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校长是学校事务的管理者,兼具沟通"上下""内外"的双重身份.学校管理既关系到学生成长与教师专业发展,也关乎到学校日常的良性运行.校长的管理能力不仅需要自我养成,更需要制度培养.男女校长因性别角色不同有着不同的管理理念和行动,有着各具特色的管理风格,在学校场域中,校长在日常事务的领导和管理中承担着多重角色,其既要保持管理...  相似文献   

This study of pre-verbal communication in four young children with severe learning difficulties compares the nature and function of their communications at home and at school. The author teaches at Quince Tree School, Tamworth. The article is based on work carried out in part fulfillment of a B.Ed (Hons.) degree when she was a student at Westhill College, Birmingham.  相似文献   

性别角色观是指人们对男女性别角色的总的看法,是一种有关性别角色的价值观。本文采用问卷调查的方法,对430名中学生的性别角色观进行了研究,结果发现:(1)男女性别角色正价特质排在第一位的分别是勇敢和漂亮;负价特质排在第一位的分别是虚伪和自私;(2)男女生均认为勇敢、幽默、善良、浪漫、阳光帅气是男性的正价特质,但是在阳光帅气这一特质上有显著的性别差异;男女生均认为漂亮、大方、温柔、可爱、体贴、自信、细心、善良是女性的正价特质,此外,女生的正价特质中,男生认为还有纯洁和真诚,女生认为还有孝顺和亲和力;(3)男女生均认为虚伪、自负、自私、女性化强、奸诈、迂腐、自夸和斤斤计较是男性的负价特质,此外,女生的负价特质中,男生认为还有傲慢和霸道,女生认为还有懦弱和无能;男女生都认为自私、虚伪、势力、自大、斤斤计较、炫耀是女性的负价特质,且自私在男女生中均排在第一位。(4)年级对性别角色影响的卡方检验结果显示初中生和高中生的性别角色观没有显著差异,但是不同年级在性别角色特质选择的频数中可以看出:初中生与高中生皆将勇敢作为男性正价特质的第一位,但是初中生较高中生而言更不喜欢男生懦弱,高中生较初中生而言更不喜欢男生女性化强;高中生和初中生都不喜欢女生自私,但是高中生比初中生更看重女生的漂亮、大方、温柔。  相似文献   

The study replicates a previous investigation done with middle class children to examine their conceptions of prerogative and restriction, Weber (1999). For the present study, forty nine first, third and fifth grade children who were primarily African American, were drawn from two public schools in a small aging midwestern industrial city. They participated in two interviews which elicited responses concerning personal prerogative at home and school. The children identified areas of prerogative in both settings. They distinguished between personal and conventional issues at school. Children's claims to prerogative appeared to increase with age, as did the amount of disagreement and conflict over such issues. There appeared to be a flattening out of opportunity at school however, that did not occur at home. Unlike the middle class sample, these children sometimes used prudential and punishment reasoning to justify restrictions. Direct responses from the children clearly indicated that school should be different from home in prerogative offered them. They appeared to accept more narrow and rigid boundaries at school with little reservation. The totality of the children's responses, however, suggests the possibility of more complex attitudes. The flattening of provision at school, combined with some presence of punishment reasoning, suggests that there may be some interesting differences in approach between middle class and working class schools.  相似文献   

This article considers the findings of a literacy survey with Year 7 students who had experienced difficulties with reading. It highlights the range of texts and events that these students were choosing to engage with outside school and the mismatch between home and school literacy. The findings signal a need to go beyond the traditional reading test to uncover the texture of literacy experience and achievement in students' lives.  相似文献   

“The large room of the Crown and Anchor Tavern, one of the very largest in the Metropolis, was engaged for the occasion, and at the time appointed for taking the chair, it was completely filled. It is said to hold 2,500 persons; certainly more than 2,000 were present. We were glad to perceive that they consisted chiefly of that class for whose good the institution is intended, namely, working mechanics; and that they showed, by their conduct and demeanor, that they comprehended fully the serious magnitude of the object for which they were assembled, and came to the consideration of it with minds warmed apparently to enthusiasm in its support; yet keenly intent on examining and scrutinizing well the means by which they were to be invited to realize the promised good. It was a meeting of men resolved both to think and act for themselves.... The earnest, discriminating, and orderly attention with which they listened to the whole of the proceedings, exceeded anything we had ever before witnessed in so numerous an assembly . . .” 1 1. Mechanics' Magazine, 15 November 1823, p. 177.   相似文献   

性别角色是幼儿不断社会化的产物,会对其成长产生多方面的影响。有针对性地对幼儿进行性别角色教育,可以弥补男女幼儿性别角色中各自的缺失,促进幼儿的全面发展。文章基于幼儿园幼儿展开研究,概括了这一阶段幼儿性别角色发展的一般现状,对其影响因素进行了分析,并从正确的家庭教育理念等方面提出了一些促进幼儿性别角色健康发展的教育对策。  相似文献   

Concept: Few empirical studies have investigated the influence of teachers, parents and children on children's drawing experience. The current study aims to examine the attitudes and practices of these three key players that shape children's drawing experience. Method: A survey methodology was used, as typically found in previous research in this area. Participants were 270 5–14 year old children, 44 of their teachers of the National Curriculum for Art and Design, and 146 of their parents. The teachers and children participated in individual interviews and the parents completed a postal survey. Responses to most interview questions were transcribed and content analysis used to identify salient themes. The other questions involved responses on five‐point scales, these were analysed by reporting percentages. Results: The findings are discussed in five sections. First, the positive perceptions of children's drawing behaviour and attitudes. Second, the perceived importance and principal aims of the National Curriculum for Art and Design Education. Third, the numerous sources of encouragement and support for drawing development. Fourth, the differing perceptions of what constitutes a good and bad drawing. Fifth, issues surrounding an age‐related decline in children's drawing activity. Conclusions: The findings are related to theories of drawing education, and implications for children's drawings and drawing pedagogy are discussed.  相似文献   

家庭学校是美国五花八门的教育形式中的一种。本文介绍了美国家庭学校的概况、开办原因,介绍了家庭学校的开办规则及课程安排,对美国家庭学校的利弊也进行了分析。  相似文献   

Hispanic children are twice as likely as European American children to read below average for grade level. Some of this difference may be related to the home literacy practices children experience. To study this, the school reading achievement of 75 European American and 53 Hispanic second graders was examined in relation to their home reading practices. Results indicate that reading at home, specifically how often children read, with whom they read, and their active initiation of reading, are related to school reading achievement in both groups. These relations were more pronounced for European American boys and Hispanic girls, and fewer relations were found for Hispanic children whose mothers spoke solely Spanish. Results are discussed in relation to home-based opportunities in these two communities for children in the primary grades to develop reading skills.  相似文献   

Hispanic children are twice as likely as European American children to read below average for grade level. Some of this difference may be related to the home literacy practices children experience. To study this, the school reading achievement of 75 European American and 53 Hispanic second graders was examined in relation to their home reading practices. Results indicate that reading at home, specifically how often children read, with whom they read, and their active initiation of reading, are related to school reading achievement in both groups. These relations were more pronounced for European American boys and Hispanic girls, and fewer relations were found for Hispanic children whose mothers spoke solely Spanish. Results are discussed in relation to home-based opportunities in these two communities for children in the primary grades to develop reading skills.  相似文献   

Dean Colledge headteacher, Town Thorns School, and Cecilia Wood, Rathbone home/school worker, describe a pioneering project designed to improve home/school links in this residential ESN(M) school in Easenhall, Rugby  相似文献   

From a systematic search of educational, psychological, and sociological literature, 18 studies of 5,831 school-aged students on the correlation of home environment and learning in eight countries over a 19-year period were selected. Correlations (the units of analysis) of intelligence, motivation, and achievement with indexes of parent stimulation of the student in the home are considerably higher than those with indexes of socioeconomic status (SES); specifically the medians (and ranges) of 92 simple correlations of home environment and learning are .37 (and .02 to .82) and of 62 multipleregression-weighted composites are .44 (and .23 to .81). Jackknifed regression estimates indicate that gender and SES of the sample affect the sizes of the correlations and suggest priorities for future primary investigations. The analyses suggest that ability and achievement are more closely linked to the sociopsychological environment and intellectual stimulation in the home than they are to parental socioeconomic status indicators such as occupation and amount of education.  相似文献   

Kate Pahl 《Literacy》2001,35(3):120-125
This article compares a child’s drawings at home with a child’s drawings at school. The drawings were of maps, which had been a school topic. As part of a longitudinal study looking at children’s text making at home and at school three particular homes were focused on for eighteen months. This article looks at one home – that of a six year old Turkish boy who lives with his mother and brother. The case study illustrates how children can take something learned at school and transform it at home. The article starts with discussing the text created in the home, then compares this to texts created at school. The point is made that children can activate meaning in a different way at home than at school. While this is one case study, it suggests that transforming artefacts across sites may be something children do that often goes undocumented.  相似文献   

Sociology has long recognized the centrality of the body in the reciprocal construction of individuals and society, and recent research has explored the influence of a variety of social institutions on the body. Significant research has established the influence of social class, child‐rearing practices, and variable language forms in families and children. Less well understood is the influence of children's social class status on their gestures, comportment, and other bodily techniques. In this essay Sue Ellen Henry brings these two areas of study together to explore how working‐class children's bodies are shaped by the child‐rearing practices associated with their social class status, and the potential effects these bodily techniques have on their experience in schools.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the topic of the language development of three young bilingual children at both home and school. Our aim is to consider the language issues that arise in such children, taking into account their parents' language background and experience of school systems, language practices and 'policy' in the home, and the children's experience of a year of nursery school as reported by their teachers. We try to show how different strands of the children's experience fit together; their 'mother tongue', their mothers' aspirations for them, their teachers' view of their progression, and their competence in English, all considered against the background of current curriculum guidance. We conclude with an examination of the gains and losses these children have made in the school system so far, and with an analysis of what the roles of 'mother tongue' might be for children in these and similar circumstances.  相似文献   

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