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This study examined the role of instruction for spelling performance and spelling consciousness in the Dutch language. Spelling consciousness is the ability to reflect on one's spelling and correct errors. A sample of 115 third-grade spellers was assigned to a strategy-instruction, strategic-monitoring, self-monitoring, or control condition representing different types of metacognitive aspects. The results showed that students in all three training conditions made more progress in both spelling performance and spelling consciousness than students in the control condition. With respect to spelling consciousness, only students in the strategy-instruction condition made significant improvement between pretest and posttest. Students made more progress in spelling performance on regular words than on loan words. Students in all four conditions became more accurate at assessing which words they could spell correctly. Students in the control condition more frequently overestimated their spelling ability.  相似文献   

从对CLEC的分析看不同年级英语学习者的拼写错误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拼写错误随学习的语音、词汇、语法水平和拼写策略不同而变化。典型与发音关联的辅音错误、非重读央元音错误有随年级上升而下降的趋势,表明拼写错误受发音失误影响的程度随年级上升而降低。字母顺序错误、同音异形词错误的减少以及构词型错误、生造词的增加则反映出拼写策略的改变。  相似文献   

Spelling pronunciations are hypothesized to be helpful in building up relatively stable phonologically underpinned orthographic representations, particularly for learning words with irregular phoneme-grapheme correspondences. In a four-week computer-based training, the efficacy of spelling pronunciations and previewing the spelling patterns on learning to spell loan words in Dutch, originating from French and English, was examined in skilled and less skilled spellers with varying ages. Reading skills were taken into account. Overall, compared to normal pronunciation, spelling pronunciation facilitated the learning of the correct spelling of irregular words, but it appeared to be no more effective than previewing. Differences between training conditions appeared to fade with older spellers. Less skilled young spellers seemed to profit more from visual examination of the word as compared to practice with spelling pronunciations. The findings appear to indicate that spelling pronunciation and allowing a preview can both be effective ways to learn correct spellings of orthographically unpredictable words, irrespective of age or spelling ability.  相似文献   

浅谈舞蹈教学中表演意识的培养和训练   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在舞蹈课教学中,教师除了要求学生熟练掌握各种技能和技巧外,更应当从舞台意识、形象意识、作品意识、创新意识等方面,注重对学生表演意识的培养和训练.  相似文献   

音乐表演是赋予音乐作品生命力的第二度创作,审美意识在这一创作过程中对于作品的感知、把握以及内在意蕴的发掘等方面起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

音乐艺术中的时间和空间具有特殊的含义,从技术性与艺术性的角度而言,时间感和空间感在演奏领域内显得尤为重要,演奏者应体验和把握二者,将其有机融入到演奏技巧中并形成立体的时空思维方式,提高音乐作品的艺术表达效果。  相似文献   

意识教育是教学行为作用于学生的意识过程,知识是无穷的,学习是终身的,学生树立良好的学习意识,比获取知识本身更重要。  相似文献   

采用实验性认知测试法考察严谨性人格特质与认知操作速度、认知操作准确性及其相对优势即慎思性一冲动性认知方式的关系。结果表明:(1)高严谨性被试的认知操作准确性显著高于低严谨性被试;低严谨性被试的认知操作速度显著高于高严谨性被试。(2)高低严谨性被试在慎思性一冲动性认知方式的评价指标分数上存在显著差异,高严谨性被试更多地倾向于慎思型认知方式,低严谨性被试更多地倾向于冲动型认知方式。(3)不同认知操作任务中,被试的认知方式评价指标分数之间有显著相关。  相似文献   

在钢琴表演二度创造过程中,如何认识审美意识的重要意义,如何适度的把握审美意识、指导表演“二度立美”?本文运用音乐美学的方式,阐述了审美意识的相对独立性、可变性、文化异性等特征,以及在审美意识的指导下,表演主体个性与原作品共性的适中结合,群众审美意识对个体审判意识的影响,从理论与实践中总结适度把握审美意识对于钢琴表演“二度立美”的意义。  相似文献   

浅析足球意识的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代足球运动的特点决定了“足球意识”在足球运动中的重要地位。本文通过足球意识的概念、产生、发展过程和种类,及“足球意识”与技战术的关系,形成正确“足球意识”过程中的因素等方面的分析,阐明当前我国足球运动员在足球意识方面存在的问题及应采取的对策。  相似文献   

当前课堂教学改革的诸般争论实质上是各种文化之争.历史上“中体西用“的“文化保守主义“和“全盘西化“的“文化激进主义“都对当时的课堂教学改革造成了不良影响.文化自觉下的课堂教学改革应在当前社会背景之下把握现代教学观,以学生的发展为核心研究域,力促课堂教学的本土化生成,在研究范式上坚持“形而上“的理论研究与“形而下“的实践研究密切结合.  相似文献   

自古以来,感恩就是中华民族的传统美德,而在当今社会,感恩更是每个人应具备的道德行为准则和基本素养。然而,安顺农村留守儿童感恩意识的现状表明:目前一些留守儿童的感恩意识日渐淡薄。为此,对留守儿童开展感恩教育、培养其健全人格已刻不容缓。而安顺对留守儿童感恩意识的培养策略也为今后这方面的做法提供了一定借鉴和启发。  相似文献   

杨玉婷 《成才之路》2020,(4):118-119
教师在英语教学的过程中可以积极运用自然拼读法,架起单拼与拼写的桥梁,帮助学生提高单词拼读能力。文章从自然拼读法的教学应用必要性、自然拼读法的优点、自然拼读法在英语教学中的应用策略和应注意的问题等方面进行研究。  相似文献   

图书馆馆员的意识定位与素质培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从管理心理学的角度研究图书馆馆员的意识定位和素质培养及其具体构成,是图书馆科学管理与建设发展中的重要课题。图书馆馆员的意识定位包括主体意识和服务意识等方面,正确的意识定位是图书馆管理工作的重要思想基础。图书馆馆员的素质培养包括科学文化知识、专业技能及业务能力三方面。  相似文献   

Lexical-decision studies with experienced English and French readers have shown that visual-word identification is not only affected by pronunciation inconsistency of a word (i.e., multiple ways to pronounce a spelling body), but also by spelling inconsistency (i.e., multiple ways to spell a pronunciation rime). The aim of this study was to compare the reading behavior of young Dutch readers with dyslexia to the behavior of readers without dyslexia. All students participated in a lexical-decision task in which we presented pronunciation-consistent words and pseudowords. Half of the pronunciation-consistent stimuli were spelling consistent and the other half were spelling inconsistent. All three reader groups, that is, students with dyslexia, age-match students, and reading-match students, read spelling-consistent words faster than spelling-inconsistent words. Overall reading speed of students with dyslexia was similar to that of reading-match students, and was substantially slower than that of age-match students. The results suggest that reading in students with or without dyslexia is similarly affected by spelling inconsistency. Subtle qualitative differences emerged, however, with respect to pseudoword identification. The conclusion was that the findings were best interpreted in terms of a recurrent-feedback model.  相似文献   

高宪礼 《怀化学院学报》2007,26(12):107-110
借鉴西方显性学习策略训练模式,采用书面问卷、策略教学及阅读测试等调查方法,对以策略训练为基础的阅读教学的影响进行探讨和研究。结果表明:系统地接受显性策略训练的学生在阅读成绩方面明显优于对照组;以策略为基础的阅读教学增强了学生的策略使用意识;通过对成功和非成功阅读者的比较,发现策略的运用与阅读水平的提高间有显著相关性。问卷调查显示,学生对策略训练普遍持认同态度,说明这类策略训练活动应用于大学外语课堂阅读教学是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

总是意识在人的思维活动乃至认识活动中占有重要地位。必须认真调查和分析学生无问题意识的原因,正确认识培养学生问题意识的意义,确定重建学生问题意识的策略。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,社会对人的数学素质提出了较高的要求。为了更好地适应社会的需要,数学教育应注重数学的应用价值,增强学生的数学应用意识和应用能力。  相似文献   

提高学生创新意识和动手能力   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
实验教学是培养学生实践能力和科研能力的重要环节,通过实验教学可提高学生的素质。该文通过无触点汽车电子点火器设计制作和智力抢答器的制作两个实验为依托,探讨了通过实验教学提高学生创新意识和动手能力的必要性与可行性。  相似文献   

Aaron  P. G.  Keetay  V.  Boyd  M.  Palmatier  S.  Wacks  J. 《Reading and writing》1998,10(1):1-22

To what extent does phonology play a role in spelling English words? The written responses of deaf students and groups of hearing children to five tasks were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analyses. The first three tasks were used to see if deaf students utilized phonology when they generated their own words and to compare their spelling performance with that of hearing subjects. The fourth and fifth tasks were designed to compare the spelling performance of deaf and hearing subjects when they were required to reproduce visually presented common words. Results showed that deaf students, who were chronologically much older, were not better spellers than hearing children from the fifth grade. Analysis of data revealed little evidence that the deaf students involved in the present study utilize phonology in spelling. Nor did word-specific visual memory for entire words appears to play a role in spelling by deaf students. Rote visual memory for letter patterns and sequences of letters within words, however, appears to play a role in the spelling by deaf students. It is concluded that sensitivity to the stochastic-dependent probabilities of letter sequences may aid spelling up to certain point but phonology is essential for spelling words whose structure is morphophonemically complex.


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