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Assessment for learning? Thinking outside the (black) box   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article draws on a survey of 83 teachers, to explore the concepts of ‘assessment for learning’, ‘assessment’ and ‘learning’. ‘Assessment for learning’ is categorized as meaning: monitoring pupils' performance against targets or objectives; using assessment to inform next steps in teaching and learning; teachers giving feedback for improvement; (teachers) learning about children's learning; children taking some control of their own learning and assessment; and turning assessment into a learning event. Conceptions of assessment include assessment‐as‐measurement and assessment‐as‐inquiry. These conceptions are related to two conceptions of learning: learning‐as‐attaining‐objectives and learning‐as‐the‐construction‐of‐knowledge. The conceptions of assessment‐as‐measurement and learning‐as‐attaining‐objectives are dominant in English educational policy today. The article suggests that these conceptions need to be challenged and expanded, since conceptions held by those who have power in education determine what sort of assessment and learning happen in the classroom, and therefore the quality of the student's learning processes and products.  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study that investigated the practice of peer assessment in a professional course, with particular emphasis on students’ experience. It was found that peer assessment processes were beneficial to students’ learning and development as professionals. The case study pointed to several conditions for effective implementation of peer assessment, which also relate to assessment in general. These conditions include: (a) adequate and appropriate preparation for the use of peer assessment; (b) alignment of assessment, learning objectives and the broader purpose of the course (e.g. preparation as professionals); (c) the availability of assistance from a teacher throughout the peer assessment process; and (d) constructive discussions following peer assessment, sensitively handled by a teacher.  相似文献   

Abstract This research note describes the rationale and methods used in a pilot single case‐study of teaching subtraction to an adolescent with specific learning difficulties. The rationale is derived from Bloom's theory of school learning with its emphasis on mastery of objectives and on the contributory influence of self‐concept of ability on learning outcomes. This is linked to Bandura's theory of self‐efficacy which is associated with a methodology for assessing self‐efficacy in relation to objectives. The results indicated that self‐efficacy judgements could predict subsequent subtraction performance and that there could have been some transfer in self‐efficacy from one task to another related task. The results are discussed in terms of assessment methodology and of future areas for theoretical and practical developments.  相似文献   

Various forms of peer, collaborative or cooperative learning, particularly small group activities, are increasingly used within university courses to assist students meet a variety of learning outcomes. These include working collaboratively with others, taking responsibility for their own learning and deepening their understanding of specific course content. The potential benefits of peer learning have long been recognised and are especially relevant today. However, many existing assessment practices act to undermine the goals of peer learning and lead students to reject learning cooperatively. If assessment gives students the message that only individual achievement is valued, and that collaborative effort is akin to cheating, then the potential of peer learning will not be realised. Inappropriate assessment practices may also lead to unhelpful forms of competition within and between groups that prevent groups functioning effectively. This paper examines some of the main assessment issues in connection with peer learning and suggests ways in which the benefits of this approach can be maintained while still meeting the formal assessment requirements of the course. It discusses the use of group assessment, peer feedback and self‐assessment, assessment of participation and negotiated assessment and concludes with the identification of a number of issues which remain to be addressed.  相似文献   

The 2011 passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act requires managers to teach and verify that employees have learned and are engaged in science‐based food safety behaviors. Instructors using embedded assessments such as clickers can receive immediate feedback on how well learners understand what is being taught, allowing instructors to provide immediate, additional clarification and motivation. The objectives of this study were to: design and implement embedded assessment learning activities for each lecture objective in a combined undergraduate/graduate‐level, food chemistry course; measure students’ performance on three online examinations; and compare students’ performance on objectives reinforced by embedded assessment techniques against those objectives receiving traditional emphasis. For Exam 1, embedded assessment questions averaged 80.0% and traditional emphasis questions averaged 76.4%; for Exam 2, embedded assessment questions averaged 84.6% and traditional emphasis questions averaged 80.6%; and for Exam 3, embedded assessment questions averaged 85.9% and traditional emphasis questions averaged 73.7%. Pooling scores over all exams gave a grand mean of 83.6% for embedded assessment questions and 77.2% for traditional questions. As hypothesized, the average scores on questions reinforced by embedded assessment were considerably higher, 8.3% overall, with significantly (P < 0.05) higher scores. During lectures, students commented on the embedded assessments that then led to further discussion of any unclear points. When the class did poorly, operationalized as less than 80% correct, they petitioned to get a “do over” on the embedded assessment question after a clarifying discussion. Because the students became managers of their own learning, through embedded assessments, it is hoped that they will become more proficient instructors.  相似文献   

Two major frameworks for educational decision making, including decisions on assessment, can be distinguished: quantitative, whichis adequate for construing some kinds of learning; and qualitative, which should be the appropriate framework for enabling decisions flowing from most tertiary educational aims. However, for various reasons, institutions implicitly encourage a quantitative framework for assessment‐related decision making, particularly evident in the recent emphasis on accountability and performance indicators. This is unfortunate because, through the backwash effect, quantitative modes of assessment encourage surface approaches to learning, which typically lead to low cognitive‐level outcomes that are not compatible with stated course objectives. It is argued that an institution and its educational practices comprise a system in equilibrium, and that if educational goals are to be realised, the whole system needs to be compatible with those aims.  相似文献   

The Bologna Declaration brought reforms into higher education that imply changes in teaching methods, didactic materials and textbooks, infrastructures and laboratories, etc. Statistics and mathematics are disciplines that traditionally have the worst success rates, particularly in non‐mathematics core curricula courses. This research project, Mathematics and Statistics for the Development of Professional Skills, which is in progress at the University of Beira Interior in Portugal, has as one of its main objectives the development of the e‐assessment system as a resource for learning assessment and student self‐regulation. Based on the results of the above‐mentioned project, this paper will give evidence of how to improve the reliability of an e‐assessment system, show that e‐assessment can be a good alternative to open‐ended tests and that students tend to show a positive attitude towards its use. We show that this can be done by checking the internal consistency and measurement error of the e‐assessment tests, the analysis of the association between student scores obtained by different methods of assessment and the analysis of data survey on student opinion about e‐assessment methods.  相似文献   

Many educational developments in recent decades pose a serious challenge to the traditional scientific measurement model that has dominated assessment practices. The scientific measurement model has led to an over‐emphasis on statistical tests and the reification of single measure test scores. The educational developments that challenge the scientific measurement model include problem‐based learning, newer understandings of cognition, and the rise of performance assessment. These developments reflect widespread attempts by educators to reform assessment practices so as to encourage more effective learning. As a result, a new model of educational assessment, which we call the judgemental model, is emerging. The basic assumptions, features and appropriate uses of these two assessment models are compared and contrasted by referring them to a three‐level conceptual model of education, training and assessment for workplace performance.  相似文献   

Professional Legal Education in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is undertaken at the Legal Workshop. A problem‐based learning orientation is a prominent feature of their programme. In this paper the assessment of the problem‐based learning used in the Workshop is described. All stages of this assessment process, including setting the course objectives, defining the conditions under which the problems (tasks) will be undertaken, and setting the criteria which are the standards for the assessment of success in the task, are described. The importance of criterion‐referenced assessment in the stage of setting assessment standards is emphasised. The results of the first attempt to use this assessment method are then described, and problems emerging with the process are discussed. Although this first “reality test” reveals some difficulties with the assessment method, it is concluded that this novel and innovative teaching and assessment technique has been appropriately applied to Professional Legal Education. While some refinements are required in the implementation of the method, the overall assessment concept has been successfully developed.  相似文献   

For the past 15 years, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) has mandated assessment of undergraduate student learning outcomes as the basis for approving food science (FS) programs. No longer is a check‐off course system sufficient to be an IFT‐approved program. The 4 steps to gaining IFT approval include developing learning outcomes for all required FS courses, developing outcomes for the program as a whole, assessing student learning through a comprehensive series of assessment tools, and developing and reporting a plan to use the assessment data collected for continuous program improvement. This article reviews these steps in some detail, providing guidance on possible approaches that may be used. In the end, the aim of the IFT requirements is to improve student learning in FS to advance the field.  相似文献   

An emerging form of assessment is the patchwork text, an application of assessment for learning, as opposed to assessment of learning. A framework for making choices in how to use patchwork texts in higher education courses is developed, drawing on prior research on, and use of, patchwork texts. These choices reflect the fundamental objectives of patchwork texts, namely continuous learning, deep learning, integrated understanding and critical self‐reflection, while also offering options for patchwork texts which can be tailored to particular courses and individual preferences.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is the most common neurological disorder in childhood and can have a significant impact on a child's schooling. Children with epilepsy may have special educational needs due to having learning disability, specific learning difficulties, specific cognitive deficits or having symptoms associated with ASD, ADHD, depression or anxiety. These difficulties are often under‐recognised due to the emphasis placed on the management of seizures. The effects of seizures and side‐effects of anti‐epileptic medications (AEDs) can also influence classroom learning. The significant stigma associated with epilepsy can influence attitudes towards affected children and impact on self‐esteem. Interventions to support children with epilepsy should focus on epilepsy management, learning and behavioural interventions and whole‐school psychosocial interventions. Epilepsy is a spectrum condition and for some children the effects on schooling will be minimal but for others significant supports will be needed. Therefore, an individualised approach within the school environment and close collaboration between teachers, parents and medical professionals are essential in order to meet the children's needs.  相似文献   

Typical university‐wide course evaluations do not provide instructors with sufficient information on the effectiveness of their courses. This article describes a course assessment and enhancement model where student feedback can be used to improve courses and/or programs. The model employs an assessment tool that measures student perceptions of importance and their current competence in course‐specific learning objectives both pre‐ and post‐course. Information gained from this assessment enables course improvement over time and also allows for modification in delivery and/or content of the current course. This model is intended to augment traditional course evaluation mechanisms based on specific and actionable feedback on learning objectives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Interteaching is a new pedagogical strategy for classroom instruction that demonstrates great effective student learning outcomes in the field of psychology. It is a 20 to 30 min student‐to‐student discussion addressing the main points in a specified body of reading materials. Interteaching includes elements such as reciprocal peer tutoring, cooperative learning, and problem‐based learning. These elements have been well theorized and their effectiveness has been empirically documented. To date, little is known about the effects of interteaching on students' perceived learning outcomes in food science and nutrition. This case study describes how the interteach method was employed in an undergraduate nutrition and food science course with specific examples of the tools used, such as interteach preparation guides, the interteach record form, and the peer assessment form. Based on the continuous feedback provided by the students during the course work, several specific modifications were made from the conventional interteaching methods, including 4‐person interteaching instead of one‐on‐one interteaching, as well as the use of in‐class thought‐provoking “synthesis” questions. At the end of the course, we assessed the students' perceptions of interteaching, as well as the students' perceived learning outcomes. The method generally fostered critical thinking and enhanced their motivation, which led to their perceived learning. On the other hand, some of the students expressed challenges in learning from peers due to their peers' varied preparation levels, as well as tackling complex scientific concepts prior to lectures. Further investigation is needed to develop possible strategies for accommodating the challenges among students with different learning styles.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the relationship between assessment and learning through an empirical study of apprenticeship training. The paper suggests that well‐established modes of learning, which facilitate meaningful assessment in apprenticeship training, present an “antidote” to a traditional emphasis on assessment as selection and control. In contrast to rejection of apprenticeship modes of assessment as being inappropriate and obsolete at the present time, the paper suggests that the concept of apprenticeship assessment can be seen as a highly attractive and effective alternative to current assessment practices in both schools and workplaces. Taking a situated and relational perspective on knowledge and learning, we argue that assessment practices should focus on contextually‐anchored reviews of the core competencies of the person. This contextual assessment contrasts with an emphasis on assessment as essentially controlling and selecting students for further education and, on the other hand, with assessment as a process of self‐monitoring and self‐reflection.  相似文献   

This article describes the design and delivery of a program, “Global Business in a Digital World.” The program integrates the use of social media technologies and business applications in a series of courses that include short‐term study abroad components that focus on emerging markets. The objectives are to: (1) provide additional options for study abroad; (2) broaden the scope of the international business program to include more emphasis on emerging markets; (3) provide integration across business and liberal arts; and (4) integrate social media technologies into the study abroad experience. To achieve these objectives, students study business in the host country, interact with local company executives, and experiment with social media and related technologies. A conceptual framework describes the course structure and its relationship with the four categories of social media classified as 4Cs: Communication, Connection, Cooperation, and Collaboration ( Cook, 2008 ; Enterprise 2.0. Burlington, VT: Gower Publishing Limited). Conclusions reveal improved student learning outcomes after exposure to the study abroad, but also suggest the study abroad experience requires specific skill development. A research framework gives direction for future work.  相似文献   

Despite the heavy emphasis on online learning in recent years, print is still an important medium for course delivery in distance education. Distance educators have argued that, with the incorporation of appropriate access structures, distance learning materials can be self‐instructional and interactive. This study aims to explore the extent to which students on a distance teacher education course considered that the print materials had achieved the course objectives, and how they made use of the in‐text access structures. The results indicate that, although teachers on the course agreed that the materials were able to achieve the course objectives, the extent to which they made use of the access devices varied considerably.  相似文献   

Following on from a previous article which examined concerns regarding the growing demand for public examination concessions on the basis of specific learning difficulties, this article further argues against the much used one‐off psychometric assessment procedure. The appropriateness is queried of a process which does not take into account such other factors as anxiety and emotional disturbance, inappropriate teaching, parental pressure, and socio‐cultural opportunity, all of which can produce a very similar pattern of failure. The nature of specific learning difficulties is also examined, plus a comment on differing assessment techniques. It was concluded that the ‘specific’ needs to be put back into an assessment of ‘specific learning difficulty’. So‐called dyslexia should be identified as the student's major special educational need and not merely as part of a more general learning problem. To do otherwise leaves the system open to abuse, and the long‐term interests of the students concerned will not be best served. The article does not necessarily reflect the views of Carolyn Blyth's employing authority.  相似文献   

Post-Sputnik science curricula stress the importance of teaching science as scientists might practice it. This has been vividly illustrated in the laboratory-oriented curricula generated in the past ten years. Even more important has been the emphasis on applying learning theories to their construction. The American Association for the Advancement of Science has implemented the ideas of Robert Gagné in order to develop Science—A Process Approach. Jean Piaget's theory of intellectual development has been integrated into the Science Curriculum Improvement Study. It has been the investigator's observation that many teachers who use the newer science curricula fail to utilize to the fullest the methods implicit in a development theory; consequently, the objectives which include the products as well as the processes of science may not be achieved. This paper will report on an investigation of two types of postlaboratory discussion strategies and their effects on sixth grade children's learning of some science principles. The effects these discussion strategies had on the learning of four science processes are reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

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