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This paper describes the evaluation of a teaching and learning centre (TLC) five?years after its inception at a mid-sized, midwestern state university. The mixed methods process evaluation gathered data from 209 attendees and non-attendees of the TLC from the full-time, benefit-eligible teaching faculty. Focus groups noted feelings of inclusiveness because of the sole concentration on teaching. The survey found that attendees felt more positive about the value and effectiveness of the TLC than non-attendees, and no one on campus expressed negative feelings about its effectiveness. We discuss implications for future evaluation research.  相似文献   

合作学习是一种有效的教学策略,在大学英语教学中,教师把它作为开展教学的一种重要策略,通过不同形式的合作学习使学生获取知识,培养学生的合作意识和技能。但是在实施过程中却因为教师、学生、教学环境等多方面因素的制约,大大影响了合作学习的效果。教师更新教育理念,学生克服心理障碍,学校营造合作氛围才能有效地解决这些问题。  相似文献   

目的评估个体在体验学习四种学习环节的侧重以及个体的四种基本学习方式取向.方法通过随机分层抽样抽取我校2007、2008、2009级共6个专业的509名本科学生进行调查,其中男生92人,女生417人.四种学习环节的侧重以及个体学习方式的评估采用<体验学习方式量表>.结果1)不同专业学生体验学习量表各维度的得分比较在抽象概括(P=0.000)、具体体验(P=0.044)和抽象概括-具体体验(P=0.010)维度比较具有显著性意义;2)不同专业学生四种基本学习方式的分布具有显著性意义(P=0.001);3)男生与女生在体验学习量表抽象概括(P=0.009)和抽象概括-具体体验(P=0.036)在各专业比较具有显著性意义,男生与女生四种基本学习方式的分布具有显著性意义(P=0.010).结论本研究表明不同专业学生在体验学习的四种学习环节具有不同的侧重以及个体的四种基本学习方式具有不同的倾向.本研究可以认为是对体验学习理论的实证研究.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to develop a model of positive word‐of‐mouth (WoM) intentions in a higher education context. WoM was found to be directly influenced by satisfaction levels and indirectly by antecedents of satisfaction, namely positive and negative emotions and perceptions of performance. The model provided a good fit to the data and explained 58% of the variance in WoM intentions. When the model was tested on samples of domestic and international students, significant differences were noted in that the model explained only 21% of the variance in WoM for international compared to 68% for domestic. Moreover, emotions for the international sample did not significantly influence satisfaction or WoM intentions.  相似文献   

Challenges confronting those who seek to bring about change within large organizations include the need to engage with the values and beliefs held by those involved. In universities with academic cultures that have traditionally lauded and rewarded disciplinary research, attempts to enhance the status and effectiveness of teaching and learning practices must take account of the ongoing power of the research culture. In Australia and elsewhere, prestigious research-extensive 1 universities are now seriously committed to improving the educational experience of student learners from their first year on campus. The focus on teaching and learning is buttressed by another aspect of cultural change - one which values the scholarship of teaching alongside traditional disciplinary research. To the need to re-emphasize teaching, and the need to value that teaching as a scholarly, research-based activity is added a third dimension of change - a focus on the student rather than the teacher. This paper will utilize Fullan's (1991) model for educational change in outlining strategies for change within a large research-extensive university in Australia. While it is too early to ascertain whether those strategies have effectively enhanced student learning, indications are that the strategies have had an impact on the beliefs, behaviour and teaching practice of academic staff. It is suggested that the culture of a university can and will shift given the right conditions for institutional change.  相似文献   

"体验式学习"能从体验中掌握打篮球的技巧和策略,不但能调动同学们的积极性以及参与体育锻炼的兴趣,还使学生能顾释放压力,缓解长期学习的疲惫感。本文就对体验式学习的内涵简要介绍,并通过论述体验式学习存在的问题,从而探讨出体验式学习如何更好的应用于高校篮球教学中。  相似文献   

Evaluation of teaching effectiveness by different sources is a well established practice. It is generally carried out in the form of student evaluation using rating scales. This article describes one such system designed for the College of Engineering at King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It describes the operation of the system in detail, including a rating scale questionnaire about both teacher and course. The author proposes a method of analysing the responses so as to make them effective for feedback. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of this proposed method of analysis, he presents a sample analysis of a two-semester period involving eight teachers, six courses (multi-section), and 16 responses. The results show that:
1 The average response for the same teacher from different courses was fairly consistent.
2 A norm can be developed to compare the average responses for different teachers.
3 There was a good correlation between the average rating of a teacher and the percentage of students wanting to take another course with him.
4 The students' responses about the content of a multi-section course were fairly consistent from different sections of that course.
5 The overall ratings of different courses were compared with each other, and showed good consistency with the nature of the courses.
Since the results were based on a two-semester period, a semester-to-semester comparison of either the teacher ratings or course ratings could not be made, but as more data is gathered this may become possible in future.  相似文献   

文学接受理论反对以作家、作品为研究中心,将受众的接受作为研究中心,从而开创了文学理论的新天地,而文学理论中的这个受众因素也是大学英语教学中的"受众"因素,因此接受理论的基本原则同样适用于阐释包括大学英语在内的外语教学过程。本文认同近年大学英语教学与研究领域对于接受理论的接纳和运用,指出在教与学活动中,应当允许两个中心存在,但这两个中心的相互关系是一种动态的、而非一成不变的静态关系。处理好了这些关系之后,再找出特定教学阶段所可能遇到的主要问题或矛盾,并采用正确策略予以解决,这样才能最终达到教与学水平的目的。  相似文献   

文章结合大学英语教学课程中的实际情境施教问题进行客观分析,在此基础上阐述了大学英语教学中采取情境教学法的注意事项,这也是关于英语情境教学的设计问题,对于大学英语教师来说,具备实施创新教育能力的综合素质是非常必要的,文章就此进行了相关探讨。  相似文献   

随着大学英语教学改革的深入开展,很多高校已经将项目学习纳入大学英语教学当中。项目学习PBL是一种以学生为中心的小组合作式学习方式,学生可以通过以小组合作的方式来完成一系列的学习任务,这种方式有利于培养学生的综合素质能力。本文从项目学习的内涵及其理论基础、项目学习对促进学生语言能力发展的积极作用等方面进行分析,对项目教学法在大学英语教学中的应用展开了讨论。  相似文献   

建立教学督导制度是推进教学管理民主化、科学化、规范化的一项重要措施,也是教学质量监控体系的重要组成部分。扎实推进教学督导工作,有利于重点监控主要教学环节,维护良好的教学秩序,促进教风和学风建设,推进高校整体教学水平的不断提高。  相似文献   

我国大学教与学活动的片面现象反思   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
知识作为人的全面实践活动的产物,是集真、善、美于一体的,因此,知识的获取过程不仅仅是逻辑叙述、演绎证明的认识过程,而是一个真、善、美的有机整体的活动过程。然而,由于知识观的片面、教学思想的逻辑化、师生交往的单向性以及大学生学习的“占有性”,现实的大学教学活动变成了唯逻辑的片面活动,这造成了大学生发展的片面性。  相似文献   

大学英语是高等院校必修科目,作为国际化语言,英语科目在大学课程中地位突出。大学英语是高中阶段学习英语后的后续性学习,难度有所提高,对学生听说读写能力都有更高的要求。学好英语,不仅关乎个人素质的提高,更是国家人才兴国战略的重要组成。知识改变命运,学好英语可为将来就业增加一份保障,提供多样化的选择。科技的发展为英语教学开辟了新天地,学生在课堂上学,课后也可通过网络自主学习,查漏补缺。本文分析了当代高职院校英语学习状态,并对网络自主的学习分析优点与不足,提出了解决策略,希望对高职英语教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

文章论述了当前我国大学英语课堂中存在的教与学的问题,如课堂上以教师为中心的教学模式,学生口语实际应用能力不理想,学后考查学生英语能力的方式单一等。然后探讨了解决这些存在问题的办法与措施:实施以学生为中心,师生互动的教学模式,改变教师单纯传授语言知识的传统教学模式;教学过程中突出学生听说训练,提高学生英语实际应用能力;提高学生英语学习兴趣与自主学习能力;最后还应建立多元的学后测评方式。  相似文献   

高校全英语教学模式探析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
全英语教学是高校教学改革中的一个亮点 ,也是一个难点。目前的全英语教学实践陷入了“双盲教学”的困境 :学生的英语水平有所提高 ,但专业知识、专业技能的水平却下降了。“教师———学生———教材———师生互动———考核”五位一体的教改方案 ,有助于全英语教学的顺利实施  相似文献   

The transition from school to university involves substantial change in the structure and organization of teaching, and in the nature and purpose of learning contexts. This paper, which reports some data from a broader study of learning and teaching in first year university physics, focuses on aspects of the school-university transition. In particular, we report perceptions of first year physics students about how they should learn physics, what it is intended they should learn, and what they believe to be the functions of the various teaching situations in which they are placed.  相似文献   

大学英语作为涉及面最广的成人教育学科,其教育的经济性和服务性受到了广泛的关注。教学内容和课程设置作为学科教育的核心内容,其科学性直接关系到人才培养目标的实现。一、二年级的大学英语教学直接为高年级的英语后续教育和各专业课程双语教学提供前导作用,并为学生的职业生涯中的英语应用能力的可持续发展打下基础。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):305-323

The paper debates the challenges of university teaching in the era of managerialism. It teases out current institutional reconfigurations, and argues that challenges of teaching and learning are integral to the university as a complex institution in the era of supercomplexity. It argues that the university should shed its ‘ivory tower’ mentality, acknowledge that its future legitimacy depends on its willingness to negotiate processes and procedures with its community, of which it is itself a constitutive part. The paper questions the relevance of the lecture as a pedagogical practice in this era of supercomplexity; it argues that the lecture is dead and should be replaced. It advocates Socratic questioning to create epistemological and ontological disturbance in the students. Socratic questioning is characterised by a relentless self-examination and critique, an endless quest for intellectual integrity and moral consistency, manifest in fearless speech that unsettles, unnerves, and unhouses people from their uncritical sleepwalking.  相似文献   

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