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The purposes of this mail survey were to describe the extent to which child care programs use continuity of caregivers with infants and toddlers, the factors influencing decisions to move infants and toddlers to new classes, the practices used to prepare them for such moves, and the extent to which respondents agreed with the concept of providing continuity of caregivers. Child care programs accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and those that were not accredited were selected randomly from existing data bases. Results indicate that (a) relatively few programs use continuity of caregivers for infants and even fewer use it for toddlers; (b) the majority of programs consider children’s attainment of developmental milestones, their age, and the space available in the next class when deciding when to transition infants and toddlers to new classes; (c) most centers used a number of practices to prepare infants and toddlers to move to new classes; and (d) more respondents report agreement with using continuity of caregivers than practice it. Relatively few differences were noted across accredited and nonaccredited centers on these issues.  相似文献   

Two measures of the quality of group care for infants and toddlers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two sets of quality measures of group care were used to assess their predictive power for two sets of measures of the development of infant and toddlers in group day care. One of the quality measures we investigated was the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS). We replicated the findings of Scarr, Eisenberg, & Dealer-Deckard (1994) which were that the total score of the ECERS represents a global index and that the 37 items making up the scale are redundant and could be shortened considerably without loss of the scale as a quality criterion of group care for young children. Neither Scarr, Eisenberg, and Dealer-Deckard (1994) nor our own Factor Analyses of the 37 items supported the a priori distinction of seven Subscales. However further findings indicate that regardless of the redundancy within ECERS, two Subscales, dealing mainly with adult-child, child-child and adult-adult interactions, predict the development of infants and toddlers, but only when the measures of development were based on participant observations of the children over a longer period of time and in the broad context of the natural daycare environment. None of the Subscales, nor the total ECERS predicted social development when it was based on precise time sampling observations, assessed by non participant observers, in interactions between a child and a specific caregiver. Such measures of development were well predicted in our study by caregiver behaviors assessed through Time Sampling Observations.  相似文献   

This exploratory research analyzes child care workers’ beliefs about the nature of their practice in center-based child care programs. Twenty-one female child care workers who worked with toddlers (aged 1 to 3 years) participated in the research. The participants were videoed in their practice and later interviewed about how good practice in child care could be described. In the interview, the video of participants’ practice was also reviewed to discuss salient videoed events to elicit further evidence about the nature and structure of beliefs that informed practice. The focus of the data analysis was to ascertain how affective, cognitive and executive functions of teaching in child care were represented in the practitioners’ beliefs and how well those beliefs were integrated into a relational structure. All child care workers identified the affective (care) function as a feature of their practice in working with toddlers. Fewer participants (71%) identified the cognitive (education) function or the executive function (38%) as features of their role. Only two child care workers were judged to have a highly sophisticated and relational belief structure integrating affective, cognitive, and executive functions in how they discussed their practice with toddlers. Greater emphasis in professional training for work in child care settings should be placed on exploring the expectations and beliefs that child care workers hold about their role in teaching young children and how that role is instrumental in supporting early learning.  相似文献   

Every adult is aware that babies enjoy playing. Even before an infant is able to grasp an object, brightly colored toys are suspended in a crib or held for him to enjoy. Once the baby is able to crawl, stand, and walk, the opportunities to explore the environment and play are expanded. While we are familiar with indoor play areas for infants and toddlers in homes, churches, or caregiving centers, only recently has there been significant interest in the design of outdoor play environments. Because more children are being placed in caregiving settings in the early months after birth, awareness of the need for infant-toddler playgrounds has led to the construction of playscapes for children two years and younger.Sue C. Wortham is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas, at San Antonio.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(69-70):127-140

The development of planning behaviours is ussually discussed from the perspective of a process that already exists in its full-blown, mature form, whether planning activity is examined in infants, children, or adults. In contrast, we argue that an understanding of the future occurs before planning is possible and is fundamental to skills that are used in planning behaviours throughout development. We introduce the notions of “future-oriented processes” and “partial acomplishments” as a framework for examining the developmental origins of planning behaviours. We provide empirical evidence that 3 to 12 month old infants are able to form expectancies for short-term future events and that such expentancies are among the first type of future-oriented processes to develop. We conclude by suggesting that these and other future-oriented processes serve to lay a developmental foundation from which later planning behaviours evolve  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to examine whether girls with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk of having histories of abuse and to assess whether the presence of an abuse history may constitute a distinct subgroup of youth with ADHD. METHOD: We examined rates and correlates of child abuse in an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of girls with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; n=140) and a matched comparison sample of girls without ADHD (n=88), all aged 6-12 years. A thorough chart review reliably established documented rates of physical and sexual abuse in both samples. RESULTS: There were significantly higher rates of abuse for girls with ADHD (14.3%) than for the comparison sample (4.5%), with most of the abuse found in girls with the Combined as opposed to the Inattentive type. Higher rates of externalizing behaviors (including objective observations in a research summer camp) and peer rejection (indexed through peer sociometric nominations) characterized the subgroup of girls with ADHD with abuse histories compared to the subgroup without such histories, with moderate to large effect sizes. Subgroup differences regarding internalizing problems and cognitive deficits did not emerge. Findings regarding peer rejection were explained, in part, by higher rates of observed aggressive behavior in the abused subgroup. CONCLUSIONS: The findings raise important questions about the possible etiologic and/or exacerbating role of abusive trauma in a subgroup of children with ADHD.  相似文献   

This is the last part of a four-part series of articles that provide a total of four weeks' worth of menus for toddlers. In the first installment (Fall 1978) will be found the basic recipes for preparing Milk Plus, TVP, and Fruit Juice, as well as a general introduction to the format of these menus. Todd R. Risley is Professor of Human Development and Director of the Living Environments Group at the University of Kansas. Emily Herbert-Jackson managed the nutrition research project described here in her capacity as Research Associate in the Bureau of Child Research at the University of Kansas. She is now associated with Children's Behavioral Services, Reno, Nevada. Marion O'Brien is a writer for the Living Environments Group and has served as consultant to the toddler center in which the research was conducted. The authors wish especially to thank Kathy Erwin for her contribution to the development of these menus, as well as all the staff and children at the toddler center. The research described here was supported in large part by grant MC-R-200347 from the Office of Maternal and Child Health to the Bureau of Child Research and the Department of Human Development at the University of Kansas. The toddler day care program is fully described in the bookThe Toddler Center: A Practical Guide to Day Care for One- and Two-Year-Olds, by Marion O'Brien, Jan Porterfield, Emily Herbert-Jackson, and Todd R. Risley (Baltimore: University Park Press, 1978).  相似文献   

This is the second part of a fourpart series of articles that provide a total of four weeks' worth of menus for toddlers. In the first installment (Fall 1978) will be found the Basic Recipes for preparing Milk Plus, TVP, and Fruit Juice, as well as a general introduction to the format of these menus. Emily Herbert-Jackson managed the nutrition research project described here in her capacity as Research Associate in the Bureau of Child Research at the University of Kansas. She is now associated with Children's Behavioral Services, Reno, Nevada. Marion O'Brien is a writer for the Living Environments Group and has served as consultant to the toddler center in which the research was conducted. The authors wish especially to thank Kathy Erwin for her contribution to the development of these menus, as well as all the staff and children at the toddler center. The research described here was supported in large part by grant MC-R-200347 from the Office of Maternal and Child Health to the Bureau of Child Research and the Department of Human Development at the University of Kansas. The toddler day care program is fully deseribed in the bookThe Toddler Center: A Practical Guide to Day Care for One-and Two-Year-Olds, by Marion O'Brien, Jan Porterfield, Emily Herbert-Jackson, and Todd R. Risley (Baltimore: University Park Press, 1978).  相似文献   

The school transition model suggests that children's transitions into formal schooling can have lasting and profound implications for their educational careers, though this model is rarely used to understand the outcomes of children of immigrants. Using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K), a nationally representative sample of kindergarteners in 1998–1999, we examine the pre-kindergarten child care arrangements of children of immigrants and how these care arrangements are associated with children's behavior. We find that minority and immigrant children are less likely than their native-born white counterparts to be enrolled in center-based care and other care, compared to parental care, prior to kindergarten. We also find that ethnic origin is an important predictor of child care usage. Finally, though center-based care, on average, is not independently associated with children's behavior in kindergarten, the association between center-based care and behaviors varies by race and immigrant status. Broadly, these findings underscore the importance of understanding how native- and foreign-born children experience the transition to schooling, a critical period in the life course.  相似文献   

Active living: Physical activities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Active Living is an approach that encourages people to be physically active every day. By targeting infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, early childhood educators will contribute to their lifestyles as Active Living Children. This article is designed as a framework for early childhood educators to support an active lifestyle among very young children. Various activities are described to promote active play for very young children and all of its associated benefits.  相似文献   

The world is an ever-changing place. Objects are always moving, appearing and disappearing, and changing how they look. Very young children are being constantly confronted with the challenge of understanding the world around them as it changes from minute to minute, day to day.Dee Smith and Jeanne Goldhaber both teach early childhood courses in the Department of Human Development Studies at the University of Vermont.  相似文献   

我国农村逐渐走向老龄化阶段,农村养老问题日益凸现,传统的养老模式在日益走向开放的乡村里难以适应农村老龄化的挑战,但目前国家的基本养老保险又难以广泛覆盖广袤农村的情况下,迫切需要一种新的农村养老模式的尝试。本文从合作社式养老的可行性和建构等方面来寻求一种新的农村养老模式。  相似文献   

One of the most important goals of child care research has been to determine whether or not nonparental care has adverse effects on child development. Answering this question involves making causal attributions about the origins of differences between groups of children who have experienced divergent nonparental care arrangements. Some of the problems researchers face when trying to demonstrate causal relationships are illustrated in this paper using data from the Göteborg Child Care Study, a comprehensive, prospective, longitudinal study comparing the developmental trajectories of children in exclusive home care, family daycare, and center daycare. It is argued that the discovery of significant differences between groups must initiate extensive efforts to validate and interpret the findings. Focusing on the specific characteristics of prospective longitudinal studies, the article shows what measures can be taken to avoid the misinterpretation of group differences that are actually attributable to pre-selection effects or confounding variables. By rigorously identifying such confounds, researchers can accumulate support for hypothesized causal relationships, but they cannot ‘prove’ them because unknown and unmeasured confounding variables may always have important effects.  相似文献   

Language skills were investigated in a multicultural sample of 13 prelingually deaf children (11 profoundly deaf from birth) who received cochlear implants between 14 and 38 months of age; average duration of implant use was 49 months. Individual postimplant language skills ranged from extremely delayed to age appropriate. On average, skills varied across domains: on vocabulary, several children functioned in the average range compared with hearing peers, but all were below that range on a test emphasizing syntax (CELF-P). Children with preimplant hearing experience had the highest scores on all language measures. Excluding these children, age of implantation (range 14 to 27 months) associated inversely and significantly with CELF-P scores, even when nonverbal IQ was controlled. Qualitative analyses indicated higher child language achievement associated with parents' reports of lengthy, in-depth processes to decide about cochlear implantation. Such reports may indicate high levels of ongoing parent involvement with child and programming.  相似文献   

Seventy 15-month-old infants were studied at home before starting child care, during adaptation (mothers present) and separation (first 9 days without mothers) phases, and 5 months later. Security of infant-mother attachment was assessed before and 3 months after child care began. In the separation phase, salivary cortisol rose over the first 60 min following the mothers' departures to levels that were 75% to 100% higher than at home. Compared with insecure infants, secure infants had markedly lower cortisol levels during the adaptation phase and higher fuss and cry levels during the separation phase, and their fuss and cry levels were significantly correlated with their cortisol levels. Attachments remained secure or became secure if mothers spent more days adapting their children to child care.  相似文献   

Using online measures of familiar word recognition in the looking-while-listening procedure, this prospective longitudinal study revealed robust links between processing efficiency and vocabulary growth from 18 to 30 months in children classified as typically developing (n = 46) and as "late talkers" (n = 36) at 18 months. Those late talkers who were more efficient in word recognition at 18 months were also more likely to "bloom," showing more accelerated vocabulary growth over the following year, compared with late talkers less efficient in early speech processing. Such findings support the emerging view that early differences in processing efficiency evident in infancy have cascading consequences for later learning and may be continuous with individual differences in language proficiency observed in older children and adults.  相似文献   

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