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王邦采是清初重要的楚辞研究者,由于相关记载较少,目前对他的生平事迹和著述情况仍然缺乏了解。结合文献记载,考证王邦采的生平事迹主要有刊刻古籍和书画活动。除了楚辞研究之外,王邦采的著述成果还包括前人诗集笺注三种、读书笔记三卷以及诗二十一首。  相似文献   

文章从总集、别集、地方志等各类文献中,辑得《全清词·雍乾卷》未收之作品49首,其中17首为《全清词·雍乾卷》已收作者的佚作,32首为《全清词·雍乾卷》未及收录的作者之词作.凡未及收录的作者,略考其姓氏、字号、里籍、科第、仕历、著述及其他事迹.  相似文献   

陆勇强 《唐山学院学报》2020,33(1):58-64,72
从总集、别集、地方志、家谱等各类文献中,辑录《全清词·顺康卷》及《顺康卷补编》失收之作品40首。凡二者未及收录的作者,略考其姓氏、字号、里籍、科第、仕历及其他事迹等。  相似文献   

以《大唐西域记校注》提供的版本异文和佛经音义书出具的引用异文为材料,利用文献学、训诂学、辞书学等方面的知识,对《大唐西域记》中一些有价值的异文进行了考辨。  相似文献   

《绿野仙踪》是清代著名的长篇白话小说,代表了清代中叶语言的整体状貌。文章选取小说中"更""很(狠)""十分""竟"四个副词与现代汉语副词进行对比,从使用频率、所表意义、组合能力、句法功能等方面分析其在现代汉语中的发展及原因。  相似文献   

《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》是马克思首次系统阐述科学实践观的重要著作,蕴含着"新世界观"的重要内容,集中展示了以实践为认识世界的逻辑起点,以思维的现实性力量为连接认识世界与改造世界的桥梁,以能动改造世界的实践方式为价值指向的核心要义。马克思"新世界观"的理论建构与思想政治教育"精神变物质"的实践属性具有高度契合性,在此视域下审视和分析思想政治教育的实践性,能够为深刻把握思想政治教育的实践属性,创新思想政治教育的方式方法提供重要的理论依据与现实指引。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告提出并论证"新时代中国特色社会主义"的命题,形成了马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果——习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想有着科学的依据,是在"系统回答新时代坚持和发展什么样的中国特色社会主义、怎样坚持和发展中国特色社会主义"这样的理论命题基础上而创立起来的科学的理论体系。这个理论体系立足于新时代中国特色社会主义的实际,以新时代中国特色社会主义为研究对象,重点探索新时代中国特色社会主义的规律,具有八个方面的主要内容和十四条需要贯彻落实的基本方略。习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是马克思主义中国化最新理论成果,具有重大的理论创新价值和实践指导价值。  相似文献   

A short celebratory article about the life and career of the English children's book author/illustrator, John Ryan, most famous for creating the eponymous pirate Captain Pugwash. This article documents Ryan's early career at school and in the army, and his rise as a freelance cartoonist, working first for Eagle and Girl comics (and in the process creating Captain Pugwash, Harris Tweed, Sir Boldasbrass, and Lettice Leefe) and then developing his characters for books and television. There is also a brief discussion of Ryan's biblical retellings for children and the recent controversy surrounding the names of Pugwash's crew.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing techniques can be used for conducting environmental change detection studies following a natural disaster. Modern computer technology and free access to global satellite imagery allows educators to introduce undergraduate students to the fields of remote sensing and encourage their scientific participation through a research assignment that also serves as an educational exercise. The undergraduate physical science laboratory manuals used in higher education that contain printed remote sensing material often fail to effectively achieve these goals. This class exercise utilizes digital satellite imagery for studying the floods that resulted in the Paraná River region in South America during El Niño 1997–98. In addition, it examines vegetation cover and spectral profiles from the study area in order to further understand and assess the changes that were caused by this recurrent climatic anomaly.  相似文献   

This article is a critique of Mildred D. Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry with regard to its positioning of the child subject. I propose that the novel contrasts classic works of children's fiction by following a trajectory of child agency, which is enabled through the novel's racial specificity. The adults in the novel teach the children, but they do so in a way that encourages autonomous action. Subversive child agency is enabled in the novel through the demystification of history and the unveiling of power structures. In the process, the child characters become agents of resistance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze an investigative situation proposed to a class of 5th graders in a primary school. The situation is based on the following task: In a sale with group rates on a sliding scale, the students must find the lowest possible purchase price for a given number of tickets. A study of students’ arguments made it possible to identify a large number of rhetorical forms. However, it turned out that one of the intrinsic features of the situation restricted the teacher’s possibilities of making didactical use of the students’ forms of reasoning and led him to try to support students’ learning with “didactical reasons” rather than with “reasons for knowing”. RéSUMé. L’article analyse une situation de recherche proposée dans une classe de 5ième année de primaire. Dans une vente par lots à tarif dégressif, les élèves doivent minimiser le prix d’achat pour une quantité donnée. L’étude des arguments des uns et des autres fait apparaêtre de nombreuses formes rhétoriques, mais une propriété intrinsèque de la situation va limiter les possibilités du professeur dans l’utilisation didactique des raisonnements des élèves et va dissocier les raisons de savoir et les raisons didactiques utilisées.  相似文献   

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