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A key tool in multitiered systems of support is the use of curriculum-based measures to predict which students are at risk for academic failure. However, there are few studies that examine which measures are most suitable for students in middle school. The authors examine the reliability of predicting outcomes on state assessments for 3 commonly used curriculum-based measures at the middle school level. Data were collected from a middle school in the Midwest that regularly administers 3 different curriculum-based measures. Reading Curriculum-Based Measure (R-CBM), Maze, and Multiple-Choice Reading Comprehension (MCRC) were given to students in Grades 7 (n = 238) and 8 (n = 256). Logistic regression was used to examine each measure in predicting outcomes on the Michigan Education Assessment Program Reading assessment. Results indicated that MCRC more accurately predicted outcomes than R-CBM or maze (Grade 7 eβ = 1.75, Grade 8 eβ = 1.68). Limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines a presumed historical association between corporal punishment and the British "ruling class," taking as data the elaborate forms of beating practiced at a well-known English fee-paying boarding school in the 1950s and here documented in detail. Analogies with other forms of ritual studied by anthropologists are considered, as well as the psychosexual dynamics of beating for both officiants and victims. The paper argues that ritual corporal punishment must be seen in retrospect as a clear case of child abuse that is both physical and sexual. Such rituals of authority, though virtually abolished in Britain, may well exist in a different form in present day residential institutions for children in some Third World countries that have borrowed from now outdated European practices.  相似文献   

Tiered instruction and social/emotional supports (such as Response to Intervention or Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) are not only for elementary students. Middle and high school educators are now implementing these strategies to close the skills achievement gap and support students in various classes. One crucial component often neglected in professional literature involves ways to collaborate with families, especially when their student is receiving specialized tiered instruction. Due to the importance of engaging and empowering families, this article describes ways middle and high school personnel can strengthen the family–school collaboration when a student is receiving support in tiered systems.  相似文献   

Schools are expected to hold an increasingly central role in co-ordinating support for children with mental health needs. However, the role that schools hold in supporting pupils with selective mutism (SM) is complex. Through a Critical Interpretive Synthesis (CIS), this review explores the multidimensional role which educational settings hold in supporting children with SM. Key databases were searched (PsycInfo, British Education Index, Education Resources Information Center, British Library EThOS and Google Scholar) and a conceptual map, informed by experienced practitioners, guided additional purposive searching with a focus on conceptual saturation. A total of twenty-four papers were identified following a further process of appraisal. Reciprocal Translational Analysis (RTA) found that schools hold a tripartite role in supporting children with SM: this incorporated developing a shared understanding of the disorder, engaging in effective (and often multi-professional) planning, and offering direct support through adapting provision and facilitating individual intervention. Through realising this role, schools and educational settings might transform the support currently available for children and young people with SM. Implications for practice, policy and future research also emerged. This included a clear need for enhanced teacher understanding of SM, arguably at the level of initial teacher training (ITT).  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to identify the mediating effects of emotion regulation on the association between cumulative childhood trauma and behavior problems in sexually abused children in Korea, using structural equation modeling (SEM). Data were collected on 171 children (ages 6–13 years) referred to a public counseling center for sexual abuse in Seoul, Korea. Cumulative childhood traumas were defined on the basis of number of traumas (physical abuse, witnessing domestic violence, neglect, traumatic separation from parent, and sexual abuse) and the severity and duration of traumas. Children were evaluated by their parents on emotion regulation using the Emotion Regulation Checklist and internalizing and externalizing behavior problems using the Korean-Child Behavior Checklist. SEM analyses confirmed the complete mediation model, in which emotion dysregulation fully mediates the relationship between cumulative childhood traumas and internalizing/externalizing behavior problems. These findings indicate that emotion regulation is an important mechanism that can explain the negative effects of cumulative childhood traumas and that there is a need to focus on emotion regulation in sexually abused children exposed to cumulative trauma.  相似文献   

This study explored the schooling experiences of secondary-aged pupils with and without SEND attending three mainstream schools in England . Thirty-seven young adolescents with SEND and eight without agreed to be interviewed. Thematic analysis revealed the challenges these young adolescents with SEND encountered to feel included in their schools and light is shed on their perspectives of what an inclusive school should be. Of significance contributing to pupils' positive or negative feelings about school and their feelings of being included or excluded were: their perceptions of the implementation of approaches to behaviour management; their perceptions of the equitable allocation of teacher support and/or teacher attention; relations with their teachers; whether they found their lessons engaging or ‘boring’; and the extent to which they perceived their voices were heard and subsequently, acted upon. The findings of the study are discussed with reference to Farrell's model of inclusion and an elaboration of the model is proposed as a self-review tool to be used by educational practitioners as an aid to facilitate their inclusion in mainstream provision.  相似文献   

社会支持对流动儿童的心理健康具有重要影响,其中部分是通过学校归属感的中介作  相似文献   


This article outlines the current state of development of special needs support and consultancy in four European countries: Holland, the Czech Republic, England and Wales, and Germany. Models of consultancy particular to the individual countries are also described. An attempt is made by the authors to determine the key features which allow for a common development in special needs support and consultancy work. They suggest that this might provide the basis for further critical  相似文献   

Schools have the potential to provide a place of education and sanctuary for children and young people of all backgrounds. The rise in mental health problems in children and young people in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in relation to growing inequities, means that identifying ways in which schools can help respond to this growing mental health crisis demands urgent attention. This paper reports on case studies carried out in two London comprehensive schools, exploring how aspects of school culture impact (both positively and negatively) on student mental health. Methods comprised in-depth interviews with school staff and parents, focus groups with students and documentary analysis of relevant materials. Fieldwork was conducted during spring 2021 as schools were returning to face-to-face learning following national periods of lockdown. Our study shows how schools might attempt to drive positive mental health outcomes through aspects of school culture and uses a system framework to explore complexities around cause and effect in this area. Key findings include the considerable differences in school mental health provision, challenges in the identification of student mental health needs and the importance of recognising how the mental health of teachers must be considered alongside that of students. Overall, we highlight particular dilemmas of the post-lockdown era that our findings indicate for the education sector, and suggest there may be value in reframing the apparent conflict between ‘attainment gaps’ and personal development, moving towards an educational approach with greater complementarity of these aims.  相似文献   

The original concept of a subculture of learning support in secondary schools developed from a study of ‘Support Teachers, Learning Difficulties’ in New South Wales, Australia. The study examined the influence of school culture on the service delivery model used by these support teachers in three case studies, one of which is reported in this article. Both research and policy recommend consultation and co‐teaching with a minimum of withdrawal of students with learning difficulties for intensive instruction. To employ the recommended service delivery model it was found that support teachers need to be immersed in a subculture of learning support within the school, which involves interacting with others who share similar values and beliefs about the education of students with learning difficulties. If such a subculture does not exist the support teacher must play a major role in its development. The use of the recommended service delivery model will enhance the education provided for students with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Schools are well positioned to provide access to youth mental health services, but implementing effective programs that promote emotional and behavioral functioning in school settings is complicated by the poor fit of interventions developed in research settings to complex school contexts. The current study formed a research–practice partnership with two urban public schools and mental health providers employed by those schools (N = 6, 100% female, 50% Black/African American, 50% White/Caucasian) in the adaptation of a depression prevention intervention, Act & Adapt. The intervention was modified by decreasing meeting time and streamlining session content, increasing flexibility, making intervention materials more similar to academic curriculum, and increasing the focus on managing disruptive behavior within group sessions. In an open trial, sixth-grade students (N = 22; 59% boys, 31% Hispanic, 22% Black/African American, 4% Asian, 30% White/Caucasian) at both schools who were identified as clinically “at risk” reported improvements from baseline to postintervention and at 1-year follow-up on measures of emotional and behavioral difficulties and coping strategies, with parallel results by caregiver report. The providers reported satisfaction with the intervention, and qualitative analyses of provider focus groups suggested both barriers and facilitators to research-practice collaborations to implement mental health interventions in schools.  相似文献   

边远山区农村寄宿制学校促进了农村义务教育的均衡发展。为留守儿童创造了一个群体交流的环境,对留守儿童心理健康成长发挥了积极作用,是弥补儿童留守亲情缺失的有效途径。然而,寄宿制学校内部设备的落后,配套设备不完善,管理不到位,对于留守儿童心理健康的影响是复杂的,存在不利因素。完善经费投入机制,创新寄宿制学校管理,是发挥寄宿制学校对留守儿童心理健康引导的有效途径。  相似文献   

The mental health needs of college students are placing increasing demands on counseling center resources, and traditional outreach efforts may be outdated or incomplete. The public health model provides an approach for reaching more students, decreasing stigma, and addressing mental health concerns before they reach crisis levels. Implementing a public health model within a college counseling center can require a shift in perspective and the acquisition of new skills for staff. This article describes the benefits and challenges of implementing such a model, details a case example, and provides suggestions and considerations for other institutions.  相似文献   

利用中学生心理健康自评量表(MHS-HNJ),从反社会行为、神经症行为、学习问题.亲子关系、学校人际和青春期/性心理6个维度,对韶山市农村中学生心理健康状况进行调查,并利用自编的开放式问卷和访谈,对韶山市农村中学心理健康教育的落实情况进行调查,旨在揭示韶山市农村中学生面临的主要心理问题和韶山市农村中学开展心理健康教育所面临的现实困难,并探讨形成原因和解决办法,以期为全面推行中学生素质教育提供一些实证依据和理论借鉴.  相似文献   

阅读疗法是通过有指导的阅读来改变主体对己、对人或对事的看法与态度等认知因素,以提高人的心理素质的一种心理健康教育方式,具有发展性、预防性、治疗性等三重功效。阅读疗法在中学生心理健康教育中具有独特作用,阅读疗法在中学生心理健康教育中应做好四个方面的工作。  相似文献   

为了了解长沙市小学生心理健康教育现状,通过随机抽样的方法在蓉园小学和梅溪湖实验小学采用MHT量表对264名小学生的心理健康状况进行了调查,结果表明:长沙市小学生心理问题主要有学习焦虑、身体症状,在男女性别上恐怖倾向存在差异,需要引起学校、家庭、社会的广泛关注;而其他方面的具体心理问题不显著,年级方面也不存在差异。对此,学校应针对本校学生心理健康状况开发心理校本课程,与家长、社会共同维护学生心理健康。  相似文献   

农村小学作为关爱留守儿童工作的主导力量,要加强德育工作,充分发挥“留守儿童之家”的作用,通过完善“留守儿童”档案、加强心理健康辅导、充分发挥家长学校作用等途径做好教育帮扶,同时要多举措扩大留守儿童视野,让关爱留守儿童工作持续、深入、有效,让留守儿童健康、安全、快乐地成长。  相似文献   

班主任如何维护好学生的心理健康,已成为中小学实施心理健康教育关键所在。我们应将班主任在维护学生心理健康中的角色定位在预防上,从职业资格、职业身份和工作方式三个方面班主任要做好预防工作,同时掌握好预防工作应突出的三方面重点内容。  相似文献   

西部大学生的心理健康教育应该从心理生活空间的具体心理矛盾出发,以拓展心理健康教育活动主体的范围和质量为依托,围绕着大学生心理发展主题这一核心,以培养学生积极心理品质为目标,实施促进心理生活空间平衡的调节型心理健康教育、促进活动与心理机能相对接的操作知识和操作技能型心理健康教育、促进人格发展和统整的人格教育。  相似文献   

This paper argues that many internationally financed literacy programs do not sufficiently take into consideration important daily life issues of the learners, including nutritional deficiencies that may hinder learning, or of children–parent–society interactions that may improve learning. As a result, many programs have become synonymous with increased supply of a low-quality education. Often, these programs address almost exclusively Education for All (EFA) international policy targets, without sufficiently addressing other poverty alleviation targets, as defined by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This paper further contends that approaches that would generate the greatest effects within an EFA-perspective may not be the best way to alleviate poverty within a MDGs-perspective. Based on a case study of a women's literacy program in Senegal, this paper proposes to look at needs within an MDG perspective, and to use multi-pronged and integrated approaches to intervene in sectors where the poverty alleviation impact is the greatest.  相似文献   

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