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专业培养方案是专业人才培养的蓝图和总体设计,它的优劣决定了人才培养质量。目前我国远程教育实践缺少适用于远程教育领域的专业培养方案和课程体系开发方法,大多沿用传统高校以学科需求为主的专业培养方案,但这没有体现应用型人才培养的特点和目的。因此需要开发出既符合社会实践需求,又适合成人远程学习者的专业课程体系,从而更好地为应用型人才培养、为远程教育人才培养服务。以能力为本的课程体系开发模式可以分为典型的三类:基于岗位能力的开发模式、基于典型工作任务的开发模式和基于角色的开发模式。三种开发模式均采用了工作分析的思想,重点关注岗位对人才的能力需求,注重技能培养而容易忽视知识的系统性。但基于典型工作任务分析的开发模式由于有着较为扎实的理论基础,开发出的课程体系更加系统,且兼顾了技能和知识的培养,对实践的适用面更广,对远程教育院校开发"能力为本"的培养方案暨课程体系有着极大的借鉴作用。但是其仍然有着不可忽视的弱点或"盲区"——对于工作过程较模糊、岗位不明确的专业不适用,因此并不能照搬到远程教育领域。  相似文献   

手风琴伴奏课程的开设与普及,不仅能够满足音乐学专业课程建设的需要,而且还能有效推进手风琴课程的教学改革。为更好的适应音乐教育发展趋势,培养符合国家要求的技能型人才,手风琴伴奏课程的结构及框架必须进行合理构建。  相似文献   

Post-Sputnik science curricula stress the importance of teaching science as scientists might practice it. This has been vividly illustrated in the laboratory-oriented curricula generated in the past ten years. Even more important has been the emphasis on applying learning theories to their construction. The American Association for the Advancement of Science has implemented the ideas of Robert Gagné in order to develop Science—A Process Approach. Jean Piaget's theory of intellectual development has been integrated into the Science Curriculum Improvement Study. It has been the investigator's observation that many teachers who use the newer science curricula fail to utilize to the fullest the methods implicit in a development theory; consequently, the objectives which include the products as well as the processes of science may not be achieved. This paper will report on an investigation of two types of postlaboratory discussion strategies and their effects on sixth grade children's learning of some science principles. The effects these discussion strategies had on the learning of four science processes are reported elsewhere.  相似文献   


Curriculum design might appear to be a project for a pure educational theory. An example of such a theory is Paul Hirst's deduction of distinct forms of knowledge’ upon which rests his advocacy of the liberal curriculum’. Hirst's theory, though immune to many of the attacks that have been directed at it, fails to consider how (if at all) the structure of knowledge maps on to the structure of our mental (learning) faculties. The partitioning of the manifold of knowledge may correspond not at all to the optimum curricular partitioning of the teaching manifold. Further, as a curriculum proposal, Hirst's account needs to be underwritten by an account of the purpose of education. Accounts of the latter sort normally invoke considerations of a political nature. Such considerations, together with the influence of other forces, tend to pull curricula in directions which many educationalists regard as undesirable. Can pure educational theory reassert itself as the controlling force behind curriculum planning? I argue that there is little prospect of its so doing.  相似文献   


Since Gardella's Environmental Education Curriculum Inventory was developed in 1986 (J. Gardella, 1993), it has been used to evaluate environmental education (EE) curricula and programs to determine how well they represent EE's substantive structure as expressed in the Goals for Curriculum Development in Environmental Education developed by H. R. Hungerford, R. B. Peyton, and R. J. Wilke (1980). In recent years, environmental educators have called for environmental sensitivity and social sciences to be added to the foundation levels of environmental education and the Goals for Curriculum Development. The Inventory for Assessing Environmental Education Curricula is an attempt to revise the Gardella inventory so as to incorporate both environmental sensitivity and social components.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the framing of historical knowledge in the primary and ‘broad general education’ phases (ages 4–14) of Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence. The paper focuses on curriculum documentation, particularly the curriculum's aims and ‘Experiences and Outcomes’ and evaluates these in light of recent research on children's historical understanding. It is argued that the decision to frame historical understanding as ‘People, Past Events and Societies’ within the context of a ‘social studies’ curriculum area has been motivated by a misunderstanding of history's unique disciplinary identity. It is argued that history curricula must take account of the unique ontological and epistemological challenges posed by investigating the past and that by failing to do this, ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ offers children in Scotland a problematic representation of what it means to study the past. The paper challenges the curriculum in both epistemic and pedagogical terms, before suggesting that a rigorous study of history as a discipline can make a valuable contribution to children's personal and social development.  相似文献   

专业培养方案和课程体系是人才培养的蓝本,是课程开发的基础。专业课程体系的开发是系统层面的教学设计,需要科学、系统的方法。然而,由于目前远程教育领域专业课程体系开发方法的缺失,导致了实践中“重视课程开发、忽视专业课程体系开发”,以及专业课程体系开发时简单、随意的现象。远程高等教育以应用型人才为培养目标,培养对象为成人在职远程学习者。因此,针对远程高等教育、面向成人远程学习者的专业课程体系开发方法必须以成人远程学习者为中心,并坚持以“社会实践需求为主、能力为本,兼顾学科与学生需求”的开发理念。DECDA开发模式是针对远程教育特别是学历教育专业课程体系开发提出的一个完整流程和一套系统的方法,包括职业分析,学习者分析,实践能力需求分析,课程体系规划,以及实施、评价与修订5个阶段,不仅紧密贴近社会实践需求,还兼顾成人远程学习者的特点和学科需求,可以为我国远程教育机构开发有用、有效的专业课程体系、提高人才培养质量提供方法指导。实践应用的案例也证明,DECDA模式开发流程和方法具有较好的可操作性。  相似文献   

高校课程系数是指一所高等学校所开设的全部课程的门数与学生总数的比值,即高校生均课程.高校课程系数的高低可以体现出高校学生的课程选择权的大小,也可以在一定程度上反映出高校课程资源的丰富状况以及高校办学质量与办学水平.而要提高高校课程系数,建设课程超市是重要途径.  相似文献   

汤霓 《职教通讯》2012,(22):28-33
绿色技能应当能适应所有工作,它包括提供可持续发展产品和服务所需要的技术技能,也包括交流、谈判、支持可持续发展的商业行为及实施组织变革所需要的非技术技能。绿色经济的技能需求包括四大部分:专业绿色技能、提高现有技能、通用绿色技能、通用技能。其中,开发通用技能、通用绿色技能和提高现有的相关工作技能课程内容要比开发专业的绿色技能课程内容更为重要。以美国生涯技术教育数学课程模式为例,其对基本能力培养的课程策略能为绿色技能课程的实施提供借鉴。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess perceived environmental education (EE) curriculum needs in the United States (K-16). The Environmental Education Curriculum Needs Assessment Questionnaire (EECNAQ) was developed, validated, and direct-mailed to 169 randomly selected professional environmental educators (58.6% return rate). The EECNAQ elicited perceptions about the desired status and the current state of EE curricula, the need for curriculum development, the anticipated use of curricula teachers, and the need for inservice teacher education. These five major questions were posed relative to fifteen goals which reflected the Tbilisi objectives and four levels of environmental literacy. The findings reveal a consensus among the professional participants that the EE goals are important ones, that they are not being met to a large extent in existing curricula, that extensive needs exist for both goal-oriented curricula and teacher education, and that the goaloriented curricula would be used by teachers.  相似文献   

课程是高等学校教学建设的基本单元,是提高教学效益和效率的基本要素之一,也是学生消费高等教育资源的基本单位和载体。其作为实现教育目的的中介,在高校人才培养中处于极其重要的地位。课程资源是教育资源的重要组成部分,是构成课程的要素来源,是课程设计和实施的全部条件及基本组成部分的总和。课程资源依据其特点可以进行不同的分类。作为一个系统,课程资源的开发、利用和管理之间相互联系、相互作用。  相似文献   

In England, since 2000, teachers of children aged three to five (the Foundation Stage) have been bound by the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage produced by central government. Initially, we were interested to learn of the responses of early years teachers to that document. We found that teachers welcomed the Curriculum Guidance, not least because it recognized that there exists a valuable and separate stage in children’s education. However, in relation to ensuring that quality learning experiences were provided, teachers identified two issues of concern to them—professional training of early childhood teachers, and the leadership and management of the Foundation Stage. Concerns also remained that not all stakeholders were yet aware of the needs of young children and of the staff training resources necessary to meet these needs. Upon our return to the respondents three years later, we found that, despite the incorporation of the Curriculum Guidance, some practitioners continued to feel that both colleagues and managers sometimes had limited understanding of the unique nature of the early childhood curriculum. Concerns about resources and an appropriate learning environment also continued to be evident.  相似文献   

Curriculum planning for the development of graphicacy capability has not been systematically included in general education to coincide with the graphicacy needs of human society. In higher education, graphicacy curricula have been developed to meet the needs of certain disciplines, for example medical and teacher training and engineering, among others. A framework for graphicacy curricula, anticipating the graphicacy needs in higher education, has yet to be strategically planned for general education. This is partly a result of lack of research effort in this area, but also a result of lack of systematic curriculum planning in general. This paper discusses these issues in the context of graphicacy curricula for engineering. The paper presents three broad individual case studies spanning Europe and the USA, brought together by the common denominator, graphicacy. The case studies are based on: an analysis of graphicacy within general education curricula, an analysis of graphicacy for engineering education in Europe and an analysis of graphicacy for engineering education in the USA. These three papers were originally presented in a plenary session at the American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Design Graphics Division at the University of Limerick in November 2012. The case studies demonstrate the potential for strategic curriculum planning in regard to the development of graphicacy in general education and an overview of a methodology to achieve that. It also offers further evidence towards the importance of the systematic classification of graphics capabilities in Engineering and how the lack of a developed theoretical framework in this area undermines the case for the importance of graphics within engineering education.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of needs as a basis for curriculum development through the deliberations of the US educators associated with the Progressive Education Association's Commission on the Secondary School Curriculum of the Eight-Year Study (1933-1941). Noting how divergent views of 'needs' influenced American educational thought from the 1930s to the life-adjustment movement of the late 1940s and 1950s, the importance of social philosophy is underscored as a pre-requisite for curriculum development and criticize the current standards-based reform movement in US education for the lack of concern with both student needs and social theory.  相似文献   

The importance of reducing restraint and restrictive interventions in special schools has been recognised across the four nations of the UK. Government guidance for England and Wales, and recommendations produced by Restraint Reduction Scotland, both reference Positive behavioural support (PBS) as an evidence-based approach that can be used to proactively support pupils with, or at risk of, behaviours that challenge. The Department of Education of Northern Ireland recommends the development of behaviour support plans to support children with special education needs and disabilities. Special schools, however, also have a responsibility to set high expectations for every pupil, to provide access to the respective national curricula and to meet individual needs. School-wide positive behavioural support (SW-PBS), originated in the USA in the 1990s in response to a body of evidence that showed improved social and academic outcomes when behavioural interventions were implemented across whole school settings. It is increasingly being adopted in the UK. Drawing upon examples from schools in England and Wales with which the authors are familiar, this paper outlines the rationale for a special schools' model of SW-PBS and illustrates the ways in which this can be adjusted to meet the specific needs of each setting.

Key Points

  • Reducing restraint and restrictive interventions in schools is a high priority across all four nations of the UK.
  • Special schools also have a responsibility to provide children with special education needs and disabilities positive learning environments that maximise learning opportunities and meet individual needs.
  • School-wide positive behaviour support (SW-PBS) provides a useful framework to help special schools meet these expectations.

This article attempts to map the business and economics curriculum and explain some of the reasons for it being as it is; and to examine the number of students choosing to study the subjects and the ‘perceived relative value’ of studying economics and business studies. In 1988 a National Curriculum was introduced for all 5–16-year-olds in state schools in England but curiously neither business studies nor economics were mandatory subjects. In England, government education policy has influenced the development of the business and economics school curriculum in four main ways: first, in defining a core curriculum; second, in changes in school type; third, in the treatment of the academic/vocational divide; and, finally, in the development of a qualifications framework. With a new government elected, changes in education policy will therefore have an impact on the study of these subjects. We argue that while business and economics are very popular options for study by 14–19-year-olds, this area of the English curriculum needs further strengthening, and that all students should have the opportunity to study business and economics in some form to develop their own economic wellbeing and to better understand the world in which they live.  相似文献   

课程评价是学前教育课程建设的重要手段,是学前教育质量提升的重要途径.目前我国学前教育课程种类繁多,但有关课程评价的理论与实践研究却十分滞后,无法对各种课程的质量和实施效果进行系统评估,严重制约了我国学前课程建设的质量.美国教育科学院于2002年启动的"学前教育课程评价研究"项目对发展我国学前教育课程评价具有重要的启发与借鉴价值.该项目是随着美国各级政府为低收入或处境不利儿童提供越来越多的早期教育机会而产生的,旨在探究和验证各类早期教育课程对这些儿童入学准备的具体效果.为此,组建了专门的课程实施团队,实践了14种较具代表性的学前教育课程方案,而后由独立的课程评价团队对其效果进行评价.他们广泛采用了儿童评价、教师报告、课堂观察、教师访谈与问卷调查、家长访谈等量化与质性评价方法,所得结论虽然不容乐观,亦受到多方质疑,认为该项目在评价目标、所选样本、考虑影响因素、深入分析数据程度等方面存在诸多局限,但其历时七年的研究还是有许多值得我们学习的地方.我们应提高对学前教育课程评价作用与意义的认识,并在此观念指导下,努力建构符合我国实际的科学而专业的学前教育课程评价体系,同时应充分调动政府、学术研究机构、社会组织、学前教育机构等主动参与课程评价的积极性,促使政府给予政策与资金方面的大力支持,推动学前教育课程评价研究与实践的繁荣,从而为学前教育的高质量发展提供有力的保证.  相似文献   

浙江的民营企业经过30多年的创业发展,形成了"管理型人才富足、技术型人才短缺"的人力资本特殊格局。而且由于浙江民营企业都属于中小型企业,企业的技术、资本积累甚少,自身培养人才的资源短缺,因此向市场大量引进技术创新型人才的需求态势将长期存在。从浙江实际出发,高职高专一线创新创业人才培养的概念,不应等同于一般意义上的创新创业人才概念,而应符合适应于企业内部创新创业需要、立足于具体岗位创新创业的要求,并在教育理念、课程设计、教法选择、基地建设等方面有所区别。  相似文献   

Kindergarten reading and writing curricula in the European Union   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eufimia Tafa 《Literacy》2008,42(3):162-170
The aim of this study was to examine whether the current literacy programmes in European Union kindergarten curricula support and enhance young children's reading and writing development. This study investigated whether the kindergarten curricula of 10 European countries: Britain, Belgium, France, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and Sweden set appropriate goals for young children's acquisition of literacy, provide methodological guidelines that support children's active engagement in reading and writing activities, provide a print‐rich classroom environment, emphasise the communicative nature of reading and writing and use play in the learning process. The comparative data analysis showed that European kindergarten curricula seem to support and enhance young children's reading and writing development, and that early literacy acquisition is based on the principles of the new perspective of the emergence of literacy.  相似文献   

A test to assess teachers' science knowledge and understanding was developed to monitor change over two years of a primary science in-service programme in 31 schools. Two cohorts took a six-month core course on 'Developing and Assessing Investigations'. The 70 teachers' science understanding was measured by multi-choice and open-ended questions on electricity; melting, dissolving and evaporation; forces; and investigations. Three sub-scales were developed that provide good discrimination. Despite the moves to improve primary teachers' subject knowledge, many still have the typical misconceptions that have been identified in the past. Teachers also had a poor understanding of variables and their control. The analysis of the results has enabled a pattern of development to be identified. While the in-service programme enabled the majority of teachers to progress through these stages, this progress did not always take the teachers to the scientific stage. It was clear that teachers need a thorough understanding of interrelated concepts beyond the requirements of the children's National Curriculum, as without it they may develop misconceptions that might interfere with children's understanding. This indicates that in-service education needs to be sustained over a considerable length of time.  相似文献   

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