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论开放存取出版对科学信息交流和利用的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄如花  冯晴 《出版科学》2008,16(3):75-78
开放存取出版已经成为国际学术界、出版界、图书馆学界共同关注的重要话题。本文探讨开放存取出版带来的新的科学信息交流和利用模式,阐述它对科学信息交流和利用活动参与者的影响。  相似文献   

开放获取的发展与推动因素   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
初景利 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(6):238-242
开放获取发展的历史不长,但显示出强劲的发展势头,得到了学术界、高等院校、专业团体、图书馆、基金会、国际组织、以及期刊出版商和有关方面的热情关注和广泛支持。这些不同方面的因素在推动开放获取中发挥着不同的作用,共同促进了开放获取的发展。文章总结分析了这些不同的方面在推动开放获取方面所发挥的促进作用和所产生的积极影响。  相似文献   

国外学术交流开放存取发展综述   总被引:70,自引:1,他引:69  
介绍开放存取的含义、基本特征、发展背景,说明其对传统学术交流过程的变革、与信息资源共享的关系,并对国外学术交流开放存取的发展过程予以梳理,最后分析开放存取对我国学术交流的启示。  相似文献   

学术信息的开放获取模式   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
开放获取为大学的研究团体,也为全社会提供了主要学术信息的免费电子获取途径。用户无需付费就能够阅读、印刷和发布没有商业目的的出版物。研究在学术信息交流架构变化中的开放获取模式,包括出版建档、索引编制、检索利用等过程。本文介绍了这一变化的背景,并就这一模式对学术信息交流的影响作了评论。  相似文献   

Since 2009, Open Access (OA) Week has been celebrated worldwide in October each year. It is an opportunity for librarians to engage with the research community and demonstrate the value that they bring to their organisations in the area of disseminating scholarly output. Although thousands of events have been held since the inception of OA Week, a minimal amount of research has been carried out regarding the impact of these events. This article presents a review of the literature on OA Week and evaluates the effectiveness of three events held during OA Week 2015 in Ireland through the use of statistics and a survey. The three events held during OA Week 2015 in Ireland that were evaluated include: a seminar run by Repository Network Ireland (RNI), a D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) campaign using OA materials organized by Dr. Steevens' Library, and a collaborative OA seminar between Dr. Steevens' Library and Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) libraries. The author concludes that a collaborative approach to planning and managing OA week between librarians from academic and other sectors can have tangible benefits both in terms of promoting OA and also promoting the role of the Librarian in the OA movement.  相似文献   

Objective:Academics are under great pressure to publish their research, the rewards for which are well known (tenure, promotion, grant funding, professional prestige). As open access publishing gains acceptance as a publishing option, researchers may choose a “predatory publisher.” The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivations and rationale of pharmacy and nursing academics in the United States to publish in open access journals that may be considered “predatory.”Methods:A 26-item questionnaire was programmed in Qualtrics and distributed electronically to approximately 4,500 academic pharmacists and nurses, 347 of whom completed questionnaires (~8%). Pairwise correlations were performed followed by a logistic regression to evaluate statistical associations between participant characteristics and whether participants had ever paid an article processing fee (APF).Results:Participants who had published more articles, were more familiar with predatory publishing, and who were more concerned about research metrics and tenure were more likely to have published in open access journals. Moderate to high institutional research intensity has an impact on the likelihood of publishing open access. The majority of participants who acknowledged they had published in a predatory journal took no action after realizing the journal was predatory and reported no negative impact on their career for having done so.ConclusionThe results of this study provide data and insight into publication decisions made by pharmacy and nursing academics. Gaining a better understanding of who publishes in predatory journals and why can help address the problems associated with predatory publishing at the root.  相似文献   

开放获取运动对科技期刊业影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放获取运动已经成为改变科技期刊产业格局的一个重要力量。这种力量伴随着相应政策架构的建立和版权障碍的排除,以及开放获取出版商业模式的逐步成熟,对科技期刊业的影响开始显现。这种影响更多地体现在对科技期刊业内部结构的调整上。它促进了科技期刊业内不同商业模式(订购模式和用户付费模式)的竞争和重新定位。开放获取运动对科技期刊产业结构的影响对我国科技期刊业的发展有重要启示。开放获取作为一个重要力量,将有助于中国科技期刊业打破国际商业科技期刊出版集团对高水平科技期刊的垄断。  相似文献   

国内外"开放存取"研究综述   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
“开放存取(OPEN ACESS)”基于“自由、开放与共享”的理念,依托网络技术,正在成为学术出版和科学信息交流的全新模式。本文着眼于学术信息交流障碍与网络技术两个方面,介绍了开放存取出现的背景;并结合已有的研究成果,分析了开放存取发展的历程,认为对开放存取的发展进行阶段划分为时尚早,至少是一种对“理念”与“模式”的概念不很清楚的表现;文章引证国际上权威机构的著名文献界定了开放存取的内容,并对开放存取的实现途径进行了探讨,认为开放存取期刊和开放存取仓储的创办具有发展前景,指出开放存取出版物的质量问题、运行经费问题、知识产权问题、合作建设与标准化问题等是开放存取中存在的主要问题;文章最后指出,作为传统学术出版模式的强有力的竞争对手,开放存取在国内外同行的关注下一定会取得长足进展。  相似文献   

开放存取期刊的经济机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开放存取期刊对用户是免费的,但出版并不免费,成本是存在的。它的经济机制有几种模式:出版费,基金会、研究机构、政府和私人赞助,广告,订购费,服务费,电子商务等。参考文献10。  相似文献   

国内外开放存取实践分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在全面介绍国内外开放存取实践的基础之上,分析了现阶段国内外开放存取实践的特点,并对开放存取运动的障碍进行了进一步探究.  相似文献   

试析Open Access对大学图书馆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王静芬 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(3):84-86,109
主要介绍作为学术资源开放传播新模式的开放获取运动内容,并针对大学图书馆的资源采购、馆藏建设、服务以及角色定位,讨论开放获取运动对大学图书馆的影响。  相似文献   

开放存取对期刊论文学术交流系统的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放存取作为一种崭新的学术交流模式近年来已得到科技工作者的高度认可。在构建开放存取对期刊论文学术交流系统影响因素指标体系的基础上,提出基于DEMATEL(决策试验与评价实验室)的开放存取对期刊论文学术交流系统影响因素分析模型。通过该分析模型,对识别出的影响因素予以综合影响度、被影响度、原因度与中心度分析,指出学术水平提升是诸多影响因素中最为重要的核心因素。  相似文献   

开放存取:学术信息交流的新模式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
开放存取是一种全新的学术交流模式。文章分析了开放存取出版产生的历史背景、基本特征、实现模式等,并就开放存取过程中出现的相关问题和发展前景进行了初浅探讨。  相似文献   

The “new” information poor are the individuals and communities who have computer and Internet connectivity, but cannot access scholarly information due to prohibitive costs. Pratt Institute's School of Information and Library Science (SILS) represents such a community and is the subject of this case study. Three measures were analyzed: SILS' four “core” classes were surveyed to determine how many required readings were available via the library; a survey was sent to 31 SILS instructors; and we conducted in-depth interviews with two SILS instructors. While “information poor,” the data suggest our respondents are resourceful in finding ways to cope with their disadvantage.  相似文献   

初探开放存取及其给图书馆带来的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要地介绍了开放存取产生的背景及其定义,着重从六个方面探讨开放存取给图书馆带来的影响。  相似文献   

一种全新的学术出版模式:开放存取出版模式探析   总被引:118,自引:0,他引:118  
开放存取是一种学术信息共享的自由理念和出版机制。其产生背景主要是:基于订阅 的学术期刊传统出版模式带来了严重的学术交流障碍;网络的运用使学术期刊出版和传播成本 大大降低。近年来相关的机构和项目已出现并初步取得成效。参考文献12。  相似文献   


Academic libraries enable a wide range of digital scholarship activities, increasingly as a partner rather than as a service provider. Communicating that shift in role is challenging, not least as digital scholarship is a new field with many players whose activities on campus can be disjointed. The library's actual and potential contributions need to be broadcast to a diverse range of internal and external constituencies, primarily academic staff, university management, library colleagues and related project teams, often with different perspectives. Libraries have significant contributions to offer and a focused communications strategy is needed to embed libraries in digital scholarship and to create new perceptions of their role as enabling partners.  相似文献   

网络环境下学术信息的开放存取   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55       下载免费PDF全文
开放存取思想迎合了网络时代信息交流的特点,开创了一种新的、高效的交流模式。开放存取包含两层含义:一是指学术信息免费向公众开放;二是指学术信息的可获得性。网络环境下的学术信息开放存取服务有多种类型,如:在线文档发布、科学家与研究组内部的直接交流、通过电子邮件的自由辩论、搜索引擎的索引与检索服务、第三方集成检索服务等。图3。参考文献10。  相似文献   

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