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梁浩波  杨晓生 《体育学刊》2011,18(3):110-114
在对足球规则演变的基本原则所体现出来的体育人文精神诠释的基础上,分析现代足球竞赛规则修改的必要性,指出裁判规则有违公平竞赛原则,"毛时间"规则影响比赛时间的准确性,主裁判执法区域过大,规则纰漏存在争议性焦点判罚。总结归纳出完善规则的6种思路:当执判决不是最后判决;改"毛时间"为"净时间";增加主裁判;引入录像回放技术;增加门线裁判;球内安装电子芯片。  相似文献   

Games have a complex, and seemingly paradoxical structure: they are both competitive and cooperative, and the competitive element is required for the cooperative element to work out. They are mechanisms for transforming competition into cooperation. Several contemporary philosophers of sport have located the primary mechanism of conversion in the mental attitudes of the players. I argue that these views cannot capture the phenomenological complexity of game-play, nor the difficulty and moral complexity of achieving cooperation through game-play. In this paper, I present a different account of the relationship between competition and cooperation. My view is a distributed view of the conversion: success depends on a large number of features. First, the players must achieve the right motivational state: playing for the sake of the struggle, rather than to win. Second, successful transformation depends on a large number of extra-mental features, including good game design, and social and institutional features.  相似文献   

作为艺术的武术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
武术的优势并不是表现在艺术、健身、娱乐等某一个别方面,而是表现在其所具有的艺术、健身、娱乐等各种功能的复合性。研究关注武术的艺术功能,分析艺术武术的历史成因,认为是人的心理需要成就了武术的艺术属性,是人的审美态度强化了武术的艺术功能;分析艺术武术的当代体现——暴力美,认为艺术武术中的暴力美是对暴力的消解,艺术武术中的暴力美是人的心理压抑的文明渲泄;探讨艺术武术的发展原则与发展向度等发展问题。  相似文献   

奥林匹克标志侵权及其法律救济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖军  范成文 《体育学刊》2007,14(2):37-40
研究了奥林匹克标志的侵权认定、侵权主要表现形式及侵权性质等。通过对我国奥林匹克标志侵权法律救济现状的分析,发现存在一些问题,提出完善我国奥林匹克标志侵权法律救济的途径:健全奥林匹克标志保护的立法体制;完善相应的法律法规内容:理顺相应的执法程序;建立各部门执法的调配协合机制;提高奥林匹克标志侵权司法救济效率。  相似文献   

随着信息化时代的到来以及我国体育事业突飞猛进的发展,传统的体育新闻传播媒介受到广播、电视、网络的冲击与挑战并且失去了原始的优势,广播、电视、网络也抢夺了体育新闻媒介大量的原始受众。文章试图通过分析资料、文献、新闻事实,对体育新闻报纸、广播、电视、网络的优缺点及其受众进行分析对比,对当今体育新闻报纸大的生存环境进行分析研究,总结出现代体育新闻报纸总体的发展方向,改善体育新闻报业目前的经营状况,制定出相关政策增强其自身的竞争力,进而促进体育新闻报纸媒介的良性发展。  相似文献   

Sport as a drama     
Argument of this text is that: to develop aesthetics of sport, we should not begin with aesthetics as philosophy of art but with aesthetics of everyday life; to start with aesthetics of sport, we should not begin with beautiful of ‘pure aesthetics’ but with the dramatic; to analyze the dramatic in sport, we should not open the analysis with analogy between theater and sport, but with sport as a sort of performance; to get at the meaning of sport as a drama, we have to discuss different meanings ‘drama’ has in theory and everyday communication; to map the dramatic in sport as performance, we have to discuss some features of sport which determine its dramatics first, and its potential as spectacle later. To proceed with the argument, we have to take into account contemporary state of aesthetics, recent development of aesthetics of everyday life, and theory of performance, together with Bernard Suits’ definition of game, Gadamer’s idea of play, and Lévy-Strauss’ account on conjunctive and disjunctive ritual.  相似文献   

城市新形态:景观体育   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
创新不仅是一个民族进步的灵魂,也是一项事业获得蓬勃发展的决定性力量。在城市化和全球化的双重进程中,城市成为21世纪人类生存、发展和竞争的主角,也是体育事业发展的主阵地。城市发展的外在需求和城市体育发展的内在律动诞生了一种新的城市体育形态——城市景观体育。文章以城市景观体育现象为切入点,对其发生的背景、概念、特征等基本问题进行学理性的阐述分析。  相似文献   

娱乐圈分分合合的恋情太多,明星的婚姻幸福谁都说不好。但娱乐圈中有很多对儿十分让人祝福的明星情侣,他们在险境中共结连理,携手并进,这种情比金坚的情感让人很是羡慕、嫉妒、恨。其实,无论是在中国还是欧美,又或者是在日韩,娱乐圈里的模范夫妻都不在少数,孙俪邓超夫妇、碧昂斯JAY-Z夫妇、车仁表申爱罗夫妇等等,他们都是让人艳羡的明星夫妻,在这个变幻莫测的娱乐圈依旧坚守爱情实属不易,祝福他们百年好合,幸福长久!  相似文献   

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