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农村教育价值之本真与"三教"价值的重新定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村教育具有“成人”的本体价值、终极关怀和丰富多样、变化多姿的工具价值和现实关怀,两者的良性互动体现出农村教育价值的本真。明确农村教育的价值本真有助于重新对农村普通教育、农村职业教育和农村成人教育进行价值定位,农村普通教育旨在为农村和整个社会全面发展培养全面发展的人,农村职业教育旨在提高农村人口的职业转移能力,农村成人教育旨在深入扫盲和提高农民增收能力。  相似文献   

我国总人口和在校学生的80 %左右在农村 ,这一国情 ,决定了农村教育特别是农村职业教育 ,不仅是一个关系到农村改革、发展和稳定的重大问题 ,同时也是一个关系到中华民族整体素质和前途命运的重大问题。一、高度重视农村职业教育目前面临的问题和困难 ,从农村长远发展和我国现代化建设全局的高度 ,充分认识发展农村职业教育的重要性和紧迫性改革开放以来 ,随着农村经济体制改革的深入和农村经济社会发展对劳动者科技文化素质要求的不断提高 ,党和政府高度重视农村职业教育的发展问题。1983年《中共中央、国务院关于加强和改革农村学校…  相似文献   

大力发展农村成人教育是解决农业、农村和农民问题的一项基础性工程。农村成人教育能够促进农村剩余劳动力转移,能够为农业经济的发展培养实用型技术和管理人才,能够促进农业结构调整,有利于促进农村人力资源开发,是解决农业、农村和农民问题的根本举措。为此,政府要增加对农村成人教育的投入,改革农村成人教育教学内容和方法,提高农村成人教育工作者的素质与水平,增强成人教育为农村经济社会发展服务的意识,促进农村成人教育与其他各类教育协调发展。  相似文献   

明确农村教育的内涵,探寻农村教育发展的基本特质及其规律,是构建农村教育发展理论以及推进农村教育改革的前提。从我国农村社会发展现实看,从行政区域和户籍制度进行界定,农村教育的内涵有四种。农村教育的内涵和特质相较于城市教育也是明显的,立足于农村教育的内涵和特质,提出农村教育发展的基本规律。  相似文献   

农村教育综合改革是农村经济建设和社会发展的迫切要求,是农村教育事业发展的一次深刻变革.它的目的是需要克服农村教育与农村经济两张皮的弊端,把农村教育的热点由以往单纯的升学教育转移到全面提高学生素质和为农村社会主义现代化建设服务的轨道上来,为农村培养大批各级各类实用人才,使农村教育与农村经济形式相互促进的良性循环.几年来,在各地党政领导的关心和支持下,经过全体教育工作者的开拓创新和勤奋工作,农村教育综合改革取得了一定进展,涌现出一批先进典型,总结出许多新鲜经验,农村教育新的管理体制和运行机制正  相似文献   

农村教有发展的滞后和农村教育内部存在的问题已严重地影响了农村经济的发展.因此必须重新认识农村的教育性质和方向,改革农村教育体制、教学内容,通过各种途径改善农村教育,使农村教育真正适应农村经济发展的要求.  相似文献   

试论农村成人教育在农村教育中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,农村教育体系不够完善,农村教育中的成人教育发展缓慢,作用得不到突出和强化,导致农村教育为农业、农村、农民服务的功能得不到快速和直接有效的发挥。本文从农村各类教育的属性和功能出发,分析论证了农村成人教育在农村教育中的作用。  相似文献   

农村初中课程改革与教材建设的探索和实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李水山 《教育与职业》2004,(5):22-23,26
在我国已经加入WTO和实行农村产业结构的战略性调整的新形势下,根据不同地区的不同条件,逐步推进农村教育的综合改革,培养造就发展社会主义新农村需要的新型人才,是我国农村教育改革中的客观要求和必然趋势。农村教育的课程开发与教材建设问题一直是困扰农村教育健康、稳定发展的难点,也是农村基础教育与农村职业教育结合的难点。正确分析我国不同地区农村教育的特点和发展规律,开发适合农村经济发展、农村中学教育特点和发展需要的课程及其相关教材,对改革与发展我国农村基础教育和职业教育至关重要,是我国农村教育改革、发展与建设的当…  相似文献   

农村中小学人文类校本课程开发的必要性和可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村校本课程是由农村学校针对农村学生的兴趣和需要,结合农村学校的传统和优势,充分利用农村学校的课程资源,自主开发和实施的课程。农村学校拥有丰富的人文课程资源,开发农村人文类校本课程可以提升农村学生的乡土意识,帮助他们树立建设家乡的信心和决心,还可以丰富农村学生的文化内  相似文献   

农村经济发展与农村教育的关系是互动的,二者之间的发展是相互促进的。农村经济的发展可以推动农村教育的发展,具体来看,能够加大农民对人力资本的投资、能够扩充农村教育的发展空间和改善农村教育发展的外部环境。反过来,农村教育发展在农村经济增长中有重要的价值,具体而言,农村教育发展能够推进农业现代化进程,能够缩小城乡收入差距,能够促进和规范农村剩余劳动力的非农转移。基于二者之间的关系,农村经济和农村教育发展需要协调进行,通过稳固农村基础教育地位、构建农村终身教育体系、完善"三教统筹"工作、完善农村教育的经费投入机制来促进农村经济的发展。  相似文献   

在英语学习过程中,介词的学习和使用是比较重要的方面,需要在弄懂其确切含义的前提下,努力加以掌握,本文着重探讨了成语介词due to(因为)和owing to(因为)的相同和不同之外,以期引起英语学习者的注意,掌握好成语介词,进面为学习英语打好基础。  相似文献   

Young children enter formal schooling with a repertoire of modes of representation with which they try to make sense of the world – drawing, modelling, role play, storying, emergent literacy and numeracy. In drawing they use mark making for kinesthetic pleasure and later learn to repeat patterns and shapes intentionally. From these repeated marks they begin to explore the potential of drawings to represent what they know. A parallel set of drawing strategies with an explicit communicative function develop through social relationships at home or in pre-school/care settings. Children observe and mimic modes of representation and absorb the semiotics modelled by adults or older children in the community/culture[s] in which they are reared. On entering formal school, the messages children receive from the culture of classrooms is that the modes of representation that are valued are the formal symbolic modes of literacy and numeracy whereas teachers perceive drawing as useful for occupational or recreational purposes. Ironically, as children are cultured into ‘academic’ achievements, they lose out on opportunities to engage in alternative modes of representation/symbolic systems, which may offer opportunities for cognitive challenge at higher levels. Thus, whilst pushing children to perform ‘academically’ in the early stages of schooling, we underestimate them ‘intellectually’. At elementary school level children’s mark-making is shaped into a ‘catch-all’, narrative/representational style of drawing across all subjects. Children often elect to explore their own personal, culturally specific ways of drawing outside school as ‘home art’. In school their capabilities in using alternative modes of representation as tools for learning wither away.  相似文献   

初二是抽象思维形成的阶段,我们应激发学生的学习热情,培养他们的积极性、主动性和创造性,使他们积极思维,善于思考,鼓励他们树立自信心。  相似文献   

In this paper Fiona Reeve, Jim Gallacher and Terry Mayes of Glasgow Caledonian University, bring together two current themes in higher education, work‐based learning and the use of new technology in teaching and learning. The paper begins to explore their interaction by examining the ways in which new technology can help to overcome some of the barriers which exist to work‐based learning. To begin this analysis a general model of a WWW‐based learning resource is described which has relevance for a range of open learning contexts. A central aspect of this model is the use of communication technologies to promote the creation of learning dialogues. The way in which this general model might be applied to work‐based learning is then examined. Having suggested that such a model has much to offer work‐based learning, some of the constraints which might be encountered on implementation are then identified. Finally, the authors conclude that it is in promoting more and better forms of communication that new technology can contribute towards work‐based learning practice.  相似文献   

读写脱节一直是中学语文教学存在的不良现象 ,也是语文教学低效的重要原因。如何使学能致用 ,以用促学 ?本文提出了读写结合的教学模式 ,并从三个环节对这一模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

The National Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education in English is specific and detailed about the knowledge expected of primary teachers. Shulman (1987) argued that teachers transform this sort of subject content knowledge into something accessible and meaningful to their pupils and this knowledge is described as ‘pedagogic content knowledge’. Medwell et al. (1998) found that effective literacy teachers only knew literacy in the way that they taught it. The research project underpinning this article aimed to explore student teachers' conceptions of the teaching of reading in order to find out what they thought they were teaching when they taught reading. It was thought that the personal reading histories of the students would impact on their developing conceptions of teaching reading. This article traces one student, Gordon, through the year of his PGCE course. In the form of dialogue between Gordon and the researcher developing understanding is articulated. Three different types of reading are described: decoding, making meaning and engaging. Reading is seen as a transformative process, where the reader is both within and outside the text. This has implications both for the conception of reading contained within the curriculum and the way it is implemented within the classroom. A teacher can only introduce children to experiences and ways of reading that are known to herself. It is argued, therefore, that student teachers need to extend the boundaries of their own reading and so appreciate the wide range of ways in which meaning is constructed and readers are created.  相似文献   

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