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我眼中的孤独症儿童和孤独症教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我眼中的孤独症儿童 这里说的不是孤独症的定义,而是我们对孤独症儿童的直观认识,孤独症儿童到底是什么样的人呢?他们需要什么?我们需要怎么做呢?经过长期的研究,我们认为,孤独症儿童和普通儿童一样是渴望自由和爱的人,其程度更甚于普通儿童,但他们不会主动明确地提出要求,因为他们内心充满了恐惧、焦虑与不安全感,不知道谁能帮助他们,也不相信有人能帮助他们,因此这种恐惧不安造成了他们频频出现情绪和行为问题。如见到生人就躲和跑;总喜欢持有同样的东西,只有这样才安全;在情绪不好时若家人再提要求就尖叫、自伤、扔东西,  相似文献   

儿童孤独症是一种起病于幼儿期,主要表现为人际交往和情感交流障碍的精神发育障碍。帮助这类孩子能够自立生存是教师坚持不懈的追求目标。  相似文献   

天才儿童弱势群体特征的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天才被视为社会人力资源中的“富矿”,被社会寄予厚望。但一些天才儿童个体的辉煌成功掩盖了他们群体的不利处境,其弱势群体特征比起残疾儿童、贫困儿童来较为隐蔽,不易被识别与认同,这更加重其不利处境。本文分析了来自社会公众意识、教育服务、天才个体自身特点及科研成果的局限等方面的不利因素,讨论天才儿童在社会及教育中的弱势群体特征。  相似文献   

最新的研究发现,天才与疯子只有一线之隔。英国文豪乔治·奥威尔、音乐天才莫扎特、西方哲学泰斗康德等21位在文史哲领域独领风骚的大师,生前都患了一种自闭症——艾斯伯格综合征。在导致他们行为怪异的同时,也激发了他们的创造潜能。爱尔兰精神病学家、同时也是艾斯伯格综合征研究专家的迈克尔·费茨杰拉德教授对历史上一些最具想象力的艺术家进行了精神病学分析之后提出:“疯狂”与“伟大”之间确实存在着某种联系,艾斯伯格综合征对人们的社会关系影响巨大,可是对人的智力并没有什么影响,患这种病的人反而容易拥有超常的艺术创造力和高超…  相似文献   

孤独症儿童的特征与训练策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近来,对孤独症儿童的诊断、分类、神经生理特点、认知特点、训练策略等的研究有许多新成果。这些对我们进一步认识孤独症有重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对一例在盲校随班就读的Asperger视障儿童进行诊断分析和康复训练,把入学和目前的情况进行对比,并对辅导效果进行分析和思考,同时对融合教育的认识进行了思考和简要探讨。  相似文献   

孤独症和一般儿童疾病不一样,它属于发育障碍.患儿语言、社会交往、动作行为、注意力和感知等多种基本心理功能都可出现发育偏差和发育迟缓,故一般将孤独症归属于全面发育障碍,并且是这类疾病中最为典型的一种.  相似文献   

文章介绍了俄联邦支持天才儿童教育的情况 ,包括制定天才儿童教育纲要 ,为天才儿童的教育发展创造良好的条件 ,所需资金由国家财政拨款  相似文献   

雷启之 《学科教育》2000,(10):48-48,F003
文章介绍了俄联邦支持天才儿童教育的情况,包括制定天才儿童教育纲要,为天才儿童的教育发展创造良好的条件,所需资金由国家财政拨款。  相似文献   

儿童孤独症是一种严重的身心发育障碍性疾病。该病多数始于婴幼儿期。本文简单回顾了儿童孤独症的历史,并对该病症的生物学咸因、临床特征进行了综述。  相似文献   

朱玉淇 《海外英语》2012,(19):285-288
This article presents a research project that deals with education of the children with Asperger syndrome and designs a digital illustrated book for the children.This sort of learning material,in terms of psychological evidence and practical application,can promote their learning interest and the learning outcome.  相似文献   

The focus of the study reported in this article is the behavioural response of pupils with Asperger syndrome to light and sound intensity and the development of ways to help them to cope with such sensory stimuli. A number of practical ways of minimising the negative effects of various sensory stimuli are noted: (1) the establishment of ‘a place of safety’ for every pupil who needs it; (2) the necessity for pupils to have a clear understanding of the programme that has been designed for them; (3) the critical importance for staff of reflecting on the day that has passed in order to prepare effectively for the day that lies ahead; (4) the use of pictorial communication given the pupils' poor comprehension of the spoken word; and (5) the importance of a consistent and predictable approach to the pupil.  相似文献   

A major criterion for the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome is an impairment of the imagination. This article focuses on the specific difficulties that students with Asperger syndrome have with the imaginative content of the English curriculum. It examines the problems with reading and writing imaginatively of a group of students with AS in a secondary school mainstream setting. Various strategies and interventions are considered and discussed which could aid their understanding and learning in relation to the imaginative element of the English curriculum. While acknowledging that this is an area of real difficulty for these students, recommendations include: treating students with AS as individuals; using a small group setting; providing support through structured frameworks.  相似文献   

本文总结了我国开展视障儿童随班就读近十年来,师资培训工作存在的问题,分析了对巡回教师和辅导教师进行“一揽子”培训在教学目标、课程设置、教学效果和经济效果等方面存在的问题。提出分类、分级培训的方案,分别对巡回教师、辅导教师的师资培训的课程设置、课时分配、各课授课要求提出具体计划。  相似文献   

患有阿斯伯格综合症的儿童具有明显的社交障碍,表现出局限、刻板的兴趣和活动模式,常伴有明显的动作笨拙,但认知能力正常,无明显的言语和智力障碍.本研究针对阿斯伯格综合症儿童的心理特点设计了一系列美术教育活动,选取一名实验对象,实行一对一的个别化实验教学.研究结果发现,美术教育对促进该儿童认知、注意力与观察力、表达与沟通等能力的发展,进而改善其社交状况是有效的.  相似文献   

In this article, Andrea MacLeod, lecturer in autism studies at the University of Birmingham, and Paula Johnston, a woman with Asperger syndrome who now focuses on writing and speaking about her condition, consider the function of specialist group interventions for individuals with Asperger syndrome. These authors report on one model - a discussion and support group aimed primarily at young adults. The self-report of a former participant, a woman with Asperger syndrome, is used as a case study to illustrate issues and processes. Her report suggests that peer support and peer learning should be recognised as significant goals of such interventions and that interventions should be planned to respond to the needs that follow diagnosis. The authors suggest that clinical and educational services need to work together to ensure that children and young people have immediate access to such support models, which should be viewed as preventative therapies. This article provides evidence that first-hand accounts can offer new insights into how such interventions are experienced by those involved. Andrea MacLeod and Paula Johnston argue that future research in this area should seek to employ participatory methodologies.  相似文献   

This article provides a rationale for using literature in the classroom to explore conceptions of curriculum and teaching. We discuss a number of exemplars from children’s and young adult fiction, both mainstream and less well known; offer a taxonomy for categorizing the range of visions of curriculum and teaching in the literature; and describe the responses of a group of middle school students to a unit that examined schooling in literature. We argue that reading literature which addresses student experiences in school can help students make sense of those experiences and, more importantly, open their minds to ideas about teaching and schooling that they otherwise might never have considered.John Kornfeld is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Education at Sonoma State University. His research in curriculum, children’s literature, school/ university collaboration, and the politics of schooling has been published in such journals as Theory into Practice, Social Education, and Theory and Research in Social Education.Laurie Prothro is a school library consultant and children’s librarian in Sonoma County, California. She specializes in collection development and young adult literature. Her most recent publication with John Kornfeld, entitled “Comedy, Conflict, and Community: Home and Family in Harry Potter,” appears in Elizabeth Heilman’s Harry Potter’s World: Multidisciplinary Critical Perspectives.  相似文献   

Research on the ways in which special needs children in Russia can more fully participate in the same educational settings as other children shows that a wide array of services and programs needs to be developed before Russia will be able to achieve significant progress in this area.  相似文献   

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