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以医德教育为目标,结合北京中医药大学近年的实际工作,通过建立三个层次,把握两个时间,协调两个领域,面向两个群体,实现研究生“认知-情感-行为-习惯”的双向互动,建立了以医德教育为核心的社会实践干预模式。  相似文献   

Turnaround leadership concerns the kind of leadership needed for turning around a persistently low-performing school to one that is performing acceptably as measured by student achievement according to state tests. I first treat this question in the narrow sense, i.e., as a strategy for targeting low-performing schools, and then place it in a larger context—namely, how such turnaround can be part of an overall approach to sustainable system change. The sequence I will consider moves from the school to the district to the system as a whole. My conclusion, which I state upfront, is that what looks like apparent success in turning around schools is actually quite superficial and indeed illusory.  相似文献   

Early childhood education is changing rapidly due to the dynamic nature of positive and negative trends affecting the profession. In this article, the changing landscape of early childhood education is discussed and analyzed. Both the positive and negative forces contributing to the changing landscape are examined. The focus of this discussion includes changing demographics, changes in early childhood curriculum and instruction, increased focus on accountability, advances in research that inform early childhood education, influences affecting teacher preparation and professional development, and global trends affecting early education and care. We relate these trends to the need for holistic systems-thinking, integrated curricula, child-centered pedagogical standards, deeper commitment to social justice and a corresponding moral vision capable of inspiring educational policy, practice and research in the midst of a competitive global economy and the commodification of early childhood programs and curricula. By discussing practical examples and research findings to illustrate current positive and negative trends, this paper serves as a meaningful resource for all stakeholders. Taking recent dynamics into account, we provide a vision for evaluating change and analyzing major trends. Both implications and responses to the changes in the early childhood landscape are discussed.  相似文献   

根据不同的主题领域高等教育研究可被划分为:定量—结构方面,与知识、学科相关的方面,与人相关或与教学相关的方面,以及组织与行政方面等。因此,高等教育研究是涉及教育学、心理学、社会学、政治学、经济学和商学、法律和历史等的跨学科研究。与美国和中国相比,欧洲的高等教育研究较少建立在教育院系基础之上,而是依靠大学里的跨学科研究机构把提高学术质量和相关的政策与实践连接起来。近几年,公众对高等教育研究系统知识的兴趣开始增长,但是从中获利较多的却是那些评估研究、所谓的专家报告以及指标研究等非学术性的高等教育研究。总之,高等教育研究的制度基础在不同的欧洲国家呈现出前所未有的多样化。  相似文献   

本根据小学生的年龄特点和目前国内外小学体育教育改革的发展规律,提出对我国小学体育教育改革的理性思考及其改革对策。  相似文献   


Service learning (SL) is both a pedagogy and philosophy adopted by many early childhood teacher educators. Extant research suggests the incorporation of service-learning can be effective for facilitating preservice teacher learning of curriculum, pedagogy, approaches to diverse learners and families as well as establishing a professional identity. To guide the intentional adoption of SL and its assessment in early childhood teacher education programs, the authors present the Developmentally Appropriate Practice /P.A.R.E. model and illustrate how the model might be applied in a teacher education program. Challenges to incorporating service-learning in early childhood education programs and future areas of research are described.  相似文献   

通过对部分中小学体育教师继续教育情况的调查访问,发现我省中小学体育教师继续教育存在的问题及成因,提出可行性的发展对策。  相似文献   

In an effort to identify policies that foster an institutional “culture of teaching,” or encourage use of effective pedagogies, this study uses data from 5,612 faculty members at 45 institutions to examine connections between institutional policies and faculty members’ perceptions and practices related to teaching and learning. A series of multi-level models suggests that academic policy variables have small and generally insignificant relationships to such faculty perceptions or practices. Instead, conventional institutional characteristics, such as selectivity and Carnegie classification, appear to be more influential factors.  相似文献   

师范院校体育教育专业的实习工作是一项重要的教学实践活动,是教育理论与具体实践的有机结合。但是,目前我国不少师范院校对其重视程度不够,实习计划不周,且缺乏完整具体的方案。为了使实习达到预期目的,把教育实习真正变成培养学生的第二课堂,笔在调查研究与实验的基础上,构思设计了教育实习工作的具体操作方案。  相似文献   

采用了文献资料、观察访问和逻辑推理等方法.对高师体育专业学生体育实践能力的重要性作了简要阐述.同时对其构成要素进行了分析讨论:解决高师体育教育专业学生体育实践能力问题的关键是调整现行的教学计划、课程设置;其次是加大教学实践环节、组织训练工作、裁判工作力度;再次是建立健全科学、严格的与体育实践能力相结合的考评制度.  相似文献   

本文从高校体育素质教育的意义、基本内容、教育情况、措施和途径几方面探讨了高校体育素质教育的现状与对策。  相似文献   

借助文献资料,并结合多年体育教学实践,笔者对体育教学中的审美教育进行了一些探索,认为有效地实施审美教育任务,可以提高体育教学效果与教学质量。  相似文献   

美国学前一年教育的政策与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了美国学前1年教育的办学形式、经费支持、课程与师资等方面的政策与实践的现状,探讨了美国学前1年教育的发展趋势及其面临的困难与挑战。文章结合我国国情提出,将学前1年教育纳入小学管理,普及学前1年教育;提升教育经费投入主体,细化教育经费预算,保障学前1年教育的财政投入;加强课程与教师培养的一致性,多维度推进幼小衔接的建议。  相似文献   

浅谈体育教学中的情感教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从情感和情感教育自身定义出发,结合多年实践教学经验,阐述情感教育在体育教学过程中,在激发学生积极情感、培养兴趣和营造良好课堂气氛等方面所起的重要作用;并探讨在体育教学中,实现情感教育的一些途径.旨在为从事体育教育和训练的工作者提供"快乐教育"新模式.  相似文献   

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