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Visual inference is the predominant mode of data analysis reported in single-subject research; however, this process is subject to systematic biases that affect its use. To guide the process of visual inference, a four-step model is presented for the assessment of: (a) reliability, (b) intervention effect, (c) meaningfulness, and (d) generalizability. A Visual Inference Checklist (VIC) systematizes this assessment process.  相似文献   

通过对一些实例的分析 ,得出 :不仅量子理论和经典理论之间存在对应关系 ,而且牛顿力学和相对论力学之间、几何光学与波动光学之间也存在对应关系 ,因此 ,对应原理具有普遍性。把它渗透到教学中 ,将有利于提高学生的学习、研究素质。对进一步科研也有指导性作用。  相似文献   

语言结构折射出人的内在认知机制结构和思维的实际活动。本文正是基于这一考虑,从隐喻的认知根源出发,分析了多种隐喻中的普遍想象;并认为隐喻现象的普遍性反映了人类在认知过程中的普遍性,隐喻认知的普遍性研究使我们更好的理解隐喻的产生、功能及其工作机制并为更深入的认识语言与思维的关系提供了一种新的研究视角。  相似文献   

This paper examines the question of whether there are useful general thinking skills. It offers a working definition of 'thinking skill' and identifies ways in which this concept has been over-applied. Thinking skills, used across domains, are not inevitably weak as a result of the generality-power tradeoff. Admitting that thinking skills require domain-specific knowledge for their application, it is contended nonetheless that there are general thinking skills that involve substantial amounts of domain-independent knowledge. These skills usually address 'generic thinking tasks', common mental challenges that people face in many practical and intellectual endeavours, including the 'domain of practical affairs'. The educational implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

International large-scale assessments are now part of the educational landscape in many countries and often feed into major policy decisions. Yet, such assessments also provide data sets for secondary analysis that can address key issues of concern to educators and policymakers alike. Traditionally, such secondary analyses have been based on a variable-centred approach that gives rise to league tables. In the study reported here, a person-centred analysis is used as an alternative to the traditional approach. Data from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) were analysed to investigate Asian students' attitudes to their future civic participation. Cluster analysis with validity measures showed that 4 distinct groups of students were identified within the societies studied thus highlighting the diversity within the samples. These results cannot be achieved with a conventional variable approach to analysis, and they suggest the usefulness of exploring alternative approaches to secondary data analysis.  相似文献   

Measures of the Type A Behavior Pattern (TABP) in children have demonstrated good sensitivity but problematic specificity. Using the most popular measure of childhood TABP, a teacher rating scale called the MYTH, we sought to (a) replicate earlier findings of extensive overlap between TABP and externalizing behavior problems, (b) further distinguish between and extend the empirical networks for the positive (Competition) and negative (Impatience-Aggression) components of TABP, and (c) explore cross-situational generality. Normal boys and those with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were assessed on multiple instruments in diverse contexts. ADHD boys obtained higher TABP Total and Impatience-Aggression scores than normal boys, and these scores were associated with a wide array of behavior problems and peer difficulties. In contrast, the Competition subscale was related to popularity and athleticism and, inversely, to internalizing problems. Discussion focused on the construct validity of the MYTH, the heterogeneity of boys identified by the MYTH as showing the TABP, and the need for distinguishing research uses of the measure from applications of the TABP concept.  相似文献   

研究中西唱法的目的在于求同探异,融会贯通,为逐步形成中国声乐鲜明的民族艺术特色、建立中国的声乐学派以及为中国声乐走向世界奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

个人主体性与类主体性作为两种不同的主体性,其基本特点分别是占有与生产。具有个人主体性的学生在学习活动过程中形成了客观性知识观、以机械学习为主、丧失与他人交往,最终只能得到片面的发展。而具有类主体性的学生,在学习活动过程中形成了建构性知识观、以意义学习为主、建立与他人合作的关系,最终实现自主全面的发展。要实现学生学习活动中从个人主体性到类主体性的转变,就要关注学生自主意识和自我调控能力培养、促进学生对人际互动的参与以及建立“以学生全面发展为本”的课堂文化。  相似文献   

We begin with a discussion of contemporary approaches to assessment highlighting their reliance on a static, linear model of knowledgeable performance. Next we describe an ecological psychology approach to problem solving. Then, we propose the adoption of an agent-environment interaction as the unit of analysis. We continue by describing the problem-solving process from an ecological psychology perspective, to clarify the intentional unit. We close with a discussion of functional validity, the value added by access to assessment information during the problem-solving process.  相似文献   

Rats and pigeons responded for food delivered according to multiple schedules. The session length varied from 10 to 120 min, and the programmed rate of reinforcement varied from 15 to 240 reinforcers per hour. Response rates usually changed systematically within experimental sessions. For both rats and pigeons, responding reached a peak after an approximately constant amount of time since the beginning of the session, regardless of session length. When rats, but not pigeons, served as subjects, the peak rates of responding occurred later in the session and the within-session changes were smaller for lower than for higher rates of reinforcement. The similarities between the results for rats and for pigeons when session length varied suggest that at least one of the factors that produces the within-session changes in responding is shared by the present species, responses, and reinforcers. The differences in results when rate of reinforcement varied are more difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

Critical thinking, problem solving and communication are fundamental elements of undergraduate education, but methods for assessing these skills across an institution are susceptible to logistical, motivational and financial issues. Queen’s University conducted two research studies investigating the use of standardised tests to assess cognitive skill development across the institution. Synthesis of results from implementing the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+), the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT), and the HEIghtenTM test found that student test effort was a significant factor, and effort level correlated with performance at r?=?.33. Test incentives were also a significant factor; effort levels for the $25 financial incentive group were one standard deviation higher than effort for the in-class test group. A dedicated computer lab was the preferred option for computer-based testing. A paper-based test was found to be much simpler to administer, but test results were not available for a long time, therefore limiting the usefulness of data. The true cost of tests was greater than the price of the instrument; recruitment, training, proctoring and marking costs need to be included in the calculation. Generally speaking, alignment of test objectives with student or course objectives, and timeliness of data, were key for participation and motivation.  相似文献   

教学测评的指标修订与数据分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教学测评是了解教学信息的重要渠道和实施教学管理的重要手段,恰当地选择测评指标,是准确评价教师课堂教学质量的关键环节。本文借助SPSS软件,运用多元回归、因子分析、主成分分析等方法,讨论了教学测评的指标修订问题,提出了有关教育测评的改进建设。  相似文献   

This article outlines BPRS funded investigations into my own school's and other establishments' practices and processes within data analysis, needs identification and tracking of children's academic progress. It describes the evaluation of my school's then current practices and policies and the use of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with my own staff, and assessment coordinators and senior leaders within exemplar schools. As well as outlining the main findings of my research this article assesses the introduction of new models of assessment for my own staff and pupils. This article also highlights how my research developed and the way my research process changed as it continued.  相似文献   

利用Matlab对某古塔1986年、1996年、2009年和2011年的观测数据进行了分析,依据观测数值,找出了古塔每层的中心点,对古塔的扭曲、弯曲、倾斜等进行了分析,得出了随着时间的推移,古塔的变形程度会进一步增加的结论.  相似文献   

Research on epistemological beliefs has clearly increased in the last decade. Even though the construct is clearer and relevant data are being collected, there are important theoretical and methodological issues that need further clarification. One of them is the debate about the domain generality–specificity of epistemological beliefs.I argue that there are both theoretical and methodological difficulties that hinder a more fruitful approach of the domain generality–specificity debate. Differences in goals and scope of the diverse conceptualizations about epistemological beliefs and how they devise the role of content-domain and context are a major source of difficulties. Methodological problems such as whether such epistemological beliefs can be measured “in isolation”—free of content and context influence—or the impossibility of collecting direct measures of epistemological beliefs may influence how the domain generality–specificity question is approached. Some suggestions about how these difficulties may be overcome are developed. The relevance of exploring epistemological beliefs across domains and across contexts is emphasized.  相似文献   

世界短篇小说三大巨匠莫泊桑、契诃夫、欧亨利作为批判现实主义大师,他们身上有太多的相似之处:作品中对现实的高度概括,精巧的构思,真实的细节描写,都向读者展示了他们生活的那个时代的风貌,而且在艺术上也体现了他们共同的美学追求。  相似文献   

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