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张静宇 《海外英语》2011,(7):98-101
IELTS(International English Language Testing System) is one of the most popular testing in China for those who will study abroad in the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations,or immigrate to those countries.Compared with TOFEL,IELTS is usually considered to have a higher degree of validity and reliability.This paper focuses on the validity and reliability of reading comprehension by examining one reading material from a book named《雅思阅读高分榜中榜》,through which the validity and reliability of the reading test could be inferred.  相似文献   

The origin of World Water Day The international observance(纪念) of World Water Day is an action that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. The United Nations General Assembly made 22 March of each year the World Day for Water by adopting a resolution. This world day for water was to be observed starting in 1993, in harmony with the rec- ommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development contained in chapter 18  相似文献   

IELTS is the shortcut to the Commonwealth countries, whether for study or for immigration, the test has been becom?ing an important key to the gate of Commonwealth. The quantity of examinee keeps a g...  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.consist【用法】vi.1)由……组成(构成);含有;有(bemade up of something;contain)(常与of连用)The United Nations Organization consists of over 160 nations.联合国组织由一百六十多个国家组成。  相似文献   

一The United Nations voted today (Nov. 6,2003 ) to postpone for two years any further con- sideration of a ban on human cloning, an issue that has sharply divided member states. The General Assembly' s legal committee ,which consists of all the member sta…  相似文献   

澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,简称CSIRO)  相似文献   

石明珠 《上海教育》2022,(24):50-51
<正>2022年4月,澳大利亚联邦教育部(Australian Commonwealth Department of Education)通过了《澳大利亚课程9.0版修订版》(Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum,以下简称“新课程”),同时宣布各学校将于2023年起开始实施新课程。此次修订是澳大利亚课程首次进行公开的公众咨询,除教育专家外,还听取了大量社区团体和组织的意见,经过多轮意见征询和修改完善。  相似文献   

2005年3月1日,联合国在纽约总部正式启动了可持续发展教育十年(2005—2014)计划(United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development(2005—2014)),联合国教科组织总干事松浦晃一郎在当天举行的联合国首脑会议上主持了该启动仪式。  相似文献   

The United Nations says more than one-thousand-million people in the world do not have safe, clean water to drink. This is about one-sixth of the world's population. More than two-thousand-million people do not have effective sanita-tion(卫生) systems to remove bodily wastes. The UN estimates that six-thousand people died each day from preventable(可预防的) diseases caused by unclean water or poor sanitation. Most of them are children.  相似文献   

正This essay presents an investigation and analysis of foreign teacher’s oral english teaching in college english majors classes.1.The introduction of native English speakers The native English speaking teachers’superiority is partially influenced by Uganda conference.In 1961,Commonwealth conference on the teaching of English as a second language was held at Makarere,Uganda.The Makarere tenet states that native speakers of a language have a better command of fluent,idiomatically correct language,and are the final arbiter of the  相似文献   

A.形复意单的名词作主语1.许多学科名称(谓语动词用单数)Physics is requiredof every student in our school.2.国名、组织机构、书名、报刊名(谓语动词用单数)The United Nations has passed a resolution to lift sanctions againstIraq./The Times reports the news of the strike./Great  相似文献   

The power that a teacher has to influence students is enormous. Sometimes it just takes one teacher to turn a life around, to open one's eyes and make a difference (差别). So it's no wonder that different countries and regions dedicate (献给) a day to honour teaching, one of the noblest professions of our times. World Teachers' Day: October 5. The United Nations created this special day to focus the world's attention on the contributions of teachers and their  相似文献   

New York is the largest city in the US—A.It is the place where the headquartersof the United Nations is located It is situ-ated at the mouth of the Hudson River(sometimes called the North River),cover-ing an area of about 946 square kilome-  相似文献   

Children's Day     
For teachers In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly suggested that all observe a Universal Children's nations should Day as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children and of activity promoting the welfare of the world's children.  相似文献   

<正>2013年3月4日至6日,主题为"全球教育与21世纪的知识经济"(Global Education:Knowledge-based Economies for 21st Century Nations)的第七届"走向世界"国际教育会议在迪拜世界贸易中心隆重举行。"走向世界"是由英国文化协会(British Council)自2004年以来主办的国际教育年会,每年都吸引了1 000多名高等教育界以及与国际教育发展相关的部门代表参会。本届年会有名国际教育  相似文献   

中国近期将与亚洲贸易伙伴举行一系列峰会,以此提高在泛东亚贸易区的形象。本月,中国领导人将参加与东南亚国家联盟(Association of South- east Asian Nations,简称:东盟)和东亚地区的两次峰会。北京的最终目标是让有着20亿消费者、总GDP高达8万亿美元、  相似文献   

A For most Americans, a clean glass of wa-ter is just a faucet (水龙头) away. But for many of the world’s poorest citizens, a small safe drink is no short trip to the tap. On Wednesday,the United Nations (UN) marked World Water Day by committing to cut the number of people without drinking water— 1 billion hum an beings worldwide—in half. Over the next decade, the UN will work with governments around the globe to reduce the shortages. With no clean water on hand, many peo-ple turn to using water sources that a...  相似文献   

英国的正式全名为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),简称不列颠(Britain)或联合王国(the United Kingdom,缩略为the UK)。我们习惯上把英国称之为England(英格兰),实际上,England只是英国的一个组成部分,因为  相似文献   

The United Nations has predicted the global population will reach seven billion this year,and climb to nine billion by 2050,with almost all of the growth occurring in poor countries,particularly Africa and South Asia,said John Bongaarts of the non-profitPopulation Council.  相似文献   

2009年,我受到美国阿拉斯加州立大学安克雷奇分校(University of Alaska in Anchorage,以下简称UAA)的邀请.和其他5位中国同学一起.前往参加一年一度的“模拟联合国大会”(The Model United Nations of Alaska,简称MUN)。  相似文献   

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