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Who Am I?     
Guess,who am I? I belong to the animal, I'm from China, I'm short,I'm fat, I like eating bamboos, I dress up in black and white coat,  相似文献   

Who Am I?     
尹方圆  穆红梅 《阅读》2007,(7):66-66
I want to be a bird,flying in the sky; I want to be a fish,swimming in the water. My parent are watching TV now,[第一段]  相似文献   

I Am Hungry     
邹中娥 《阅读》2007,(9):34-37
同学们,还记得今年第3期故事广场刊登的《A Big Tiger Hunting for Food》吗?故事中的大老虎由于遇到了三个不同寻常的动物,最后什么也没吃到,还伤了自己的嘴巴。我们今天阅读的这个剧本中的小狮子又遇到了哪些动物,品尝到了哪些食物呢?把大老虎和小狮子进行比较,你更喜欢谁?和朋友们谈谈自己的看法并把感情投入到表演中去。  相似文献   

One day,Miss Kate asked her studentsto write a composition(作文)entitled(命题):If I Am a President.All the students be-gan to write except(除了)Tom.Miss Katewas surprised,then she came to Tom.“Why not write,Tom?”she asked.“Oh!Miss Kate,I am waiting for mysecretary(秘书),”Tom answered.If I Am a President@陈卉…  相似文献   

陈卉 《阅读》2006,(2):37-37
One day,Miss Kate asked her students to write a composition(作文)entitied(命题):If I Am a President.All the students began to write except(除了)Tom.Miss Kate was surprised,then she came to Tom.  相似文献   

Who is Stupid?     
薛宜芳 《阅读》2013,(Z1):61
A teacher was trying to have fun with his students. He said, "Everyone who thinks you’re stupid, stand up! " After a few seconds, Little John stood up. The teacher said, "Do you think you’re stupid, John? " "No, Sir! " Little John said, "But I feel sorry to see  相似文献   

In class, the teacher pointed at (指向) the world map and said to the students, “Who can come to the blackboard and find America?” Then Jack came to the blackboard and showed them America. The teacher then asked, “Now could you tell me who found (找到) America?” “Jack!”everyone shouted.毛国锋供稿 Two children were admiring ( 欣赏) the famous statue (雕塑)by Rodin entitled(名为) The Thinker”.“What do you suppose(猜测) he’s thinking about?”said one. The other replied,“I should im…  相似文献   

~~I Can Do It I Am the Best——南京市长江路小学英语节活动精彩剪影(英文)@严莉 @杨筱艳~~  相似文献   

Who Is She?     
梁意扬 《阅读》2010,(7):73-73
Last Saturday,Guanying journalists (记者) went to Liyang(溧阳)by bus.
“Tweet!Tweet!”I could hear a bird singing happily.Then,there was a boy coming.  相似文献   

吴嘉玮 《阅读》2009,(5):45-45

郭锋 《阅读》2007,(7):59-59
The professor was having the final class of the term.He asked the students to prepare for the final examination well.He said."The examination papers are now in the hands of the printer.Are there any questions?"[第一段]  相似文献   

I Love Mother     
It's my greatest honor to be here to say something about my mother.I love my mother;I love her black hair,her kind face and smart eyes.  相似文献   

紫山  小苏 《阅读》2012,(10):40-40
小朋友们,大家好!我们已经学习了元音字母A和E,本期第三个元音字母I来与我们见面啦。让我们一起来学习元音字母I的基本发音吧。  相似文献   

单一的动机视角和单纯的工具型动机激励不足以全面激发学生的学习动机。工具型动机激励与融入型动机激励应交汇融合进行复合型动机激励。在具体的课堂教学中,教师要有意识引导学生认识学习动机,并通过多手段、多渠道去激发他们的学习动机,发挥学习主体的自主性,提高外语学习的兴趣,发挥内在动机激励的长效作用。  相似文献   

I love Football!     
毛琳 《阅读》2006,(10):42-43
~~I Love Football!@毛琳~~  相似文献   

My Grandma and I     
Hi, My name is Li Zongying. I come from Nanjing Foreign Language School Xianlin Campus(南外仙林分校). Today, let me tell you something about my grandma and I. I love my grandma, I love her grey hair, her kind face and smart eyes. I was a naughty(调皮的) boy when I was young. One rainy day, I went out and played by myself. I played happily from the morning till the evening though it rained heavily. I played and played, not knowing that my grandma had been looking for me. When I got home…  相似文献   

I Love My Mother     
丁鸣  葛新飞 《阅读》2007,(5):42-42
It's my greatest honor to be here to say something about my mother. I love my mother; I love her black hair, her kind face and smart eyes.[第一段]  相似文献   

I like watching TV. I often spend three hours a day in front of TV sets. Sometimes I even watch TV for five hours or more on Sundays. I like watching TV, because it is like books and films. I can learn many good things from it, such as the nature, the people and place of other countries ,I like watching Cartoons very much, especially“Y ing Tao X iao W an Zi”.X iao W anzi is a school girl熏she islovely and funny熏 and she always m akes m e laugh. I learn alot from her.A fter supper熏…  相似文献   

IHearAmericaSingingAbstract:Whitmanhadalifelongattachmenttothegrammaticalformofthepresentparticiplesandthepoetic“I”.Inthisthesis,  相似文献   

I want to be a scientist in thefuture.If I become a scientist, I willinvent ( 发明)a machine to let the  相似文献   

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