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Bar原意是长条状的木头或金属。关于酒吧的来源,据说。当时美国中西部的人骑马外出,路过街边的小店,就把马拴在门口的木桩上,进去喝一杯,小憩一下,然后继续上路,这样的小店就称为Bar。现在,越来越多的年轻人喜欢“泡吧”。不妨看看欧美的人们在酒吧间都聊些什么,能为你带来点灵感也说不定。  相似文献   

结束一天的工作后,约上三五好友,去酒吧喝上两杯,聊一聊身边的奇闻趣事,不失为放松的绝佳方式。  相似文献   

机场安枪是很重要的一个环节,稍有差池,就可能会带来毁灭性的灾难。有时,严格的安检也让很多乘客怨声载道,这不,下面这两位正在对此事发表各自的看法。  相似文献   

歌坛天后麦肖娜收养非洲马拉维男童的时候可是掀起了不小的争议。有人认为她纯粹是为了提升自己的正面形象.有人认为这是一个无私的举措,能够起到良好的示范作用。小编认为不管是哪一个出发点,只要能带给我们正能量的事情都可以给予不遗余力的支持!你怎么看呢?  相似文献   

两名澳大利亚年轻人在酒吧里聊起了相机,他们一个说数码相机好,一个说单反相机好,双方各执一词,莫衷一是。来听听他们是怎么说的。  相似文献   

现如今,越来越多奇形怪状的建筑展现在我们面前,比如说:奥地利维也纳的攻击式众议院、加拿大蒙特利尔的人居暑67号、墨西哥的卡拉克穆尔香格里拉大酒店……有人赞创意,有人喊奇葩。你是怎么想的呢?  相似文献   

四驱车是一种四轮驱动的汽车,因此其越野性能极强,但是耗油量也大。下面这两位听说英国政府要禁止城市行驶四驱车.似乎各执己见,褒贬不一。一起来听听他们都是怎么说的吧。  相似文献   

This month, two British men are talking about pets. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions.  相似文献   

This month two young Americans are talking about the NASA decision to establish a base on the moon in the near future. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions (US English spelling).  相似文献   

驴友?是在一起骑驴贩驴卖驴的朋友?还是长相像驴一样的朋友?都不是。“驴友”,其实就是“旅游发烧友”。例如:  相似文献   

酒吧,一个休闲放松的好去处。在那里,不论是会老友,还是交新友,总得有点话题聊。不妨来看看老外泡吧都聊些什么。  相似文献   

袁诹 《学习之友》2014,(5):12-12
从牧惠先生的杂文《夏衍的雅量》知道,夏衍担任文化部副部长的时候,讲了外行话被两位朋友“痛损”,他因此发奋学习,传为佳话。朋友之一是吴晗,他冲夏衍说:“你还当文化部长呢,这一点都不懂”。  相似文献   

Authentic conversations by native American speakers Windows VistaThis month, two Americans are talking about the Microsoft windows program Vista. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions.  相似文献   

OJ Simpson
This month, two young Americans are talking about OJ Simpson. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions:  相似文献   

Podcasts Listen to these two Americans chatting about podcasts. Mary: Hey, how's it going? Greg: Hey, how are you? Mary: I'm well. Greg: OK. Mary: Er, have you heard about this latest podcast? Greg: No, I haven't, how does it work? Mary: Well, I just heard about it of different files, different chats, things like that. Greg: Right. so I've been downloading lots political talks, the news, the BBC, Mary: It' s great. I was just listening to it on my way over to the bar. Greg: Well, I don't know, erm. I'm not really the type of person who really, like, you know, with all these different things like Intemet and stuff like that. i don' t know how that stuff works. Mary: But it doesn't interest you at all? Greg: Well, 1 hate reading and I never watch TV, so I really don' t even know what I would need it for.  相似文献   

Authentic conversations by native American speakers Swiss Army Knives This month two young Americans are talking about Swiss Army Knives and gadgets. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions:1. What does one of the speakers say in favor of Swiss Army Knives? 2. What does the other speaker say against Swiss Army Knives?  相似文献   

Authentic conversations to help improve your listening skills Guitar Heroes This month two British men are talking about rock music and guitar heroes. Listen to the conversation and answer these two questions:1. What does one of the speakers say in favour of rock music? 2. What does the other speaker say against rock music?  相似文献   

This month, two British people are talking about marijuana. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions:  相似文献   

Authentic conversations to help improve your listening skills. Ikea Homes This month two British people are talking about Ikea homes. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions.  相似文献   

The Oscars This month, two young British people are talking about the Oscars. Listen to the conversation and answer these questions.1. What does one of the speakers say in favour of the Oscars? 2. What does the other speaker say against the Oscars? Andy: So, the Oscars are coming up. So, you going to be watching it? I' m really looking forward to it. Chris: Er, well, i tend to skip the Oscars. I don't really think it reflects the movie-going public's opinion of films.  相似文献   

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