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《College Teaching》2013,61(1):177-180
Abstract. Several studies have examined the pedagogical implications and cautions concerning the use of humor in teaching. Humor has been associated with a host of positive physiological and psychological effects. Researchers have identified that educators who use humor in their instruction are more positively rated by their peers and their students; others have suggested that humor may enhance learning. Although much of this evidence has been anecdotal, the present study assesses the impact of curriculum-specific humor on retention and recall, as well as student evaluations of the course and the instructor. The appropriate use of humor in a classroom setting is discussed and cautions against tendentious humor are addressed.  相似文献   

新课程改革要求作业走向对话,改变传统的以教师为中心的独裁作业模式。文章考察了对话作业实现的前提和基本内涵,阐述了其实现的形式,并且详细的论述了对话的多元性。  相似文献   

走向第三部门的高等教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在今天,高等教育改革风起云涌,但由于大学组织特性使然,高等教育改革有其固有的特殊性.具体而言,在改革的进程中,出于大学自治、学术自由等内在逻辑的要求,高等教育既要摆脱对政府的依附,又要避免步入营利性部门的误区,只有向第三部门的方向发展.因为,就目前而言,现代大学的命脉仍在于自治与非营利.  相似文献   

本文试图对幽默不协调理论作一综合性阐述,旨在加深读者尤其是外语学习者对幽默语言生成机制的认识,从而在生活与学习中更好地欣赏与理解幽默.  相似文献   

在目前以市场经济为主导的新形势下,一些大的零售企业和工业用户可以直接从生产企业进货,使国有批发企业或物资经营企业的货源和销鉻陷入困境.本文以大连五金机械公司为例,提出摆脱困境的4条途径。  相似文献   

本文从浪漫主义音乐产生的根源谈起,探索了标题音乐的产生、发展及其创作特征。认为:标题音乐是浪漫主义时期音乐与文学紧密结合的反映和产物,它呼唤音乐应贴近生活,可被理解,可供交流。  相似文献   

起源于德国的浪漫主义深刻影响了西方社会的政治、经济和文化。浪漫主义反对启蒙运动对真理和单一模式的唯一追求,认为人的本质是自由意志,世界上并不存在事物的固定不变的结构和一个必须适应的模式。浪漫主义的这种核心观点同样影响了西方大学文化的当代走向。近代的英国纽曼模式和现代的德国洪堡模式均体现了启蒙运动的主要特征,当代的美国克尔模式则通过强调人的自由意志,反对大学的结构化和模式化,充分体现了浪漫主义的特征。在后浪漫主义的当代大学文化中,对理想人和大学本身的界定是大学发展不能回避的问题。大学只有和社会进行永恒的对话,才能促进两者的和谐发展。  相似文献   

《诗经》中有些篇目是同名的,这个问题历来未受太大关注。然而,这些同名篇目的出现,并不是完全偶然的,而是与它的命题方式有着密切关系:一是运用套语,二是比兴手法。出现同名篇目的地域邻近,也在客观上提供了可能。本文就同名篇目出现的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

我国区域经济发展战略正从非均衡发展战略向均衡发展战略转变。在未来十几年中,与社会经济发展密切相关的职业教育将进入一个求规模、求质量、求效益的全新发展阶段,宜采取协调发展战略,坚持职业教育与普通教育协调发展、坚持城市职业教育与农村职业教育协调发展,坚持中、高等职业教育协调发展,坚持职业学校教育与职业培训、学历证书与职业资格证书协调发展。  相似文献   

我国教育信息化发端于1995年中国教育和科研计算机网接入互联网。20年来中国教育信息化剧变的不同表现,说明我国教育正处于信息化由量变到质变的临界点上。文章指出,新型的信息化环境建构必然会导致教育形态变革,走向智慧教育;而智慧教育是高度信息化支持发展的教育新形态,正由智慧教育1.0向2.0快速转型发展。  相似文献   

我们这个时代拥有更高的建筑,但是有更暴躁的脾气;我们拥有更宽阔的高速公路,却有更狭隘的观点;我们花费的更多,拥有的却更少;我们购买的更多,却享受的更少。  相似文献   

当前,我国收入分配领域出现不公现象,怎样看待和评判这一社会现象,成为一个现实问题,收入分配不公,收入存在差距并不等于两极分化,有其存在的必然性,是实现社会主义根本目标共同富裕过程中的伴生现象,应对其进行适当有效的控制,剔除不合理因素,以实现共同富裕.如果任其发展,将会损害公平原则,使一部分人对分配不公感到不满,对我国改革前途产生迷茫,最终影响社会稳定.  相似文献   

After a 75-sec intratrial delay, rats that had been shown the location of hidden food within a rectangular box correctly dug at that location in a second identical box, which had been moved into the same position within the room. For some rats, the opposing ends of the boxes were differentiated by distinctive corner panels; for others, there were no panels. When, during the delay interval, the turntable supporting both boxes was rotated by more than 180°, so that the second box no longer took the place of the first box within the room, the rats showed performance decrements. Nevertheless, 4 subjects selected the correct location significantly more often than the rotationally equivalent location, which corresponds to the correct location when the ends of the box are confused. The amount of rotation had no significant effect for any rat. In a final phase, the rats were denied perceptual access to cues outside the test box, which now had differentiating corner panels for all rats. Despite the distinctive panels, no rat showed a significant difference between correct digs and rotational errors; that is, no rat reliably distinguished one end of the box from the other. Results confirm previous findings that rats rely primarily on environmental shape to establish their heading. They ignore distinctive features of the surfaces that define environmental shape, even when the shape by itself is insufficient to establish a unique orientation.  相似文献   

新春二月,我们分享这个朝鲜族家庭的点滴往事。往事值得珍藏,因为曾经的受伤也会像葡萄熬炼成的美酒,沁出芳香。现在,他们正载着盼望,驶向爱和幸福深处。  相似文献   

国有民营--高等教育走向第三部门的有效选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当今世界,高等教育改革风起云涌,但总的趋势是,政府对高等教育的控制力度逐渐减轻,高等院校的自主权不断增大;换言之,在高等教育改革与发展的过程中,政府行政控制逐渐减少,市场介入越来越多。我国也不例外。目前国内兴起的“国有民营”办学模式便是一种很有特色的制度创新,是我国高等学校从事业单位走向非营利组织的有益尝试,是我国高等教育走向第三部门的有效选择。  相似文献   

总结,分析了谢二矿工作面切眼掘进采用单体液压支柱和金属绞接顶梁(л型钢梁)配合的支护形式情况,取得了成功,并获得了很好的社会经济效益。  相似文献   

This paper focuses upon the career attitudes and experiences of a group of women deputies in one LEA. It sets out to explore their construct of ‘career’ and asks, in particular, whether this matches that of the ‘career ambitious’ teacher sketched out in the research literature. The findings, based on in‐depth interviews, suggest that this is not the case. Few of the women deputies, for instance, claimed to have followed specific career plans or consciously participated in ‘career games’. A number of possible explanations are explored, and some interesting tensions noted. Does it perhaps hinge on the external circumstances that impact on women's careers? Is it an expression of women's allegiance to a value system which defines ‘career success’ in quite different ways? Is it a consequence of the nature of the role itself and the separate career track followed by senior women teachers in this authority? The biographical accounts of these deputies provide no easy answers, but rather serve to illustrate the complexity of women's career experiences.  相似文献   

20世纪40年代,赵树理因其文学活动而名扬解放区内外,成为共产党及平民百姓公推的文艺标兵。关于赵树理文学话语在当时的空前火热,说法很多。文章认为,除了政治因素,赵树理文学文本的特殊性以及它与受众的文化心理、欣赏习惯的关系也是一个值得考察的方面。总的看来,受众与主导意识形态的共同作用,将赵树理文学话语推到了他文学活动的黄金时代。  相似文献   

创业型大学有四个不同于以往大学的典型特征:学术立业的组织结构、不断创新的创业文化、学术资本的师生共识、协同创新的契约关系。作为仍处于发展中的全球高等教育变革的当代现象,创业型大学已成为知识社会的心脏,围绕学术创业,它的知识逻辑、使命和功能皆发生了深刻变化。中国从变革高等教育结构、建设专业学位、创建自主创新的高科技园区等方面积极回应了这一高等教育的伟大变革,但是囿于旧的大学观念、体制和文化的局限,向创业型大学的转型仍然存在诸多困难,面临着巨大的挑战。  相似文献   

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