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美国的开端计划为处境不利的儿童提供教育补偿,促使他们在原有基础上获得良好的发展,并以此追求教育公平.开端计划实施过程中,政府投入了大量资金.该计划提供的是适合儿童年龄和发展水平的综合性服务.并重视与家庭、社区的合作.这些做法为我国改善当前学前教育公平状况提供了启示.  相似文献   

开端计划(HeadStartProgram)是美国联邦政府在20世纪60年代通过为处境不利的幼儿及家长提供健康服务、社会服务、家长参与服务、生涯发展服务等方式,为提高他们受教育的质量和保障其享有平等的受教育机会,而制订的一系列教育补偿计划。开端计划改善了社区服务质量,促进了幼儿教师专业化的发展,提高了幼儿教师的教学水平和能力,开端计划中关于幼儿教师的来源、培训及其专业化的发展对我国目前壮大幼儿教师队伍有着重要的借鉴作用。一、开端计划中幼儿师资力量的概况  相似文献   

解读美国开端计划家长参与执行标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国“开端计划”始终把家长参与作为其重要组成部分,并以促进儿童发展为目的,制定了家长参与执行标准。本文对美国开端计划家长参与执行标准作了解读,详细分析了有代表性的执行标准和指导,如制定家庭合作目标、家长参与孕产妇教育、家长参与儿童发展活动、家长参与过渡性活动等,以期为我国指导家长参与儿童早期教育提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

美国家访项目是开端计划中对处境不利家庭儿童实施补偿教育的重要组成部分,该项目通过家访服务来提高家长抚育子女的能力,并为母亲和儿童提供基本的健康服务,为弱势家庭幼儿做好入学准备。实践表明,家访项目对于改善家长的育儿态度和育儿能力,以及促进儿童的健康发展具有重要影响。在家访项目中,家访项目的数量和质量、家访项目工作人员的文化能力和受访家庭的文化背景、家庭风险水平的评估标准与项目的适切性等是影响家访项目质量的重要因素。未来美国家访项目应努力实现项目标准的高保真度与灵活性的进一步结合、评估方法的多样化发展、与其他项目合作共同促进儿童的发展、提高项目的时效性及彼此之间的协调性。  相似文献   

近年来,许多国家和地区倾向于提供处境不利学前儿童家庭整合干预计划,通过干预计划为学前儿童提供保教服务和家长服务,改善儿童生活的社区环境,全面为处境不利儿童提供发展支持。印度的ICDS项目和云南省临沧市镇康县的幼儿班项目就是其中之一。借鉴其经验,政府应加强对处境不利儿童早期教育的重视与干预,加大对处境不利儿童早期教育的投资,构建处境不利儿童早期发展支持系统,加强学前教育师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

本文以"确保开端"和"提前开端"计划为例,介绍了英美两国公立幼儿教育"瞄准"处境不利群体的方式.通过"瞄准"社区和"瞄准"家庭的进入机制,以及仅提供基本水平的早期教育和保育服务形成退出机制,国外公立幼儿教育构建出一套系统的瞄准制度,保证公共资源能够配置给不利群体儿童,从而保证财政投入的公平与效率.  相似文献   

借课后服务之力,帮助处境不利儿童走出困境,产生造福社会的实际效益,是美国社会大众、各级政府及学术界长期以来共同关注的议题。美国非营利性课后服务项目代表——洛杉矶“教育向未来”课后充实计划在联邦政府推动、加州政府响应和民间组织的支持下,依据教育政策和教育理论不断调整并更新其教育目标。其实践演进逻辑与抗逆力的发展高度相似:减少风险因素,为处境不利儿童搭建避风港;增加保护因素,为处境不利儿童提供丰富的教育;恢复适应系统,改善处境不利儿童的教育生态。该计划经过多年发展,在减少问题行为、提升学业表现和改善生活条件等方面取得显著成效。然而,课后服务所起作用有限,要使处境不利儿童脱离风险,还需创造生成的教育,让儿童看见希望、产生期盼。  相似文献   

<正>"确保开端儿童中心"是英国普惠性学前教育改革的代表性机构,服务的对象不仅仅是婴幼儿,而且还惠及家长和准父母。其核心目标是:"改善幼儿及其家庭的成就,在如下几方面最大程度上减少家庭之间、同辈群体间的不平等:儿童发展与入学准备;育儿理念与育儿技巧;儿童及家庭的健康和生活境遇。""确保开端儿童中心"的政策经历了三个阶段:试点探  相似文献   

张静静 《教育导刊》2022,(11):89-96
新西兰政府将可获得、付得起、有质量作为普惠性学前教育发展的基本方向。21世纪以来,新西兰政府通过实施免费学前教育、提供多样化学前教育机构、重点扶持处境不利儿童,保证学前教育服务“可获得”;通过加大政府财政投入、为处境不利学前教育机构设立专项补贴,保障学前教育服务“付得起”;通过构建尊重多元文化的全国统一课程标准、强化学前师资队伍建设、实施处境不利家庭支持项目、建构学前教育服务质量监管体系,确保学前教育服务“有质量”。新西兰发展普惠性学前教育的经验对我国有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教育社会学的研究结果表明,75%的“问题儿童”是由“家庭处境不利儿童”演变而来的,因而研究“家庭处境不利儿童”的特征及其对策,是学校教育的一个重要而现实的课题。本文从“家庭处境不利儿童”的类型、特征和教育对策方面作了调查、研究。  相似文献   

The design and evaluation of the New England Head Start Teaching Center (NEHSTC), one of 14 federally funded programs created to test the efficacy of participatory, hands-on training for enhancing Head Start service delivery is the focus of this article. The unique characteristics of the NEHSTC and the outcome evaluation results from 3 years of training will be discussed. The findings demonstrate the NEHSTC was successful in implementing high quality, participatory training within the context of an ongoing Head Start program. Various Head Start staff who participated in the NEHSTC trainings demonstrated gains in knowledge, skills, and attitudes compared to similar Head Start employees who did not receive training. The positive findings suggest that participatory training should be included in the menu of training options available. Because of the unique size and scope of Head Start, the success of ongoing efforts to improve the quality of its programs and services are particularly significant. Within Head Start, this discussion of quality enhancements via innovative training models is timely given the advent of the new performance standards and the restructuring of the Training and Technical Assistance system. Additionally, the findings are relevant for broader efforts to improve early care and education programs nationwide.  相似文献   

Program quality is an important theme for Head Start. Even staunch supporters of Head Start are concerned that too few Head Start classes are of the quality that is needed to best promote children's growth and development. This study examined relationships between classroom quality and child outcomes among 145 Head Start children from poor quality to more stimulating home environments. Results indicated that children in higher quality Head Start classrooms performed better on measures of achievement and preacademic skills, regardless of the quality of their home environment. Children from better home environments seemed to benefit more from classroom quality in the area of problem solving and reasoning than did children from less stimulating homes. Teacher characteristics such as education, experience, and attitudes were not associated with classroom quality in this group of 32 Head Start classrooms. On the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, no classroom received a rating of inadequate, but only 9% met or exceeded the score that would be considered developmentally appropriate.  相似文献   

Much is known about how to provide safe environments for preschool children (3–5 years-of-age); however, many preschool children still experience preventable injuries—particularly children living in poverty. This study examined the use of an assessment tool used to identify children at risk for unintended injury in two large, federally funded Head Start programs during home visits. Families of preschool children in two multi-center Head Start programs (N = 499 and N = 228) were screened by teachers for risks related to safety in their home and parenting environment during mandatory Head Start home visits in the fall and spring. The safety screening tool was part of an established, broader interview assessment called the Family Map, which was designed to help Head Start programs meet mandatory performance standards related to the identification of risk and strengths in the family. Study results indicated that a large number of preschool children from low-income backgrounds were at risk for a variety of risks related to unintentional injury. Further, in some areas Head Start families increased their safety related parenting behaviors by the second assessment with different areas noted in the two programs. This study demonstrated that, beyond the use of the tool to identify families in need of intervention services, it can be used by childcare providers to effectively monitor family need and for program self-assessment.  相似文献   

Head Start programs are required to set aside at least 10% of program slots for children with disabilities, but the percentage of children with disabilities served varies depending on the criteria used and source of the information. This study used the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) 2000 data for a nationally representative sample to identify subgroups of children meeting three different criteria for having a disability or developmental delay. Results indicated that about one-third of children in Head Start (33%) met one or more of the criteria for a disability or delay, about one-third of those children (33%) met criteria for two or for all three of the subgroups. However, only 8% of children in Head Start had an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Children with disabilities or delays, regardless of the subgroup criteria used, had higher levels of many other risk factors associated with poor developmental and school readiness outcomes. They also exhibited poorer performance on early literacy, social, and behavioral measures both at entry into Head Start and at the end of kindergarten compared with children not in each of those subgroups. Implications of the findings for screening and assessment, serving children in Head Start programs, and the need for linkages between Head Start programs and the preschool special education system are discussed.  相似文献   

This study uses the Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES) data from 1997 to investigate the degree to which child, family, classroom, teacher, and Head Start program characteristics are related to children's school readiness and continued development over the four-year-old Head Start year. Latent class analyses were used to examine the constellation of school readiness competencies within individual Head Start children in both the fall and spring of the four-year-old Head Start year. Multinomial regression analyses examined patterns of association between demographic and program characteristics and profile membership over time. Four distinct developmental profiles were found in the sample in the fall, and three were found in the spring. Furthermore, a substantial proportion of Head Start children (43%) moved from a developmental profile including some risk to a strengths profile between the fall and spring of the Head Start year. Child age, family structure, parental educational attainment, classroom quality and teacher's level of educational attainment emerged as important factors associated with stability and change in profile membership over the four-year-old Head Start year, but receipt of social services through Head Start was not associated with stability or change in profile membership.  相似文献   

Early childhood screening has been a widespread yet controversial practice. Serious concerns have been voiced in the literature about the technical limitations and the inappropriate uses of frequently used screens. Because developmental screening is a requirement set forth by Head Start’s performance standards, there is a need for studies to provide accuracy estimates for the Head Start population on commonly used screens. In response, this study examined sex and age differences in performance as well as reliability and validity indices for a sample of 256 Head Start children who were screened with the Brigance K&1 Screen. Children’s performance on the screen varied by age and sex. While the overall consistency of the test was high, there was considerable variability across subscales. Construct validation of the screen, based on correlations with the K-ABC cognitive battery, yielded moderate coefficients. The screen’s predictive validity was established using correlational and classification analyses. At the end of Head Start, moderate to moderately high validity coefficients were obtained when the Brigance was correlated with teachers’ ratings and with subtests of the K-ABC achievement battery. In addition, the Brigance correlated moderately with the PPVT-R and with several Woodcock-Johnson subtests at the beginning of kindergarten. Classification analyses established that the Brigance had less than optimal accuracy in predicting early school achievement and poor success in predicting assignment to special education at the end of kindergarten.  相似文献   

Using data from a nationally representative sample, this study examined Head Start children's school outcome differences by the end of Kindergarten between children who attended Head Start program for two years and the ones who attended for one year. Propensity scores were used to match children who experienced different durations of the program on a series of demographic characteristics in order to achieve a precise estimation of the effects of program duration. The results showed that in comparison to a demographically comparable group of children who attended the Head Start program for one year, the children who experienced two years of intervention services had statistically significantly higher performance on all six academic and social outcome measures by the end of Kindergarten, which included PPVT, Woodcock–Johnson Reading Skills, Woodcock–Johnson Math Reasoning Skills, teacher-reported composite academic skills, preschool learning behaviors, and social skills. Policy and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Classroom observations are increasingly common in education policies as a means to assess the quality of teachers and/or education programs for purposes of making high-stakes decisions. This article considers one policy, the Head Start Designation Renewal System (DRS), which involves classroom observations to assess the quality of Head Start programs in order to decide whether their funding is renewed. This article applies an argument-based approach for evaluating the validity of observational assessments that (a) explicates assumptions that underlie the presumed logic, leading from the collection of scores from observations of Head Start classrooms, to the inference that scores assess the quality of Head Start programs, to the decision to renew funding to Head Start programs, and (b) summarizes evidence that speaks to the plausibility of each assumption. There was limited evidence to support the plausibility of many assumptions, including those pertaining to score generalizability, predictive validity, and the cutoff scores set as minimum standards of quality. Implications for improving the validity of classroom observations and the accuracy and fairness of decisions in the Head Start DRS are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of the local availability of Head Start, a public preschool program for low-income children, on the participation of immigrant children. We use propensity score methods to flexibly control for numerous individual and neighborhood characteristics and availability of other services aimed at low-income families. We find that having a Head Start center in a child's census tract significantly raises participation of immigrant children, and these results are robust to several sensitivity analyses. Furthermore, the impacts are larger for recent migrants and for those with less access to private transportation, consistent with both information and transportation costs as important factors affecting program participation for immigrants.  相似文献   

We are delighted to reflect on the 10 papers highlighted in this important special issue of Early Childhood Research Quarterly devoted to recent secondary data analyses of the FACES and EHSREP datasets. First, we provide some background on Head Start research and give an overview of the large-scale Head Start and Early Head Start datasets that are available for researchers to analyze. Then, we comment on the papers in this special issue from a methodological and statistical standpoint. Finally, we reflect on themes that stood out across the various papers. Throughout, we make recommendations for future large-scale data collection efforts and future research on Head Start and Early Head Start programs.  相似文献   

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