1947. In particular, it uses the trajectory of ideas within India to theorise about international collaboration on educational goals, with UNESCO and the World Bank being two of the most prominent agencies in the second half of the twentieth century. The article presents an analysis of shifting discourses around women's education at national and international level, along with an exploration of the diverse points of contact between policymakers, activists and academics at both levels.  相似文献   

This article looks at the contribution of the characteristics of schools television programmes to their use in English primary schools: what made the programmes a useful teaching and learning aid, and how such characteristics influenced children's reactions to and facilitated their learning from the programmes. A qualitative case‐studies research into four English primary schools found that the popularity and usefulness of schools programmes lie in the inclusion of the following characteristics: (a) coverage of Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study; (b) accompanying resources of programmes; (c) broadcasting length; (d) target age groups and the use of language; (e) broadcasting pace and forms; (f) the insertion of visual pictures and humorous features; (g) the presence of children and familiar presenters.  相似文献   

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