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Roy Edwards, head of compensatory education, Dartmouth High School, Sandwell, studied the use of networked ETV with slow learning and handicapped children on a one-year IBA Fellowship  相似文献   

The educational needs of mentally handicapped children in the ‘new’ day special schools are examined from three major perspectives. First, as a result of the examination of questionnaires received from headteachers of 88 schools; second as a result of the examination of the skills of 151 mentally handicapped children in 44 of these schools, and third as a result of an examination of questionnaires completed for 52 parents of mentally handicapped children. The results of the investigation highlight the effect of these schools being in the ‘educational wilderness’ until April, 1st, 1971; the low level of achievement in certain social skills, and parental problems and attitudes.  相似文献   

The psychologist who is involved in the placement and support of mainstreamed learning handicapped children is often called upon to assist regular teachers to meet the special needs of these children. This study examined the concerns of regular class teachers who were the primary instructors for 51 educable mentally retarded pupils and 196 educationally handicapped children. Teachers were asked to express the degree of comfort or discomfort they experienced while responsible for the special child in a variety of school related situations. Teachers consistently reported more comfort with activities involving supervision and academics than with activities that involved public display of the child's competence. Five different teacher response patterns were identified, and teachers were found to be somewhat less comfortable with the retarded than with the educationally handicapped child.  相似文献   

The needs of the siblings of handicapped children tend often to be overlooked. Dr. Jessie Parfit, information officer, National Children's Bureau, from 1970 to 1974 suggests how these can be met  相似文献   

残疾儿童学前教育日益成为中国特殊教育事业的一个重要问题,残疾儿童学前教育的实现需要相关政策提供权威保障和实践依据。通过对中国残疾儿童学前教育政策文本的考察,中国残疾儿童学前教育政策从倡导性的"积极开展"发展到"普惠性"残疾儿童学前教育政策,并在教育机会和教育资源上提供确实保障。  相似文献   

Congress enacted and President Reagan signed into law on October 8, 1986, P.L. 99-457, the Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments. These amendments reauthorize the Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA) and include a rigorous national agenda pertaining to more and better services to young special needs children and their families. This agenda was fueled by the recent recognition of the needs and competence of infants, the importance of early life experiences and by the documentation of the benefits of early intervention and preschool services. P.L. 99-457 recognized the unique role of families in the development of handicapped children. The most sweeping changes to EHA since P.L. 94-142, these amendments expanded the provisions of P.L. 94-142 to include handicapped infants and preschool children. The enactment of P.L. 99-457 provides a challenge to the filed of education of the deaf and to early childhood educators to re-examine basic assumptions about the range of services, the professionals providing those services, and the role of families who have children with hearing impairments.  相似文献   

Teachers of handicapped children who are being treated with drugs need to understand why the drugs are being administered and what their effects are. Dr. G. B. Simon, Director, Institute of Mental Subnormality, discusses those most commonly met in the classroom  相似文献   

Evaluating educational programs for severely handicapped children today presents a number of challenges. These programs have characteristics and features that make them quite unlike “regular” school programs for nonhandicapped children or even those for mildly handicapped children. Moreover, evaluators typically look to aspects of child progress or child gains in determining program success, but schooling for severely impaired children also has some profound implications for parents and families. Thus, this paper will focus on evaluating the impact of schooling on families of severely handicapped children. The article begins by considering the special attributes of severely handicapped children and their school programs. I will then address the impact of these programs, categorized by: (1) the impact of child-focused programs on severely handicapped children themselves; (2) the impact of child-focused programs on families; and (3) the impact of family-focused programs.  相似文献   

Conclusions Play is an important part of the life of the young child, both at home and in school. In designing a play environment for handicapped children who are attending a preschool along with their nonhandicapped peers, the teacher needs to be aware of the needs and limitations resulting from the child's particular disability. This knowledge can be put to use in making the environment as productive as possible and providing play opportunities that are fun, educational, and practical for each child. While it is important that we consider the particular handicapping condition, teachers should never lose sight of the fact that a handicapped child is first and foremost a child, whose basic needs are not too different from those of all children. These basic needs should be the primary concern of the teacher who is interested in guiding the child toward productive educational experiences and helping that child become an integral part of the school group.  相似文献   

Jean Davies research physiotherapist at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry, discusses the peripatetic physiotherapy service developed in South Clwyd to meet needs of physically handicapped children in ordinary schools  相似文献   

Literature is reviewed related to the attitudes of educators toward handicapped children and the concept of mainstreaming these youngsters into regular class settings. Opinionnaire data suggest that regular class educators, particularly those with little formal training or experience in special education, do not favor mainstreaming. Moreover, these educators view handicapped children as generally less able to benefit from schooling. Research is also reviewed that documents the relationship between teachers' attitudes toward individual pupils and the differential instructional treatment of children. Finally, efforts to modify the attitudes and perceptions of educators toward handicapped children and mainstreaming are presented.  相似文献   

孤残儿童的救助与权利保障工作是民生工作的一项重要内容,是社会救助工作的一个重要方面,同时也是社会各界普遍关注的话题。近年来,随着经济社会的发展与进步,孤残儿童救助与权利保障总体发展势头趋于良好,其保障水平和质量逐年提高。但由于受区域经济发展状况、政策条件、救助比例和救助标准等因素的影响,一些地方孤残儿童的救助保障工作仍比较滞后,已经影响到孤残儿童整体救助的水平。笔者就重庆市孤残儿童的生活保障和福利服务保障情况进行了深入调查,指出了该市孤残儿童救助与权利保护工作中存在的问题,希冀为有关部门的决策提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Physically handicapped children have been attending Bell Wood Primary School in Maidstone for nearly nine years. Margaret Spencer head of the school, describes how their special educational needs are being met in the nursery unit and ordinary classrooms  相似文献   

The social participation during free play activities of intellectually handicapped children in regular preschools was compared with that of their non‐handicapped age‐mates in the same preschools, and with that of intellectually handicapped children in a special preschool. While both groups of intellectually handicapped children showed, significantly lower levels of social participation than the non‐handicapped children, the intellectually handicapped children attending the special preschool were significantly lower in terms of social participation than those attending the regular preschools. The results were discussed in terms of the probable advantages of regular preschools as social learning environments for intellectually handicapped children.  相似文献   

了解新的历史时期视力残疾儿童听力状况,为视力残疾儿童心理学及教育学的研究提供依据。方法纯音听阈气导测试。结果视力残疾儿童听力损失的出现率为41.5%;噪声对听力的不良影响不可忽视;视力残疾儿童听力发展符合普通儿童听力发展的基本规律听阈值随着年龄增长而降低是一种听力发育的现象,与听觉系统的机能逐步完善有关。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of a handicapped child on normal siblings. The complexities of family networks are explored in terms of Farber's (1975) model of arrest of the family cycle. Major sibling studies undertaken since the early sixties are reviewed, and methodological short‐ comings discussed in relation to future research needs. The possibility of identifying both siblings “at risk” and characteristics of adequately coping families is canvassed. Currently available research findings are interpreted in terms of their implications for professionals working with handicapped children and their families.  相似文献   

This article reviews current literature on the gifted/handicapped, tracing reasons behind the neglect suffered by this population and identifying difficulties still to be resolved in the provision of appropriate educational services. A multidisciplinary approach which emphasizes the significant roles played by teachers andparents of the G/H is seen as necessary to identify, diagnose and plan appropriately for their special educational needs. Up‐to‐date use of technological advances is advocated in the education of these children.  相似文献   

视力残疾学生与普通学生平衡能力比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨视力残疾学生平衡能力发展的基本规律.方法测定视力残疾学生与普通学生单腿站立时间,并对二者进行比较研究.结果视力残疾儿童的平衡能力比普通儿童的平衡能力低;视力残疾儿童和普通儿童的平衡能力随着年龄的增长而提高;视力残疾儿童和普通儿童平衡能力发展呈阶段性;后天的经验促进儿童的平衡能力的发展.  相似文献   

For a group of children with handicaps, growth and development are also affected by abuse or neglect. Our understanding of the problems of the abused, handicapped child emerges from experience with 37 children with cerebral palsy who have been maltreated, coupled with a review of the literature in related areas. We identify the following four problems as crucial to the study of abuse and neglect to the child with handicaps: (1) abuse that causes handicaps, (2) abuse that occurs to the handicapped child, (3) compromises in care that can occur when the handicapped child becomes involved with the medical and legal systems, and (4) arrangements for foster care or other out-of-home placement for the child with handicaps. We conclude that the very systems designed to protect and care for the child often fail, leaving the handicapped child without opportunity to reach developmental potential. In light of our observations, we recommend that the pediatrician not only be aware of the existence of abuse and neglect in the population of handicapped children, but also serve in the dual role of coordinator of services and advocate for these children.  相似文献   

Four hundred regular and special educators from New York (a categorical labeling state) and Massachusetts (a noncategorical labeling state) were surveyed on their mainstreaming attitudes and perceptions of handicapped exceptional children. Among the topics investigated were educators' attitudes toward the effects on these children of different educational placements, their reactions to integrating these children into regular classrooms, their knowledge of their special education responsibilities, and their inclusions in their building-level special education processes. Results, implications, and future research directions are discussed, so that services to handicapped exceptional children can be improved and implemented.  相似文献   

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