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This paper is about the application of learning and instructional strategies in open and distance learning settings. First, a brief comment is made on the nature of open and distance learning and also teaching and learning in such settings. This is followed by a brief discussion of the impacts of particular types of learning and instructional strategics on learning. A framework is presented for applying learning and instructional strategies in open and distance learning contexts, and the translation of this framework into an instructional transaction that offers a generic plan for developing instruction.

This is, therefore, a conceptual paper. It discusses a theoretical framework for applying learning and instructional strategies that is currently being implemented in the design and development of instruction for an on‐line (electronic) teaching‐learning environment. The results of that implementation will be reported at a later date.  相似文献   

While early proponents of mastery learning (ML) provided operational definitions regarding appropriate teaching/learning procedures, they did not provide guidelines for developing specific instructional strategies and activities. This article aims to provide such guidelines based on theories of learning and cognition. Part 1 describes the general instructional procedures developed by early ML proponents. Parts 2–4 provide guidelines for (a) the initial group‐based instruction, including guidelines for teaching to three different types of objectives (informational, conceptual, and procedural) and for varying four different modes of presentation (lecture, dialogue, discussion, and searwork) (b) sequencing; (c) developing correctives; and (d) developing enrichment activities.  相似文献   

Learners learn more from spatially separated text and pictures after they have been instructed to physically integrate these sources than without such an instruction. We investigated whether instructing learners to mentally integrate textual and pictorial information would yield similar results. Eighty-seven participants studied a picture with accompanying text about an electrical circuit. Text and picture were presented as spatially separated sources or in an integrated format. In the separated format, participants were instructed to use (1) a mental learning strategy, (2) a physical learning strategy, or (3) no learning strategy. Participants in the separated condition using a mental learning strategy and the integrated condition obtained higher recall and comprehension (but not causal inference) performance than participants in the separate conditions with the physical- or no learning strategy. This indicates that instructing learners to mentally integrate spatially separated text and pictures when studying split-attention material can be an effective learning strategy.  相似文献   

This article from a pedagogical viewpoint deals with the problem of how to promote meaningful learning in distance education. In correspondence courses, major problems arise from individual learning difficulties which are caused, e.g. by ineffective teaching methods, deficient individual prerequisites, and/or lack of social facilitation because of isolation. Dealing with those problems experts have been using various technical facilities (e.g., computers for administration and management) and media. Nevertheless, learning difficulties can be solved only by students themselves, but not by mere manipulation of technology, educational methods, or students’ activities. Methods to enhance individual engagement and learning cannot be based well on existing pedagogical theories, since these address direct teaching of children or youth in classroom. Search for theories and methods appropriate to distance teaching reveals as a major goal the development of problem‐solving skills and related abilities. Learning activities corresponding to that goal obviously cohere to working on problem‐like tests. Thus, a conceptual model of how to effect meaningful learning by tests is being proposed. Based on that model special modular components of tests are being described which should be apt for enhancing meaningful learning, and for computer‐based application.  相似文献   

This paper explores various strategies for creating engaging online learning environments. It describes a framework which identifies and distinguishes between the critical elements needed in the design of online learning: the content of the course, the learning activities and the learning supports. It demonstrates through practical examples how each of these elements can be manipulated in deliberate ways to influence learning processes and outcomes. The paper supports the notion that online courses are best when they arc engineered to take advantage of the learning opportunities afforded by the online technologies, rather than being used as supplements to conventional teaching programs.  相似文献   

什么是有意义学习?按照人本主义心理学家的观点,可以这样理解:指一种使个体的行为、态度、个性等发生重大变化的学习,而非那种仅涉及事实累积的学习。它不但是一种增长知识的学习,而且是一种与每个人各部分经验融合在一  相似文献   

教学策略服务于实际的教学,是为了达到一定的教学目标和教学效果,对外汉语教学活动的目的是让学生掌握汉语语言材料、语言知识,最终转化为语言能力。由此可见教学策略对于留学生掌握汉语十分重要,本文结合日本学生的个性特点及日本独特的社会文化因素,提出几点针对日本学生的对外汉语课堂教学策略。  相似文献   

This paper discusses procedures for the analysis of instructional strategies incorporated into distance learning materials, especially with regard to the development of the higher order cognitive ability—critical thinking. It examines the function of task analysis as an integral part of the instructional design process, analysing three different approaches available to the instructional designer towards the analysis of tasks required of distance learners. Comparing the learning hierarchy, the concept hierarchy, and the information processing approaches, it was found that the latter was the only one suitable for this current study because of the requirement that critical thinking be linked with domain‐specific knowledge, rather than be learned as an independent ability. Different algorithms for both the student and the designer/analyst are included as part of the information processing approach, and, although these methods are yet to be validated, they seem to offer sufficient promise, while allowing the analyst to make further decisions during the analysis.  相似文献   

远程学习者学习特质与学习策略的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现代远程教育环境下学习者学习特质的研究,是社会科学领域中心理学和教育学的跨学科研究.在运用心理学的基础理论和方法研究成人学习者认知心理和能力特质,利用现代技术的统计方法进行样本数据的采集分析,建立适合终身教育的学习者心理测量量表、测量常模和学习策略知识库(指导手册)的基础上,让学习者掌握自我能力测量的方法,参照学习策略指导,选择适合自己的学习策略,将对学习效果产生有效的推动作用,也是探索现代远程学习环境下教学理念的一个有益探索.  相似文献   

This paper provides an account of an innovative programme of teaching economics at a distance — the paper is the most comprehensive report of the programme available in English.

The paper discusses the didactic principles on which the videofilm is substantially different from other teaching activities, details of the production process itself are outlined. The paper advances some preliminary conclusions about the efficiency of learning from the videofilm.  相似文献   

远程学习中社会性交互策略和方法   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
如何通过社会性交互有效提高远程学习的质量,已经成为现代远程教育实践的新课题。论文广泛调研国内外关于远程学习中社会性交互策略研究的最新成果,结合国内现代远程教育中社会性交互的实践方法,通过归纳和演绎,提出了远程学习中社会性交互的策略框架。该框架按照远程学习阶段和交互主体两个维度,对社会性交互策略进行了分类。在此基础上,论文针对学习者与教师,以及学习者与学习者之间社会性交互策略的特点进行了深入的讨论。  相似文献   

Although instructional explanations are commonly used to introduce learners to new learning content, previous studies have often shown that their effects on learning outcomes are minimal. This failure might partly be due to mental passivity of the learners while processing introductory explanations and to a lack of opportunity to revise potential misunderstandings after working on introductory explanations. Against this background, we provided learners with two instructional support measures to optimise the introduction of new principles and concepts by providing instructional explanations in the domain of management theory: (a) prompts designed to induce inferences that are focused on the central content of the explanations, and (b) remedial explanations that are adapted to the learners’ knowledge gaps. We tested their effects in a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design with the following factors: (a) prompts designed to induce focused processing (with vs. without), and (b) remedial explanations (adapted vs. random). The participants consisted of 80 psychology students. We found that the prompts fostered both the share of deep-oriented processing and the acquisition of conceptual knowledge. The beneficial effect of prompts on conceptual knowledge was mediated by the number of inferences that learners generated in response to the prompts. In addition, we found that prompts also fostered the instructional efficiency of providing instructional explanations. The provision of adapted remedial explanations, however, fostered neither deep-oriented processing nor the acquisition of conceptual knowledge. We conclude that prompts designed to induce focused processing can foster deep-oriented processing as well as both the effectiveness and efficiency of learning from instructional explanations.  相似文献   

For many secondary and postsecondary students with dyslexia, passing required algebra courses presents a formidable challenge. Although dyslexic students do have specific and sometimes severe learning deficits that can affect their chances of success in algebra, they can succeed if given appropriate and effective instruction that meets their special and individual needs. This article briefly describes the application of effective instructional practices to the teaching of remedial algebra that have been used with dyslexic students in the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Project Success program.  相似文献   

A learning model for science education was proposed by Appleton (1989), based on Osborne and Wittrock’s generative learning theory (1983) and the Piagetian notions of disequilibrium, assimilation, and accommodation. The model incorporated many aspects of difficulties in learning science experienced by students, as revealed in the LISP projects and similar research. This paper examines how the model may be used to derive teaching strategies: components of the model are analysed in terms of specific types of teacher interventions which could facilitate students’ progress to accommodation. Some established teaching strategies are analysed in terms of these interventions. Specializations: primary teacher education, teaching strategies in science.  相似文献   

研究性学习在小学数学中的应用着重点在于小学生对于知识的再创造过程,本文从小学数学学科特点出发,提出了几种研究性学习的教学策略,希望促使小学数学与研究性学习紧密结合,并试图为小学数学教师培养小学生创造性提供可借鉴的操作策略。  相似文献   

This article reviews an introductory sociology course taught at a distance. After an outline of the course structure, the major teaching strategies adopted are discussed with an emphasis upon those which seek to foster sociological understanding by requiring students to explore links between their own social experience and the sociological concepts, theories and methods to which they are being introduced. Results from an evaluation study of students’ responses to these teaching strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

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