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This paper argues against C. Fritzell's claim that relative autonomy theory “has substantial potential within the sociology of education”. It is argued that the inconsistencies in both conception and application of this approach have led to the virtual omission of the sphere of the state from the neo‐Marxist sociology of education. This omission seriously limits research into the politics of education and leads to analyses that are over‐generalised or reductionist, and which tend to make untestable assertions about the relationship between state structures and state agents. The notions of ‘limits’ and ‘capacity’ are examined as being possible analytic tools to promote more adequate reconceptualisations of the state in education.  相似文献   

马克思主义理论学科面临着职业倦怠和兴趣枯竭的双重危机,一级学科的设立有助于缓解这种危机,但克服危机最终有赖于学科发展的学术积累和推进,以及高度的学科自觉和力求学术之真的理论志气。  相似文献   

This paper, prepared for the survey lecture of theme group T2 at the Sixth International Congress on Mathematical Education in Budapest, gives an oveview and analysis of recent progress in applying electronic information technology to creation of new environments for intellectual work in mathematics. The paper is divided into six major sections considering the impact of: 1. Numerical computation; 2. Graphic computation; 3. Symbolic computation; 4. Multiple Representations of Information; 5. Programming and Connections of Computer Science and Mathematics Curricula; 6. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Tutors.Research for this paper was supported in part by the United States National Science Foundation under NSF award no. MDR 87-51500. Any opinions or findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

本文从苏东剧变入手,探讨了我党解决我国民族问题的基本政策及其内容,以及这一基本政策在国家政治制度上的体现,分析了民族区域自治制度的形成历史和成功实践,以及民族区域自治制度的科学性和实践性。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学的矛盾分析与系统分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统论作为现代科学方法论,从它的产生、发展和实践应用来看,对哲学的发展提供了重要的科学基础和可供概括的科学成果,系统论不仅证明了科学的辩证唯物论哲学的正确性,而且唯物辩证法对系统科学的发展和应用具有很强的指导性,尤其体现在马克思主义哲学的矛盾分析与系统分析方法论的统一上。矛盾分析与系统分析都是现代科学的方法论。  相似文献   

Autonomy and accountability in higher education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Orlando Albornoz 《Prospects》1991,21(2):204-213

马克思主义理论教育是大学生思想政治教育的重要内容,为充分发挥高校思想政治理论课是大学生思想政治教育的主渠道作用,本文侧重探讨当前高校马克思主义理论教育面临的主观和客观的挑战以及从教育者的角度提出了若干对策。  相似文献   

新闻摄影是对正在发生的新闻事实进行瞬间形象摄取,以瞬间形象来揭示新闻事实、传播新闻信息的形式。新闻摄影的瞬间一般包括起点瞬间、高潮前瞬间、高潮瞬间、高潮后瞬间、终点瞬间,以及个性化瞬间、象征性瞬间、幽默瞬间和新颖瞬间。  相似文献   

后现代主义已经成为当下中国学术界讨论的一个热点,它在中国走红的主要原因来自于移植西方学术界的话语.在这个热点当中,新马克思主义是谈论得最多的一个论域.与一般的西方新马克思主义理论不同的是,戴维·哈维研究后现代主义的著作,既没有走思想批判的道路,也没有走文化批判的道路,而是坚持从政治-经济批判的经典思路,得出了全然不同于新马克思主义的结论,令人耳目一新.  相似文献   

本文分析了日本国立大学自治的基本特征和形成过程,以及大学自治所蕴含的固有矛盾。并在此基础上阐述了日本型大学自治在社会变化面前所受到的挑战和和今后发展的可能性。  相似文献   

In an effort to contribute to the further development of educational relative autonomy theory, this article raises a few basic issues with regard to the relationships between the internal structuring of schooling and educational functions of social reproduction and change. The concepts of positive, negative and critical correspondence are introduced in order to analyse different forms of structuring in schooling in relation to the commodity form of economic production. The historical significance of different forms of correspondence is touched upon, and the potentials of critical correspondence between schooling within the State and the commodity form are discussed in terms of a contradiction between the functions of efficient accumulation and legitimation.  相似文献   

马克思主义中国化的理论成果由"本我"--内在的思想内容、"自我"--作为外部肖像的文本,和"外我"--文本被叙述(阅读与诠释)的过程及结果三个部分组成,它们都是"全我"、"真我"的基本元素.以"自我"和"外我"为研究对象,成为马克思主义中国化理论研究的新视角,它超越了集中研究精神状态的思想理论本身的传统,是换位研究马克思主义中国化理论成果之"本我"的另辟蹊径,具有物化、直观、客观的特点.马克思主义中国化理论成果文本及其叙述模式研究的重点是该成果形成发展过程中各阶段之文本及叙述模式的相互识别,难点则是其文本创制与叙述过程中的经验教训.但是,坚持并拓展这种研究路线必须确保党对主导意识形态的叙述权威,不断改进和完善马克思主义中国化理论成果的教科书叙述体系,同时高度关注网络这一最新的叙述手段和传播渠道.  相似文献   

一、面向现实:马克思主义文本研究的取向 研读马克思主义原著的目的是解决中国的发展问题,解决进一步坚持中国特色社会主义道路的问题.  相似文献   

马克思主义理论教育对于引导大学生“学马”“讲马”“信马”“用马”具有重大意义。当前,青年大学生在学习马克思主义理论过程中面临认识不清、知行不一和信心不足等困境。有鉴于此,有必要创新学习形式、拓展学习渠道,以提升学习实效,积极引导大学生做马克思主义理论的积极传播者、模范践行者和忠诚守护者。  相似文献   

The six national goals established by the National Governors' Association for education reform in the 1990s were conceived by people who had the power to decide what outcomes they wanted based on their own values and priorities. Although it is impossible to avoid questions of values, it is necessary in defining goals for education to consider scientific, explanatory theories about how human beings acquire knowledge and moral values. Jean Piaget's conceptualization of autonomy, in his unusual sense of the term, provides an overall aim for the development of individuals as well as of society, both in the intellectual and the moral realms. Autonomy as the aim of education is based on constructivism, a scientific theory, and would obviate the outdated conceptualization and contradictions among the six national goals.  相似文献   

"回归生活世界"是近年来国内马克思主义理论教育在教学与研究中发出的强烈呼唤.人们看到了以往教条主义和形式主义对理论教育带来的后果,看到了作为教育主体的大学生在面对现实生活时所表现出的思想的困惑、行为的失范,痛感必须重新理解马克思理论的实践性品格,转变教育观念和教学模式,实现马克思主义理论教育的生活化转向.  相似文献   

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