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改革开放20年对赣州市图书馆来说,是推动图书馆事业深化改革,取得新发展的20年.20年来,该馆工作职能不断充实,工作领域不断拓宽,服务手段不断改善,自身建设不断加强,为推动社会主义"两个文明"建设作出了积极贡献.1982年、1984年、1989年被评为全国文明图书馆.1992年被评为江西省一级图书馆,从1986年至今连续被评为赣州市文明单位,1994年被定为全国二级图书馆.20年的实践总结出一条基本经验是:必须坚持改革,才能促进图书馆事业大发展.  相似文献   

以一种消费的视角考察电影放映的空间,就是要探究电影放映的空间在电影消费过程中的运作机制.电影宫殿是电影放映空间演变过程中产生的一种特殊形态.文章通过梳理这一空间从消费空间到空间消费的演进过程,概括其独特属性,进而考察这一空间内所发生的消费活动,揭示其独特的运作机制,以及这一机制背后所体现的社会语境与社会关系.对跳出建筑学视角的电影放映空间进行认知,可在一种曼广泛的文化的、经济的和社会结构的视角下重新挖掘电影宫殿作为一种空间形态的价值.  相似文献   

本文系统介绍了关键事件技术的起源、发展与优缺点。在总结国外关键事件技术在图书情报领域应用成果的基础上,分析其在情报学领域的适用范围。最后详细阐述了该研究方法的实施步骤和注意事项。  相似文献   

新媒体环境下大众对档案的多元需求不断提升,加之档案部门机构改革大力推进,促使档案馆强化文化服务职能.然而,目前档案馆的文化服务属性仍显不足.而在新媒体环境下,故宫博物院的推广工作取得了引人瞩目的成绩.深入分析故宫博物院的推广营销工作,对其经验教训进行分析,希望以此为档案馆提升服务品质提供借鉴.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):209-230
The library literature records that bibliographic instruction (BI) has taken its rightful place in the academic library repertoire. The literature also records that technical services librarians (including cataloging librarians), continue to "break out of the basement," actively participating in BI since at least the late 1880s, although few articles codify specific contributions. In 1993, 124 librarians, currently working in State University of New York (SUNY) academic librarian positions, were surveyed regarding the extent of their participation in bibliographic instruction activates. Survey results are reported in detail, indicating that slightly less than half (47.6% or 39) of the 82 respondents do provide bibliographic instruction, not only catalog and library research instruction, but also instruction for a broad range of specialized subject areas. Conclusions challenge cataloging librarians to take a continuing more active role in BI, and challenge BI librarians to more actively embrace their cataloging colleagues. Conclusions also challenge both groups to collaborate in order to effectively teach their constituencies. Includes two tables, two charts, and numerous references.  相似文献   

魏鹏 《兰台世界》2017,(7):90-92
从九一八事变爆发到七七事变全面侵华,日本军国主义按计划、有步骤地逐步扩大侵华步伐,本文拟对这一过程进行阐述,以使人们更清楚地认识日本军国主义侵华的发展过程。从而说明九一八事变的爆发不是偶然事件,是日本侵略者预谋策划后实施的。更加充分论证九一八事变是日本侵略中国的开始;同时也是日本发动世界性侵略战争的开始。  相似文献   

城市台媒体战略的确定,首先必须认清城市电视台当前所面临的形势和身处的环境。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(48):115-129
An altercation between a graduate assistant from the College of Education and two reference librarians over the capabilities of ERIC and PsycLit on CD-ROM revealed the uncertainty and apprehension with which many graduate assistants viewed library use and research and misunderstanding they had about the contents of many access tools. As part of a strengthened program of user education, the Education Bibliographer arranged a meeting with College of Education administrators and from this meeting developed a set of handouts and training modules called TAKING THE MYSTERY OUT OF THE LIBRARY. Originally designed for graduate assistants, MYSTERY expanded into sessions for undergraduate education majors, graduate assistants from other colleges and certain faculty.  相似文献   

唐代的"正殿"并不固定,处于一个动态的变化之中.龙朔二年(662)前,太极宫的两仪殿和太极殿先后在不同时期扮演了"正殿"的角色.龙朔二年后,大明宫的宣政殿取代了太极殿而成为常朝和朔望朝会的处所.天祜元年(904),昭宗迁都洛阳后,贞观殿又成为唐末王朝的"正殿";皇帝"避正殿"后并非对政事置之不理,而是通过临时御政、紫宸殿和延英召对等形式与宰臣参议政事.  相似文献   

北京紫禁城皇宫内廷的乾清官,曾是明代14个皇帝和清代顺治、康熙两个皇帝的寝宫。此外,乾清官也是历朝皇帝临轩听政、召对臣工、引见庶僚、内廷典礼、接见外国使臣以及读书学习、批阅奏章的场所。  相似文献   

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