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This paper examines one particular response of the Canadian government to the issue of multi‐ethnicity in higher education: the constraints placed on people of Indian origin with regard to attendance at universities until the 1950's, and traces the historical development of special programmes within universities for Indian students. It suggests that while special programmes for Indian students may be a positive step in terms of Indian control of Indian education and the development of an infrastructure for both self‐government and economic development, such programmes are nevertheless problematic. In particular, special programmes tend to reinforce negative and potentially racist stereotypes about Indian culture. They suggest that Indian people trained in special programmes are only capable of dealing with other Indian people. The degrees granted by special programmes are devalued by employers. State efforts to increase the level of education amongst Indian people are aimed at creating a new set of agents of social control.  相似文献   

高等教育中国家与市场的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
欧洲大学现在失去了昔日的光彩,公共和私人教育支出水平较低是造成其衰败的部分原因;而高度集中的国家管理体制抑制了大学之间的有效竞争,从而使得大学在教育和研究两方面都缺乏进步的动力。对这一体制加以改革都会面临三个问题:政府对大学的掌控程度、政府对大学的资助程度和大学之间的竞争程度。这三个问题既是相互关联的,在一定程度上又是彼此独立的;既可能存在有公共资助但没有公共产权的情况,也可能存在有公共资助和公共产权同时还保持了高度竞争的情况。高等教育不同于其他产品和服务,具有“连带性”特征,这使得大学竞争与效率和公平问题之间存在着紧密而复杂的关系。  相似文献   

The first laws for regulating qualification requirements in Lithuanian higher education were passed by the Lithuanian government in 1991. Other laws providing for the nostrification of foreign degrees, awarded under the authority of the former Soviet State, were passed. Lithuania is now proceeding towards the development of bodies and procedures for the accreditation of institutions and programmes, this despite public weariness with over‐bureaucratization.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后期以来,中国迅速跻身为世界经济发展最快的国家之一,与此同时,中国的高等教育也被推到了国家和地区发展的最前沿。本篇论文就这一背景下中国高等教育传统与现代性的交互作用进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

The procedures for the licensing, attestation, and accreditation of educational institutions in the Russian Federation are listed and described. The reasons for a unified system of control and evaluation of educational institutions, particularly higher education institutions, are explained.  相似文献   

In analyzing international student mobility, there is a question which is important from the point of view both of the individuals concerned and of society: what is the value of study abroad? The following article deals with the evaluation of student experience in programmes of undergraduate studies abroad within the context of higher education in the United States.

The article is based on a paper written by W. Frank Hull IV, Associate Research Educator, office of the Chancellor, University of California, Santa Barbara, which was presented at the US International Studies Association in February 1978, in a session entitled “Taking the Measures of Undergraduate Study Abroad, Research and Evaluation”.  相似文献   

The development of a market economy in Russia is greatly affecting the structural reform of education. One result is the establishment of non‐state educational institutions which are offering various types of higher education programmes and educational services. This short article describes the possible role of non‐state educational institutions as a part of the general higher education system.  相似文献   

The implementation of peer marking within an existing tutorial system is examined. Peer marks were found to be in close agreement with the tutor's, lending credibility to the approach. The benefits of peer marking were discussed with the students, including their possible improvement in examination technique. This teaching approach has the added advantage in that the tutor can more easily act as a facilitator (rather than as an assessor) in the tutorial sessions. At the end of the year an evaluation of peer marking was carried out

Results from a questionnaire showed that five relative advantages of peer marking had been achieved. Further, the students believed that their work had been marked fairly, and that peer marks should count towards their end‐of‐year marks. Peer marking was found tobe most successful, fully complementing a tutorial system of teaching.  相似文献   

美国《高等教育法》修订与高等教育财政改革   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1965年通过的《高等教育法》是美国历史上最为重要的高等教育立法之一,扩展了联邦政府在高等教育财政领域的角色。该法以再授权的方式周期性地予以修订,到目前为止,已进行了8次再授权。2008年通过的《高等教育机会法》是对该法的第8次再授权,本次修订提出了一系列重要的高等教育财政改革措施,并突出体现了促进和改善入学机会、可负担和问责的高等教育财政理念。  相似文献   

教育中的民主概念:一种批判性考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促进教育的民主化被看做是现代教育变革的一项重要任务。教育民主化包涵着非常丰富的内容,既包括教育机会的扩大和均等,也包括教育组织、活动和关系本身的民主化。在教育民主化理念的支配下,民主成为适用于并支配学校事务的一项基本价值原则。然而,人们仔细审视民主概念在教育场域中的应用情况,也发现存在不少值得严肃讨论的具体问题。这些具体问题指向一个更为基本的问题:学校是一个可以被民主化的场所吗?本文提出,由于学校组织的教育性特征,诞生于政治领域中的民主原则并不能完全无条件地适用于教育场域;在教育事务的处理上,民主原则的应用应该考虑与教育性原则以及传统、权威、道德、自主性等诸多影响因素相协调,从而建构更为良好的教育关系或教育秩序,防止现代社会以一种单一的民主逻辑来改造学校,防止现代教育陷入民主的迷思。这可以看做是对我国教育学界一直以来所倡导的教育民主化理论的一个补充或修正。  相似文献   

Great interest is being expressed in higher education circles everywhere and at all levels in the fundamental changes envisaged with regard to the organizational structure and contents of higher education in the USSR. These changes constitute an important part of the restructuring; the “perestroika”, currently going on in all spheres and at all levels of Soviet society.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CC CPSU) adopted the Principal Directions for the Reorganization of Higher Education and Specialized Secondary Education. As a follow‐up to that framework document, the CC CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a number of decisions, dated 13 March 1987, aimed at giving substance to and at amplifying the basic principles enumerated. As change in Soviet higher education has been in the air for some time, we were able to preview some of its directions in previous issues of Higher Education in Europe, specifically in No. 4, Vol. XI (1986), pp. 80‐81 and in No. 2, Vol. XII (1987), pp. 83‐84.

As promised in the latter issue, we are now presenting the main provisions of these “Measures”, and “Decisions” via excerpts taken from five documents which were published partly in Byulleten’ Ministerstva Vysshego i Srednego Spetsialnogo Obrazovaniya, No. 6, 1987, and partly in Pravda, 27 March 1987.

The editors are solely responsible for the choice of excerpts as well as for the editorial and stylistic modifications that they believed necessary in order to fit them into the content of Higher Education in Europe.  相似文献   

The current reform of higher education in Belarus is briefly described. The system is being adapted to a market economy and to national independence. The reform process is affecting institutional structures, curricula, the types of course programmes offered, the degree/diploma structure, and the language of instruction.  相似文献   

Sound assessment and evaluation of higher education necessitates deep understanding of the detailed processes underlying student overall evaluation of course and Instructor. The present study employs both correlational analysis and step‐wise multiple regression in an effort to help us understand student decision behaviour and to build mathematical models representing the dynamics of student evaluative Judgement of course and instructor. The resulting models were very strong and were ctually used to improve the performance of the academic programmes in the Institute of Banking Studies In Kuwait.  相似文献   

We give below current information on higher education in Greece based on the report presented by Mrs. Lina Cantifaris, the Undersecretary of State for Higher Education of the Greek Ministry of Education and Ecclesiastical Affairs, during the 35th meeting of the Council of Europe's Committee for Higher Education and Research (CHER), which was held in Athens from 27 to 29 April 1977. (For a report on this meeting see page 3 in this issue).  相似文献   

本文探讨构成学习型社会的基本条件和基本特征 ,以及学习型社会中我国高等教育新的使命。在全面建设小康社会的进程中 ,必须把不断提高人民大众的科学文化知识水平 ,形成全民的学习型社会作为一项重大的战略任务。高等教育在形成学习型社会中 ,应发挥其先导作用 ,并成为实施终身教育的主体力量。  相似文献   

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