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1.我不能肯定他是否在度假。[错误]I am not sure whether he is for holiday or not.[正确]I am not sure whether he is on holiday or not.[分析]holiday是一个可数名词,意为“假日,节日”。如:Sunday is a holiday.(星期天是一个假日。)They are going out for a holiday.(  相似文献   

一、陈述部分肯定+提问部分否定You are a student,aren’t you?你是学生吗? Yes,I am.(Yes,I am a student.)(表示同意)“是的,我是学生。”回答时语气与陈述部分保持一致,所以用Yes表示同意。No,I am not.(No,I am not a student.)(表示不同意)“不,我不是学生。”回答时语气与  相似文献   

1.A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.(千里之行,始于足下。) 2.Honesty is the best policy.(诚实才是上策。) 3.Money doesn’t grow on trees.(钱不是从天上掉下来的。) 4.I know that my future is not just a dream.(我知道我的未来不是梦。) 5.To convert defeat into victory.(反败为胜。) 6.Youth means limitless possibilities.(年轻就是无限的可能。) 7.Leave behind a clean world for future generations.(留给下一代一个清洁的地球。)  相似文献   

atall是JEFC教材中出现率很高的短语,它在不同的句式中,意义和用法也不尽相同,现归纳如下:1.atall与not构成“notatall”短语,用来回答对方的谢意,表示“不用谢,不客气”的意思。例如:—Thankyouverymuch.(非常感谢你。)—Notatall.(不用谢。/别客气。)2.atall用于肯定句中,意为“居然,究竟,完全”。例如:1)Iwanttoknowwhatheishereforatall.(我想知道他究竟在这儿干什么。)2)Imsurprisedathispassingtheexamatall.(我很惊讶,他这次考试居然及格了。)3.atall与“not,no,nothing,nobody,nowhere”等表示否定意义的词连用,用来加强否定意…  相似文献   

1、That’5 not like him.(那不像是他的风格。)2、1 couldn’t罗t through.(电话打不通。)3、I朗t siek and tired ofhotels.(我讨厌旅馆。)4、Be娜卿est.(请便、别客气。)5、ean you keep an eye on哪bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?)6、Let’5 ke叩in toueh.(让我们保持联系。)7、1 couldn’r helP it.(我没办法。)s、somet址ng’5 Come叩.(有点事/出事了)9、Let’s罗t to the Point.(让我们来谈要点。)20、Keep that in而nd.(记住那件事。)英语口语@晓钧…  相似文献   

同义句型转换。1 .Mr Smith 15 working. Mr Smith 15.(辽宁)2 .Li玩1 mended the bike. The bike__by Li Lei.(辽宁)3 .The girl left her home a few days ago.She has not eome baek yet. The girl has__from her home for a few days.(辽宁)4.They knew something about it only after you told them. They knew about it一you told them.(辽宁)5 .If you play basketball here,you may break the windows. _pl盯basketball here,—you may break the windows.(辽宁)6 .The doetor put down the telePhone,left his home at onee…  相似文献   

1.(猫抓到一只老鼠,其他的老鼠吓得都逃跑了。)Mouse:I beg you not to eat me,for I think you are the best cat in theworld.我请求你不要吃我,因为我认为你是世界上最好的猫。  相似文献   

1.“not”构成的谓语动词表示否定She doesn’t know Li Ming(.她不认识李明。)I can’t speak Japanese.(我不会讲日语。)All is not gold that glitters(.发光的不一定都是金子)There aren’t any maps on the wall(.墙上没有地图。)这是一种最基本的表达方式。也就是  相似文献   

1.I hope she didn’t hurt herself.(L81)(我希望她没伤着自己。) oneself是反身代词,意为“本人”,“自己”或“亲自”。在此herself作宾语。另外,反身代词在句中还可作介词宾语、表语或同位语。例如: They made the machines all by themselves.(这些机器都是他们自己制造 的。)(作介词宾语) I am not quite myself these days.(近几天我身体不太舒服。)(作表语) He himself is a doctor.(他本人就是医生。)(作主语同位语) You may go to ask the teacher himself about it.(关于这件事你可以去问老 师本人。)(作宾语同位语)  相似文献   

请看近年相关高考试题: 1 .All but(,,le__here ju、t now.(MEfl988) A .15 B .areC,}ias】犯en D .we咫 2 .A libral)with five thousandb以,ks—t〔,the nation as a gift.(MErlg如) A .15 offe份d B.haso价陀d C .are offered D .have offered 3 .Whenan(1 whe一℃to buil(1 lhen即faetoly____yet.(入M盯199一) A .15 flot de(·i(led,B.a比not decided C .h舀rlot deei(1找1 D.ha、·e not deei〔!e〔1 4 .Tlle rluln})er of peoPle invite(I___fiftv,but ar一un让一el一jf tl一e.11_____abse:1tf(一I·d ifferentre邵on.(NM…  相似文献   

一沁 《英语辅导》2016,(2):52-53
1.实际上,我的身体状况不适合喝啤酒. In fact,beer does not agree to me.(×) In fact,beer does not agree with me.(√) Why:此句中,食物+agree with+某人,表示“该食物适合某人的体质”.agree to表示“同意(或赞成)……(意见)”,to后多接表示“计划、建议、安排、决定”等意思的名词.该短语常含“愿意协助工作”之意,如:He agrees to my plan.(他同意我的计划).  相似文献   

1 .The moonlight 15 eoming_the Window and the room seems quiet and beautiful.(2007四川省成都市) A .aeross B.through C.over 2.1 IikeP!aces_it’5 not eoid in winter.(2007甘肃省兰州市) A .thOSe B.whiCh C.where D.this 3 .My father_on business for two weeks.He  相似文献   

1.My little brother isNumber______.(four)2.I______think he isvery old.(not)。  相似文献   

有些英语句子很容易被学生理解为意思完全一样,但是他们是有区别的。我们来比较一下下列句子: 1. Tom is no taller thanJack. (汤姆和杰克一样矮。即:Tom is as short as Jack.) Tom is not taller thanJack. (汤姆不如杰克高。即:Tomis not so tall as Jack.) He is no poet.(他根本不是诗人。)(此句强调否定意思) He is not a poet.(他不是诗人。) 2.Let's go skating.(咱们去滑冰吧。)(包括对方提议) Let us go skating.(让我们  相似文献   

1.Learn to live.and live to learn.(为生存而学习,为学习而生存)2.Learn not and know not. (不学无术)3.A man is never too old to learn.(活到老,学到老)  相似文献   

问:我知道unless的意思是if...not。也就是说,含有unless的句子可以用if...not来改写,含有if...not的句子也可以用unless来改写。怎样用unless来改写“Illbequitegladifshedoesntcomethisevening”呢?(辽宁鞍山吴盛)答:unless意为“除非,如果不”(exceptinthecasethat,if...not),经常可以用来代替if...not。例如:“Dontstudyveterinaryscienceifyoudontloveanimals”可改写为:Dontstudyveterinaryscienceunlessyouloveani-mals.(除非你喜欢动物,否则就不要去学兽医。)“Illbebacktomorrowiftheresnotaplanestrike”可改写为:Illbebacktomo…  相似文献   

一、词语填空(本大题20分,每空1分) A、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 .The two pietures are not the same.Can you find five between them?(different) 2 .Our teaeher told us that England in the west ofEurope.(lie) 3 .China and India are eountries in the world.(de-velop) 4 .He teaehes English.(he) 5 .Mareh sth 15 the International Day.(woman) B、根据句意和汉语,写出句中所缺的单词的正确形式。 6.Dolphins are very to people.(友好) 7 .The teaeher often her students to study hard.(鼓励) 8 .Could …  相似文献   

一、考点举要1 .Miss Chen English on the radio the day before yesterday.(北京市中考题) A.teaehes’B.taught C.will teaeh D.had taught 2 .That plaee 15 not interesting at all. of us want,to 90 there.(河南中考题) A.NeitherB.致〕th C.All D.Some 3 .Maths my fa  相似文献   

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?1.So maybe I'm not very healthy,although I have one healthy habit.(P5)所以,可能我不是很健康,不过我有一个好习惯。although相当于though,意为虽然、尽管,引导让步状语从句。  相似文献   

1.not only…but also应连接两个相对称的并列成分。例如: Not only Mr Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago.(连接两个主语) I not only play tennis but also practise shooting.(连接两个谓语动词)  相似文献   

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