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Last year,my beliefs changed. Until last summer,I had a very comfortable life:winter vacations skiing and summer cruises.My parents spent a lot of money on a private prep school,so they could get me into a competitive middle school,followed by the 1)uber-expensive high school.Everything was about tomorrow,next year,my graduation.We never had to worry about today.  相似文献   

Saviler 《英语沙龙》2014,(2):28-29
正1.每次出门总是浪费时间和精力在决定穿什么衣服上,而不是吃早餐;2.一直购买(穿着)同样的衣服,比如T恤、T恤、T恤;3.衣橱塞满了衣服,但还是觉得你没有衣服穿;4.总觉得别人穿的好看些,对自己身材不满意;5.想要有变化,但一直不敢做决定。如果以上条列表明了你的情况,是改变自己时候了!  相似文献   

The Time Is Now     
To supply our economy with the professional man-power it must have to meet the political, economic, and military challenges of the Soviet Union and to harvest for the benefit of all people the tremendous potential of the scientific age, America must provide an education that will permit all young people to realize their full potential for mental and intellectual development. These are challenges to man's capacity to know and to understand and to his capacity for disciplined and responsible intelligence. To meet these challenges, America must 1) devise a diverse, multilevel collegiate structure aimed at the development of individual talents and abilities rather than at the inculcation of a fixed body of knowledge; 2) conduct basic research into the educative process to find ways of improving our instruction while increasing its efficiency; 3) re-examine our methods of teaching to find means of emphasizing the development of creativity; 4) establish systematic methods of identifying our talented youth early in their school programs; 5) effect a change in general attitude toward scholarship in our country; and 6) find an equitable and satisfactory means of financing education in proportion to its value for America.  相似文献   

Digitization will change our world at a speed and to an extent never experienced before. This will have a huge impact on how we must think about performance improvement and on how we do our job as performance improvement professionals. This article highlights some of the developments and their impact on performance and raises open questions. Finally, it drafts a framework meant to systematically guide our thinking about the changes we will face.  相似文献   

What will testing be like in the 21st century? Rudman points out that given the past developmental cycles for major test series, what is happening now will likely have major impact on tests in the year 2000. He points attention to forces, both internal and external to the testing Industry, that are affecting the future of testing.  相似文献   

21岁女孩刘欣有一手好厨艺,本想开一家快餐店实现自己的创业梦想,但开店的前期投资使她望而却步,这时互联网给她打开一扇成功之门--她的网上快餐店出人意料的红火起来.  相似文献   

Although readiness is often posed as the answer in early childhood education, there is typically confusion about exactly what question this complex term responds to. In this article, I explore common uses of the term readiness, examine their theoretical and empirical problems, and suggest a more synthetic conception that merges attention to the child, the school, and the community. I argue that readiness is an ethical responsibility we have to children that encompasses coordinated systems of early care and education and receptive schools that are developmental, inclusive, and accountable to all.  相似文献   

一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《艰难的抉择》(Dilemma)一文选自美国作家苏珊·埃洛伊塞·欣顿(Susan Eloise Hinton)1971年出版的小说《此一时,彼一时》(That Was Then,This Is Now)。本文选自该书的第十章。本刊上期已简要介绍了小说的故事梗概。本文讲述布里翁到医院看望女朋友卡西因吸毒而昏迷的弟弟M&M之后,深夜回到家里,发现马克还没有回家。身心疲惫的布里翁想抽支烟,却意外地从马克放香烟的床垫下面发现了许多毒品。眼前的一切令布里翁既吃惊又难过,他的心里充满了矛盾。面对着这些不知使多少人深受其害的毒品,又想到自己的好兄弟、好朋友马克,布里翁该怎么办呢?他将做出怎样的抉择呢?[第一段]  相似文献   

俄罗斯家庭纪事作品通常描绘的是家族中几代人生活及家族各成员之间的关系,具有相当长时间跨度和史诗般特性,展现一个或若干个家族在历史洪流中的沉浮,折射国家和社会在某段时期的发展状况。俄罗斯家庭纪事创作兴起于19世纪中期,与俄罗斯现实主义长篇小说几乎同步,在俄罗斯近2个世纪经历了诸多变化,与俄罗斯文学发展大体步调一致,在当代俄罗斯文坛表现出强劲发展势头。  相似文献   

In his retrospective essay, Seymour Fox (1997 Fox, S. and with Novak, W. 1997. Vision at the heart: Lessons from Camp Ramah on the power of ideas in shaping educational institutions, New York: Council for Initiatives in Jewish Education and Mandel Institute.  [Google Scholar]) identified “vision” as the essential element that shaped the Ramah camp system. I will take a critical look at Fox's main claims:
  • A particular model of vision was essential to the development of Camp Ramah, and

  • That model of vision should guide contemporary Jewish educators in creating Jewish educational excellence.

I will draw upon historical accounts and theories of organizational leadership and change to question Fox's first claim about the history of Camp Ramah and to offer an alternative model of vision to guide future leaders of Jewish camps.  相似文献   

吴在庆先生《杜牧集系年校注》在体例上,与流传的清人冯集梧注本将校勘融于注释不同,《系年校注》将校勘、辨伪、系年、注释、集评分列,条理明晰,材料丰富,颇具研究深度,为读者研究者提供了极大的便利和科学严谨的研究成果。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a discourse analysis of semi-structured interviews with professors from nine Russian universities. This analysis focuses on narratives of student attrition and its causes and reveals the generally accusatory nature of the professor discourse. All the narratives can be integrated and described in terms of the metaphor of the trial. In its most obvious form, the accusation that students are to blame for attrition is developed as a type of discourse that can be called prosecutorial, but it can also be developed in speeches resembling those made by defense attorneys and judges. These three types of discourse build figurative barriers between the university and professors, on the one hand, and students, on the other hand. These barriers encourage professors to feel uninvolved in student attrition. Not one of the three discourse types articulates the university's mission or problematizes the principles and goals of its activities. We suggest that the “bad student” discourse reflects some real problems associated with the massification of education and inevitable changes to the student body. An analysis of the professor discourse allows us to hypothesize that their response to these changes is limited to stating the problems and disassociating themselves from them. The construction of figurative barriers may result in professors' self-distancing not only from students, but also from the changes affecting the education system. Such self-distancing complicates the process of adapting to these changes and makes it difficult to control.  相似文献   

Six years after the initial Vision and Change conversations, it is important to try to determine the extent of dissemination and implementation of the initiative. There is good evidence of use by some segments of the biology community; however, there is less use of Vision and Change principles or even acknowledgment of its existence within other segments.  相似文献   

在外语教学过程中帮助学生制定适当的学习目标以确立自身特定的学习模式,逐步形成内部归因的态度,建立正确的自我效能感,以便提高外语学习的效果。  相似文献   

职业培训是职业学校的基本任务,是职业学校改革的突破口,职业学校因自身教育与管理方面的可控性、专门性、相对稳定性而在职业培训中具有得天独厚的优势.本文还对加强和完善职业学校培训工作的措施进行了阐述.  相似文献   

Holton  Gerald 《Science & Education》2003,12(8):779-786
Science &; Education -  相似文献   

<正>鲍比的名字源自他最好的朋友——鲍比的爷爷——鲍勃。鲍勃和鲍比最爱做的事情是玩旧积木,这些积木都放在前门楼梯下的小缝纫室内的一个架子上。积木有两侧是字母,另两侧是数字,剩下两侧是动物和其他图案。鲍勃和鲍比会非常缓慢地把积木一个个堆积起来,搭建成一座高塔。一共有30块积木。有时只堆了一半,积木塔就坍塌了。有时差不多全搭好了。再加一块积木。鲍勃会说。这是大象图案的积木。鲍比会说。然后,祖孙两人会小  相似文献   

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