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2010年7月举办的第十届海峡两岸图书资讯学学术研讨会,会议论文包括五大主题。图书资讯学教育历史研究、图书资讯学教育研究、图书资讯学理论研究、图书资讯学实务研究、文献计量学与新技术、新方法在图书资讯学中的应用力求创新、研以致用、恪守研究规范、实证研究成为主流,来自各类基金资助的论文占据相当比例。本次会议具有重要的意义,所讨论的问题能够反映学界对LIS教育与研究的最新思考。  相似文献   

PurposeThis study analyzed the process of changes in Korean Library and Information Science curriculum and evaluated the courses currently available by using a perception survey of librarians in the field. It also explored a possible demand for new courses, while suggesting compulsory, core, and optional courses for Bachelor's degree curriculum in Library and Information Science worldwide including Korea and the US.Design/Methodology/ApproachThis study progressed through a total of 5 steps as follows: investigating the background of why current courses of Library and Information Science were offered (interview), finding out the current courses in Library and Information Science (homepage search and phone interview), finding out which courses students have actually completed among those available (literature and resource research), evaluating the practicality of the available courses by librarians in the field (survey), and exploring the demand for new courses (survey). In addition, this study analyzed the process of change in the courses offered by investigating the curriculum over the last 20 years.FindingsFirst and foremost, it was found that the decision of which course will be offered is strongly influenced by faculty. Second, in the analysis of the process of opening up new courses, it was revealed that the number of courses is growing and the courses are becoming more diversified and more specific. Third, the survey results of the completion of curriculum for the last three years in 10 universities demonstrate that only 50% of the available courses are being completed. Fourth, in the survey of which courses the librarians in the field think are necessary among the 90 courses suggested, 21 courses scored more than 4 points in a 5-point Likert scale regarding the demand for new courses. Fifth, the new courses which scored high levels of demand points were: Practice in Organizing and Managing Web Resources, Library Planning, Marketing, and Assessment, Understanding Information Technology for Managing Digital Collections, and Information and Communication in a Digital Age. Sixth, this study shows that there is a high level of agreement between courses completed by students and those which gained high levels of demand points in the practicality evaluation.Limitations/ImplicationsAs this study was performed in Korea where the Bachelor's degree course is fundamental, it will contribute valuable information to countries where universities have recently opened or are trying to open programs for Bachelor's degrees in Library and Information Science such as the US, or to curriculum study in countries such as China and Japan which have educational environments similar to Korea. However, similar studies need to be performed in different countries.Originality/ValueThis study has great significance as it has analyzed not only the curriculum of the last 20 years but also discovered how many of the newly created courses have actually been completed by students and the opinions of librarians in the field on these courses; there has not been such an encompassing study as this either inside or outside of Korea.  相似文献   

基于2004-2014年的北卡莱罗纳大学教堂山分校信息与图书馆学学院的图书情报学基础课程数据和战略规划,从课程战略计划、课程结构、课程变化、课程频次、培养机制分析5个角度对图书情报学课程体系进行分析,总结出该课程体系具有灵活性、连贯性、关注iSchool 研究动态、形式创新和学科差异化等特点,并提出对我国图书情报学课程体系建设要制定战略规划,注重各学期课程的关联,丰富课程形式,课程体系中引入图书馆,调整必修和选修课程比例。  相似文献   

This study examines how academic librarians at the Complutense University (Spain) perceive project management techniques that are becoming increasingly popular in library and information centers due to the need to comply with their strategic planning and services. To reach this goal, a quantitative and qualitative methodology was applied and a survey, in the form of a questionnaire, was used as a data gathering tool. The response rate was 31.2%. The key findings are based on respondents' education regarding project management skills and their expertise managing projects, as well as the presence of project management courses in the Library and Information Science Spanish curriculum. This study revealed that over one third of the academic staff completed their project management training by self-directed learning. Additionally, over half of them stated that they had not participated in any library project in the last five years, and almost half of the library staff concluded that project management techniques are quite important as formal courses in the Library and Information Science university programs. The study is interesting and revealing for those library and information services professionals who are facing day-to-day to users' demands and Library and Information Science challenges.  相似文献   

对美国图书馆学会认可的图书情报学院和中国主要的图书情报学院开设元数据课程的情况进行了调研,分析了该课程开设的基本情况、课程内容、阅读材料、课程实习等信息,通过中美对比,提出了我国元数据课程教学的建议。  相似文献   

美国iSchool的趋势与启示   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
信息学院运动(简称iSchool运动)目前成为美国图书情报界特别是教育领域发展的新趋势,为美国图书馆情报学(LIS)教育注入新的活力。美国《新闻和世界报道》2007年版排名前10位的LIS学校全部参加了iSchool运动,主要以这10所iSchool为代表,介绍美国iSchool发展现状以及包括学院定位、课程建设、学生教育和学术研究等方面的特征,以期发现美国LIS教育发展趋势和成功经验,为我国LIS教育的改革和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the current status of continuing education courses offered by American schools of Library and Information Science. Special emphasis is given to offerings for librarians working in collection development and acquisitions. Alternative mechanisms for delivering continuing education courses to the profession are discussed. A survey of 47 American schools reveals that only 8.9% of the 280 continuing education workshops fit the traditional definition of technical services. Suggestions are made as to how practitioners and educators can increase the continuing education offerings available for technical services, collection development, and acquisitions librarians.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the status of public libraries located in Rawalpindi District, Pakistan, in terms of administrative setup, collection, staff, resources, and services. The article is derived from evidence obtained through a questionnaire-based survey carried out in December 2013. This survey was conducted for the preparation of “Directory of Public Library Project” a joint venture of Punjab Library Foundation and Department of Library and Information Science, University of the Punjab. The survey found eleven public libraries in the District of Rawalpindi. Only three of these have professional staff. Overall, libraries have poor and outdated book collections that are not properly classified and cataloged. Information Communication Technology infrastructure exists in libraries with some exceptions. Most of the libraries are facing constraints (e.g., low number of hours, too small in size, and too many users for size of collections) that result in inadequate services. Most of the libraries are facing similar problems, which are being faced by other public libraries of Pakistan (e.g., shortage of professional staff, lack of modern facilities, and insufficient funds). Practical recommendations are made at the end of study.  相似文献   

The 1998 Public Library Outlet Internet Connectivity study (Bertot & McClure, 1998) sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) collected public library outlet Internet connectivity data by outlet metropolitan status, poverty, and region strata. Based on a national survey, the results show that there are disparities in public library outlet Internet connectivity, public access provision, and speed of public access Internet services. Such disparities have implications for future connectivity policy development such as the e-rate, state library-based connectivity programs, and library-initiated connectivity initiatives that this article identifies and explores. Community Access Points (CAPS), in addition to public libraries, may be necessary to reach national goals related to universal service and equality of access to the Internet.  相似文献   

1前言1.1明治维新与现代化政策1868年的明治维新是近代日本的出发点,也是日本历史上一个决定性的转折点。刚掌握政权的明治政府在着手进行资本主义改革的同时,制定了“富国强兵”、“殖产兴业”和“文明开化”的三大政策,并且把这三大政策作为指导改革的方针。...  相似文献   

利用文献调查法与内容分析法,解析日本图书馆职业资格认证标准与实施制度,把日本图书馆职业资格认证标准划分为全国性和地区性标准两类,前者包括文部省实施的司书职业资格认证标准、国立大学图书馆支援机构实施的大学图书馆业务能力考试认证标准、日本图书馆协会实施的高级司书认证标准、医学图书馆协会实施的健康科学信息专业人员认证标准,后者包括国立大学图书馆协会中国与四国地区分会实施的图书与学术信息专业人员认证标准。前两种认证标准主要采用学历认证、考试认证、等级认证相结合的交叉认证方式,后3种认证标准采用等级认证方式。5种认证标准基本遵循了解认证信息、向认证机构提出申请、提交材料、审查、颁发证书、证书更新的认证程序。最后归纳总结日本图书馆职业资格认证所具有的四大特点。  相似文献   

图书馆连接社区:公共图书馆经费和技术获取研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《图书馆连接社区:公共图书馆经费和技术获取研究》是由盖茨.梅琳达基金会和美国图书馆协会共同资助,并在美国图书馆协会、马里兰大学图书馆与信息创新中心和佛罗里达州大学信息学院指导下完成的一项年度报告。报告在广泛的数据调查基础上描述了2009年度美国公共图书馆的状况,包括技术接入、经费下降与服务需求增加等问题。此外,报告还揭示了美国公共图书馆需求与服务之间的矛盾,在此基础上,报告提出了未来行动的呼吁。  相似文献   

在美国的民主制度中,图书馆在保障知识自由方面的态度主要体现在以下几个方面:首先,图书馆在对待反映不同观点之各社会议题方面,应保持中立的态度;其次,图书馆应反对各种形式之图书检查制度;再者,图书馆应公平对待读者对馆藏以及服务的自由使用;第四,就图书馆馆员而言,作为图书馆运作的具体执行者,应通过再教育,了解知识自由的重要性,以形成尊重知识自由的理念。  相似文献   

日本的图书馆史研究在概念辨析、研究方法、研究视野方面颇具特色。本文通过对庆应大学所藏图书馆史文献进行系统梳理,总结日本图书馆史研究的特点。在理论方面,注重方法论的探讨与研究领域的划分,如关于图书馆史、图书馆学史和图书馆思想史的认识,以及对日本图书馆史研究分野的概括等;在内容方面,由图书馆史研究分化为图书馆学史研究、图书馆思想史研究,后来细化为运动史、服务史、藏书史、人物传记等各个主题;在研究基础方面,日本图书馆史有教材、史料和工具书;在组织方面,1982年成立专门研究图书馆史的组织图书馆史研究会,1995年后改名为日本图书馆文化史研究会,通过召开专门会议与发行刊物进行研究交流,开展学术批评;在研究视野上,秉承了日本受容文化的特色,研究视野宽广,并不限于日本,对世界图书馆史,以及中美德英俄等各主要国家的图书馆史都有较为深入的研究,形成了翻译著作多、国际研究著作多的特点。日本图书馆史研究的这些成果和特点可为我国同类研究提供借鉴。参考文献23。  相似文献   

李娜 《图书情报工作》2013,57(20):52-57
比对美国《新时代的新角色:研究图书馆为研究生服务》报告和国内相关文献,辅以图书馆网站调研,发现中美图书馆都是以学科馆员与学科化服务、教育培训、宣传推广和学习共享空间为主向研究生提供服务的。北美研究型图书馆在面向研究生提供图书馆指南、进行需求调研和反馈以及针对研究生服务进行岗位设置三个方面值得我国图书馆学习和借鉴。同时我国图书馆应该将自身视为研究生教育中的核心成员,针对研究生的需求探索服务对策。  相似文献   

以图书情报学核心期刊2006-2008三年间的载文为基础,对其引文来源期刊进行聚类统计,得出图书情报学对哲学、管理学、经济学、教育学、计算机科学五个学科的引文最多,据此,论文应用学科渗透的S-O—P结构模型对图书情报学的内生渗透路径进行分析,以期能为进一步完善图书情报学的理论体系和知识结构提供参考:  相似文献   

以图书情报学核心期刊2006-2008三年间的栽文为基础,对其引文来源期刊进行聚类统计,得出图书情报学对哲学、管理学、经济学、教育学、计算机科学五个学科的引文最多,据此,论文应用学科渗透的S-O-P结构模型对图书情报学的内生渗透路径进行分析,以期能为进一步完善图书情报学的理论体系和知识结构提供参考.  相似文献   

2010年《美国新闻与报道》公布的最新全美45所高等院校图书馆学、情报学专业的排名。本研究基于其中43所院校的2 337门课程,依据数据库技术和专家的分类知识将其划分为20个分面,在此基础上分析同一分面内以及不同分面之间课程设置的情况,进而探讨美国高等院校近年来图书情报专业课程设置的重点、课程覆盖的范围以及授课特点等方面。本研究还选取国内9所高校情报学硕士课程共168门,采用同样的技术方法将其划分为15个分面,并通过对比研究找出与美国高校图情专业课程设置两者间的差异,希望能为我国图书情报专业硕士研究生的培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Library development in Bangladesh is closely related to the development of library education in the country. The rapid growth of libraries in the mid-twentieth century resulted in the need to initiate education and training programs for library professionals. Library Science training began in 1952 with a three-month training program for library staff at Dhaka University Library. This led to the establishment in 1959 of a one-year post-graduate diploma course at Dhaka, with Masters and Doctorate degrees being added later. Since being instituted, these programs have produced 1,081 post-graduate diplomas, 815 Masters degrees and four Ph.D's. From the 1960s to the 1980s, library staff training programs also began to be offered by what is now the National Administration Education Management, the Bangladesh Library Council, four teachers training colleges and the Library Association of Bangladesh. The present state of the 19,130 libraries in Bangladesh is discussed in relation to their total personnel of 7,789. To deal with this shortage of professional, trained library personnel, a nationwide policy for a network of library systems and the expansion of current library education programmes by instituting departments of Library and Information Science in all general universities is proposed.  相似文献   

论数字环境下我国图书馆学情报学研究生教育制度的创新   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文探讨了图书馆学、情报学研究生教育制度创新的问题。重点包括:学科建设创新,研究生培养目标的创新,师资队伍的创新,研究生课程体系的创新,研究生培养方法的创新,学位制度的创新等。  相似文献   

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