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Schools are increasingly seen as having a promising role to play in reducing adverse health and wellness outcomes among young people. This paper uses a collaborative action research approach to examine the effects of one school’s efforts to change its students’ eating habits by implementing a ‘junk-food free campus.’ By engaging school administrators and students in a six-month process of joint research design and analysis, the author found that students understood but did not necessarily support the policy. Despite students’ uneven support of the policy, however, there was some evidence that some students were developing healthier eating habits. Moreover, student researchers reported developing greater perspective and respect for the policy as a result of studying it.  相似文献   


The present study provides an analysis of John Amos Comenius’s thoughts on moral and pious education, educational governance and school discipline as expressed in Didactica Magna. This is examined from the background of his view of education as a societal phenomenon, the purposes of different categories of knowledge for individual formation and the role of pedagogy in the upbringing of children. Theoretically, this paper expands on Michel Foucault’s ideas about governmentality and discipline, as well as on Henri Lefebvre’s spatial theories. The article argues that Comenius can be viewed as a significant contributor to the early modern shift towards new administrative techniques for school governance, transmitting the mode of disciplinary power into pedogogised and didactic forms. The article contributes to achieving more systematic knowledge for understanding the focused areas of schooling, the concept of discipline and the pedagogic premises of disciplinary practice in an early-modern European educational context.  相似文献   

随着我国农村经济改革的不断深入,农民物质文化生活得到了很大改善和提高,但是,农村学校法纪教育缺失问题在各地农村仍然极为明显,中小学生的安全、教育、情感、心理等一系列问题日益突击。尤其是农村学校中的违法乱纪现象急剧上升,已变成为严重的社会问题。本文通过对农村学校法纪教育的现状及其成因和教育思路的探讨,以此来增强农村各级组织和学校对这一特殊群体的法纪教育意识,从而减少农村学校中的违法犯罪并同时得到社会各方面的关注。  相似文献   

关于心理健康学校社会工作保障系统研究的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学校社会工作对于学生心理健康的维护、全面素质的提高具有重要作用。我国大中学生心理健康与学校社会工作保障系统的研究尚属空白,充分认识其研究的重要价值,科学界定相关概念,客观探讨学校社会工作与相关学科及学生心理健康的关系,明确提出研究内容、目标、原则、方法、步骤,是开展该领域科学研究的理论前提。  相似文献   

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