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郑萍 《现代教育技术》2008,18(11):94-96
文章以我国64所现代远程教育试点高校2008秋季招生简章为样本,以招生层次、报名时间(段)、入学考试批次以及院校专业设置情况为分析框架,统计分析了现代远程教育试点高校的招生服务模式。结果表明,我国现代远程教育试点高校招生以专升本为主,采取固定某一时间段报名和入学测试为主的招生服务模式,开设专业内容丰富,新型交叉应用型专业凸显。建议优化招生服务,整合院校资源,提供面向全社会的综合教育服务平台。  相似文献   


Online discussions are widely viewed as a valuable tool for encouraging student engagement and promoting interaction with course material outside of the traditional classroom. Strategies for conducting online discussions vary and are not confined to traditional, university-sponsored learning management systems (LMS). Social media platforms such as Facebook, which provide a variety of social benefits to students, might also represent a viable mechanism for educational information exchange and learning. Our study tested this proposition by comparing the effects of a Facebook-based and LMS-based online discussion forum on students' participation, achievement of learning goals, and overall course performance. Our findings suggest that different forums can affect classroom dynamics and student learning in different ways. While Facebook may be better at fostering student participation and encouraging peer-to-peer dialogue, the university-sponsored LMS may be a more effective tool for encouraging students to develop coherent arguments and apply course content in other contexts. Since this study shows that platform of an online discussion assignment matters, college instructors should consider the benefits and drawbacks of each platform before developing an online discussion assignment. Instructor choice of platform should depend on course content, instructor's teaching preferences, and online discussion assignment goals.  相似文献   

以绵阳师范学院数学本科教学模式为例,分析了传统教学模式存在的弊端,阐述了新教学模式的思考与改革实践,体现出三个创新点:充分体现学生中心原则;高质量高效率原则;学生向专业化、职业化方向发展。五个主要成效:促进教风和学风根本好转;节约教育教学资源;降低教学成本;提高教育教学的效能;满足学生需要,适应社会需求,增强学生在社会中的核心竞争能力和适应能力。  相似文献   

文章拟针对高师现代汉语课程教学脱离基础教育课程改革实际需要的突出问题,以促进语文教师专业化发展为旨归,从现代汉语课程教学的知识观、教学观、学习观、评价观等几方面具体分析了存在的弊病,提出了教师在课程实施中应积极开发课程资源、突出师生对话、激励学生学习、以评价促进学生发展等策略,以适应基础教育新课程改革对师资的需要。  相似文献   

Web‐based education is a popular format for the delivery of college courses. Research has shown that it may not be the best form of education for all students. Today, many students (and student advisors) face a choice in course delivery format (i.e., Web‐based or more traditional classroom courses). This research study examines the relationship between student personality characteristics and their achievement scores as a means of identifying predictors of academic success in an undergraduate business program using Web‐based education. The results of the study show that four basic personality characteristics are highly correlated to student achievement in Web‐based courses. Use of these personality characteristics as variables in a regression model is shown to be a highly accurate predictive tool to aid students in the decision as to whether to take a particular Web‐based course format or a more traditional classroom course.  相似文献   

语文课程资源这一概念的提出,是课程意识的觉醒和对母语教育特点的正确审视.语文课程资源的范围呈现一种关涉多极、空间无限的立体状态,按照不同的分类标准可以分成不同类型的资源.语文课程资源的利用要经过教育筛子、学习筛子、语文筛子的过滤,要遵循最优化、针对性、和谐性三个原则,把握好信息捕捉、价值辨识、资源利用三个环节.语文学习要充分挖掘教材、教师、学生、校本、社区、自然、家庭、网络等领域的有效资源,拓宽语文资源开发的路径,引导学生在广阔的资源背景中学习语文.  相似文献   

塑造新时代大学生的教育精神是师范类院校责无旁贷的任务和使命,而将教育精神的养成融入专业课程的讲授过程中则是值得深入探索和尝试的有益之举。"人体解剖生理学"是研究人体的基本结构和运行模式的一门基础课程,也是师范类生物科学专业学生的基础必修课。因此,该课程可成为师范类课程思政教育的重要载体之一。在该课程教学过程中,挖掘相关知识点中所蕴含的思政元素,围绕师范生应具备的敬业与担当、仁爱与创新、献身与好学等中国文人传统的精神价值追求,更好地将德育与智育深度融合,让学生在学习专业知识的过程中,体会和感悟精神道德的力量,从而树立适应社会主义现代化建设的核心价值观。  相似文献   

Mathematics education and learning disabilities in Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the first part of this article, we describe the basic objectives of the math curriculum in Spain as well as the basic contents, teacher resources, and obstacles perceived in mathematics instruction. Second, we briefly describe the concept of learning disabilities (LD) as they are currently defined in Spain. As stated in the recent educational reform, a student with LD is any student with special educational needs. The emphasis is placed on the educational resources that these students need in order to achieve the curricular objectives that correspond to their age group or grade. Third, we comment specifically on the educational services model and the evaluation and instructional procedures for students with math learning disabilities. Finally, we describe some lines of research that have appeared in the last few years in Spain that have led to the development of new evaluation and intervention procedures for students with LD in computation and problem solving.  相似文献   

学生评价改革是基础教育课程改革的重要组成部分,建立发展性学生评价体系是新一轮课程改革的重心和突破口.发展性学生评价是在教育性学生评价与选拔性学生评价整合的基础上形成的更加科学合理的学生评价模式,正确把握发展性学生评价,并积极运用于教学实践,对促进学生全面主动发展和新课程下的教育教学改革具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

在与企业的交流中发现,学校的实践教学获得的认同度并不高。考察高等院校的教学活动,对于学生,本质上是一种基于资源的学习;对于学校,师资建设、实验室与实习基地建设等,本质上是一个教学资源的建设。工科学生实践教学环节训练乏力的问题,实际是一个实践教学资源缺失的问题。对于实践教学的重点部分如集中性实践教学环节,其教学资源建设的重点在于拓展与企业的合作渠道,把教学环境转移到企业现场,并结合CDIO大纲和企业培训纲要来指导教学,使得实践教学环节尽可能映射工程实践。介绍了基于上述思考的教学改革试点工作。  相似文献   

Veterinary schools, similar to many professional health programs, face a myriad of evolving challenges in delivering their professional curricula including expansion of class size, costs to maintain expensive laboratories, and increased demands on veterinary educators to use curricular time efficiently and creatively. Additionally, exponential expansion of the knowledge base through ongoing biomedical research, educational goals to increase student engagement and clinical reasoning earlier in the curriculum, and students’ desire to access course materials and enhance their educational experience through the use of technology all support the need to reassess traditional microscope laboratories within Professional Veterinary Medical (PVM) educational programs. While there is clear justification for teaching veterinary students how to use a microscope for clinical evaluation of cytological preparations (i.e., complete blood count, urinalysis, fecal analysis, fine needle aspirates, etc.), virtual microscopy may be a viable alternative to using light microscopy for teaching and learning fundamental histological concepts. This article discusses results of a survey given to assess Professional Veterinary Medical students’ perceptions of using virtual microscope for learning basic histology/microscopic anatomy and implications of these results for using virtual microscopy as a pedagogical tool in teaching first-year Professional Veterinary Medical students’ basic histology.  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯是20世纪德国著名的人本主义教育家。始终坚持人的“主体性”的体认和张扬,是他对教育活动中“人”的认识的基点。雅氏旗帜鲜明地认为,学生是教育过程的主体,教育纯粹是学生个人“主动生成”的过程,一切教学过程都是学生自我实现的过程。雅氏的教育思想为我们认识和理解远程开放教育的问题展现了一个极为广阔的视野,引导我们以自主学习理论为依据.进一步确立远程学习者的主体地位,逐步建立和完善远程开放教育的自主学习模式,促进远程开放教育学习效率和教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

网络发展对传统制度化教育进行了不断的解构并促使它进行新的整合 ,表现为 :教育投资的重心由物质资源转向信息资源、教师权威由单极化向多极化发展、学生活动由群体化向非群体化发展、时间的收缩与空间的延展、课程由法定的一元化向非法定的多元化发展  相似文献   

我国高等职业技术教育是一项朝阳事业   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
发展高等职业技术教育是一项具有长远历史意义的高等教育大众化战略决策。近年来我国高等职业技术教育得到了迅速发展,创办了一大批高等职业技术院校,招生规模持续增长,聚集一批教育资源,积累了可贵的办学经验。但由于发展速度过快,办学资源供给不足等原因,高等职业技术教育发展也还存在一些问题。一是很多高职院校的发展定位和目标不明确。二是很多高职院校尚未形戍一套行之有效的现代办学理念和教育制度。三是部分高职院校面临资源短缺,供求矛盾突出。当务之急应当做好制度创新、专业建制和文化建设,提升高职院校办学的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

现代教育技术促进了教育的变化和发展,本文分析了现代教育技术对教学过程中教师、学生、教学内容、教学媒体四个基本要素的影响.  相似文献   

现代教育技术技能是21世纪师范生的必备素质之一。搞好教育技术公共课的教学,确保每个师范生都能掌握一定的现代教育技术,已成为高师院校的责任与义务。通过对我校现代教育技术公共课开设情况的全面分析,揭示了高校现代教育技术公共课的优势和存在的问题,提出了改革教学内容、教学方法,加强实践环节,积极探索现代教育技术与其它学科整合的思路。  相似文献   

The application of podcasting for educational purposes is growing fast in universities. There are several benefits of this asynchronous, direct communication and interaction between teacher and student. Nonetheless, the benefits, the pedagogical value of podcasting the traditional lecture format, have come into question. Furthermore, issues have been raised regarding lengthy and costly download times, and the fact that students need to make time to listen to them. For these reasons, using short 3–5‐minute podcasts that summarise the lecture have been suggested. This paper explores how students interact with different types of podcasts. The study compares download and course evaluation data of a series of short‐summary podcasts with full‐lecture podcasts produced for the same university course. The findings show that students value full‐lecture podcasts as highly as the short‐summary podcasts, despite the fact that full‐lecture podcasts are downloaded to a markedly lesser degree. The cause of this anomaly appears to lie in the different purposes that dictate podcast use. The paper concludes by noting that both full‐lecture and short‐summary podcasts serve as useful tools for student learning in university contexts.  相似文献   

数理类基础课是工科院校各专业的重要公共基础课,其特点是学时数多、授课面广,是后续课程学习的基础.由于学生对这些课程的认识不够,导致其对课程学习的动力不足、兴趣不高,学习效果不佳.鉴于此,以"数理基础课概论"为切入点,深度融合基础课和专业课教学内容;以"混合式教学模式"为抓手,深度融合基础课和现代教育技术;以"成绩统计分...  相似文献   

Regional campus college students participated in traditionally or nontraditionally taught sections of undergraduate introductory educational psychology. The nontraditional sections were student centered, involving personal goal setting and monitoring conferences, and informal group discussion tests. The traditional sections were teacher centered, involving a lecture format, formal tests and assignments, and comparative grades. An event sampling behavioral assessment procedure was used to record student and teacher behaviors according to the following verbal interaction response categories: positive, negative, questions, answers, presents, solicits, shares, generates, impedes. The course sections were analyzed and found to be comparable with regard to teachers' positive responses and information presented, as well as content acquisition and final grades. However, students in the nontraditional course section asked significantly more questions, shared more information, and generated more ideas than students in the more traditional teacher-centered course. Replication analyses supported the initial findings regarding learning and attitudinal differences favoring student centered course sections over teacher centered sections.  相似文献   

加强大学生健康人格的培养,是目前我国高校教育中重要内容。在众多人格教育资源中,道家人格教育思想是独特而又非常重要的。道家人格思想教育有助于培养大学生不为物役、珍爱生命和大的生命境界。而道家思想的"心斋"与"坐忘",在培养大学生健全人格实践上也具有重要方法论意义。  相似文献   

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