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蝉声的背后是谁以落叶般轻盈的步履迈到种子轮回之地把野菊叠握的手指—扳开并在素馨中将醉醉的鸟鸣用篱笆上嘟起的紫喇叭播向村庄仿佛情歌撩拨我憨厚的人们以热血涤亮眼睛那时浅蓝的炊烟抛进谷地的钓丝在无风的清晨深深绷紧当我听到村庄里传遍楔打农具的震动声是谁又把薄雾的纱衣在温暖的阳光里缓缓宽去秋水河流呀你看一眼丰腆的田地自己就瘦了瘦成一把弯弯的镰握在秋天红色的掌中深人芦花与鸟群沉默的石头啊突破鱼的包围一步一步爬上镰柄这越来越宽的岸看风忍着疼痛踏枯黄的草尖而行此时谁的背影如水晶一般清寒走过更远的风声走过更远的薄…  相似文献   

The North Wind and the Sun each claimed(声称)he was the stronger.At last they agreed to trytheir powers upon a traveler,to see which couldsoonest strip him of his doak(斗篷,宽大外衣).  相似文献   

I dreamed Iwas walking downSeminary Street,thegrainy old tree-lined roadthat led to the college libraryin my home town,at the coyner of which sat my!grandmother’s dark redbrick apartment building.She lived across from the college campus near theconservatory and the practice rooms where I spent  相似文献   

Once upon a time all the Rivers combined to protest(抗议) against the action of the Sea in making their waters salt.“When we come to you,”said they to the Sea, “we are sweet and drinkable: but when once we have mingled with you, our waters  相似文献   

Male or femaleA woman visited the zoo and asked akeeper whether the zebra(斑马)was male ora female.“Madam,”replied the keeper,“that is aquestion that should be of interest to anotherzebra.”SleeplessnessMary went to see a doctor and said,“Doctor,I can!t sleep.”The doctor asked,“Did you try counting?”“Yes,I counted to487465.”answered Mary.Then the doctorasked,“Surely you fell asleep?”“No,then it was morning.”Marywas disappointed(失望)and answered.Ten secondsTom!s grandma care…  相似文献   

有的人温文尔雅,有的人脾气暴躁,有的人墨守陈规,有的人勇于创新。据研究,人们的血型不同,性格也会迥然有异。难道人的性格是由血型的种类所决定的吗?不同血型的人可以干一样的工作吗?  相似文献   

刘德胜 《新高考》2007,(4):44-47
一、简单句1.定义:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子叫简单句。如:Englishis ani mportant subject.Diet and exercise are equallyi mportant.Thenitturnedin a semicircle,ranstraight again,andturnedin another semicircle to the opposite side.The Chinese people and the Korean people will al-ways unite,fight and win victories together.2.句型:简单句有五种基本句型。即:(1)主语 谓语。The door opened.(2)主语 连系动词 表语。Working in groups at school is an opportunity tolearn more about te…  相似文献   

Buying the TicketsThe woman in a theatre box-office was surprised one evening just be-fore the show at the behaviour of a boy.He bought a ticket,went away,and then returned a few minutes later to buy another one,he went awayagain,returned and bought a third ticket.Then he went away yet again,returned yet again and bought a fourth ticket.By this time the show hadstarted,so the woman in the box-office said,“I hope you donHt mind myasking,boy,but why do you keep coming back and buying more tic…  相似文献   

在维罗纳城,两大家族——蒙太玖与凯普莱脱——经常械斗,可是来自蒙太玖家的罗密欧与来自凯普莱脱家的朱丽叶却相爱了,最后两  相似文献   

Adogoncestoleabonefromabutcher’s穴屠夫雪shop.Heranoffdownthestreetasfastashecould熏acrossthemeadow穴草地雪inthevillageanddownthehilltoabridgeoverastream.Therehestoppedoutofbreath熏tolookattheclear熏cleanwater.Itgavehimastart穴吃惊雪.Lookingupathimfromthewaterwasanotherdog.Theotherdogwasholdingabigboneinitsmouth.Thisdoglookedatthatdogandthatdoglookedfiercely穴凶恶地雪backathim.Thisdog’smouthbegantowater穴流口水雪.“IfIhadthatbone熏”hethoughtgreedily穴贪婪地雪,“Icouldeatitnowandsavemineforlater.Iknowarightplacetoburyit.Besides熏thatbonelooke...  相似文献   

1.A Saucer T hat B rings L uckA fam ous art collector is crossing a N ew Y ork street when,in frontof a shop,he sees a shabby cat avidly licking som e m ilk from a sm allsaucer.The m an im m ediately realizes that the saucer is very ancientandvery valuable.So he steps into the shop with an uninterested look andasks to buy the cat.But the shop owner answers,“Im sorry,but the catis not for sale.”“Please,”says the collector,“I need a ravenous cat around m yhouse to catch allthe m ice.Ill…  相似文献   

The way people hold the phone says a lot about their personality, according to a new survey.Five distinct personality types have been uncovered by British psychologist Sandy Gaskins in a poll of 1,000 people.  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Passage1H ello,Im M aggie.Im13years old.I have a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham burgers andsalad.M y brother likes tom atoes and m y sister likes ice cream.W e have asm all sports collection.W e all like tennis.Today is D ecem ber21st.It ism y m others birthday.There s a big birthday cake on the table.H ow m uchis it?D o you know?Its7dollars.Com e to m y m others birthday partyand have som e cake.1.H ow old is M aggie s brot…  相似文献   

一位富人想为自己村庄的人做点好事,但他首先要看看他们是否值得帮助。他在通向村庄的马路中间放了一块大石头,在石头下面放了一袋子钱。很多人看到石头后都抱怨,但没有一个人愿意将石头搬走。最后一位年轻人用尽全身力气将石头搬走,他因此得到了富人的这笔钱。  相似文献   

The Shape of the EarthTeacher.Green!or.What about yours?Kevs:1.B 2.A 3.C0:How does Li Lei likeWhere are you from,Mr EI am from Sydney.Do you like working hereYes,I like it very much.Where is Mr Brown now7.Hi,Chen Hong!Hi.Sun Wei!Do you WOt:No,I WOrk in a …  相似文献   

OnceuponatimeintheIndianjungle(丛林)livedayoungelephantwhoseplaymate(伙伴)wasaverylargehare.Inspiteofthedifferenceinsize熏theyweregreatfriendsandhadfunplayingstrangeguessinggames.Oneday熏theharesaidtohischum(小伙伴)押“Whichofusisbigger熏youorme芽”Atthatquestion熏thelittleelephantlaughed.“Youmustbejoking选”hesaid熏“Why熏evenontiptoe熏youarenotashighasmyknee选”Buttheharewenton押“That’swhatyouthink选SinceIsaythatI’mbiggerthanyou熏weneedajudge.Don’tyouagree芽”“Oh熏yes熏”saidtheele鄄phantinsurprise.“Well熏let’sgoalongtothevillageandseewh...  相似文献   

A story tells two friends were walking through the desert. During some point journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped(拍,打) the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, he wrote in the sand:  相似文献   

科迪 《今日中学生》2012,(Z5):40-42
A Two little boys were discussing their future."What are you going to be when you grow up?"asked one of them."A soldier,"answered the other."What if you get killed?""Who would want to kill me?""The enemy."The other boy thought this over and said finally:"OK,then,I’ll be the enemy."  相似文献   

Women are eight times more likely to catch HIV from an infected male, than vice versa.女性会有八倍的可能性从一个爱滋病带菌者的男性处感染到病菌,男性则较低。Some of the signs:其中的一些征兆:(1) Severe weight loss 体重严重下降。(2)Fever with soaking sweating.发烧并不断的冒汗。(3)Thick white coating in the mouth. 口中有一层厚厚的白层。  相似文献   

SOUTH HADLEY,Mass.The surreal moment arrivedso quickly that neither young Brittany Lincicome norher parents knew what had come over them or how toreact to it. Brittany Lincicome,an 18-year-old amateur fromSeminole,Fla.,with blonde hair and wide sparkling blueeyes,had just watched her third shot on the par-5 15th holea 125-yard punched 7-iron out of the rough disappear into  相似文献   

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