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Studies examining the wage effect of overeducation have generated very consistent results. Their findings suggest that, for workers with similar educational attainment, workers who are overeducated for the job suffer from significant wage penalties. However, most studies use cross-sectional data, implicitly assuming that workers are randomly assigned to being overeducated. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the period 1979–2005, this study conducts a panel analysis to account for time-constant individual characteristics. It uses a numerical approach to provide the wage effects in the presence of non-classical measurement error in the educational mismatch variables. The results provide evidence that overeducated status does not cause lower earnings. Instead, the significant wage differential found in previous studies is simply a result of ignoring the non-random assignment of workers to jobs.  相似文献   

Data gathered from a recent national sample of workers on educational requirements and attainments are used to examine the extent and economic effects of overeducation. Nearly 40 percent of the U.S. work force-and about 50 percent of black males-have more education than their jobs require. But we also find that “surplus” education does have economic value. The individual return to an additional year of surplus education was positive and significant for all major demographic groups. The estimated return is, however, only about half the size of the return to an additional year of required education.  相似文献   

Stay-at-home orders (SAHOs) were implemented in most U.S. states to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This paper quantifies the impact of these containment policies on a measure of the supply of child care. The supply of such services may be particularly vulnerable to a SAHO-type policy shock, given that many providers are liquidity-constrained. Using plausibly exogenous variation from the staggered adoption of SAHOs across states, we find that online job postings for early care and education teachers declined by 16% after enactment. This effect is driven exclusively by private-sector services. Indeed, hiring by public programs like Head Start and pre-kindergarten has not been influenced by SAHOs. We also find that ECE job postings increased dramatically after SAHOs were lifted, although the number of such postings remains 4% lower than that during the pre-pandemic period. There is little evidence that child care search behavior among households was altered by SAHOs. Because forced supply-side changes appear to be at play, our results suggest that households may not be well-equipped to insure against the rapid transition to the production of child care. We discuss the implications of these results for child development and parental employment decisions.  相似文献   

在世界金融危机的背景下,各国大学毕业生都面临着就业的压力。文章探讨了美国高等教育对个体收益的影响,从美国劳动力市场对高校毕业生的总需求、工作岗位对高等教育的实际需求和需求趋势等方面,分析了美国劳动力市场对高校毕业生的长期需求。  相似文献   

美国标准化考试改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了美国标准化考试存在的弊端和面临的挑战,全面地论述了美国正在进行中的内容-评估-成绩三组合的标准化考试的改革模式。  相似文献   

虽然美国经济正在走向复苏 ,但它经历过衰退已是不争的事实。美国经济衰退具有全球同步性、温和性以及必然性三大特征。经济衰退的必然性更是揭示了资本主义经济的基本规律  相似文献   

The paper estimates the returns to overeducation by the Over-Required and Undereducation (ORU) model. The estimated results indicate that the returns to overeducation are positive, but lower than the returns to required education, which suggests that while overeducated employees’ earnings are diminished, they still can benefit from it. The paper also attempts to estimate the returns to overeducation by occupations, industries and regions. The result shows that in the field where educational level has much to do with the skills required by employers, education-job match has a greater effect on one’s earnings, such as professionals and skilled persons. On the contrary, education-job mismatch has little effect on one’s earnings, such as non-skilled employees, administrative and clerical employees. In addition, the returns to overeducation are lower or insignificant for those working in competitive but lower paid industries and areas. Conversely, the returns to overeducation are higher for those working in the highly monopolized and highly paid industry and area. It can be argued that regardless of the incidence of overeducation, those with higher level of education prefer to choose the lower level of job in these industries and areas. __________ Translated from Beijing Daxue Jiaoyu Pinglun 北京大学教育评论 (Peking University Education Review), 2007, 5(2): 136–146  相似文献   

美国政府对西部土地实行的是“公共土地”政策,在经历了从邦联到联邦政府的转变之后,内容日趋完善,而联邦政府更能适应西部社会的实情,及时调整西部土地出售标准,不断颁布减轻移民负担的各种经济法规,最具代表性的是承认“先购权”原则的实施,同时,联邦政府对西部土地的综合治理策略也体现了它的远见卓识,由此可知,美国政府的西部土地政策是积极可行的,它对我国正在进行的西部开发有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The paper estimates the returns to overeducation by the Over-Required and Undereducation (ORU) model. The estimated results indicate that the returns to overeducation are positive, but lower than the returns to required education, which suggests that while overeducated employees’ earnings are diminished, they still can benefit from it. The paper also attempts to estimate the returns to overeducation by occupations, industries and regions. The result shows that in the field where educational level has much to do with the skills required by employers, education-job match has a greater effect on one’s earnings, such as professionals and skilled persons. On the contrary, education-job mismatch has little effect on one’s earnings, such as non-skilled employees, administrative and clerical employees. In addition, the returns to overeducation are lower or insignificant for those working in competitive but lower paid industries and areas. Conversely, the returns to overeducation are higher for those working in the highly monopolized and highly paid industry and area. It can be argued that regardless of the incidence of overeducation, those with higher level of education prefer to choose the lower level of job in these industries and areas.  相似文献   

进入现代,美国<联邦宪法>面临严峻的挑战.罗斯福"新政"期间,美国发生了一场"宪法革命":联邦政府权力的扩张和总统权力的膨胀.此后,这一趋势得到加强并被崮定化为宪政模式的永久改变:联邦制由"二层联邦制"变为"合作联邦制",联邦政府权力结构由三权均衡变为所谓"强总统"模式.然而,<联邦宪法>的延续性虽未遭断绝,但其延续不应被看成是一成不变的延续.  相似文献   

The American daily press has recently reported the approval by a Soviet Committee of a new textbook in U.S.S.R. history.  相似文献   

印度是中国的邻国,是最早与中华人民共和国建交的资本主义国家,在两国关系的发展历程中·美国的影响因素很大。他对中印关系具有促进和制约的作用。冷战期间,中国、印度和美国三方中的两方经常联合起来反对第三方。冷战后,随着国际格局改变,中国和印度都积极发展与美国关系,同时两国关系也不断改善。  相似文献   

对20世纪美国社会的稳定和发展而言,美国现代公益基金会扮演着重要角色。本文从美国现代基金会发挥的社会功能出发,通过对基全会的行业组织和主管部门的考察.探讨现代基金会与美国政府的关系,从而呈现出美国政府如何对基金会进行有效的管理。通过这三方面的考察。揭示了美国政府的政策和治理方式对美国现代基金会的发展的巨大影响,对于一些发展中国家日益发展的慈善事业的规范和管理具有理论价值争现实意义。  相似文献   

The elaboration of problems of pedagogy, and the improvement of the processes of education and training call for serious theoretical and experimental research. The development of new elements in a system of training and specially organized experiments are undoubtedly needed. But one should always bear in mind that the peculiarity of pedagogy is that it is inalienably connected with practical pedagogical work. Here one finds its source-and its area of application. Soviet pedagogical science cannot fruitfully develop without close co-operation with teachers' work. The teacher is vital for the success of education and the training of the younger generation. Soviet teachers devote their energies to educating and instructing builders of a communist society. And in this respect they have accumulated a vast store of experience. This experience is shared with the masses and is of primary importance in the complex sphere of education. The result of this advanced pedagogical experience forms a solid basis for further progress in theory and is an effective means of improving educational work in schools. Antonina Grigorievna Khripkova, Vice-President and Corresponding Member of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, is the author of more than sixty works in the field of education, among which arePhysiology of Man and Animals, Acceleration of Physical Development of Children and Adolescents, The Biological and the Social in Human Development and Education, Talk on a Difficult Subject (on sexual education for pupils) andProblems of Sexual Education  相似文献   

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